时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:英语口译教程(第二版)--高级


[00:01.00]英语高级口译资格证书考 试 高级口译教程第二版 第四盒;

[00:34.81]Unit nine Cultural Exchange Text for Interpretation;

[00:45.19]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;

[00:55.89]Listen to the tape and interpret  the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[01:06.28]女士们,先生们:我愿借 此机会同大家谈一谈中国 人民的一些基本价值观 念。;

[01:15.23]不了解这些就难以把握中 国正在和将要发生的事。;

[01:20.72]中华民族历来尊重人的尊 严和价值。还在遥远的古 代,我们的先人就已提 出“民为贵”的思想,;

[01:30.57]认为“天生万物,唯人为 贵”。一切社会的发展和 进步,都取决于人的展和 进步,;

[01:40.24]取决于人的尊严的维护和 价值的发挥。今天中国所 焕发出来的巨大活力,;

[01:47.08]是中国人民拥有广泛自 由、民主的生动写照。 中国在公元1世纪人口就 已达到过6000万左右,;

[01:57.17]众多人口的衣食住行,几 千年来一直是中国历代政 府所要解决的首要人权 问题。;

[02:05.26]今天的中国是一个有12亿 人口的发展中大国,必须 首先保障最广大人民的生 存权和发展权,;

[02:14.74]不然一切其他权利都无从 谈起。中国确保12亿多人 的生存权和发展权,;

[02:22.83]这是对世界人权进步事业 的重大贡献。集体人权与 个人人权、;

[02:29.24]经济社会文化权利与公民 政治权利紧密结合和协调 发展,;

[02:34.59]这是适合中国国情因而是 中国人权事业发展的必然 道路。;

[02:40.45]中华民族历来坚持独立自 主的民族精神和发展道 路。中国人民独立自主当 作立国之本,;

[02:51.56]在5000多年的不懈奋斗中 创造了灿烂的中华文明, 并在近代反抗外来侵略、;

[02:58.49]实现民族解放的斗争中自 立自强,最终掌握了自己 的命运。独立自主、自力 更生,同学习外国,;

[03:09.09]吸取世界文明的成果,是 相互结合、相辅相成的。 中华民族的先人们早就懂 得这个道理。;

[03:18.80]中国的汉唐时代,都曾在 这方面留下宝贵的历史经 验,当时既是中国自强不 息发展自己的昌盛时期,;

[03:30.14]也是积极开展对外交流, 广泛吸收外来进步文化的 时期。;

[03:36.19]今天,中国人民坚持走自 己的路,进行经济政治文 化建设,;

[03:42.51]把祖国建设成为一个初步 繁荣昌盛的社会主义国 家。同时吸收和借鉴世界 一切先进文明成果,;

[03:52.04]这些文明成果对于中国的 发展也起了重要的促进作 用。;

[03:57.43]当然,这种对外国文明的 吸收和借鉴决不能是简单 的模仿。;

[04:03.66]中国既不能照抄西方资本 主义国家的发展模式,也 不能硬搬其他国家建设社 会主义模式,;

[04:11.85]而必须走适合自己国情的 发展道路。这就是建设有 中国特色社会主义的道 路。;

[04:19.94]中国人民将坚定不移地沿 着这条强国之路走下去。;

[04:24.82]中华民族历来珍惜各民族 大团结和祖国统一。中国 的56个民族,;

[04:31.09]从古代开始就在华夏大地 上劳动和繁衍,经过长期 的相互帮助、相互学习, 形成了统一的多民族国家;

[04:42.58]维护民族的团结统一,是 中华民族伟大复兴的根本 基础,是全国各族人民的 的根本利益所在。;

[04:52.57]新中国成立以后,中国在 少数民族聚居的地方实行 区域自治,各民族的权益 受到宪法保障,;

[05:02.57]民族地区的社会和经济不 断发展,各民族之间的平 等、团结、互助关系不断 加强。;

[05:10.28]中国民主革命的伟大先行 者孙中山先生早就指出: “中国是一个统一的国家,;

[05:17.91]这一点已牢牢地印在我国 的历史意识之中,正是这 种意识,;

[05:22.04]才使用权我们能作为一个 国家而被保存下来。;

[05:27.95]”中华文明绵绵几千年, 国家统一始终是中国历史 的主流。;

[05:35.34]维护国家统一,是中国人 民世世代代极其珍视的崇 高目标。;

[05:41.57]世界上只有一个中国, 实现中国的完全统一是全 体中国人民的共同愿望。;

[05:49.99]中华民族历来爱好自由和 平。中国人民始终希望天 下太平、希望同各国人民 友好相处。;

[05:59.33]“亲仁善邻”一直为我们的 先人们奉为国之宝箴。中 国人民在近代饱受战争和 被侵略的痛苦,;

[06:08.91]更深感自由与和平的珍 贵。任何一个国家的建设 和发展,都需要一个和平 稳定的国际国内环境。;

[06:18.72]任何一个国家和民族的自 由,都是一切个人自由的 前提和基础。;

[06:24.81]我们希望各国人民都生活 在没有战争和暴力的世界 里,;

