时间:2018-12-12 作者:英语课 分类:英美文化



  Top 10 赞美
  西方人乐于赞美别人,同时也乐于接受别人的赞美。而中国人为了显示谦恭,常常会“拒绝”他人的赞美。这种“拒绝”会让老外觉得莫明其妙,好像你不领他的情似的。还有,中国人出于礼貌,或者想跟人套近乎,总是愿意说些关心人的话。为了献殷勤,我们常喜欢对客人说"You must be tired? Have a good rest."。然而,普通的问候之语却有可能让西方人误解为你对她的身体状况表示担忧。他们很喜欢别人夸他们年轻、强壮,如果你质疑他们的身体健康,他们甚至会发怒的。
  Top 9 致谢
  中国人认为对家里人或者好朋友的帮助是one's own obligation 1, no need to thank or be thanked,彼此根本不必说谢谢,说了反而显得关系生分。而老外对家人或者朋友的帮忙都习惯说谢谢,他们期待polite expressions like "please", "thank you", etc.所以,和老外相处,千万不要吝啬“谢谢”两个字。“谢”少了只会让老外觉得你羞涩且不懂礼貌。
  Top 8 出游
  When a Chinese offers refreshments 2 or drinks to his colleague, his colleague often declines 3 the offerpolitely, because he doesn't want to trouble the person who offers and it also shows his politeness.Normally 4 the person who offers still prepares or buys refreshments or drinks, and this will beexpected by his colleague. Sharing food and drink when going out together is common amongcolleagues and friends.
  然而和老外结伴出游,如果你客气地推说不需要某样东西,那么对方真的就不会给你买。他们觉得不给你买是尊重你的决定。Respect one's own decision, "yes" means one wants it, "no" meansone doesn't, politeness is usually shown by the expression 'thank you' or "please".所以,想要什么东西,就直接说出来吧,事后真诚地说声谢谢才是他们眼中的礼貌做法。
  Top 7 称呼
  当外国人听到中国人称呼他们为“老外”的时候,他们心里是不高兴的,因为他们觉得自己并不老,且很健康。他们dislike being labelled as "old", being young valued above being old.而当他们听到中国人管外国小孩也叫“老外”的时候,他们才明白“老”其实是对某个人的尊称,比如老张,老王。"Lao" is a commonly used term by Chinese people to address someone who is older than thespeaker to show his politeness, respect and closeness. The term does not necessarily 5 mean oldage. "Lao Wai" is a colloquial 6 term of address for foreigners.
  Top 6 送别
  Like everyone else we are affectionate to our friends and relatives, but perhaps we show ouraffection in public less than other peoples. Maybe the whole family as well as some friends will go tothe railway station or the airport to see a person off, no matter whether he/she goes abroad tostudy or to another province for work. This may well strike many Westerners as very moving, yetthey might be puzzled when they see that nobody will hug or kiss when the time comes for sayinggoodbye. Friends may shake hands with the person who is leaving and parents may hold his/herhand for a long time with tears in their eyes, but with no other physical contact. In fact huggingand kissing are seldom seen in public in China, no matter what the occasion 7 is.
