时间:2018-12-17 作者:英语课 分类:新标准初中英语第五册



[00:00.00]MODULE 4Great inventions


[00:07.38]Unit 1Paper and printing havebeen used for ages.


[00:12.75]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check  the words as you hear  them.

[00:41.63]听力和词汇活动2 听录音,勾出你听      到的单词。

[01:10.51]3 Listen and read.Tony:Dad, can I ask a    favour?Can I borrow    your digital 1 camera?Tony's dad:Why?

[01:17.90]活动3 听一听,读一读Tony:爸爸,你能帮个忙吗?我可以借用一下您的数码相机吗?Tony's dad:做什么?

[01:25.29]Tony:I'd like to take     some photos on the     school visit to the     museum next week.

[01:27.67]Tony:我想在下周全校学生     参观博物馆的时候拍     些照片。

[01:30.04]Tony's dad:Is this for     your school     magazine? Has it     been published yet?

[01:31.85]Tony's dad:是为校刊拍    照片吗?校刊已经出    版了吗?

[01:33.66]Tony:Yes, two issueshave been published. Butit's going to be anonline magazine from nowon.

[01:37.09]Tony:是的,校刊已经发行     两期了。不过从现     在开始,我们打算出     网络杂志。

[01:40.52]Tony's dad:What's wrong       with an ordinary       magazine?

[01:41.86]Tony's dad:普通杂志有           什么不好?

[01:43.21]Tony:Do you mean usingpaper? It's tooexpensive. If themagazine is online,paper won't be needed.


[01:52.14]That's an importantadvantage. It'll bepublished on the schoolwebsite, and it can beread on screen.


[01:59.94]Tony's dad:Well, thatmakes me think. Paperand printing have beenused for ages.

[02:02.60]Tony's dad:噢,我要想一想。纸和印刷术的应用已有很长时间了。

[02:05.26]We once got informationfrom books, but now thesame information can beread or even listened toon computers.


[02:12.95]Tony:I wonder ... Can     books be replaced     by computers?

[02:15.56]Tony:我想……书可能被     电脑取代吗?

[02:18.17]Maybe I'll writesomething for themagazine! Anyway, aboutthe camera ...?


[02:24.06]Tony's dad:Here it is.The battery 2 hasn't beencharged for a couple ofmonths.

[02:26.05]Tony's dad:给你相机。电池已经几个月没充电了。

[02:28.04]It's been turned offsince your mum'sbirthday party.


[02:31.40]Tony:It doesn't matter.     I'll see to that.

[02:32.73]Tony:没关系,我会给电池     充电的。

[02:34.06]Tony's dad:But you must       promise that it       won't be lent       to anyone,

[02:35.75]Tony's dad:但是,你必须保证不把相机借给别人,

[02:37.44]and it won't be left atschool! Just look afterit. Is that clear?Tony:Promise!


[02:43.80]4 Read the summary of  the conversation.  Underline the wrong  information.

[02:49.54]活动4 读这个对话的总结。在错误的信息下划线。

[02:55.27]Now listen again andcorrect the summary.


[04:24.70]Pronunciationand speaking


[04:31.31]7 Listen to the  sentences.

[04:33.58]活动7 听句子。

[04:35.85]1 If the magazine is  online,/paper won't  be needed.

[04:38.85]1 如果是网络杂志,就不  需要纸了。

[04:41.84]2 It'll be published/on  the school website,  /and it can be read  /on screen.

[04:46.05]2 校刊将出现在学校的网  站上,人们可以通过电  脑屏幕浏览。

[04:50.26]3 But you must promise  /that it won't be lent  to anyone,/and it  won't be left at  school!

[04:54.08]3 但是,你必须保证不把  相机借给别人,也不落  在学校!

[04:57.90]Now say the sentencesaloud.


[05:01.05]Unit 2Books could be producedmore quickly and cheaply 3


[05:10.19]Reading and vocabulary2 Read the passage and  match the main ideas  with the paragraphs 4.

