时间:2019-02-05 作者:英语课 分类:英文语法词汇




gain profit 得利益,利润
general affairs 总务
general agents 总代理
General Agreement on
Trade and Tariffs 2 贸易及关税总协议
general average 共同海损
general cargo 3 普通货
general cargo rate 一般货物运费率
general letter of hypothecation 4 一般押汇质押书
general offer 一般发价
general terms and conditions 一般交易条件
gift coupons 5 赠券
gift shop 礼品店
good merchantable quality 标准品,上等可销货物
goods in bond 保税货物
goods in process 在制品
goods in stock 存货
goods in transit 6 在运品
goods on consignment 7 寄销商品
grace period 宽限,优惠时间
grand prize 特奖
grand sale 大减价
grand total 总计
gross amount 概数
gross average 平均毛额
gross imports 进口总数
gross proceeds 总货价收入
gross sales 销货总额
gross weight 总重量


half finished goods 半成品
half & half 对半
half price 半价
half price ticket 半价票
handicraft 手工业,手工
handicraft industry 手工业
hands off 不准动手
handle with care 小心轻放
handle with great care 特别当心
handling expenses 处理费用
harbor burear 港务局
harbor dues 港税
hard goods 金属品
head (main) office 总局,总部,总行
health certificate 卫生证明书
heavy weight goods 重量货物
high class 高级
high interest rate 高利贷
high price 高价
highest possible price 最高价
holding company 控股公司
home industry 国内工业
home-made 自制的
home market 国内市场
home products 国产
home trade 国内贸易


illegal payment 非法付款
illegal profit 非法利益
immediate 8 delivery 即刻交货
immediate payment 实时付款
immediate shipment 即刻装船
imported goods 进口货
import agent 进口代理商
import bill 进口汇票
import cargoes 9 进口货物
import credit 进口信用证
import commission house 进口代理商
import declaration 进口声明书
import duties 进口税
import letter of credit 进口信用证
import licensing 10 system 进口许可证
import merchant 进口商
import permit 进口证
import price 进口价格
import quota 11 进口限额
import tariff 1 进口税则
import trade 进口贸易
import without
exchange settlement 不结汇进口
imported goods 进口货
incidental expenses 杂费,车马费
incorporated company 有限责任公司
increasing cost 递增成本
increasing expense 递增费用
incur 12 losses 蒙受损失
in demand 顾客需要
indirect cost 间接成本
indirect damage 间接损害
indirect expenses 间接费用
indirect labor 13 间接劳工
indirect trade 间接贸易
inflation 通货膨胀
inflation policy 通货膨胀政策
inflationist 通货膨胀论者
in force 有效
informal agreement 非正式契约
inherent defect 固有缺陷
inherent vice 14 固有缺陷(保险)
inland bill of lading 内陆提单
inland bill of
lading clause 内陆提单条款
inquiry 15 agency 调查所,征信所
inquiry sheet 询价单
inspection 16 and
certificate fee 检验证明费用
inspection report 检验报告书
installment 17 delivery 分期交货
institute cargo clause 货物附带条款,协会装船货物条款
in stock 有存货
insurance amount 投保金额
insurance broker 18 保险经纪人
insurance business 保险事业
insurance certificate 保险证明书
insurance company 保险公司
insurance expenses 保险费用
insurance premium 19 保险费
insured amount 保险金额
interest per annum 年息
interest rate 利率
interested party 有意者
interior transportation 国内运输
international Chamber 20
of Commerce 国际商会
international market 国际市场
international Monetary 21 Fund 国际货币基金组织
international parcel 国际包裹
international relation 国际关系
international Shipping 22
international trade 国际贸易
international trade
in transit 业经装船
introductory offer 宣传品,推荐品
invisible exports 无形出口
invisible trade 无形贸易
invite to tender 招标
invoice 23 amount 发票额
invoice for sales 销售发票
invoice price 发票价目
invoice weight 发票所开重量
inward documentary bills 进口押汇票
iron straps 24 铁皮条
iron works 铁工厂
irrevocable credit 不可撤消信用证
irrevocable letter
of credit 不可撤消信用证
issuing bank (opening bank) 开证银行,发行银行
issuing date 开证日期,发行日期
items of business 经营项目


