时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:澳洲旅游英语


第十一课: 购物Lesson 11: Shopping在第十一课中,我们要再次学习“CAN I HELP YOU?”“我能为您效劳吗?”这个句型,不过这次要学的是在购物的情况下如何使用这句话。另外,我们还要学习其它一些在进行销售活动时可能会用到的句型,以及如何形容一种商品及报出它的价格。

在这段对话的第一部份,我们先来听一遍蒙纳在购买一条披肩时与售货员梅 (MAI)的对话。

Mai: Can I help you?

Mona: I’m just looking, thanks.

Mona: Excuse me.

Mai: Yes?

Mona: These shawls. How much are they in American dollars?

Mai: All of these prices are American dollars.

Mona: Oh. Why are they so expensive?

Mai: They’re handmade.

Mona: And this one?

Mai: It’s pure 1 silk.

Mona: Hmm. Have you got one in purple?

Mai: I’ll have a look.

Mai: Yes, what about this one?

Mona: That’s nice.

请再听一遍这段对话及中文翻译梅: 我能帮您做些什么吗?

Mai: Can I help you?

蒙纳: 我先看看,谢谢您。,,,,噢,打扰一下。

Mona: I’m just looking, thanks. Excuse me.

梅: 没问题。

Mai: Yes?

蒙纳: 那些披肩,它们多少美元一条?

Mona: These shawls. How much are they in American dollars?

梅: 所有的价格都是以美元标价的。

Mai: All of these prices are American dollars.

蒙纳: 噢,它们怎么那么贵呀!

Mona: Oh. Why are they so expensive?

梅: 它们都是手工制作的。

Mai: They’re handmade.

蒙纳: 哪,这一条呢?

Mona: And this one?

梅: 这是纯丝的。

Mai: It’s pure silk.

蒙纳: 哦,,,有没有紫色的?

Mona: Hmm. Have you got one in purple?

梅: 让我查一下,,,,您看这条怎么样?

Mai: I’ll have a look. Yes, what about this one?

蒙纳: 真漂亮。

Mona: That’s nice.

请注意,在以前的课文中我们曾经学习过“CAN I HELP YOU?”


Can I help you?

Can I help you?


Mona: I’m just looking, thanks.

“ I AM JUST LOOKING, THANKS.”我先看看,谢谢您。当客人这样讲的时候,就表示她暂时还不需要售货员的协助。所以售货员就不应该再去追问客人更多了。否则的话就可能会让顾客感到不愉快。


梅: 它们都是手工制作的。

Mai: They’re handmade.

梅: 这是纯丝的。

Mai: It’s pure silk.

当然,如何形容一种商品有赖于你销售货物的品种。由于时间的限制,我们无法将各种可能的说法都包括在我们的课文中。在这里我们要着重学习IT’S 和THEY’RE 这两个表示方法。当我们要描述的物品是单数时,我们就用IT’S 。而当我们要描述两个,或者两个以上的物品时,我们就要用THEY’RE 。 请听以下的英语,并跟着重复。


It’s handmade.


They’re handmade.


It’s pure silk.


They’re pure silk.


Mai: Can I help you?

Mona: I’m just looking, thanks.

Mona: Excuse me.

Mai: Yes?

Mona: These shawls. How much are they in American dollars?

Mai: All of these prices are American dollars.

Mona: Oh. Why are they so expensive?

Mai: They’re handmade.

Mona: And this one?

Mai: It’s pure silk.

Mona: Hmm. Have you got one in purple?

Mai: I’ll have a look.

Mai: Yes, what about this one?

Mona: That’s nice.


第十一课: 购物。

Lesson 11: Shopping现在请仔细听对话里新的生词与表达方式Mai: Would you like to try it on?

Mai: There’s a mirror over there.

Mona: Hmmm. It’s nice. Have you got one in blue?

Mai: Yes, here you are.

Mai: That colour suits you.

Mona: Mmm, how much is it?

Mai: Fifty-five dollars.

Mona: Oh. And how much is this cotton one?

