澳洲旅游英语lesson 15and 16
时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:澳洲旅游英语
- 1 澳洲旅游英语lesson 15and 16
Leo: Now, what did you have in mind? A full day tour?
Jack 1: Yes.
Mona: The zoo looks good. I love animals.
Jack: But we can go to the zoo anywhere, Mona. Leo, what’ssomething we can only see in this city?
Leo: Well, you’re in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow.
It’s very colourful.
Mona: Is it near the harbour? I’d love to see the harbour.
Jack: We have harbours in Australia, Mona.
利奥: 您想参加什么样的旅游线路?是一日游吗?
Leo: Now, what did you have in mind? A full day tour?
杰克: 是的。
Jack: Yes.
蒙纳: 动物园这个景点看起来不错,我喜欢动物。
Mona: The zoo looks good. I love animals.
杰克: 可是,蒙纳,动物园哪里都有啊。利奥,这个城市值得一看的、独特的东西是什么?
Jack: But we can go to the zoo anywhere, Mona. Leo, what’ssomething we can only see in this city?
利奥: 对了,你们真的很幸运。元宵节灯会就在明天举行。那是一个五彩缤纷的活动。
Leo: Well, you’re in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow.
It’s very colourful.
蒙纳: 它是在海港附近举行的吗?我想看看海港。
Mona: Is it near the harbour? I’d love to see the harbour.
杰克: 澳洲也有很多海港可以看呀,蒙纳。
Jack: We have harbours in Australia, Mona.
利奥: 您想参加什么样的旅游线路?
Leo: Now, what did you have in mind?
WHAT DID YOU HAVE IN MIND? 利奥在这里使用了英语中的过去式。当然,如果为了使句子更加生动,利奥也可以用一般现在式。
他可以说 WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN MIND? 另外,我们还可以用另外一句英语表达同样的意思,那就是 WHAT SORT OF TOUR WERE YOUAFTER?在英语中,TO BE AFTER SOMETHING 这个短语表示你想要做什么事的意思。现在让我们一起来练习这两个短语。
What did you have in mind?
What did you have in mind?
What sort of tour were you after?
What sort of tour were you after?
利奥: 元宵节灯会就在明天举行。
Leo: The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow.
您注意到了吗?虽然元宵节灯会在明天举行,但是利奥却使用了一般现在式。这种用法在英语中很普遍。但要注意的是你一定要在句子中包括一个表示未来时间的明确词汇。另外,在这个句子中还有一个介词 ON , 它必须用在一个时间名词的前面。请跟着老师重复这个句子。
The festival is on tomorrowThe parade is on next Wednesday.
The tour is on at nine.
Leo: Now, what did you have in mind? A full day tour?
Jack: Yes.
Mona: The zoo looks good. I love animals.
Jack: But we can go to the zoo anywhere, Mona. Leo, what’ssomething we can only see in this city?
Leo: Well, you’re in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow.
It’s very colourful.
Mona: Is it near the harbour? I’d love to see the harbour.
Jack: We have harbours in Australia, Mona.
第十五课: 讨论旅游内容。
Lesson 15: Discussing a Tour请注意听下面这部份对话中出现的生词和新的短语。
Leo: Perhaps this will interest you. It’s a dolphin watch harbourcruise.
Jack: How much will that set us back, Leo?
Leo: As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
Mona: Oh this looks good.
Leo: It’s going to be fine and sunny tomorrow.
Leo: Perfect for a cruise 2.
Jack: I think I’d like to see the parade.
Leo: You can do both! The cruise takes four hours and the paradedoesn’t start until after sunset.
Jack: Sounds good to me.
请再听一遍对话及中文翻译利奥: 也许您会对这个活动感兴趣,那就是乘船观看海豚。
Leo: Perhaps this will interest you. It’s a dolphin watch harbourcruise.
杰克: 这个活动收费多少钱呢,利奥?
Jack: How much will that set us back, Leo?
利奥: 您也看到了,这个活动的收费是非常合理的。
Leo: As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
蒙纳: 这个活动看起来不错呀。
Mona: Oh this looks good.
利奥: 明天的天气晴朗,非常适合乘船游览。
Leo: It’s going to be fine and sunny tomorrow. Perfect for a cruise.
杰克: 我还是想去看元宵灯会。
Jack: I think I’d like to see the parade.
利奥: 可以二者兼顾。乘船观海豚活动只要四个小时,而元宵灯会要到太阳落山之后才会开始。
Leo: You can do both! The cruise takes four hours and the paradedoesn’t start until after sunset.
杰克: 我想这是个好主意呀。
Jack: Sounds good to me.
利奥: 也许您会对这个活动感兴趣。
Leo: Perhaps this will interest you.
在以前的课文中我们学习了向客人提出建议时会用到的一个短语,那就是 MAY I SUGGEST……..而利奥刚才所说的 PERHAPS THISWILL INTEREST YOU 则是提出建议时的另外一种客气的说法。请注意听录音并跟着重复。
Perhaps this will interest you.