  Top 5 鼓掌
  当众发言的时候,如果别人给自己鼓掌,为了表达谢意,中国人通常都会暂停发言,而后随着听众一起鼓掌。 In this way he expresses his thanks to the audience. 可是老外就不理解为何要自己给自己鼓掌。自己给自己鼓掌,多不谦虚啊。Of course, when a Chinese speaker claps his hands asthe audience is applauding 8, he is not applauding himself, but expressing his thanks to his audience.As noted 9 earlier, Westerners feel puzzled when watching such a scene, since they think the speakeror the performer is applauding himself. 所以,以后老外在场,发言的人不妨用鞠躬或者挥手代替鼓掌。当然,微笑站立也是一种选择。
  Top 4 眼神
  许多中国人在和别人说话,或者当众发言的时候,羞于和听众进行眼神的交流。Some of them,perhaps because of nervousness, like to bury their nose in their manuscript 10 to read their speech allthe time. 这种做法其实是不礼貌的。与人交流的时候,老外expects eye contact, though this doesnot have to be constant. 而当众发言的时候,老外look at his audience now and then. 他们是不会把脑袋埋在稿子里面说话的Speaking in public is also a kind of two-way communication, whichneeds eye contact from both sides. The speaker will certainly feel embarrassed when he sees thathis audience do not look at him. But if hedoesn't look at his audience now and then, his audiencealso has the right not to listen to what he is saying. 如果你发言的时候没有勇气看听众,那么你也无权要求你的听众会和你形成良好的互动。
Top 3 送礼
  中国人送礼喜欢成双,比如说两瓶酒,两条烟。一是为了显示自己不是小气人,二是为了讨个吉利数字。去朋友或者亲戚家做客,拎点水果是非常普遍的情况。但是,在西方,人们送酒的时候都是只送一瓶。 One is quite enough, two are of course welcome but unusual and not expected. 因为他们吃饭的时候要喝客人带来的酒,如果客人拿了两瓶,似乎表明客人是个酒鬼,主人恐怕一瓶酒不够喝。去朋友家做客一般也不送水果。水果一般是作为看望病人时候的礼物。而且,中国人接到别人的礼物,为了显示自己不是个贪财之人,习惯于把礼物悄悄放在一旁,然后等客人离开后再拆开包装;而老外则希望你当着他的面打开礼物,并对他的礼物赞美一番。
  In the West , it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to expressappreciation. In China, the situation is quite the reverse 13. Normally we Chinese feel that if you openthe gift as soon as it is given, you might embarrass 11 the person who gives the gift and you mightbe thought greedy. So Chinese people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left. What ismore, many people send gifts without wrapping them, and if they wrap them, they usually tell thereceiver what is inside, and the receiver will thank the sender and put the gift aside withoutunwrapping them since they already know what is inside. However, when we receive gifts from anEnglish native speaker, in order to avoid misunderstanding, we may follow their custom by openingthe gifts in front of him or her and express our appreciation 12.
  Top 2 做客
  中国人去别人家串门的时候都喜欢随处逛,到处看。可老外是怎么看待这些行为的呢?"I'm oftentaken aback by the way visitors come round to my flat and seem to feel free to take the placeover, putting on the telly, pulling down books from my shelves, even peering 14 at letters I've leftlying around on the desk." 虽说让客人感到宾至如归是好的待客之道,但老外还是忌讳你在做客的时候在他家里东逛西逛,甚至偷窥他的隐私。同样的,涉及到薪资、年龄等隐私问题我们也不要张口就问。
  Top 1 吃饭
  “人是铁,饭是钢。一顿不吃饿得慌。”我们和老外的交往许多时候都发生在饭桌上。中国人请老外去家里吃饭,可能会准备8-10道菜。你最好让老外有个心理准备,要么他们很可能根本没有肚子去吃后面的菜了。他们可能会觉得中国人hospitable 15, if anything too hospitable。如果你去老外家吃饭,也许桌上仅仅就准备了一道菜!而且他们也喜欢说"The dishes are quite good; these dishesare quite famous",绝对不像中国人喜欢说:“准备不周,凑合吃点吧。”
  还有,中国人为了显示热情,喜欢给别人夹菜。但是老外却不喜欢要别人给自己夹菜。"I don'tthink I'll ever get used to the eating habits out here. You know, the way people put things on yourplate..." 老外乐于让人自主选择喜欢的食物。They think to help yourself is the best way.Foreigners give guests the chance to choose what is their favourite.
  和老外吃饭,中国人千万不要谦虚含蓄。"Chinese never seem hungry when they come round tomy place. Whenever I ask callers if they'd like a bite to eat they always say no." 大多数老外都是实在人。当他们问你要不要吃点什么的时候,如果你谢绝了,他们会尊重你的决定,真的不给你东西吃哦。所以说,饿了就喊出来吧。
  一句话,外国人的表达及处世方式更为直接,而中国人则更显圆滑。Foreigners never pretend tobe modest. They just tell others what they think. If a Chinese person is faced with the samesituation, maybe he or she would say, "I'm sorry. The restaurant is a little bit small and the dishesare just so so, but I hope you'll enjoy yourself."