Mai. That’s $12.50.

请再听一遍对话及中文翻译梅: 您要不要试一试,那边有镜子。

Mai: Would you like to try it on?

There’s a mirror over there.

蒙纳: 啊,嗯,,,它很漂亮。你有蓝色的吗?

Mona: Hmmm. It’s nice. Have you got one in blue?

梅: 有,在这里。那种颜色适合您。

Mai: Yes, here you are. That colour suits you.

蒙纳: 嗯,,,多少钱?

Mona: Mmm, how much is it?

梅: 五十五美元。

Mai: Fifty-five dollars.

蒙纳: 噢,哪这种棉的多少钱?

Mona: Oh. And how much is this cotton one?

梅: 十二块五角。

Mai: That’s $12.50.


蒙纳: 你有紫色的吗?

Mona: Have you got one in purple?

梅: 有,这条怎么样?

Mai: Yes, what about this one?

蒙纳: 你有蓝色的吗?

Mona: Have you got one in blue?

蒙纳: 这条棉的多少钱?

Mona: And how much is this cotton one?

您注意到了吗?在这四句话中反复出现的一个字就是ONE,这个字代替了IT 它,或者SHAWL 披肩,以避免重复。在客人和售货员都明白ONE这个代词所指的物品时,反复地使用SHAWL披肩这个词汇,就显得有些单调和不必要了。


Mona: . Have you got one in purple?

Mai: Yes, what about this one?

Mona: And how much is this cotton one?

请注意听下列有用的句型。第一个句型是一个问句梅: 您要试一试吗?

Mai: Would you like to try it on?

WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY IT ON? 这个句型对于在服装业或首饰零售业工作的人来说是一句非常有用的话。请注意听并跟着重复。

Mai: Would you like to try it on?

Mai: Would you like to try it on?


梅: 给您。

Mai: Here you are.

HERE, YOU, ARE , HERE YOU ARE。这是一句英语中常用的说法。

当你把任何一件东西递给某人时,你都可以说这句话。如果直译成中文的话,这句话的意思就是 I GIVE THIS TO YOU。我把这件东西给您。请注意听录音并跟着重复。

Mai: Here you are.

Mai: Here you are.



Mai: Fifty-five dollars.


Mai. That’s twelve dollars 50.

TWELVE DOLLARS FIFTY。您注意到了吗?在这句话中我们并没有用到 CENT,也就是一分钱,两分钱的那个“分”。在英语中,当钱的总数不到超过一元时,我们通常才会使用“分”这个词。例如,FIFTY CENTS,五角或者五十分。同样的,在表达“几元几角”的数字时,我们可以将“元”和“角”这两个词全部省略掉。例如:

TWELVE DOLLARS FIFTY,十二元五角就可以直接说成:TWELVEFIFTY。接下来就让我们练习一些有关价钱的说法,请注意听并跟着重复。

Twelve dollars fifty.

Twelve fifty.

Forty-five dollars.

Eighty dollars Australian.

Fifty dollars American.


Mai: Would you like to try it on?

Mai: There’s a mirror over there.

Mona: Hmmm. It’s nice. Have you got one in blue?

Mai: Yes, here you are.

Mai: That colour suits you.

Mona: Mmm, how much is it?

Mai: Fifty-five dollars.

Mona: Oh. And how much is this cotton one?

Mai. That’s $12.50.


Have you gotHave you gotHave you got one in blue?

Here you areHere you areThat colour suits you!

Have you gotHave you gotHave you got one in blue?

Here you areHere you areThat colour suits you! 第十二课: 购物Lesson 12: Shopping各位朋友好,欢迎您收听“旅游英语”教学课程的第十二课。我是澳大利亚澳洲广播电台的节目主持人马健媛。

在第十一 课中,我们学习了一些购物时常用的英语以及如何用英语来表达元,角和分的概念。在第十二课中,蒙纳女士仍然在服装店流连,考虑到底应该买哪些衣服。所以我们在这一课中就要学习一些如何用英语对客人表示你会耐心等候他们的购物决定。另外,我们还要学习使用信用卡过帐时常用的英语句子。在学习新的课文之前,让我们先来复习一下这段对话的第一部份。

Mai: Can I help you?