[06:29.97]希望各国人民都能享有不 被人压迫、歧视和欺凌的 自由。;

[06:36.34]中国人民选择和实践的社 会主义发展道路和各项基 本的内外政策,源于现代 中国历史发展的必然,;

[06:45.77]也源于中华民族百年来形 成的优良民族传统,因而 具有历史和现实的充分依 据和牢固基础。;

[06:55.40]我们的目标是,到中华人 民共和国成立一百周年 时,基本实行现代化,;

[07:02.28]把中国建成富强民主文明 的社会主义国家。;

[07:06.51]中国人民有信心克服和战 胜前进道路上出现的各种 困难和风险,实现我们的 伟大目标。;

[07:15.48]Passage 2 English-China Interpretation Text Interpreting;

[07:27.29]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[07:36.40]As the fifth of the lecture series "The Greatest Arts of the Past Millennium",;

[07:42.49]I'd like to introduce briefly Australia's Sydney Opera House,;

[07:47.14]which is one of the landmark buildings of modern times, and its creator,;

[07:52.58]the reclusive great Danish architect Jorn Utzon.;

[07:57.27]The Sydney Opera House is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings.;

[08:03.04]Although its architect was forced to resign;

[08:05.97]and it was never properly finished inside,;

[08:08.90]the opera house has come to define not only a city,;

[08:12.71]but also an entire nation and continent.;

[08:16.61]Beyond that, it is a global expression of cultural modernity.;

[08:22.33]Everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House looks like;

[08:28.14]First designed in 1957 and finally declared complete in 1973,;

[08:34.93]the opera house was the single best-known modern building;

[08:38.74]in the world until the arrival;

[08:40.97]of Frank Gehry's equally extraordinary Bilbao Guggenheim in 1997.;

[08:48.46]But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon;

[08:53.62]— because it did all the difficult work first.;

[08:57.11]In the pantheon of classic modern buildings,;

[09:00.13]Utzon's creation has the status of myth.;

[09:03.80]The myth states that the unknown architect, then in his early thirties,;

[09:09.75]submitted rough sketches to the competition judges,;

[09:13.47]that he ignored most of the rules,;

[09:16.35]that his design was only selected after being plucked at the last moment;

[09:21.47]from the reject pile by one of the judges, and that the design was unbuildable.;

[09:27.51]But Sydney is remarkable for another reason: it is a complete one-off.;

[09:33.74]It does not fit into any stylistic or chronological category.;

[09:38.85]None of Utzon's other buildings — churches, government departments,;

[09:43.92]houses —looks anything like it, and architects today;

[09:48.43]who try to copy his concept always end up looking very second- rate indeed.;

[09:54.15]It is "modern", certainly, but it is an expressive modernism;

[09:58.29]that was quite at odds with the rectilinear "international style" of its time.;

[10:04.84]It has more in common with the work;

[10:07.40]of the American maverick genius Frank Lloyd Wright,;

[10:11.07]for whom Utzon worked briefly. Of course, its unique location is an enormous help,;

[10:17.25]sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides;

[10:22.13]and the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop.;

[10:26.83]But Utzon masterfully exploited the site as nobody else could.;

[10:32.27]Utzon left Australia in high dudgeon in 1966, never to return,;

[10:38.96]before he could finish designing the interior.;

[10:42.08]As with Sir Christopher Wren at the world-renowned St Paul's Cathedral,;

[10:47.19]Utzon was humiliated and removed from;

[10:50.03]overseeing the final stages of his masterwork.;

[10:53.42]But for all his manifold difficulties,;

[10:56.31]which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement;

[11:01.00]The Sydney Opera House showed us that anything is possible,;

[11:05.18]and it demonstrated that sheer,;

[11:06.44]seductive beauty for its own sake is nothing to be ashamed of,;

[11:11.32]but everything to be proud of.;

[11:14.72]Extra Text for Practice;

[11:19.55]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;

[11:27.36]Listen to the tape and interpret  the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[11:37.36]现代化的交通与传播手段 使世界变得越来越小,整 个国际社会好似一个巨大 的地球村。;

[11:48.79]有着不同文化背景的地球 村的村民们在文化交流和 文化冲撞中和睦相处。;

[11:57.35]当代社会的任何一个民族 其先进文化不是孤立的现 象,而是与其他民族的文 化进行广泛交流的产物.;

[12:10.46]当然,任何一个民族的文 化,其根基与主流必须具 有这个民族的鲜明特征。;

[12:19.34]文化交流不是让外国文化 吞没自己的文化,而是为 了丰富和充实本民族的 文化。;

[12:29.10]通过文化交流,不同的文 化可以相互学习,相互影 响.在文化领域里,相互影 响是一种非常复杂的现象;

[12:41.98]打个比喻,吸取外国文化 是一个入口、咀嚼和消化 的过程。;

[12:49.74]我们应该采取去伪存真、 去粗存精、多出优进、 抵御腐蚀原则。;

[12:59.27]我不认为各种文化的不同 特点和风格会因此而消 失,相反,不同的文化可 以取长补短,互为补充。;

