The top U.S. envoy on North Korean nuclear disarmament says he had good discussions in Pyongyang, but secured no formal commitment for the North to come back to negotiations. 解决北韩核问题的美国特使博茨沃斯说,他在平壤同北韩官
As 2009 draws to a close, more signs show that China has weathered the global financial crisis and is on its way to even more robust growth. Economists, however, say some issues still weigh on the country's efforts to sustain growth. 2009年已经接近
Officials are also maintaining India will keep to its hard-line stance of not compromising on what they call New Delhi's non-negotiable positions. 印度官员还坚持说,印度将维持其强硬姿态,也就是不会在他们所说的新德里方
Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Congress engaged in procedural battles and traded allegations on Wednesday as lawmakers attempted to conclude work on legislative priorities near the end of the congressional session. Senate Republicans used proc
Economists are forecasting a rosier 2010 for global finances than this year has been. But they warn that the economic recovery remains fragile and will not be led by the world's advanced industrialized nations. 经济学家们预测,2010年的全球金
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is attending the climate talks in Copenhagen. Before leaving for the Danish capital, he said rich and poor countries must stop pointing fingers and must press forward to reach a strong deal to combat climate change.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says Russia will help his country build four new nuclear power plants. Mr. Singh made the announcement after meetings in Moscow with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. 梅德韦杰夫说,俄罗斯与印度两国原
The Senate Banking Committee has voted to approve the nomination of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for a second term as head of the U.S. central bank. The move paves the way for a vote by the full Senate in January. But the committee approval
North Korean media says leader Kim Jong Il has toured the northeast province where Pyongyang says it plans to launch a satellite soon. South Korean leaders are deeply concerned about the looming launch. 北韩媒体说,北韩领导人金正日参观了
Influential Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy has proposed that an independent truth commission be established to investigate alleged abuses of power under the Bush administration. President Barack Obama has reacted cautiously to the suggestion, sayin
Sri Lankan military officials say Tamil rebels carried out an aerial bombing raid in the capital of Colombo late Friday. 斯里兰卡军方说,泰米尔猛虎反政府组织星期五晚些时候在首都科伦坡展开了空中轰炸。 A military
Egypt is partially opening its border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. The border crossings are a key issue in Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire talks. 埃及部分开放跟哈马斯控制的加沙地带相邻的边界过境点。开放过境点是以色列
President Barack Obama's plan to aid millions of Americans who are at risk of losing their homes is getting a mixed review from state governors who gathered in Washington for a three-day meeting. A rash of home foreclosures helped plunge the United S
Writing in Britain's Observer newspaper, Prime Minister Gordon Brown is calling for a return to old-fashioned, conservative banking practices. It is a change for Mr. Brown who as Treasury Secretary for a decade was a proponent of the light regulatory
European leaders agreed to a common platform to combat the global financial crisis that includes oversight of all financial markets and products around the world. The proposed measures were drafted in Berlin in preparation for a key meeting of the wo
Japan's Prime Minister Taro Aso will meet Tuesday with President Barrack Obama. He will be the first foreign leader to visit the White House since the new administration took office last month. 日本首相麻生太郎星期二将会见美国总统奥巴
U.S. President Barack Obama says the nation's governors will be held accountable for money flowing into their states as part of his economic stimulus plan. The money should start arriving this week. 美国总统奥巴马星期一向全国州长协会
A United Nations agency is offering what it calls a conceptual breakthrough to uplift the world's poorest people. The U.N. Industrial Development Organization contends selective industrialization offers the best chance for smaller, developing countri
Somalia's militant al-Shabab group has promised to launch more attacks against African Union peacekeeping troops a day after 11 soldiers from Burundi were killed in blasts claimed by the group. 索马里激进组织青年党发誓要对非洲联盟维和
Palestinians in East Jerusalem are protesting what they say are preparations by Israel to demolish scores of Arab homes. The Arab residents accuse the Israelis of trying to push them out of Jerusalem, which both Israel and the Palestinians claim as t
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