Mona: I’m just looking, thanks.

Excuse me.

Mai: Yes?

Mona: These shawls. How much are they in American dollars?

Mai: All of these prices are American dollars.

Mona: Oh. Why are they so expensive?

Mai: They’re handmade.

Mona: And this one?

Mai: It’s pure silk.

Mona: Hmm. Have you got one in purple?

Mai: I’ll have a look.

Yes, what about this one?

Mona: That’s nice.


Mona: Could I try the purple shawl again?

Mai: Yes, of course.

Mona: The silk feels better. But it’s so expensive.

Sorry this is taking so long.

Mai: No problem. Take your time.

Mona: Oh, that’s nice!

Mai: That hat?

Mona: Yes. Could I try it on?

Mai: Sure. Here you are.

Mona: Oh, it’s lovely. How much is it?

Mai: It’s $200.

Mona: I’ll take it!

Mai: Fine… If you’ll just follow me to the cashier 2….

我们再来听一遍这段对话及中文翻译蒙纳: 我能再试试那件紫色的披肩吗?

Mona: Could I try the purple shawl again?

梅: 没问题。

Mai: Yes, of course.

蒙纳: 丝绸的感觉真好呀。可是有些太贵了。


Mona: The silk feels better. But it’s so expensive.

Sorry this is taking so long.

梅: 不客气。您慢慢来。

Mai: No problem. Take your time.

蒙纳: 噢,那个很漂亮呀。

Mona: Oh, that’s nice!

梅: 您是说那顶帽子吗?

Mai: That hat?

蒙纳: 对,我可以试试吗?

Mona: Yes. Could I try it on?

梅: 当然可以,给您。

Mai: Sure. Here you are.

蒙纳: 哦,真漂亮呀。请问定价多少?

Mona: Oh, it’s lovely. How much is it?

梅: 两百元。

Mai: It’s $200.

蒙纳: 我买了。

Mona: I’ll take it!

梅: 谢谢,请跟我去收款台。

Mai: Fine… If you’ll just follow me to the cashier…请您注意听一下梅在这段对话中是如何向蒙纳表示在蒙纳挑选商品时她会耐心等候的。

蒙纳: 对不起,占用了您这么长的时间。

Mona: Sorry this is taking so long.

梅: 不客气。

Mai: No problem.

梅: 您慢慢来。

Mai: Take your time.


Sorry this is taking so long.

No problem.

Take your time.

请听下列句子梅: 谢谢,请跟我去收款台。

Mai: Fine… If you’ll just follow me to the cashier…当你想把顾客从一个地点带去另外一个地点时,您可以说Ifyou’ll just follow me , 请跟我去。。。请跟着练习接下来请听示范并跟着重复。

If you’ll just follow me.

If you’ll just follow me to the cashier.

If you’ll just follow me to the front desk.


Mona: Could I try the purple shawl again?

Mai: Yes, of course.

Mona: The silk feels better. But it’s so expensive.

Sorry this is taking so long.

Mai: No problem.

Mai: Take your time.

Mona: Oh, that’s nice!

Mai: That hat?

Mona: Yes. Could I try it on?

Mai: Sure. Here you are.

Mona: Oh, it’s lovely. How much is it?

Mai: It’s $200.

Mona: I’ll take it!

Mai: Fine…Mai: If you’ll just follow me to the cashier.


第十二课: 购物。

Lesson 12: Shopping蒙纳女士现在来到了收款台,让我们注意听她在付款时都说了些什么。

Emma: That will be $200. How will you be paying for that?

Mona: Credit 3 card, thank you. Could I have a box for it, please?

Emma: Of course. I’ll see to it right away.

Emma: If you’ll just sign here…Mona: Sure.

Emma: Your receipt 4.