[13:12.52]事实上,随着中国经济 的发展和人民生活水平的 提高,;

[13:19.03]中国人民的视野开阔了, 艺术鉴赏力也起了变化。 他们的兴趣变得广泛了。;

[13:28.05]他们不仅关心中国传统文 化艺术和现代文化艺术, 而且有了解世界文化发展 趋势的愿望,;

[13:38.74]有了解不同艺术风格和 流派的愿望。;

[13:43.25]我们在吸取外国文化优秀 成果的同时,不能满足于 一味模仿的做法。;

[13:50.97]沉溺于简单的模仿会使自 己失去创作力,无法达到 新的艺术高度,无法向世 界推出自己的优秀作品。;

[14:02.08]简单模仿全然不能与新意 划等号。新意是现代风格 与传统风格的结合,;

[14:11.38]是外国特色与本民族特色 的结合,是艺术性与教育 性的结合。;

[14:20.12]Passage 2 English-Chinses Interpretation;

[14:28.06]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[14:37.46]Today I'd like to address the topic of;

[14:42.01]"The United States as a Multicultural Society" as much as I understand it,;

[14:49.17]and in that connection I'd like to say a few words about the implications;

[14:55.68]of multiculturalism for cross-cultural communication.;

[15:01.35]Some people say that the United States is "a melting pot",;

[15:06.98]while others say it is "a salad platter." In my view, rather than a melting pot,;

[15:15.58]the United States today may be more accurately described;

[15:20.69]as a multicultural society in which acculturation is defined more;

[15:27.48]in terms of "integration" than "assimilation." In other words,;

[15:34.22]people in the United States today can maintain some original cultural identity;

[15:40.03]and values and participate meaningfully in the larger society.;

[15:46.31]The melting pot myth is never true.;

[15:50.21]The United States has always been a heterogeneous society;

[15:55.60]with cohesion based partly on mutual respect;

[15:59.32]and partly on one group's values dominating all others.;

[16:04.34]The salad platter analogy suggests that the elements;

[16:08.44]of the salad maintain their own taste or identity;

[16:12.90]but exist together to create the whole.;

[16:16.71]Some people argue that multiculturalism has not meant the integration;

[16:22.75]of diverse cultures, but an acceptance by the dominant ethnic category;

[16:28.56]of the "exotic" foods, dress and rituals of the cultural minorities.;

[16:34.56]I think that the debate over multiculturalism is essentially;

[16:39.77]the debate over whose values will be imposed. In a true multicultural society,;

[16:46.88]individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds exist;

[16:51.02]without socially enforced power differences.;

[16:54.18]But that is not the case, at least, with the United States.;

[16:59.20]Perhaps there has never been such a thing as monocultural society.;

[17:05.15]Indeed, each person is of many cultures simultaneously .;

[17:10.50]One has a sexual identity, a racial identity, a religious identity,;

[17:16.40]a class identity, a school identity, an identity from the friends one keeps,;

[17:22.87]a family identity, a geographic identity, and so on.;

[17:28.17]We tend to be relatively unconscious of other cultures, and unfortunately,;

[17:34.49]much hostility is created by our ignorance of other cultures;

[17:38.30]and the failure to recognize their existence.;

[17:41.93]In many societies there is hierarchy of status and power.;

[17:47.97]The power elites need not be the majority.;

[17:52.43]The power elites are the individuals who have influence within the social, political,;

[17:58.06]legal, economic, and religious institutions In the United States,;

[18:04.10]the power elite controls both the material resources and goods of the country;

[18:09.77]and the means and manner of production and distribution.;

[18:14.42]In the United States, when you speak of upper,;

[18:18.19]middle and lower classes you speak not of national origin or ethnicity but of power;

[18:25.90]and control over material resources.;

[18:28.93]Economic power in the United States today is largely held by youthful,;

[18:34.69]able-bodied White males.;

[18:37.43]Whites in the United States recognize the existence of a White culture.;

[18:42.69]White culture resulted from a synthesis of ideas,;

[18:47.01]values and beliefs inherited from European ethnic groups in the United States.;

[18:53.29]As the dominant culture in the United States,;

[18:56.50]White culture is the foundation of social norms and organizations.;

[19:01.93]In terms of cross- cultural communication,;

[19:05.89]the dominant White culture includes communication patterns of Standard English,;

[19:12.02]direct eye contact, limited physical contact, and controlled emotions.;

[19:19.32]Nondominant groups are supposed to follow that pattern in one way or another.;

[19:25.51]A multicultural society, therefore,;

[19:28.34]faces the communication challenges presented;

[19:31.83]by multiple language use, contrasting values, and cultural prejudice.;

[19:39.54]Unit ten Science Report Text for Interpretation;

[19:49.62]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;

[20:01.00]Listen to the tape and interpret  the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[20:11.33]女士们、先生们: 我很高兴在这里向各位简 单介绍一下我国的传统医 学,即中医。;

[20:23.07]中医起源于6000年前的神 农氏时代,;