joint 25 account 共同结算,联合账户
joint cost 联合成本
joint enterprise 合办事业,共同事业


keep cool 放置冷处,保持凉爽
keep dry 保持干燥
keep flat 平放
keep out of the sun 避免阳光
keep upright 竖放
key currency 主要通货
key industries 基本产业


labor force 劳力
labor market 劳工市场
labor movement 劳工运动
labor problems 劳工问题
landed price 包括起货费用在内价格
landed terms 岸上交货
landing certificate 登岸证
large order 大批订货
latest market reports 最近市场报告
leading article 吸引顾客的东西
leading market 主要市场
leakage 26 proof 避漏
legal interest 法定利息
legal price 法定价格
legal rights 法定权利
legal tender 法定债款
legal weight 法定重量
length,capacity and
less than carload rate 不足一辆货车运费率
letter of advice 发货通知单,汇票通知单
letter of assignment 转让书
letter of authorization 27 权利书,委托书
letter of confirmation 28 证实书,确认书
letter of credit (L/C) 信用证
letter of guarantee 保证书
letter of hypothecation 押汇负责书
letter of inquiry 询价信
letter of introduction 介绍信
letter of indemnity 29 赔偿保证书
letter of notice 通知单
letter of recommendation 推荐信
letter of reference 调查信,保证信
letter reference number 备查号码
letter transfer 信汇
letter telegram 书信电报
licensing of export 出口许可
licensing of import 进口许可
licensing system 许可制度
light cargo 轻量货品
lighterage 驳船费
high interest rate 高利率
limit prices 限价
limited liability
line of business 营业范围
line of credit 信用透支,融通额度
liquid goods 液体货物
list of award 决标单
list price 定价
loading charges 装货费
loading expense 装货费用
local L/C 本地信用证
local products 土产
local retailers 30 本地零售商
local wholesaler 31 本地批发商
long term 长期
long term agreement 长期合同
long(gross) ton 大吨,英吨
lose one's interest 对...失去兴趣
lose one's market 失去买卖的机会
loss capital 损失本金
lost check 遗失支票
lost time 浪费时间
low grade goods 劣货
low in price 低价
low price 廉价
low quality 品质低劣
lowest bidder 32 最低价标商
lowest possible price 最低价
lowest quotations 33 最低报价


machine cost 机器成本
machinery 34 and equipment 机器及设备
machinery and tools 机器及工具
machinery equipment 机器设备
mail order 邮购
mail remittance 35 信汇
mail transfer 信汇
mailing list 邮寄目录
major product 主要产品
make an offer 还价,出价
make a profit 在...上赚钱
make a quotation 开价
make compensation 补偿
make money 赚钱
make reservations 订位,订房间,附保留条件(在契约上)
make to order 定制
managing director 常务董事
manner of packing 包装方式
manufacturer's agent 厂商代理人
manufacturing cost 制造成本
manufacturing expenses 制造费用
margin money 预收保证金
marine risks 水险
maritime transport 海运
market price 标明价目
mark down 减价,记帐
mark up 涨价,记帐
market analysis 市场分析
market day 市集,定期市场,交易日
market demand 市场需要
market feeling 市场人心
market place 市场,商业中心地
market potential 市场潜力
market report 市场报告
market value 市价,时价
marketing expenses 销售费用
marketing research 市场调查
marketable goods 易销货物
marine cargo insurance 海上运输保险
marine insurance 海上保险费
marine products 海产品
marine policy 水险保单
marine risks 水险
mass media 大众传播工具
mass production 大量生产
master contract 主约
master's receipt 收货单
materials shortage 材料缺乏
material supplies 材料供应
maximum capacity 最高(生产)能力
maximum price 最高价
measurement cargo 轻量货品
measurement goods 容积货品
measurement tons 容积吨
measurement ton method 容积吨计量法
medium quality 中等货
meet one's liabilities 偿还债务
member rate 会员运费率
message form (blank) 电报纸
methods of production 生产方法
method of remittance 汇款方式
metric system 公制
metric ton 公吨
minimum charge 最低费用
minimum freight 最低运费
ministry of commerce 商业部
ministry of finance 财政部
ministry of industry
and commerce 工商部
minimum premium 最低保费
minimum price 最低价
minimum profit 最低利润
minimum selling price 最低售价
Ministry of Economic
Affairs 经济部
miscellaneous expenses 杂费
miscellaneous goods 杂货
miscellaneous payment 杂项开支
mode of producing 生产方式
monetary system 货币制度
monetary unit 货币单位
money market 金融市场
monopoly 专利品(权)
monthly allownce 按月津贴
monthly balance 月计表
monthly fee 月费
monthly output 月产
monthly report 月报
monthly sales 每月销售情况
monthly statement 每月结帐
most favoured nation
clause 最惠国条款
multilateral agreement
(contract) 多边合约(合同)
multilateral trades 多边贸易
mutual agreement 互相同意

