时间:2018-12-13 作者:英语课 分类:新标准初中英语第五册



[00:00.00]MODULE 7 Australia

[00:02.46]模块七 澳大利亚

[00:04.93]Unit 1I'm looking forthe photos that you tookin Australia.


[00:10.16]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check your  answers to Activity 1.

[00:47.36]听力和词汇活动2 听录音,检查你所做的活动1的答案。

[01:24.56]3 Listen and read.

[01:26.66]活动3 听一听,读一读。

[01:28.76]Tony's dad:Hi, Tony.     What are you up to?Tony:I'm looking for the     photos that you     took in Australia.


[01:35.31]Tony's dad:OK, would you           like a hand           to find them?


[01:38.27]Tony:Great! Thanks.We're doing a projectabout countries that wewant to visit,


[01:43.70]and I'm going to writeabout Australia.


[01:46.72]I have to imagine thatI've been there, andthat I'm writing aletter to Mum and you.


[01:52.44]Tony's dad:Well, have       a look at these.Tony:Let's see. Hey!     What's that?


[01:57.80]Tony's dad:It's calledUluru.It's a huge rockin the centre ofAustralia.It's fantasticTony:And this building?


[02:07.34]Tony's dad:That's theSydney Opera House. It'slike a huge sailing 1 boatwith water on threesides.


[02:14.42]And this one is a photoof a shark that I saw onthe Great Barrier 2 Reef 3.


[02:20.20]We're really luckybecause sharks areusually shy.

[02:24.61]Tony:Wow! It's amazing!     Did you see any     kangaroos     or crocodiles?


[02:31.25]Tony's dad:There werekangaroos that were jum-ping alongside 4 the caron our way back fromUluru.But no crocodiles.


[02:39.06]Tony:They're great     photos. By the way,     can I borrow the     camera again?Tony's dad:Why?


[02:45.80]Tony:Well, there's     a photo competition     that I want to win!


[02:49.61]I want to take somephotos at our schooldance next week.


[02:53.48]Tony's dad:I bet 5 you do!OK, you can borrow it,but only once you'vedone your project onAustralia.


[03:01.27]4 Complete the table.Use words and phrasesfrom the conversation inActivity 3 and the boxin Activity 1.

[03:06.81]活动4 完成表格,用活动3对话中及活动1中方框内的单词及词组填写。

[03:12.34]Now listen again andcheck.


[04:48.03]Pronunciation andspeaking7 Say the sentencesaloud.

[04:53.07]发音和口语活动7 大声读出句子。

[04:58.11]1 Great! Thanks.2 Hey! What's that?3 It's fantastic!4 Wow! It's amazing!Now listen and check.

[05:06.57]1 太好了!谢谢。2 嘿,那是什么?3 十分奇特。4 喔!太令人震惊了!听录音并核对。

[05:15.03]Unit 2The camel that I rodehad a bad temper 6.


[05:20.26]Reading and vocabulary3 Read the letter and  find what the photos  show.

[05:24.35]阅读和词汇活动3 阅读这封信并找出照片展示了什么情景。

[05:28.43]ThursdayDear Mum and Dad,I'm writing this letterto you from the centreof Australia.


[05:37.56]At the moment we'restaying nearUluru—that's theAboriginal name forAyers Rock.


[05:44.94]On the first day, wetook a helicopter 7 tourover the rock,


[05:49.76]and I was surprised athow big it was:3.6kilometres long and 348metres high.


[05:59.38]The colours of the rockare fantastic, and atdifferent times of theday, they change frompurple to red.


[06:08.55]The Aborigines are thepeople that have livedin Australia from theearliest times,


[06:14.77]and the ancientAboriginal storiesdescribe the spiritsthat created the world.


[06:20.91]Uluru is a centre ofAboriginal culture.


[06:25.43]The Australians havemany British relativesand they're like us inmany ways.


[06:31.28]Their family life issimilar to ours, andthey enjoy the same foodand hobbies.


[06:37.79]The food and drink thatmost Australians likeare grapes,


[06:42.94]lamb, ham 8 and especiallywine that they make inthe south of thecountry.