Mona: Thank you.

Emma: And your hat.

Mona: Thank you. Goodbye.

Emma: Bye.


埃玛: 一共是两百元。您想怎样付款?

Emma: That will be $200. How will you be paying for that?

蒙纳: 我用信用卡支付,谢谢。


Mona: Credit card, thank you. Could I have a box for it, please?

埃玛: 没问题。我现在就做这件事。

Emma: Of course. I’ll see to it right away.

埃玛: 请在这里签字。

Emma: If you’ll just sign here.

蒙纳: 谢谢。

Mona: Sure.

埃玛: 这是您的收据。

Emma: Your receipt.

蒙纳: 谢谢。

Mona: Thank you.

埃玛: 这是您买的帽子。

Emma: And your hat.

蒙纳: 谢谢,再见。

Mona: Thank you. Goodbye.

埃玛: 再见。

Emma: Bye.


埃玛: 您想怎样付款?

Emma: How will you be paying for that?

埃玛: 请在这里签字。

Emma: If you’ll just sign here…请跟着老师一起说下面的这些句子。

How will you be paying for that?

If you’ll just sign here.

Sign here please.


Emma: That will be $200.

Emma: How will you be paying for that?

Mona: Credit card, thank you. Could I have a box for it, please?

Emma: Of course.

Emma: I’ll see to it right away.

Emma: If you’ll just sign here.

Mona: Sure.

Emma: Your receipt.

Mona: Thank you.

Emma: And your hat.

Mona: Thank you. Goodbye.

Emma: Bye.


Mai: Can I help you?

Mona: I’m just looking, thanks.

Excuse me.

Mai: Yes?

Mona: These shawls. How much are they in American dollars?

Mai: All of these prices are American dollars.

Mona: Oh. Why are they so expensive?

Mai: They’re handmade.

Mona: And this one?

Mai: It’s pure silk.

Mona: Hmm. Have you got one in purple?

Mai: I’ll have a look.

Yes, what about this one?

Mona: That’s nice.

Mai: Would you like to try it on? There’s a mirror over there.

Mona: Hmmm. It’s nice. Have you got one in blue?

Mai: Yes, here you are. That colour suits you.

Mona: Mmm… how much is it?

Mai: Fifty-five dollars.

Mona: Oh. And how much is this cotton one?

Mai: That’s $12.50.

Mona: Could I try the purple shawl again?

Mai: Yes, of course.

Mona: The silk feels better. But it’s so expensive.

Sorry this is taking so long.

Mai: No problem. Take your time.

Mona: Oh, that’s nice!

Mai: That hat?

Mona: Yes. Could I try it on?

Mai : Sure. Here you are.

Mona: Oh, it’s lovely. How much is it?

Mai: It’s $200.

Mona: I’ll take it!

Mai: Fine… If you’ll just follow me to the cashier…Emma: That will be $200. How will you be paying for that?

Mona: Credit card, thank you. Could I have a box for it, please?

Emma: Of course. I’ll see to it right away.

Emma: If you’ll just sign here…Mona: Sure.

Emma: Your receipt.

Mona: Thank you.

Emma: And your hat.

Mona: Thank you. Goodbye.

Emma: Bye.


Follow meFollow meFollow me to the cashierCould youCould youCould you just sign here?

Follow meFollow meFollow me to the cashierCould youCould youCould you just sign here?

1 pure
  • The evening dress is made out of pure silk.这件睡衣是用真丝做的。
  • Gold must be pure and man must be perfect.金要足赤,人要完人。
2 cashier
  • The young cashier gave a patient sigh.年轻的出纳员忍耐地叹了一口气。
  • One brother is a cashier and the other sells.两个兄弟一位当出纳,另一位当店员。
3 credit
  • I credit him with a certain amount of sense.我认为他有一定的见识。
  • He got the credit,and we did the dirty work.他得荣誉,我们做不讨好的工作。
4 receipt
  • We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th.我们收到了您十日的来函。
  • I asked for a receipt.我要一张收据。
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