Perhaps this will interest you.
杰克: 这个活动收费多少钱呢,利奥?
Jack: How much will that set us back, Leo?
利奥: 您也看到了,这个活动的收费是非常合理的。
Leo: As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
在询问收费情况时,杰克用了一句在澳洲非常流行的说法,那就是HOW MUCH WILL THAT SET US BACK? 而利奥在形容收费标准时则使用了REASONABLE 这个词,表示这样的收费标准既不低廉,也不过高,而是属于合理的范畴之内。请听对话并跟着重复。
The price is very reasonable.
The price is very reasonable.
As you can see…As you can see…As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
为了向客人进一步推销乘船观看海豚的活动,利奥还引用了第二天的天气预报。不言而喻,如果你在与客人讨论未来的旅游行程时能够附带提供相关的天气预报,其效果就是有可能会对客人选择哪一个行程产生影响。值得注意的是利奥在这样做的时候使用了两个很有效的形容词, COLOURFUL 五彩缤纷,和 PERFECT 绝好的,非常适合的。接下来就让我们一起来做一些练习。请您先听中文翻译,然后请重复英文句子。
Fine and sunny.
It’s going to be fine and sunny.
Warm and sunny.
It’s going to be warm and sunny.
It’s perfect for a cruise.
It’s perfect for a picnic.
It’s very colourful.
Leo: Perhaps this will interest you.
Leo: It’s a dolphin watch harbour cruise.
Jack: How much will that set us back, Leo?
Leo: As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
Mona: Oh this looks good.
Leo: It’s going to be fine and sunny tomorrow.
Leo: Perfect for a cruise.
Jack: I think I’d like to see the parade.
Leo: You can do both!
Leo: The cruise takes four hours…Leo: … and the parade doesn’t start until after sunset.
Jack: Sounds good to me.
What did you have?
What did you have?
What did you have in mind?
The tour is onThe tour is onThe tour is on at nine.
What did you have?
What did you have?
What did you have in mind?
The tour is onThe tour is onThe tour is on at nine.
第十六课: 讨论旅游内容Lesson 16: Discussing a Tour各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听“旅游业英语”教程。我是澳大利亚澳洲广播电台中文部的节目主持人马健媛。
在这一段对话中,蒙纳和杰克在酒店的大堂里与导游利奥见了面,利奥向客人介绍第二天的旅游日程。“日程”这个词在英语里是ITINERARY 3。请听新的对话,我会把每句话为您翻译成中文。
利奥: 那么现在让我向您介绍一下旅游的日程吧。我们早上去乘游船,中午在码头吃饭。然后我们可以去参观寺庙,你们也可以回酒店休息,这就要看你们的感觉而定了。
Leo: All right. Let’s go over our itinerary. We’ll take the morningcruise and then have lunch at the quay 4. After that, we can visitthe temples or you can come back and rest, depending on howyou feel.
杰克: 好啊,那就让我们看当时的情况再决定吧。
Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.
利奥: 六点钟的时候我们要去品尝传统式晚餐,然后去看灯会。
Leo: At six we’ll have a traditional dinner and then go to the parade.
蒙纳: 太好了。我们什么时候出发?
Mona: Excellent. What time should we start out?
利奥: 我们应该在早上七点半从酒店出发。不要忘记带着你们的照相机。另外,带些御寒的衣物也是一个好主意。游船上可能会比较冷。
Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30. Don’t forget to bringyour camera and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes. It canget quite chilly 5 on the ferry.
这段对话中的内容很多。利奥首先集中介绍了一天的活动内容,确保他的客人明白第二天要做些什么及活动的顺序。需要注意的是利奥在介绍事情的前后顺序时使用了AFTER THAT 和THEN这两个词。
… and then.
… and then have lunch at the quay.
After that.
After that we can visit the temples.
利奥: 不要忘记带着你们的照相机。。。
Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30. Don’t forget to bringyour camera.
利奥: 带些御寒的衣物也是一个好主意。
Leo: …and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes.
在这里,利奥分别使用了DON’T FORGET 和IT’S A GOOD IDEA 这两个句型。让我们和老师一起来练习一下。
Don’t forget.
Don’t forget to bring your camera.
It’s a good idea.
It’s a good idea to wear warm clothes.
Leo: All right. Let’s go over our itinerary.
Leo: We’ll take the morning cruise…Leo: …and then have lunch at the quay.
Leo: After that, we can visit the temples…Leo: …or you can come back and rest…Leo: …depending on how you feel.
Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.
Leo: At six we’ll have a traditional dinnerLeo: …and then go to the parade.
Mona: Excellent. What time should we start out?
Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30.
Leo: Don’t forget to bring your camera…Leo: …and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes.
Leo: It can get quite chilly on the ferry.
第十六课: 讨论旅游内容。
Lesson 16: Discussing a Tour接下来我们要学习这段对话中的新内容。在这部份的对话中,利奥就第二天如何与他的客人蒙纳和杰克见面做出了安排。
Mona: Should we take any food?
Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry but I can ask the kitchen to make upsomething to take with you if you prefer.
Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.
Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now. See you in the lobby 6 at 7.30.
Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.
蒙纳: 我们需要带任何食物吗?
Mona: Should we take any food?
利奥: 游船上有个小卖部。但是如果你们愿意的话,我可以通知厨房为你们准备一些东西。
Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry but I can ask the kitchen to make upsomething to take with you if you prefer.
杰克: 谢谢你,利奥。准备一些三明治就好了。
Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.
利奥: 我现在就去做安排。我们明天七点半在酒店大堂见。
Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now. See you in the lobby at 7.30.
蒙纳: 好吧。明天见,利奥。
Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.
在这部份的对话中有一个非常有用的短语 IF YOU PREFER, 如果你们愿意的话。您还记得吗?在此之前我们还学习了另外一个短语,那就是 DEPENDING ON HOW YOU FEEL , 看你们的感觉而定。当我们想要给客人提供不同的选择,让客人自己做出决定时,这两个短语就可以派上用场了。它们在旅游业和服务业英语常用对话中非常有用。同样的,I’LL MAKE THE ARRANGEMENTS. “我就去做安排”这句短语也可以用在服务业中的多种场合。另外,在这段对话中我们还学习了 START OUT “出发” 这个词组,这个词组的意思和用法与 WHAT TIME DO WE LEAVE? “我们什么时候出发?”,这句话中的LEAVE 是一样的。让我们一起来练习一下好吗?我先给出中文,请您将它们译成英语。
If you prefer.
Or you can take a taxi if you prefer.
Depending on how you feel.
Or you can take a taxi, depending on how you feel.
I’ll make the arrangements.
What time will we start out?
杰克这句话的意思就是“让我们看当时的情况再决定”。我们说 TOPLAY SOMETHING BY EAR 的用意就是要避免对事情做出最终的结论,等事到临头的时候根据当事人的感觉而定。请跟着老师重复这个句子。
Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.
杰克这句话的意思就是“让我们看当时的情况再决定”。我们说“TO PLAY SOMETHING BY EAR” 的用意就是要避免对事情做出最终的结论,等事到临头的时候根据当事人的感觉而定和 “LET’S WAITAND DECIDE LATER”“等稍后再做决定”是一样的意思。请跟着老师重复这个句子。
Let’s play it by ear.
Let’s play it by ear.
Let’s wait and play it by ear.
Let’s wait and play it by ear.
Mona: Should we take any food?
Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry…Leo: …but I can ask the kitchen…Leo: … to make up something to take with you...
Leo: …if you prefer.
Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.
Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now.
Leo: See you in the lobby at 7.30.
Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.
Leo: Now, what did you have in mind? A full day tour?
Jack: Yes.
Mona: The zoo looks good. I love animals.
Jack: But we can go to the zoo anywhere, Mona. Leo, what’ssomething we can only see in this city?
Leo: Well, you’re in luck. The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow.
It’s very colourful.
Mona: Is it near the harbour? I’d love to see the harbour.
Jack: We have harbours in Australia, Mona.
Leo: Perhaps this will interest you. It’s a dolphin watch harbourcruise.
Jack: How much will that set us back, Leo?
Leo: As you can see, the price is very reasonable.
Mona: Oh this looks good.
Leo: It’s going to be fine and sunny tomorrow. Perfect for a cruise.
Jack: I think I’d like to see the parade.
Leo: You can do both! The cruise takes four hours and the paradedoesn’t start until after sunset.
Jack: Sounds good to me.
Leo: All right. Let’s go over our itinerary. We’ll take the morningcruise and then have lunch at the quay. After that, we can visitthe temples or you can come back and rest… depending on howyou feel.
Jack: Yes, let’s play that by ear.
Leo: At six we’ll have a traditional dinner and then go to theparade.
Mona: Excellent. What time should we start out?
Leo: We should leave the hotel at about 7.30. Don’t forget to bringyour camera and it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes. It canget quite chilly on the ferry.
Mona: Should we take any food?
Leo: There’s a kiosk on the ferry, but I can ask thekitchen to make up something to take with you, if you prefer.
Jack: Thanks Leo, some sandwiches would be great.
Leo: I’ll make the arrangements now. See you in the lobby at 7.30.
Mona: Yes, see you then, Leo.
Then we can goThen we can goThen we can go to the harbourDon’t forgetDon’t forgetDon’t forget your cameraThen we can goThen we can goThen we can go to the harbourDon’t forgetDon’t forgetDon’t forget your camera
- I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
- He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
- They went on a cruise to Tenerife.他们乘船去特纳利夫岛。
- She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge.她想乘驳船游览法国的运河。
- The two sides have agreed on the itinerary of the visit.双方商定了访问日程。
- The next place on our itinerary was Silistra.我们行程的下一站是锡利斯特拉。
- There are all kinds of ships in a quay.码头停泊各式各样的船。
- The side of the boat hit the quay with a grinding jar.船舷撞到码头发出刺耳的声音。