[06:49.12]They love all sports,but the games that theylove the most arefootball, cricket 9 andrugby.


[06:57.04]Because most Australianslive near the coast,they love going to thebeach, swimming andsurfing.


[07:05.17]Although it's December,it's summer over here.


[07:09.61]The sunshine is verybright, and near thecoast the countryside isvery green.


[07:16.09]There are lots of sheepin the fields and on thehills,


[07:20.11]but the outback is morelike a desert, full ofrocks and sand.Most Australians speakEnglish,


[07:28.74]although they have somespecial expressions 10 suchas“Good day!”and“Noworries, mate 11.”

[07:32.37]尽管他们也有一些自己的表达方式,像“Good day!”和“No worries, mate.”

[07:36.00]They mean“Hello!”and“Don't worry about it.It's not a problem!”


[07:41.93]The next day after wearrived at Uluru, wewent on a camel ride.


[07:48.40]The camel that I rodehad a bad temper,


[07:51.60]and I got very tired.Everyone else thought itwas very funny that mycamel kept lying down...


[07:59.02]Finally, later thisevening, we're takingthe plane back to Sydneyand coming home.


[08:05.95]It's been a fantastictrip!            Love,                Tony


[08:11.76]Unit 3Language in use


[08:15.41]Language practice8 Listen to the convers-ation. Number the photos1—5 in the order thatthey are described.

[09:11.58]语言练习活动8 听会话将图片1-5按照所听到描述的顺序标号。

[10:07.75]WorkbookMODULE 7 Australia

[10:12.35]Listening andpronunciation8 Complete the sentencesfrom the conversationwith a suitable 12 word.

[10:21.65]Now listen to theconversation and checkyour answers.

[12:21.48]9 Listen again and check(√) the true sentences.

[14:23.07]10 Listen to thepronunciation of thesewords. Which letter(s)in each word is silent 13?

[14:32.07]1 interested2 different3 knife

[14:43.80]4 Wednesday5 climb6 daughter

[14:56.51]Now listen again andrepeat.

[15:23.43]Reading, speaking andwriting11 Read the passage andanswer the questions.

[15:32.04]The AboriginesThe Aborigines havelived in Australia forabout 60,000 years.

[15:39.11]They painted picturesinside caves 14,

[15:42.09]and these are the rockpaintings that havegiven us so muchinformation aboutAboriginal life.

[15:48.66]For example, some of thepaintings that are about10,000 years old showmen with boomerangs.

[15:56.55]From this we know thatthe Aborigines startedusing boomerangs about10,000 years ago.

[16:03.98]Other pictures showkangaroos, so we knowthat there werekangaroos at that time.

[16:10.42]The Aboriginesbelieved that spiritsmade people, animals andplants,

[16:16.05]and that these spiritsstill live in the earth.

[16:19.61]For Aborigines, no onecan own the earth—theearth belongs to thespirits.

[16:26.23]There were smallAboriginal groups allover Australia,

[16:30.42]and there were probablymore than 240 differentAboriginal languages.The groups did not havea leader.

[16:39.16]Instead, things weredecided by the older menin a group.

[16:43.43]People from differentgroups often travelledhundreds of miles tomeet each other.

[16:48.84]Aboriginal lifechanged when an Englishboat arrived inAustralia in 1770.

[16:56.05]Many Aborigines werekilled in the wars 15 thatthey had with theEnglish.

[17:01.18]More Europeans came, andthey started taking landfrom the Aborigines.

[17:06.99]The Europeans alsobrought new illnessesthat killed theAborigines.

[17:12.76]The result is that todaythere are only about300,000 Aborigines inAustralia.