[20:27.77]这位著名的中国古代药王 所生活的时代被认为是中 医史上的萌芽阶段。;

[20:36.31]战国时期的中医理论著作 《黄帝内经》标志着中国 医学独特的理论体系的形 成。;

[20:46.26]《黄帝内经》至今仍然被 视为指导中医的理论基 础。;

[20:54.18]中医名著《神农本草经》 总结了秦朝前的经验, 共载药物365种,按主治、 功用和毒性分成三大类,;

[21:09.57]是中国的一中历史最悠久 的药典。;

[21:14.95]中医学在长期的发展过程 中,逐渐形成了一整套医 学原则和观点。;

[21:23.42]首先,中医认为“万物人 为贵”。中医将“救死扶 伤”视为职业道德规范。;

[21:33.44]第二,中医注重无病防 病,强调以食补保健来延 缓衰老,减少疾病。;

[21:44.63]第三,中医理论认为, 社会环境与自然环境相互 作用、互为依存,;

[21:53.47]人的身心也是一种相互作 用、互为依存的关系。人 体是由各种器官和不同功 能系统组成的有机整体。;

[22:06.39]因此,中医师是通过了解 人与自然、人与社会、人 体与心理之间的关系,;

[22:15.48]以及人体各部位之间的种 种关系来诊断病人的 疾病。;

[22:21.91]第四,中医学认为,阴与 阳存在于人体内,相互作 用、互为依存。根据中医 的哲学观,;

[22:35.76]阴阳两者对立制约、互根 互用、消长平衡、相互转 化。;

[22:43.43]阴阳平衡是健康的要素, 阴阳失衡会影响健康,导 致养病。因此,中医十分 重视调节阴阳以保平衡。;

[22:56.97]最后,中医认为人体内 的系列运动贯穿于人的一 生,这种系列运动在西医 叫作“新陈代谢”。;

[23:09.09]如果这种运动受阻,就会 出现异常情况,人就会 得病。这是中医关于疾病 防治的一个指导思想。;


[23:23.50]中医形成了一个以中草药 为核的完整独立的理论体 系和疗效独特的临床治疗 方法,;

[23:34.07]除了中草药外还包括针灸 疗法、按摩推拿和气功疗 法。;

[23:41.80]今天,中医以其独特的疗 效和科学本质赢得全世界 的广泛赞誉。我国积极发 展中医,;

[23:52.99]鼓励中西医结合诊断和治 疗。目前,全国各地约有 2,500家中医医院,;

[24:02.20]拥有一支50多万人的中医 专业队伍。在中国100万 家综合医院中,;

[24:10.80]大部分都设有中医部, 其外还有100多家中医机 构和研究中心。我相信, 我国的中医研究前程似锦;

[24:26.63]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation Text interpreting;

[24:39.67]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[24:49.81]Lades and gentlmen, I am very happy to meet with so many scholars;

[24:56.18]at this annual astrobiology conference;

[24:59.52]in the beautiful city of San Francisco.;

[25:03.42]I am also very happy that we will be discussing some of the big issues,;

[25:09.04]like where we came from and whether we have companions beyond Earth.;

[25:15.72]Here I'd like to share with you some of our recent discoveries.;

[25:20.67]As regards the origin of life on earth,;

[25:24.81]we used to believe that when life began on earth,;

[25:28.77]the atmosphere contained nitrogen, hydrogen and other gases but no oxygen.;

[25:36.56]Consequently,the sun's rays prevented life from developing on land.;

[25:42.62]That explained why the first living organisms developed only under the sea.;

[25:49.67]Under the influence of photosynthesis,;

[25:53.38]the oxygen in the atmosphere increased and life expanded.;

[25:59.06]Complex living organisms developed. As the oxygen in the atmosphere increased,;

[26:07.29]life, which depends on the equilibrium of the atmosphere,;

[26:12.60]was possible on the surface of the earth.;

[26:16.69]Recently, we have come up with a very different hypothesis.;

[26:22.50]We believe that hundreds of millions of years ago,;

[26:27.20]a meteor crashed into a then-lifeless planet.;

[26:31.40]Embedded in the meteor were carbon compounds;

[26:35.48]that were to become the seeds of all life on earth.;

[26:39.63]Our current hypothesis is that there was a seeding from elsewhere.;

[26:46.24]Let's say a meteor that had originated in Mars landed in the Antarctic,;

[26:52.24]and it contained evidence of life.;

[26:55.76]We often ask why we are here, how life started, and if we are alone in the universe.;

[27:04.42]These fundamental questions are often addressed by religion;

[27:09.31]and by our sense of aesthetics, by spiritual feelings, feelings of values.;

[27:17.10]But I think science can contribute to the best answers to these questions.;

[27:23.90]In general, scientists are responsible to inform the public,;

[27:29.15]to find out what they want,;

[27:31.63]and to answer the questions that the public wants to know about nature.;

[27:37.25]Last month,we observed the Leonid meteor showers,;

[27:42.38]which occur in every November when Earth passes through the debris shed;

[27:47.39]by the comet Tempel- Tuttle. We were aboard two U.S.;

