1.Throughout the country, polls will be closing the 'Super Tuesday' with primaries and caucuses spread across nearly half the nation in this wide-open presidential campaign. There is a winner in the day's first contest. In West Virginia, Mike Huckab
1. Democrats are neck and neck heading into 'Super Tuesday'. Both Hillary Cliton and Barack Obama have their side set on California where 370 delegates are up for grabs. Meantime Republicans are battling for votes in 21 contests tomorrow. 2. Presid
1.Police in a Chicago suburb are not stopping their search for the suspect who killed 5 women in a store yesterday. They say the gunman killed the women in a botched robbery. Officers are trying to determine if surveillance tapes from nearby stores
1. President Bush says the latest unemployment numbers are a serious sign the economy is in trouble and another reason Congress needs to pass his economic stimulus plan. The figures released this morning show that for the first time in over four yea
1. A website used by militant groups says a top al-Qaeda commander has been killed. The man was considered the key link between the Taliban and the terror network. The US officials say he was probably behind a bombing near a US base during a visit b
1. In Maine, the Republican Party is holding a caucus. So far, turnout is heavy. The votes help determine the state's 18 convention delegates. Republican caucuses will happen in about 410 towns across Maine. 2. Prayers for the president of the Mormo
1.The Illinois attorney general files a motion with the state's highest court, asking justices to remove scandal-plagued Governor Rod Blagojevich from office. AG Lisa Madigan wants to strip the governor of his power saying impeachment by legislators
1. The House has passed a $14 billion bailout bill for US automakers, but there remain questions about whether it will pass in the Senate. The vote there could come today. The House-approved package provides loans to GM and Chrysler almost immediate
1.Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. says he is not a target of the investigation that led to the arrest of Governor Rod Blagojevich. Authorities accused Blagojevich of skimming to sell President-elect Barack Obama's open Senate seat. 2.Brooklyn
1. President Barack Obama is now in South Korea to attend meetings of the world's top 20 economic powers. He arrived early this morning after spending less than a day in Indonesia where he toured that country's largest mosque and delivered a speech a
1. President Barack Obama is voicing concerns about the Middle East peace process. He's visiting Indonesia now, but says Israelis and Palestinians are making the extra effort to secure a breakthrough. 2. The situation is worsening in Haiti. Doctors s
1. President Barack Obama is now in Indonesia, a country where the president lived for four years as a child. The president will be in the country for less than 24 hours. He is expected to visit the country's largest mosque while he is there. 2. Howe
1. President Barack Obama is offering to help India and Pakistan resolve their long-standing dispute over Kashmir. The president said both India and Pakistan have an interest in reducing tensions in the region. The president is in India as part of a
1. President Barack Obama says he understands the unease in India about the impact of US goods flowing into the country. He's there as part of his tour through Asia, and he also says that increased trade would be a win-win situation for both countrie
1. President Barack Obama says he's ready to work with the GOP, and he wants to start with taxes and spending. The president called Tuesday's election a shellacking for Democrats. The president says he hopes to learn from the setback just as other pr
1. The Republicans have regained control of the House of Representatives and made significant gains in the US Senate. It was the biggest party turnover in more than 70 years. And likely Speaker of the House John Boehner called it a repudiation of Was
1. Political watchers are predicting major changes on Capitol Hill and in several state capitals as voters cast their ballots in the midterm elections. Republicans are looking to take over control of the House and deeply cut into the Democrat majorit
1. Voting has started in the 2010 midterm elections. Republicans are trying to regain control of the House and the Senate. It's expected the GOP will win back the House with the balance of the Senate still in play. President Barack Obama is expected
1. Today is the final full day of campaigning before the 2010 midterm elections. President Obama was in Ohio yesterday, stumping for Democratic candidates. It's expected Republicans will take over control of the House, but control of the Senate remai
1. President Barack Obama is hoping his visits to four states over the weekend will rally voters and help secure two more years of Democratic control on Capitol Hill. Meanwhile, Republicans boosted by the polls are casting Tuesday's midterm elections
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