美国习惯用语:382 pass the buck
时间:2019-02-05 作者:英语课 分类:美国习惯用语
我们上次讲了几个来自扑克牌桌的习惯用语。今天我们还要讲几个。第一个是:pass the buck 1。 Buck原意是雄鹿,但是这里指刀柄是鹿角做成的猎刀。
在早年美国西部这种猎刀几乎人手一把。牌桌的规矩是轮流做庄发牌。打完一付牌就轮到坐在发牌人左边的那位发。为了不搞错,人们就在牌桌上传递一把猎刀帮助记忆。每人发完牌就把猎刀传给下一个发牌人。也就是pass the buck,意思是把发牌的责任交给他了。
如今习惯用语pass the buck意义有了发展,不再指牌桌规矩。我们听个例子来琢磨它的含义吧。这是个企业主管在为手下人工作不力而生气。
例句-1: When I asked my secretary Miss Brown why she hadn't mailed out these very important letters to customers, she passed the buck to our office boy for not having enough stamps ready.
显然秘书是要把疏忽寄信的责任推到勤杂员身上。所以习惯用语pass the buck意思是“推卸责任。”
美国总统杜鲁门非常爱打扑克,他在白宫的办公桌上贴着这样一条标语:the buck stops here。刚才说过习惯用语pass the buck意思是推卸责任。换句话说就是把责任推到别人身上。从pass the buck我们可以推测习惯用语the buck stops here是什么意思。如果直译是:这把猎刀就留在我这儿不传给别人了。也就是说责任或罪责由我一人承当。
例句-2: The difference between my opponent and me is that he's built his whole career on blaming others when things go wrong. I promise you, friends, that if you elect me the buck stops here!
习惯用语the buck stops here意思是自己承当一切责任甚至错误。
我们再学一个习惯用语:blue chip。 Chip可以指打牌用的筹码。打扑克的人都觉得用筹码代替现金下赌注或作输赢要方便得多。筹码一般有蓝、红、白三种颜色。每一个某种颜色的筹码代表大家说定的钱数,但是蓝筹码。也就是blue chip代表的价值总是最高。Blue chip这说法逐渐被广泛应用。
例如在证券交易市场上投资人说blue-chip stocks指长期以来价值一贯上升的股票。这当然是最好的股票了,而且这儿blue-chip是形容词,修饰名词stocks。Blue-chip还用在其它场合。它是什么意思呢?我们来听个例子。
例句-3: Bill, if you're looking for a good lawyer for that important case, you ought to talk to my cousin Bernie -- he's a partner in a real blue-chip law firm, one of the best in town.
他说这是一家blue-chip law firm,又说这家事务所是one of the best in town, 可见blue-chip意思就是“最好的。”
最后再学个习惯用语:close to the vest。 Vest是背心。过去人们常在衬衫外穿件背心。扑克老手是绝对不让别人有机会看到他手上牌的,所以他拿着的牌总是紧贴自己的前胸,在靠近背心的部位。也就是close to the vest。这样谁也没法偷看他手上掌握的秘密了。习惯用语close to the vest出典就在这儿。让我们听个例子来揣摩这个习惯用语的含义。
例句-4:Everybody is wondering who the president will appoint to the vacant chair on the supreme 2 court. But he's playing his cards close to his vest and nobody really knows who it will be.
可见习惯用语close to the vest意思是“严守机密。”
- The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.这个男孩好奇地弯下身去看鹿的骸骨。
- The female deer attracts the buck with high-pitched sounds.雌鹿以尖声吸引雄鹿。