时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:生活大爆炸第五季


 Leonard, where did you envision marrying Penny? 莱纳德,你想在哪娶佩妮啊?

Will you shut up? 你丫闭嘴
Well, I know how to make it special. I told you we are not recreating the wedding from The Sound of Music. 我知道怎样能让它与众不同,我说过,我们不会重现,"音乐之声"里的婚礼
Yes, you made that brutally 1 clear to me. 嗯,你说得相当清楚
What I was going to suggest is if that you're willing to wait until Sunday morning, the Google satellite will be over Pasadena. 我想建议的是,如果你们可以等到周日上午办,谷歌卫星就会飞过帕萨迪纳市
You can have your wedding photographed from space. 你们的婚礼可以在太空中,被记录下来。
Oh...That's so cool. Oh, wait to go, Raj. I keep telling you, if I wasn't an astrophysicist, I would have been a party planner. 太酷了。好样的,拉杰。我说吧,我要不是天体物理学家,就是个派对筹划师
It was always a coin flip 2. 就看命运怎么安排
Okay, so we know we're going to do it Sunday morning. Now we need to find a good place for the satellite to see us. 好,我们决定周日上午办,那就得去找个卫星能拍到的地方
How about our roof? 咱的房顶怎么样?
Oh, I like that. That's great. 我喜欢,不错啊
Oh, my gosh.I can't believe my maid of honor dress is going to be on Google Earth. 天哪,真不敢相信我的伴娘礼服,要上谷歌地球了
So, we have the where and the when, but we still need to figure out who's going to do the ceremony. 咱们想好地点和时间了,但还需要找个人主持婚礼吧
Well, that's easy.Anyone can go online and get ordained 3 as a minister. 很简单嘛,上网去弄个神父认证就好啦
I know a piercing parlor 4, where, for a hundred bucks 5, they'll marry you and stick a wedding ring through any body part you want. 我知道个穿孔店,只要付一百块,他们就帮你主持婚礼,顺带提供婚戒穿体服务
Great, well, who's it going to be? 好啊,那谁去认证呢?
I'll do it, provided I can perform the ceremony in Klingon. 我来吧,我能用克林贡语主持婚礼呢
No. What do you see in her? 不行。你看上她哪点了?
Leaking? What's leaking? Fuel. Shh. 泄漏? 什么泄漏了?燃料,嘘
There's fuel leaking and we're still going to go? 都漏油了,还要起飞?
Don't lose your Froot Loops, Froot Loops. 别那么耸,果脆圈
This happens a lot. Nine times out of ten, no problem. 这事儿常有,十分之九没事
What happens on the tenth time? Problem. 那十分之一呢?有事呗
Hey, guys, before I forget, I got you a little groomsman present. Oh, thanks, man. You didn't have to do that. 嘿几位,趁我没忘,我要送点伴郎礼物,谢啦,哥们,你不用破费的
Fantastic Four, annual number three from 1965, in mint condition. 神奇四侠,1965年第三期,全新的哦
The one where Mr.Fantastic and the Invisible Girl get married. Oh, dear. 这期里神奇侠和隐形女结婚了。亲娘诶
I was afraid of this. What? 我就怕这样,怎么了?
While a thoughtful gift, this comic book in this condition is worth at least a hundred dollars. 虽然这礼物不错,但全新的至少要100块吧
Yeah, so? I bought you an Bernadette a gravy 7 boat worth $88. 对,所以呢?我给你俩买的那调味瓶,才花了88块
Which places me in your debt and I can't be in your debt because someday you might ask me to help you move... or to kill a man. 那样我就欠你了,我可不能欠你啥,因为也许有一天,你会让我推着你走...或者去杀人
I doubt he'll ask you to kill a man. 他不会让你去杀人吧
Well, what if it's his only way out? I can't risk it. Here is $12. 万一他只能请我呢? 我可不想冒险.给你12块
Now, we're even. Wait... I bought a card. Give me two dollars. 现在咱扯平了。等下,我还买了张贺卡,还我两块钱
And for the record, this is why I hate gift-giving. 对了,这就是我讨厌送礼的原因
Who is it? It's the groom 6. 谁?新郎
You can't come in. Bad luck to see the bride. 你不能进来,提前见新娘会倒霉的
Okay, uh, fine. Bernie, I have to go pick up my mother! I'll be right back! 好吧,妮妮,我要去接我妈,我一会儿就回来!
