Steve Jobs Insanely great《乔布斯传》疯狂的伟大 REMOVING the sleeve reveals a bookthat is entirely white, except for the names of its author and subject inelegant black type on the spine. It is the perfect design for the biography ofa man
A class act 佼佼者 Freedom and discipline go together in an innovative school 在一所革新的学校,自由和纪律同行 Innovation in schools 学校改革 THE scene is enough to appal those teachers steeped in ideas about child-centred educ
Personalised news 个性化报刊 Your digital paper, sir 先生,您的电子报纸 The struggle to make money out of news on tablets 数字媒体平台的生财之道 1.A CUSTOMISED, constantly-updating newspaper used to be the stuff of science fi
Loyalty cards and insurance 会员卡和保险 Every little helps 积少成多 As it pushes into finance, Tescos Clubcard gives it a competitive edge 乐购进军金融界,其会员卡为之奠定优势 SOME young drivers get tanked up and wrap the
Wikipedias fund-raising 维基百科集资 Free but not easy 免费百科不容易 The online encyclopedia needs its users money and volunteers time. Gaining the first is the easier task 维基百科既需要用户捐款也需要志願者的时间,前
What ate dinosaurs? 谁吃了恐龙 Old crocs 古鳄鱼 Even in their heyday, dinosaurs were not quite as dominant as popular myth makes them out to be 即便是在全盛时期,恐龙并非像民间传说所理解的那样占绝对统治地位 ONE
A guide to goodness 良品导购 Values for money 价廉物良 Want to know if a product is virtuous? Theres an app for that 想知道一个产品是否货真价实?有个软件能帮你 Someone spilled hypocrisy on aisle five 有人在5号货架的走
Chicagos budget 芝加哥财政预算 Reality bites 陷入水深火热之中 How to slash a deficit without raising taxes 如何大幅削减赤字,又不提高税收 Promises to keep 恪守承诺 AT ABOUT 8.30am on Saturday October 15th, close to t
American highways 美国高速公路 The efficiency conundrum 效能难题 A combination of less driving and more fuel-efficient vehicles is imperilling Americas highway system 驾车出行的减少和节能车的增多正在危及美国的高速公路
Chinese jewellers 中国珠宝商 Beijing bling 珠光宝气 The worlds largest jeweller goes public 世界最大珠宝商上市 AT FIRST blush, Chow Tai Fook (CTF) may seem to be in a spot of bother. The secretive Hong Kong-based chain of jewellery
HOW people collaborate, in the face of numerous temptations to cheat, is an important field of psychological and economic research. A lot of this research focuses on the tit-for-tat theory of co-operation: that humans are disposed, when dealing with
Climate and the solar cycle 气候和太阳圈 Chilling out in the winter sun 在冬日的阳光中发冷 Stratospheric changes can lead to nasty cold snaps 平流层的变化能引发讨人厌的寒流 THOSE unconvincedand those seeking to unconvinc
Swapping gems for cash 宝石交易 What next for South Africa's foremost mining family? 南非最有影响力的矿业家族,下一步会如何? MOST people would be overjoyed to pocket $5.1 billion. But Nicky Oppenheimer, the chairman of De Bee
Protests 全球抗议活动 Not quite together 目标不一致 Protests are proliferating across the world. Their aim is not obvious. Nor is how much they matter. 抗议活动正扩散至全世界。这些活动没有明确目标,也没有太大意义
Technology and civil liberties 技术与公民自由 Dont shoot 不要拍摄! Police may not like being filmed, but they had better get used to it 警察可能不喜欢被人拍摄,不过他们最好习惯之 WHAT is the most striking image to em
Business 商业报道 Facebook and WhatsApp Facebook与WhatsApp Getting the messages 即时通讯,拿下! Why Mark Zuckerberg's social network is paying such a whopping sum for a messaging startup 马克?扎克伯格的网络帝国为何花这么大
Leaders 社论 India 印度 Would Modi save India or wreck it? 莫迪是印度的救星还是克星? India's Muslims have reason to fear Narendra Modi. He should reach out to them. 莫迪令印度的穆斯林教徒害怕也是情有可原的,他应
Leaders 领导人们 Investment management 投资管理 The rise of BlackRock 贝莱德来了 In 25 years, BlackRock has become the world's biggest investor. Is its dominance a problem? 贝莱德二十五年间成为世界上最大资产管理公司,
Climate change 气候变化 In praise of second best 次好方案获认可 A carbon price would be better, but Barack Obama's plan to cut emissions from power plants is welcome 为碳排放定价显然更为理想,但奥巴马的电厂减排方案依
Personalised car stickers 个性化汽车贴纸 Family portraits on wheels 轮胎上的全家福 Windscreens are the new Facebook 挡风玻璃变成了新的脸书网 IN THE Middle Ages, heraldry allowed knights to show off family histories in amazin
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