[05:14.76]阅读和词汇活动2 读这段话,选择最能表达中心意思的句子。

[05:19.33]Can books be replaced bycomputers?By Tony Smith


[05:24.55]Every morning my fatherbuys a newspaper on hisway to work.


[05:30.18]Every day I open mybooks in class and startmy lessons.


[05:35.55]Every evening my motherlooks through magazinesat home.


[05:40.35]And every night,I lookat the posters withphotos of David Beckham

[05:46.31]and Yao Ming on mybedroom wall beforeI go to sleep.


[05:50.92]Can we imagine lifewithout paper or print?


[05:55.29]Paper was first createdabout 2,000 years ago,and has been made ofsilk,


[06:02.14]cotton, bamboo, and,since the 19th century,of wood. People learnedto write words on paperto make a book.


[06:12.99]But in those days, bookscould only be producedone at a time by hand.


[06:20.04]As a result, they wereexpensive and rare 6. Andbecause there weren'tmany books, few peoplelearned to read.


[06:30.39]Then printing wasinvented in China.


[06:34.62]The first printed bookswere made by putting inkagainst a wooden blockand holding the paperagainst it.


[06:42.83]When printing wasdeveloped greatly at thebeginning of the 11thcentury,


[06:48.46]books could be producedmore quickly andcheaply. As a result,more people learned 5 toread.


[06:56.83]After that, knowledgeand ideas spreadquickly,


[07:01.22]in a way that can becompared with theintroduction of theInternet in the 20thcentury.


[07:07.93]But will books beneeded in the future?Today information can bereceived online,


[07:15.78]downloaded from theInternet rather thanfound in books,


[07:20.53]and information can bekept on CD-ROMs ormachines such as MP3players.


[07:28.28]These machines aresmaller and lighter 7 thanbooks so that they canbe carried very easily.


[07:35.71]Computers are alreadyused in classrooms, andnewspapers and magazinescan already be readonline.


[07:45.58]So will books bereplaced by computersone day?


[07:50.84]No,I don't think the YaoMing poster on my bed-room wall will ever bereplaced by a computertwo metres high!


[08:04.11]Unit 3Language in use


[08:07.57]Language practice6 Work in pairs. Listen  and say where the spe-  aker is. Give reasons  for your answer.

[08:50.95]语言练习活动6 两人一组。听录音,并说出说话人在哪里。并给出你的理由。

[09:34.33]7 Listen again and  answer the  questions.

[10:16.85]活动7 再听一遍录音,      并回答问题。

[10:59.37]WorkbookMODULE 4Great inventions

[11:09.17]Listening andpronunciation8 Listen and complete  the sentences.

[13:23.28]9 Read the sentences.  Which words are  stressed most?

[13:33.73]Now listen and check.

[13:36.75]Borrow it! It can neverbe allowed to leave thishouse! In fact, it mustnever be allowed toleave this room!

[13:45.56]Reading, speaking andwriting

[13:51.48]10 Work in pairs. Read   the passage and   complete it with the   words in the box.

[13:58.83]although  cancentury   coloursdictionariesfound     invented

[14:01.09]knowledge  pageprinted    sawthought    timeuntil

[14:04.33]The history of printing

[14:07.48]Wood-block printing wasinvented sometimebetween the fourth andthe seventh century inChina.

[14:14.03]The earliest book thatwe have was (1)__ in 868and was found inDunhuang cave.

[14:21.64]Wood-block printing tooka long (2)__ because anew block was needed forevery (3)__ in a book.

[14:28.61]By the 11th centuryprinted books could be(4)__ all over China.

[14:34.51]They included books ofConfucius' thoughts,(5)__, and books onmathematics.

[14:41.58]In 1340, books could beprinted using two (6)__,black and red.

[14:48.49](7)__ the Chineselearnt about printing soearly,

[14:52.10]printing was notintroduced in otherparts of the world forhundreds of years.