[27:52.40]Air Force craft that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel,;

[27:58.58]then back through the Azores to Florida.;

[28:01.92]The path allowed us to observe the meteors — some no bigger than a grain of sand —;

[28:08.60]from an altitude of 11-and-a-half kilometers.;

[28:13.67]Images of the meteors were fed through infrared spectro- graphic-instruments;

[28:20.22]that can detect the unique chemical fingerprints;

[28:23.62]of complex organic molecules of the type that may have "seeded" life on earth.;

[28:30.06]Our spectrographic instruments caught a meteor "in the act";

[28:35.00]of disseminating organic molecules.;

[28:38.28]We have a list of perhaps 100 carbon-containing compounds;

[28:43.23]that have been dentified. These are the building blocks of life.;

[28:48.30]We use the term "pre-biotic life" to describe them.;

[28:52.69]So that is a major interest of astrobiology —;

[28:56.77]to search for the chemicals that exist in the universe outside of earth;

[29:01.77]that could lead to life, probably in some sort of continuous process.;

[29:09.01]We may ask ourselves if we are ready, psychologically,;

[29:13.03]to accept the possibility of life elsewhere.;

[29:16.99]We must recognize that what we're doing is simply part of the trend;

[29:22.43]that began with Copernicus and Galileo,;

[29:26.38]who first showed us that Earth is not the center of the universe.;

[29:31.21]That, and later discoveries that our galaxy is one of billions —;

[29:36.03]with countless possibilities for life — indicates;

[29:39.93]that we're part of something truly grand, in every sense of that word.;

[29:45.24]That's all for my presentation. Thank you for your attention.;

[29:50.31]Extra Text for Practice;

[29:55.88]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;

[30:03.61]Listen to the tape and interpret  the following passage from Chinese into English:;


[30:16.40]几百年来,中国向全世界 传播了其在五千年的历史 长河中所积累的医疗保健 知识。;

[30:26.18]今日中国的传统保健方 法,如太极拳、气功和按 摩等,正日益显示其重 要性。;

[30:36.93]中国人认为,太极是天地 万物之根源.太极分为阴 阳二气,阴阳二气产生木 火、土、金、水这五行。;

[30:56.53]五行代表或作用于人体 器官,即火对心,木对 肝,土对脾胃,金对肺, 水对肾。;

[31:10.01]阴阳化合而生万物,太极 则代表了阴阳调和。;

[31:17.19]据《易经》记载,保持身 心平衡是健康的要素。;

[31:24.05]中医理论著作《黄帝内 经》开卷第一章提出了心 神怡然以保气防病的理 论,;

[31:33.88]这一理论已成为当今气功 健身研究的基础理论。太 极拳、气功和按摩这健身 三法,;

[31:44.45]就是以《易经》和《黄帝 内经》提出的理论为 基础。;

[31:50.88]长期以来,世界只知道中 国有指南针、火药、造纸 和活字印刷四大发明。;

[32:00.90]几乎很少有人知道中国已 发现了经络的存在。经络 是指人体内血气运行通路 的主干与分支网络,;

[32:14.07]针刺穴位散布其间。北京 经络研究中心通过现代科 学方法,已经证实了经络 的存在。;

[32:25.88]经络的发现无疑是为 《易经》和《黄帝内经》 的理论提供了强有力的 佐证。;

[32:34.16]今天世界各地学打太极 拳、学做气功以及按摩的 人越来越多。;

[32:43.75]这些健身之法不仅对人体 健康有效,而且对心脑健 康、性功能健康以及减 肥,都有很好的疗效。;

[32:56.86]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation;

[33:04.77]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[33:14.35]My topic today is "The Car and Air Pollution".;

[33:19.30]In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution;;

[33:26.17]and secondly,how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car.;

[33:32.04]First, then, how does the car cause air pollution?;

[33:36.74]What happens is that the car's internal combustion engine;

[33:41.13]is a kind of chemical factory on a small scale.;

[33:45.21]It uses a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns,;

[33:51.39]to produce the energy which propels the car. But while this is happening,;

[33:56.96]many complicated chemical reactions are taking place.;

[34:01.22]In particular, part of the petrol-air mixture is not completely burned up,;

[34:06.91]and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemicals,;

[34:13.10]such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and hydrocarbons.;

[34:19.59]This is the situation, then,and it's going to get much worse,;

[34:24.29]unless we do something about it.;

[34:26.70]So—let's focus our attention now on ways of controlling;

[34:31.34]or reducing the amount of air pollution caused by the car.;

[34:35.72]I want to mention five possibilities.;

[34:39.37]First, we can discourage the use of cars.;

[34:43.39]For example,we can put higher taxes on petrol,;

[34:47.54]and on cars themselves —especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol.;

[34:53.35]Second, we can encourage alternative methods of transport,;

[34:58.05]both between and within urban areas.;

[35:01.20]For instance, we can make train and bus services cheaper and more convenient.;

[35:06.89]And we can build a mass transit system in large cities,;

[35:11.22]particularly an underground railway system such as those in London, New York,;

[35:17.21]Moscow and Tokyo.;