Why can't she drive herself? ! 她不能自己开车来吗?
She doesn't want to sit in her dress and wrinkle it, so I'm going to lay her down in the back of my neighbor's van! 她不想坐车里,弄皱自己的衣服,我得把她放平在邻居的货车里,运过来
All right, just hurry! 好,快点回来
Okay, I'll see you later, Ma...uh...lovely bride-to-be. 好,一会儿见,妈...亲爱的未婚妻
I really got to watch that. 我真得注意点
Come on, Raj, we're ready to start. What, we're ready, when I say we're ready. 过来,拉杰,大家准备开始了。我说准备好,才算大家准备好
Okay, now we're ready. 好,大家准备好了
Ma, you want to move your chair over here so you can see? ! 妈,你把椅子搬过来吧,方便看啊
I'm fine where I am! I don't want to fall off the roof! 我在这里挺好,我可不想从房顶掉下去
You'll fall through the roof before you fall off it. Penny. 你还没掉下去,就漏下去了。佩妮。
Your new mother-in-law's a piece of work. 你婆婆还真是极品
Not now, Dad. She's got a bigger mustache than me. 现在别吐槽,爸。她胡子比我都茂密
Here you go. "Here you go"? What am I, a football? 接着吧。"接着吧"我是橄榄球吗?
Like that guy could catch a football. 说得好像那哥们,能接住橄榄球似的
Howard and Bernadette, the five of us stand before you as your friends and newly ordained ministers. Louder! 霍华德和伯纳黛特,我们五人站在你们面前,是你们的朋友,也是新认证神父。大点声
They all got ordained, they're all marrying us, it's adorable! If you want to hear it, come closer! 他们都认证了,他们一起主持婚礼,可有爱了!想听清楚,靠近点!
Guys, when I look at the two of you starting your lives together, 两位,当我看到你们准备,携手共度人生时
it fills... my heart... 我心中满是...
It fills my... heart... 我心中满是...
Okay, I'm going to need a minute. 我得冷静会儿
Okay, I'll, I'll go. 好,我先来吧
Howard and Bernadette, I know you two planned on getting married in a big fancy wedding, 霍华德和伯纳黛特,我知道你们本想筹备盛大的婚礼
but when you're in love, it doesn't matter where or how these things happen. 但当你们相爱,婚礼的地点和过程都已无所谓了
It just matters that you have each other. 只要你们拥有彼此就好
Problem? No. 嘛事?没
I think the Reverend Hofstadter is making an ironic 8 connection between your statement about love and your rejection 9 of his proposal in the bedroom. 我想霍夫斯塔特神父将你的爱之宣言与你在卧室拒绝他求婚联想了起来
Oh, grow up. Hey, I didn't say it. All right, that's enough from the both of you. he started it I'm ending it 能成熟点不,我又没说。好了,你俩闹够了吧。他挑起的啊,我让你们闭嘴
Bernadette, I want to thank you for allowing me to be your maid of honor. 伯纳黛特,我想谢谢你,允许我当你的首席伴娘
I also want you to know, that I will be happy to do it again if this marriage craps out. 我也想告诉你,如果你们婚姻破裂,我很乐意再当一次
Thank you, Amy.Very touching 10. 谢谢,艾米,很感人
Howard and Bernadette, you are lucky enough to be best friends who love each other. 霍华德和伯纳黛特,你们何其幸运,由朋友变为爱人
And that's the strongest kind of love because at its core, it has kindness, patience, and respect. 你们的爱是最强大的,因为其中...含有温情,耐心和尊重
Qualities that are hard to find in people these days. 这些品质在现代人身上,很难找到呢
Would you like some aloe vera? 想喝点芦荟汁吗?
You just got burned. 刚被烫得爽吧
All right, my turn. 好,该我啦
Howard, Bernadette... Sheldon! I told you no Klingon! 霍华德,伯纳黛特...谢尔顿!我说了不准用克林贡语
Fine, I'll do it in English, but it loses something. 好,我用英语,但就没感觉了
The need to find another human being to share one's life with, has always puzzled me. 寻找其他人类共度人生的欲望,一直让我很困惑
Maybe because I'm so interesting all by myself. 因为我自己过得就很欢乐了
With that being said, may you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own. 所以我要说,愿你们找到,我一人就能获取的那种幸福
The Klingon would have made you cry. 要是说克林贡语,你准得哭
I believe you two have prepared vows 11? 相信两位都准备了誓言吧?