  • There is a very high tariff on jewelry.宝石类的关税率很高。
  • The government is going to lower the tariff on importing cars.政府打算降低进口汽车的关税。
关税制度; 关税( tariff的名词复数 ); 关税表; (旅馆或饭店等的)收费表; 量刑标准
  • British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs. 保护性关税使英国工业免受国际竞争影响。
  • The new tariffs have put a stranglehold on trade. 新的关税制对开展贸易极为不利。
  • The ship has a cargo of about 200 ton.这条船大约有200吨的货物。
  • A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.许多人从船上卸下货物。
  • The implementation of house property hypothecation is beneficial to the realization of promoting these goals.房产抵押权的实现对促进这一目标的实现大有裨益。
  • The money of mortgage,as the thing subrogated,has combined the mechanism of insurance and hypothecation.抵押物保险金为代位物,实现了抵
n.礼券( coupon的名词复数 );优惠券;订货单;参赛表
  • The company gives away free coupons for drinks or other items. 公司为饮料或其它项目发放免费赠券。 来自辞典例句
  • Do you have any coupons? 你们有优惠卡吗? 来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
  • His luggage was lost in transit.他的行李在运送中丢失。
  • The canal can transit a total of 50 ships daily.这条运河每天能通过50条船。
  • This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard.这批新到的针织品完全符合规格。
  • We have to ask you to dispatch the consignment immediately.我们得要求你立即发送该批货物。
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
n.(船或飞机装载的)货物( cargo的名词复数 );大量,重负
  • This ship embarked cargoes. 这艘船装载货物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The crew lashed cargoes of timber down. 全体船员将木材绑牢。 来自《简明英汉词典》
v.批准,许可,颁发执照( license的现在分词 )
  • A large part of state regulation consists of occupational licensing. 大部分州的管理涉及行业的特许批准。 来自英汉非文学 - 行政法
  • That licensing procedures for projects would move faster. 这样的工程批准程序一定会加快。 来自辞典例句
  • A restricted import quota was set for meat products.肉类产品设定了进口配额。
  • He overfulfilled his production quota for two months running.他一连两个月超额完成生产指标。
  • Any costs that you incur will be reimbursed in full.你的所有花费都将全额付还。
  • An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business.一个企业为了维持营业,就不得不承担一定的费用和开支。
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
  • He guarded himself against vice.他避免染上坏习惯。
  • They are sunk in the depth of vice.他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。
  • Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.许多家长迫切要求调查这个问题。
  • The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
  • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.经抽查,发现肉变质了。
  • The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers.士兵们列队接受军官的日常检阅。
  • I shall soon pay the last installment of my debt.不久我将偿付我的最后一期债款。
  • He likes to buy things on the installment plan.他喜欢用分期付款法购买货物。
  • He baited the broker by promises of higher commissions.他答应给更高的佣金来引诱那位经纪人。
  • I'm a real estate broker.我是不动产经纪人。
  • You have to pay a premium for express delivery.寄快递你得付额外费用。
  • Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated.在水库被污染之后,清水便因稀而贵了。
  • For many,the dentist's surgery remains a torture chamber.对许多人来说,牙医的治疗室一直是间受刑室。
  • The chamber was ablaze with light.会议厅里灯火辉煌。
  • The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold.过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。
  • Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means.荒凉地区的教育不是钱财问题。
  • We struck a bargain with an American shipping firm.我们和一家美国船运公司谈成了一笔生意。
  • There's a shipping charge of £5 added to the price.价格之外另加五英镑运输费。