[35:19.69]Next, we can use a different and cleaner fuel for the internal combustion engine.;

[35:26.12]Possibilities in this regard include natural gas,;

[35:30.82]fuel cells (i.e., batteries), and liquid hydrogen.;

[35:36.13]Fourth, we can replace the present internal combustion engine with other designs.;

[35:42.56]There are several possibilities being researched at present, such as electric,;

[35:48.19]gas turbine, and "steam" engines.;

[35:51.72]However, each of these engine designs has its own disadvantages.;

[35:56.72]Last but not least, we are trying to control the emissions;

[36:01.36]from the internal combustion engine much more strictly.;

[36:05.13]This, for example, is a catalytic converter,;

[36:08.66]which converts the most dangerous ingredients of the car exhaust into water;

[36:13.60]and harmless gases. These are five possible ways,then,;

[36:18.05]of controlling air pollution caused by cars.;

[36:21.64]As I'm sure you can see,there are problems with each of these ways;;

[36:25.78]but at least they're a step in the right direction.;

[36:28.63]Probably the best answer is .a synthesis of all five.;

[36:34.56]Passage 3 Chinese-English Interpretation;

[36:41.98]Listen to the tape and interpret  the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[36:51.51]野生大熊猫的数目已不已 足1000只,大熊猫濒临绝 迹.拯救国宝大熊猫已成 为中国人民的共同心愿。;

[37:06.96]最近我们将大熊猫体细胞 的一个细胞核植入一兔子 的去核卵子里,培育出一 个大熊猫胚胎。;

[37:19.02]现在我们将精力集中在克 隆大熊猫的第二步上,即 把胚胎植入另一只动物的 子宫里生长。;

[37:30.77]自20世纪90年代初以来, 我们用人工授精的增加大 熊猫数量。;

[37:39.30]也就是说,我们通过注入 性激素控制母本的体温、 排卵期,以得卵子。;

[37:47.90]然后让父本的精子与卵子 结合,培植新的生命。;

[37:55.38]在过去的6年中,我们用 这种广泛已繁殖出6对双 胞胎和7个单胞胎。;

[38:04.22]但是就整个大熊猫家族的 命运来说,人工授精的方 法远未令人满意。;

[38:13.25]此外,通常大熊猫产生的 卵子和精子数量很少,所 以当雌性大熊猫无法交配 时,;

[38:23.57]这种方法也就起不了 作用。;

[38:27.41]1997年,开始实施一个更 为雄心勃勃的计划—— 克隆大熊猫。;

[38:35.69]1998年中国科学院在这个 项目上投入专款,并在 1999年得到了科学技术部 的资助。;

[38:46.82]这项实验旨在将来大熊猫 体细胞的细胞核植入去核 卵子以造就一个全新的 生命。;

[38:57.33]我们注意到,畸形、死胎 和夭折现象经常发生在 克隆动物身上。;

[39:06.11]统计数字显示,在自然分 娩中畸形基因不到1%,试 管婴儿的畸形胚胎基因 为15%,;

[39:18.11]而克隆动物的畸形胚胎基 因为50%。真正的问题是 克隆大熊猫的第二步,;

[39:28.31]即在另一种动物的子宫里 培育新的大熊猫。目前我 们还无法肯定哪一种动物 是理想的“代母体”。;

[39:39.87]也许你会问,胚胎既然是 在兔子的卵子里培养的, 那么兔子应该是“母体”。;

[39:48.34]然而问题是,兔子的子宫 对于大熊猫幼体来说实在 太小了。此外,大熊猫的 妊娠期为87天至170天,;

[40:01.51]而兔子的妊娠期却不到30 天。兔子怎能怀上大熊 猫?;

[40:09.18]另一个问题是,即大熊猫 克隆出来,它只有亲本的 DNA。因此,在某种程度 上,;

[40:20.06]克隆方法是无法保护大熊 猫的。如果幼体大熊猫与 “代母亲”一起生活,;

[40:28.66]譬如说,与狗母亲或熊 母亲一起生活,学习 “母亲”的行为和习性,;

[40:36.63]那么它只难成为一只有着 大熊猫身体的狗或熊。如 果是这样的话,克隆大熊 猫还有什么意义呢?;

[40:48.69]不管怎么样,克隆大熊猫 还是引起了人们的极大兴 趣。无情的事实是,大熊 猫的繁殖能力太弱,;

[41:00.38]大熊猫已濒临灭绝!当 然,克隆大熊猫并不意味 着取代大熊猫的自然繁 殖。;

[41:10.39]恰恰相反,克隆只是对自 然繁殖和人工繁殖的一种 补充。;

[41:17.32]我们认为,只要克隆方法 有利于保护大熊猫,我们 就要尝试。;

[41:24.37]即使我们获得一个克隆的 大熊猫,我们仍然需要做 更多的实验来完善克隆技 术。;

[41:32.47]克隆技术目前仍处于研究 阶段,而不是生产阶段。 我们科学家所要做的是在 实验中学习,;

[41:43.41]通过学习改进我们的研 究。克隆大熊猫是发展和 改进克隆技术的一种 方法。;