1 obligation
  • Every player is under an obligation to keep the rules.每个选手都必须遵守这些规则。
  • It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service.服兵役是每个公民的义务。
2 refreshments
n.点心,便餐;(会议后的)简单茶点招 待
  • We have to make a small charge for refreshments. 我们得收取少量茶点费。
  • Light refreshments will be served during the break. 中间休息时有点心供应。
3 declines
辞谢,谢绝(邀请等)( decline的第三人称单数 ); (道路、物体等)下倾; (太阳)落下; (在品格、价值上)降低
  • As one grows older one's memory declines. 一个人的记忆力随着年老而衰退。
  • Hearing sensitivity declines with age. 听觉因年老而衰退。
4 normally
  • I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays.我通常在星期六买东西。
  • My pulse beats normally.我脉搏正常。
5 necessarily
  • More work does not necessarily call for more men.增加工作量不一定就要增添人员。
  • A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.选民必须在18岁以上。
6 colloquial
  • It's hard to understand the colloquial idioms of a foreign language.外语里的口头习语很难懂。
  • They have little acquaintance with colloquial English. 他们对英语会话几乎一窍不通。
7 occasion
  • Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion.在如此正式的场合,她的服装过分华丽了。
  • Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.在这种场合下她忍住了眼泪。
8 applauding
v.鼓掌( applaud的现在分词 );称赞,赞许
  • A low and applauding murmur ran through the assembly. 会众中响起了一阵轻轻的赞美声。 来自辞典例句
  • The audience showed its approval by applauding. 观众鼓掌以示赞许。 来自辞典例句
9 noted
  • The local hotel is noted for its good table.当地的那家酒店以餐食精美而著称。
  • Jim is noted for arriving late for work.吉姆上班迟到出了名。
10 manuscript
  • The adaptation of the play for radio manuscript was easy.把剧本改编成广播稿很容易。
  • The lost manuscript was found in a repository in France.丢失的手稿在法国的一个存放处被找到了。
11 embarrass
  • He didn't mean to embarrass you.他不是成心让你难堪。
  • He is a shy person.Don't embarrass him any more.他是个腼腆的人,你就不要再羞躁他了。
12 appreciation
  • I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。
  • I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。
13 reverse
  • His answer was just the reverse of what I expected.他的回答正好与我期望的相反。
  • Please reverse the positions of two pictures.请把两张图片的位置倒转过来。
14 peering
v.凝视( peer的现在分词 );盯着看;同等;比得上
  • He was peering down the well. 他细看下面的井。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The sun was peering through the clouds. 太阳从云中隐约出现。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
15 hospitable
  • The man is very hospitable.He keeps open house for his friends and fellow-workers.那人十分好客,无论是他的朋友还是同事,他都盛情接待。
  • The locals are hospitable and welcoming.当地人热情好客。
标签: 英美文化
a contradiction in terms
actual ship form
add overlay
bail on me
ballistic penduium
bank commission
blow this pop stand
Book of Judges
boresight slope
Bournea sinensis
buoyancy theory
came out of
complete cyme
concentration of glaze slip
control of discharge of oil
delivery power
desert armor
fishing licence system
folding partition
future work
gridiron structure
grinding ratio
heat settability
Hibiscus leviseminus
hitch hike
hydromagnetic brake
language translation
leading on to
leaf spot of peanut
length of schooling
megaheterochromatic (white 1943)
message contents
minimum fluidized voidage
mining bee
narrow majority
noiseless typewriter
object program
on carrier
Osio Sopra
pittosporum floribundum wight et arn.
priority of high frequency word
projection light source
public drive
resource class
roble beeches
Rufus' pill
self-power neutron detector
setal alveolus
silky pig iron
slow combination
sprayed concrete
St. Kitts-Nevis
standard enthalpy change of reaction
stop cutting machine
Tan Thanh
tangentially fired boiler
three-plus-one address instruction format
triplet code
two step control