[17:19.57]Words and expressionsModule 7

[17:22.49]crocodile/'kr╛k╓,dail/n.鳄鱼hand/h╗nd/n.协助;手have a look at 看……一眼





[17:42.44]similar to 同……相似ours/au╓z/pron.我们的especially/i'spe╞li/adv.特别,尤其


[17:50.16]full of 装满……的expression/ik'spre╞n/n.短语,表达方式mate/meit/n.同伴

[17:54.88]temper/'temp╓/n.脾气lifestyle/'laif,stail/n.生活方式water sports 水上运动

[17:59.61]sunbathing/'s╘n,bei╖i╕/n.阳光浴scared of 被……吓坏了


1 sailing
  • Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气下的航行情况。
  • The operation was plain sailing.手术进行得顺利。
2 barrier
  • You must show your ticket at the barrier.你在关卡处必须出示许可证。
  • The driver jumped a horse over a barrier.骑手骑马跳过障碍。
3 reef
  • The ship and its crew were lost on the reef.那条船及船员都触礁遇难了。
  • The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.这条船在珊瑚暗礁上撞毁了。
4 alongside
  • There was a butcher's shop alongside the theatre.剧院旁边有一家肉店。
  • Alongside of him stood his uncle.他的身旁站着他叔叔。
5 bet
  • I bet you can't do this puzzle.我敢说,你解决不了这个难题。
  • I offered to bet with him.我提出与他打赌。
6 temper
  • The man lost his temper and struck out wildly.那人因发怒而大打出手。
  • One day the man flew at me in a temper.一天,那个人冲着我大发脾气。
7 helicopter
  • The helicopter flying at a height of 5,000 meters.这架直升机正在五千米的高空飞行。
  • The pilot landed the helicopter in a rice field.飞行员将直升飞机降落在一片稻田里。
8 ham
  • Please give me a can of ham.请给我一罐火腿。
  • The ham is very good today.今天的火腿很好。
9 cricket
  • The England cricket team scored quite a useful total.英格兰板球队得分总数令人满意。
  • We could hear the shrill of the midsummer cricket.我们可以听到仲夏时节蟋蟀的尖叫声。
  • Your behaviour isn't cricket.你的行为不光彩。
10 expressions
n.表情( expression的名词复数 );表示;(数学)表达式;词
  • ritualized expressions of grief 以例行的方式表达悲伤
  • The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 mate
  • Where is the mate to this glove?这副手套的另一只在哪儿?
  • She has been a faithful mate to him.她一直是他忠实的配偶。
12 suitable
  • Tomorrow will be quite suitable.明天挺合适。
  • Is she suitable for the job?她适于做这工作吗?
13 silent
  • Immediately on his beginning to speak,everyone was silent.他一讲话,大家顿时安静下来。
  • The boys looked at the conjuror in silent wonder. 孩子们目瞪口呆地看着那魔术师。
14 caves
n.咖啡馆,小餐厅( cafe的名词复数 );洞穴( cave的名词复数 )
  • The district is pock-marked with caves. 这个地区布满了坑洞。
  • Walkways allow visitors to enter the caves in perfect safety. 步行道使游客可以十分安全地进入那些洞穴。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 wars
n.战争( war的名词复数 );战争期间;斗争;竞争
  • US involvement in European wars 美国对欧洲战争的干预
  • Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel. 《星球大战》的第一部前传让影迷期待了多年。
a jit
a still sow
Abies excelsa Poiret
affective development
air conditioning inductor
Anglo Iranian Oil Co.
Araucaria L.
bank vault
bootstrap methods
boron/epoxy composite (bec)
casing cleaning machinery
control rod servosystem
cycling thermal
enzyme substrate
extended operating system magnetic drum
extreme-value distribution
fine artss
furogen yellow
geometric form
gravity wind
heat pick-up
horizontal parallax slide
imported polar effect
International Mercantile Marine Company
interval resolution
into halves
Iro, L.
large groups
leading off
little's result
lunar calender
mail room
main mayang (malaysia)
minute jump clock
nonreactive condition
Parfitian survival
patatas bravas
polling ID number
Porterandia sericantha
pulsed guidance beam
real storage page table
reel motor
shattering zone
short cataloging
snow bunnies
stand your ground
toe mounter
Torrens titles
total heat input
touch with a barge pole
track buckling
tracking and telemetry data
triisopropylphenylsulfonyl chloride
us stock
vaeyrynenite (v?yrynenite)
viola blandas
yack on