[41:52.13]这种方法一旦成功,可以 用来拯救其他一些濒临灭 绝的动物。;

[41:59.30]当然我们还应该充分意识 到,大熊猫生存的主要威 胁不是来自于大熊猫的繁 殖能力,;

[42:08.64]而是来自于人类对大熊猫 自然生态环境的破坏。 这是任何一种克隆技术都 无法弥补的。;

[42:18.47]我国政府早已明令禁止在 长江中上游砍伐树木,这 对保护大熊猫及其生态环 境无疑是一个良好的开端;

[42:30.53]随着大熊猫的自然生态环 境的不断改善,随着克隆 技术的不断完善,大熊猫 一定会生存下去。;

[42:40.54]我们对大熊猫的未来充 满信心。;

[42:45.61]Passage 4 English-Chinese Interpretation;

[42:50.74]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[42:57.61]Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated;

[43:02.99]with the balance of qi — an energy force that flows through the body.;

[43:09.54]Qi can be hindered or helped by yin and yang — opposing forces that, when balanced,;

[43:18.88]work harmoniously together. According to traditional theory,;

[43:25.18]the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin;

[43:31.74]and yang in balance — and this is done by inserting needles;

[43:37.74]at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body.;

[43:45.34]In China, acupuncture is used to alleviate postoperative pain.;

[43:52.14]Medical experts believe that inserting needles into the body;

[43:57.77]at precise points can stimulate nerves;

[44:01.36]that cause the brain to release its natural pain-killing chemicals.;

[44:06.36]There is sufficient evidence in the literature;

[44:10.14]that shows a positive effect between the technique;

[44:14.03]of acupuncture itself — stimulating these acupuncture points in the skin —;

[44:19.72]and the release of substances in the brain;

[44:23.30]which we know to be associated with the relief of pain.;

[44:28.75]The U. S. National Institute of Health has endorsed acupuncture;

[44:34.56]for treating certain types of nausea, vomiting and pain,;

[44:39.75]such as the nausea sort of sickness that a patient suffers;

[44:44.20]when given an anesthetic for surgery, or treated with chemotherapy,;

[44:49.71]or the vomiting or nausea that accompanies pregnancy,;

[44:54.59]or post-operative dental pain.;

[44:57.44]We have come to the very clear-cut sort of decision;

[45:02.81]that treatment under these circumstances really works.;

[45:07.27]Our principal concern in evaluating acupuncture's effectiveness;

[45:13.02]has been the so-called Placebo effect — the possibility;

[45:17.78]that beneficial outcomes derive not from the treatment itself,;

[45:22.11]but from the patient's belief that it works.;

[45:25.82]We got around the problem by measuring brain chemistry during acupuncture.;

[45:32.00]Drugs were administered to block the brain's natural opiates;

[45:36.95]while the patient was undergoing needle stimulation.;

[45:41.27]As a result of the opiate blockage,;

[45:44.37]the acupuncture had no effect in stopping pain — proving;

[45:50.18]that there's physiolo- gical mechanism to acupuncture that goes beyond mere belief.;

[45:56.61]Acupuncture is widely employed in easing cravings;

[46:01.93]and withdrawal pains of heroin addicts.;

[46:05.33]40% of the drug courts in the United States use acupuncture as part of their therapy.;

[46:13.06]In the Miami system alone there are close to four hundred treatments per day.;

[46:20.17]In some countries,such as Sweden,;

[46:23.69]the doctors have had success with acupunc- ture in treating the effects of stroke.;

[46:29.19]Those stroke patients getting acupuncture along with physical therapy;

[46:35.19]did a lot better than those getting physical therapy alone.;

[46:39.89]Studies show that one of the key benefits of acupuncture;

[46:44.47]that seems to be emerging from various studies is that it has few,;

[46:49.10]if any, side effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment —;

[46:55.10]in anesthesia, for example — it allows physicians to cut back on medication,;

[47:01.35]delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects.;

[47:08.52]Unit eleven Catering Culture Text for Interpretation;

[47:20.51]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;

[47:31.20]Listen to the tape and interpret  the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[47:40.90]我国悠久历史、广袤的国 土、与世界各国和海外文 化的广泛接触,孕育了中 餐烹饪的独特艺术。;

[47:53.73]几千年的推陈出新和不断 累积,使用中餐受到越来 越多的海外人士的青睐,;

[48:02.28]成了我国对外文化交流的 友好使者。;

[48:07.05]现代中国已享有“烹饪 王国”之美誉,精致的烹 调艺术盛行全球,中餐烹 饪已名列顶尖菜系之林。;

[48:21.28]中餐烹调所用的天然配 料,品种繁多,几无穷 尽;烹调方法,亦层出不 穷,不可悉数。;

[48:32.79]这些无以伦比的中餐烹饪 特点,足以说明了中餐馆 以及中餐烹调之所以名扬 海外的缘由。;

[48:44.14]评判中餐烹调的优劣可依 据中餐的三大要素, 即“色、香、味".;