  • The seller has to issue a tax invoice.销售者必须开具税务发票。
  • We will then send you an invoice for the total course fees.然后我们会把全部课程费用的发票寄给你。
n.带子( strap的名词复数 );挎带;肩带;背带v.用皮带捆扎( strap的第三人称单数 );用皮带抽打;包扎;给…打绷带
  • the shoulder straps of her dress 她连衣裙上的肩带
  • The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer. 这些背带可进行调整以适合使用者。
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
  • Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.大片地区都被核反应堆的泄漏物污染了。
  • The continuing leakage is the result of the long crack in the pipe.这根管子上的那一条裂缝致使渗漏不断。
  • Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。
  • You cannot take a day off without authorization.未经批准你不得休假。
  • We are waiting for confirmation of the news.我们正在等待证实那个消息。
  • We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.给你们发送订购的货物之前,我们需要书面确认。
  • They paid an indemnity to the victim after the accident.他们在事故后向受害者付了赔偿金。
  • Under this treaty,they were to pay an indemnity for five million dollars.根据这项条约,他们应赔款500万美元。
零售商,零售店( retailer的名词复数 )
  • High street retailers reported a marked increase in sales before Christmas. 商业街的零售商报告说圣诞节前销售量显著提高。
  • Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose. 零售商有为他们提供符合要求的货品的法定义务。
  • We're the largest furniture wholesaler in Illinois. 我们是伊利诺伊州最大的家具批发商。 来自辞典例句
  • These are used to create profiles for each wholesaler. 这是他日常的工作或通过与批发商的正式会谈。 来自互联网
  • TV franchises will be auctioned to the highest bidder.电视特许经营权将拍卖给出价最高的投标人。
  • The bidder withdrew his bid after submission of his bid.投标者在投标之后撤销了投标书。
n.引用( quotation的名词复数 );[商业]行情(报告);(货物或股票的)市价;时价
  • The insurance company requires three quotations for repairs to the car. 保险公司要修理这辆汽车的三家修理厂的报价单。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • These quotations cannot readily be traced to their sources. 这些引语很难查出出自何处。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast?广播器材安装完毕了吗?
  • Machinery ought to be well maintained all the time.机器应该随时注意维护。
  • Your last month's salary will be paid by remittance.最后一个月的薪水将通过汇寄的方式付给你。
  • A prompt remittance would be appreciated.速寄汇款不胜感激。
a bider
air position indicator (api)
articulated tower mooring system
broad-beam absorption
broadness of band
casing cleaning
catch handle
combustion shock
control flight
cooling arrangement
copal painting medium
cross-flooding fitting
defence in lawsuit
differential pulley
Echinops pseudosetifer
epithelial nodule
error checking
fibular articular facet
high speed digital subscriber line
hot fixing
hypocentral location
identification tape
indirect bill
Langmuir trough
LLLP (low leakage loading pattern)
longitudinal vibration damper
lower closure
maintenance control center
medial arteriole of retina
methenyl chloride
mixed breathing
mucin virulence
nausea epidemica
NavierkStokes equation
night caps
non metallic lubricant
Peer to Peer Protocol
perpetual check
product level design
public funds
radio range receiver
record level specifications
Roda de Bara
Rubber City
scarlet oaks
screw-cap tightener
sectors per track
serious disease
ship with large freeboard
shunting capacitor
soy isoflavone
statement of mercantile financial condition
steamer duck
storage factor
structure of ring
theory of limited memory storage
threshold rule
transmision countershaft
upset a balance
upward-closing slide gate
vertical axis windmill
whippering campaign
wilful inflation of prices