时间:2019-02-26 作者:英语课 分类:篮球英文堂


 Maybe it's my fault 也许是我的错

Maybe I led you to believe it was easy when it wasn't 也许我让你误认为篮球是项轻而易举的运动
Maybe I made you think my highlights started at the free-throw line 也许我只让你看到了我罚球线起步扣篮的风光无限
And not in the gym 你却不曾了解我在球馆的挥汗如雨
Maybe I made you think that every shot that I took was a game winner 也许我让你想当然的认为我每次的投篮都是致命一击,对于胜利我势在必得
That my game was built on flash and not the fire 而不明白所有比赛的胜利都是靠一分一分拼搏而来并非唾手可得
Maybe it's my fault that you didn't see the failure gave me strength 也许是我的过错,无法让你看见失败是我东山再起的力量
That my pain was my motivation 伤痛是我不断前行的动力
Maybe I led you to believe that basketball was a god-given gift 也许我给了你错误的向导让你认为篮球是天才的游戏
And not something I worked for every single day of my life 我却为了这项“游戏”,倾注了我毕生的心血
Maybe I destroyed the game 或许是我毁掉了篮球
Or maybe you are just making excuses 亦或许你们只是为了自己的不努力找寻借口

标签: 篮球英文堂