[48:53.43]"色“作为”色、香、味“这 三大要素首要标准,充分 体现在宴会菜肴的体现宴 会菜肴的装盘和图案。;

[49:04.53]最能显示色彩的是首先上 桌的那道煞费苦心而精心 制作的冷盘。;

[49:12.76]“香”不仅是指鼻子对食 物的直接感受,它还包 括所选原料的新鲜程度以 及佐料的合理调配。;

[49:24.44]“味”则体现了恰到好处 的调味艺术,当然它也 包括食物的质地,以及 切菜的刀功。;

[49:35.62]色、香、味这三大要素的 高品质,;

[49:40.22]只有通过选料、调料、适 时烹调、把握火候、装盘 上桌这些微妙步骤的细心 协调,才能取得。;

[49:51.57]八人一桌的标准晚餐含四 道冷盘、四道热炒,外加 汤和米饭。外国宾客见 之,常常惊叹不已,;

[50:03.50]将其视为一次丰盛的晚 宴。但在中国人眼里, 以这种规格的晚餐招待客 人,只是一种起码的标准.;

[50:13.45]准备10道份量适中的菜肴 并不为过,即使献上16道 菜,亦不足不奇。;

[50:21.75]在中国,一桌标准宴席包 括四至八个事先制作好的 冷盘,;

[50:28.82]八道现做的热炒、两道观 赏性大菜(如全鱼、 乳猪、全鸡等)此外还有 汤、米饭和点心。;

[50:40.50]晚宴结束前还有道水果。 来华访问的海外宾客应记 住,赴宴不可贪吃,每道 菜”浅尝辄止“。;

[50:51.77]从这个角度上来讲,中国 宴席犹如西方国家的冷餐 招待会。;

[50:58.76]中国宴席桌上的酒通常为 啤酒、黄酒和烈性白酒三 种.人们往往以”干杯“ 的方式互相敬酒。;

[51:09.61]”干杯“的意思是一口喝 干杯中的酒。”干“了 ”杯“中的酒,可以表示 心诚和欢乐。;

[51:18.41]当然,外国宾客与中国东 道主敬酒时,小啜一口也 未尝不可。;

[51:26.14]但是,中国的普通餐却完 全不同于宴席。一个成年 人平时在家就餐时,通常 只吃两小碗米饭,;

[51:36.92]或一大碗面条,或几只 馒头,外加几个荤素炒 菜,而非以菜为主,以米 饭或面食为辅。;

[51:46.87]对大多数中国人来说,从 一餐饭中所摄取的热量有 65%来自谷粮。;

[51:55.83]作为一种世代相袭的传 统,中国人就餐时围桌而 坐,人人手里都有一碗主 食,炒菜放在桌子中央,;

[52:07.42]大家一起食用。这一古老 的风俗习惯反映了食物在 中华文明史上的重要地 位:;

[52:16.14]占据餐桌中心位置的是炒 菜,而不是鲜花,晚餐的 主要话题常常是食物。;

[52:25.11]菜肴的各种色彩和材料搭 配,给人以美的享受.共食 一碗菜的习俗有助于家庭 成员之间的团结和友谊。;

[52:37.52]当然,在一些卫生意识比 较强的地方,人们在共食 放在餐桌中央的菜肴时,;

[52:45.75]必须使用”公筷“或 ”公用“ 汤匙,以防 疾病传染。;

[52:51.26]以上所介绍的情况对外国 客人来说,虽不应是一种 离奇的”天方夜谭“,;

[52:58.52]却也说明中国人在饮食方 面所持的价值观与西方有 很大的不同。;

[53:05.92]不过,中国人民与世界各 民族人民都有一个相同的 基本观念,即亲朋好友相 聚,;

[53:14.47]美酒佳肴相敬,实属人 生之最大快乐也。;


标签: 英语口译
accessory nucleus
acid dust
anas clypeatas
antenna noise figure
auxiliary thermometer
bent tube boiler
bilge-pumping plant
bolbitis subcordata
combined-voltage generator
copper (greening) inhibitor
cyclobutane-carboxylic acid
dating with carbon-14
DI Particle
diffuse bronchial spasm
direct product of generalized functions
discontinuous infinite group
diverging light
extended operating system
extremely high-speed oscilloscope
feedback control mechanism
figulus binodulus
fluoride crystallization method
half-time break
haploid nuclei
Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury
herds of cattle
Hieroglyphic Hittite
insurance conglomerate
interparietal fissure
law of large number
linear flame propagation
liquor licenses
luggage compartment lamp
management system engineering
medical accounting
milkweed butterfly
mind your Ps and Qs
molecular orbit
monkey gland
nervous pregnancy
non-conforming tender
plasma MIG welding
pulsed hydrogen thyratron
push something aside
radices longa ganglii ciliaris
rail posts
refuelling machine maintenance compartment
relative magnet
retaliatory tax
saddle-point method
spark quadrant
standard vibration machine
static rest space
stink badger
stress mark
synchondroses sacroiliac
thoracic segment
transposition number
Trypanosoma rotatorium
type number
Universal Tubular Services
wild strip cropping