A craze for lifelike dolls thought to bring good luck is sweeping Thailand, reflecting widespread anxiety as the economy struggles and political uncertainty persists nearly two years after a coup. 泰国最近刮起了一股追捧仿真玩偶的热潮,

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Burning cash has become alarmingly fashionable among Chinese internet companies, many of whom have taken to paying customers massive subsidies to use their services in hopes that their competitors go out of business before they run out of money. 中国

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1. Were All Judging You 人人都会评价你 Nobody likes to be judged, but the truth is, were all judging everyone. Part of growing up is realizing, understanding, and accepting that not only is everyone judging books by their covers, its actually

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Governments and companies are engaged in a battle to determine who can do what on the internet, and the outcome will reverberate around the world. 政府和企业正投入一场关于谁可以在互联网上做什么的战斗,其结局将在全球引

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Scientists have discovered that use of internet search engines and databases such as Google and IMDb.com to find information is making people lose their memory. 科学家发现,常用谷歌(Google)和互联网电影资料库(IMDb.com)等搜索

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Finance bosses have agreed to hire more female executives -- or face cuts to their pay. 金融业的老板们同意聘用更多女性高管,否则他们将面临减薪。 The UK biggest banks and insurers -- as well as some leading US banks and inv

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We've all heard of Kung Fu masters Bruce Lee, Jet Lee and Jackie Chan. So if we know those three, the Chinese must know a lot more, right? 我们都听过的功夫大师李小龙,李连杰和成龙。因此,如果我们知道三个,那么中国人

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Green tea is one of those things thats really healthy for you, but its health benefits have been greatly exaggerated; one of the things which has been consistently reported about green tea is that it helps you lose weight, but scientists didnt know h

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The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved genetically modified salmon, the first such altered animal allowed for human consumption in the United States. 美国食品药品管理局周四批准了转基因三文鱼被人类食用。批准转

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A new scientific research report has found strong evidence suggesting that man's best friend originated from China some 33,000 years ago. 一项最新的科学研究发现了有力证据,证明人类最好的朋友狗,起源于大约3.3万年前的

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Genetically modified cells could eliminate the need for daily injections to treat type 1 diabetes, experts have revealed. 专家透露,有了基因改良细胞,1型糖尿病患者就可不必天天注射胰岛素了。 The human cell line is gene

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The average person in the United States watches almost five hours of television a day, more than an hour greater than the average of people in the world's biggest economies, new research says. 一项新研究发现,美国人平均每天看电视的时

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(126) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

1. Read only the first sentence of a paragraph 只读每段第一句话 Good writers begin each paragraph with a key statement that tells you what that paragraph is about. By reading only the first sentence, you can determine if the paragraph has inf

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(112) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

In this first-of-its-kind list from the worlds leading travel authority, Lonely Planets globetrotting community of staff and writers have ranked the 500 best places to see on the planet. 作为世界领先的旅行指南权威,《孤独星球》此次

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The German passport has been ranked the most powerfulpassport in the world in the latest Passport Power Indexconducted by consultancy firm Henley and Partners. 著名咨询公司Henley and Partners制成的最新护照强度排行榜显示,德国护照

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Traveling solo can be intimidating, scary and risky. 独自旅行会非常恐怖、惊险,也很有风险。 Most importantly, though, traveling solo can be one of the most eye-opening experiences. Here are 10 tips to help make your first solo trav

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25 Signs that You're on the Right Track in Life. 25个标志证明你的生活处于正轨。 获得357好评的回答@MO SEETUBTIM 1. Youve discovered who you are. 1. 你清楚自己是谁。 2. You know what you like??and what you dont. 2. 你知道自

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At an event in New York on Wednesday, Microsoft unveiled the sleek Surface Studio: a 28-inch all-in-one PC that converts into something akin to a digital drafting table. Reclined at about 20 degrees, it can be used with a dedicated stylus and so-call

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It might sound like the most unlikely of dating tips. 这听起来绝对不像是什么约会秘诀。 But guys, if you want to get the girl, forget the aftershave and try eating garlic instead. 但是伙计们,如果你想将那个妹子约上手,

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Jennifer Aniston wiped away tears on Sunday during a televised tribute to legendary television director James Burrows. 上周日,在一档为纪念传奇电视导演詹姆斯伯罗斯而制作的特别节目中,詹妮弗安妮斯顿不禁潸然泪下

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