Howard Joel Wolowitz, like you, this is going to be short and sweet. 霍华德·约尔·沃洛维茨,就像你,我的誓言将又短又贴心
I love you with all my heart and soul and promise to be with you forever. 我全心全意爱着你,我愿与你白头偕老,共度余生
Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski... Speak up! 伯纳黛特·玛丽安·罗斯考斯基……大点声!
Hey, from now on, she's the only women who can yell at me! 从现在开始,就准她一人吼我!
Until I met you, I couldn't imagine spending my life with just one person... 在遇到你之前,我都不敢想象会有人,愿意与我共度余生
...and now I can't imagine spending one day of it without you. 现在我不敢想象,我余生中若没有你,该怎么过
By the power vested in us, by the state of California... and the Klingon High Council... we now pronounce you husband and wife. 凭借授予我们的权力,代表加利福尼亚州……以及克林贡最高议会……我们宣布你们正式结为夫妻
That's ignition. I love this part! Me, too! 点火啦,我爱这部分!我也是
I have strongly mixed feelings! 我心里五味杂陈啊!
Oh, my God, it's happening. 天哪,真要开始了
Did I miss it? No, come on in. Hurry. 我错过了吗?没,快过来
I love that man. Me, too. 我爱他。我也是
I can't believe it. 真不敢相信
This whole time, a small part of me thought he was lying. 一直以来,我还有点怀疑他在撒谎呢
This is it. Boldly go, Howard Wolowitz. 来了。勇敢向前冲吧,霍华德·沃洛维茨

  • The uprising was brutally put down.起义被残酷地镇压下去了。
  • A pro-democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.一场争取民主的起义被残酷镇压了。
  • I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
  • Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill.咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
v.任命(某人)为牧师( ordain的过去式和过去分词 );授予(某人)圣职;(上帝、法律等)命令;判定
  • He was ordained in 1984. 他在一九八四年被任命为牧师。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He was ordained priest. 他被任命为牧师。 来自辞典例句
  • She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.她躺在客厅的一张小长椅上。
  • Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood?附近有没有比萨店?
n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃
  • They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
  • They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His father was a groom.他父亲曾是个马夫。
  • George was already being groomed for the top job.为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。
  • You have spilled gravy on the tablecloth.你把肉汁泼到台布上了。
  • The meat was swimming in gravy.肉泡在浓汁之中。
  • That is a summary and ironic end.那是一个具有概括性和讽刺意味的结局。
  • People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school,but they were being ironic.人们中学时常把我称作“万人迷先生”,但他们是在挖苦我。
  • He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection.他因怕遭拒绝决定不再去找她。
  • The rejection plunged her into the dark depths of despair.遭到拒绝使她陷入了绝望的深渊。
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
誓言( vow的名词复数 ); 郑重宣布,许愿
  • Matrimonial vows are to show the faithfulness of the new couple. 婚誓体现了新婚夫妇对婚姻的忠诚。
  • The nun took strait vows. 那位修女立下严格的誓愿。
标签: 生活大爆炸
ACB throw-in
airborne locator-designator
art schools
biramous, biramose
blackout powder
bobbin disk
Borisoglebskaya Vozvyshennost'
bulldog grip
by pass cock
cab-tyre sheathed
cash settled stock futures contracts for differences
Clear I.
concave cutter
concept dependency
constant helm plan
dema deity
edge milling machine
energy of a charge
Equisetum palustre L.
French letter
Fries, Charles Carpenten
furnace thermal efficiency
gage for sleepers distance
Geissler discharge tube
helicosporium phragmitis
International Load Line
length between flanges
liquid drop model (of nucleus)
Long-Term Growth
lotus flower
manufacturing equipment
memory oriented system
motor order telegraph
Mount Savage
neotropical floral kingdom
paracusia willisiana
pilot lever
preliminary treatment
prime twins
regional subsidence
rhytisma ilicis
shipyard floating crane
Shāh Kot
sine formula of spherical triangle
single-contact system
static var compensator (svc)
sulcus colli mandibulae
synthetic estrogen
take someone to task for something
to fall for
volcanic mudflow
wave-cut pediment