[14:57.52]It is (8)__ that whenthe great Italiantraveller Marco Polovisited China in the13th century,

[15:04.20]he (9)__ printed books.It is possible thatMarco Polo brought that(10)__ to Europe.

[15:10.80]But printed books didnot come to Europe(11)__1450 when a Germancalled Johann Gutenberg(12)__a printing machine

[15:20.88]Twenty-four years later,in 1474, an Englishmancalled William Caxtonprinted the first prin-ted book in English.

[15:30.58]His second book wasabout the game of chess.

[15:33.81]Caxton printed about ahundred books, and some(13)__ still be foundtoday in museums.

[15:40.54]Words and expressionsModule 4






[16:07.24]a couple of 几个see to 负责,注意create/kri'eit/v.创造made of 用……制造cotton/'k╛tn/n.棉花

[16:16.80]wood/wud/n.木材produce/pr╓'dju:s/v.生产at a time 一次by hand 手工(制造)

[16:23.20]ink/i╕k/n.墨水against/╓'geinst/prep.靠,依;与……相对,相反at the beginning of在……的开始


[16:32.64]in a way 从某种程度上讲introduction/,intr╓'d╘k╞n/n.传入;介绍receive/ri'si:v/v.收到

[16:37.70]rather than 胜于CD-ROM/,si: di: 'r╛m/只读光盘one day 某天feather/'fe╖╓/n.羽毛


[16:47.16]steel/sti:l/n.钢,钢铁fountain 8 pen自来水笔,钢笔

[16:49.64]popularity/,p╛pju'l╗r╓ti/n.普及,流行ballpoint pen 圆珠笔

1 digital
  • There's a digital watch on the table.桌子上有一块数字式手表。
  • The signal will be converted into digital code.信号会被转变为数字代码。
2 battery
  • He is charging a storage battery.他在为蓄电池充电。
  • The battery has run down.电池用完了。
3 cheaply
  • Old bikes can be bought quite cheaply.旧自行车很便宜就能买到。
  • This apartment rents cheaply.这套公寓租价便宜。
4 paragraphs
n.段落( paragraph的名词复数 );短篇报道
  • He transcribed two paragraphs from the book into his notebook. 他把书中的两段抄在笔记本上。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The text falls into three paragraphs. 这篇课文共分3段。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 learned
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
6 rare
  • It is rare to see a man over 160 years old.很少见到一个人能活到160岁。
  • The zoo has a lot of rare animals in it.这个动物园有许多珍奇的动物。
7 lighter
  • The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。
  • The lighter works off the car battery.引燃器利用汽车蓄电池打火。
8 fountain
  • At the centre of the park there is a fountain.公园正中有一个喷泉。
  • Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.古希腊是智慧和哲学的发源地。
a. pharyngica ascendens
backward signaling path
barium soap base grease
basic line of sight
bosses about
calorized coating
catch a crab
chromosome repeat
clamping surface
clearing house settlement sheet
close agreement
colour revolutions
combined weighing and mixing machine
complete combustibility
conditional breakpoint instruction
consensual purchase decision
continuously computed release point
demonstrative determiners
digimatic osmometer
dirty sand
eccentric lathe
elastic axle
floppy disc formatting
folk psychiatry
Foraky freezing process
foreground-background environment
geographical race
hill belt
hyperbola of higher order
ice divide
indemnify sb. from damage
inner colded
internal acquisition team
isorefractive mixture
jet efflux
joint of head of rib
leather measuring machine
liquid laughs
nature rights
peak point
peltigera praetextata subglabra
philoponella nigromaculata
procedure reference
protected record
puccinia arthraxonis
pump control system
reactor time constant
review questions
rostovs on don
sea trumpet
selfexcited generator
semipermanent depression
settle the claim
shanks's pony
single space mean
sliding gate pump
spectrum, band
spring suspended movable stripper
structure of imports and exports
synchronization sequence
thaw compression test
the sharp end
track chargeman
transformational implementation
Vran Planina