时间:2019-01-29 作者:英语课 分类:时间旅行者的妻子

 But what if it was Henry? I jump out of bed and I run, with no shoes I run downstairs, out the back door, into the Meadow. It’s cold, the wind cuts right through my nightgown. Where is he? I stop and look and there, by the orchard 1, there’s Daddy and Mark, in their bright orange hunting clothes, and there’s a man with them, they are all standing 2 and looking at something but then they hear me and they turn and I see that the man is Henry. What is Henry doing with Daddy and Mark? I run to them, my feet cut by the dead grasses, and Daddy walks to meet me. “Sweetheart,” he says, “what are you doing out here so early?”
 “I heard my name” I say. He smiles at me. Silly girl, his smile says, and I look at Henry, to see if he will explain. Why did you call me, Henry? but he shakes his head and puts his finger to his lips, Shhh, don’t tell, Clare. He walks into the orchard and I want to see what they were looking at but there’s nothing there and Daddy says, “Go back to bed, Clare, it was just a dream.” He puts his arm around me and begins to walk back toward the house with me and I look back at Henry and he waves, he’s smiling, It’s okay, Clare, I’ll explain later (although knowing Henry he probably won’t explain, he’ll make me figure it out or it will explain itself one of these days). 
    I wave back at him, and then I check to see if Mark saw that but Mark has his back to us, he’s irritated and is waiting for me to go away so he and Daddy can go back to hunting, but what is Henry doing here, what did they say to each other? I look back again but I don’t see Henry and Daddy says, “Go on, now, Clare, go back to bed,” and he kisses my forehead. He seems upset and so I run, run back to the house, and then softly up the stairs and then I am sitting on my bed, shivering, and I still don’t know what just happened, but I know it was bad, it was very, very bad.
 Monday, February 2, 1987 (Clare is 15, Henry is 38)
CLARE: When I get home from school Henry is waiting for me in the Reading Room. I have fixed 3 a little room for him next to the furnace room; it’s on the opposite side from where all the bicycles are. I have allowed it to be known in my household that I like to spend time in the basement reading, and I do in fact spend a lot of time in here, so that it doesn’t seem unusual. Henry has a chair wedged under the doorknob. I knock four knocks and he lets me in. He has made a sort of nest out of pillows and chair cushions and blankets, he has been reading old magazines under my desk lamp. 

  • My orchard is bearing well this year.今年我的果园果实累累。
  • Each bamboo house was surrounded by a thriving orchard.每座竹楼周围都是茂密的果园。
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
acceptance check of turbine foundation
airborne radar beacon
algebra of proposition
amount limit
anterior brachio-radial septum
any-quantity rate
areal system
attrition grinder
balloon basket
Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
blue moons
built-in sideburns trimmer
case grammar
cash ticket
common sword fish
confirmed irrevocable credit
constant level regulator
copper bound
cost composition
do not care a dime
El Zapotal, R.
electric-light blindness
electronic surveying
excess gas
extension agreement
external body parts
floating aerator
foramina nutricium
form standard
fresh water cooler tube
haplobiontic yeast
hepatogenic jaundice
indicator of demographical trend
inland shelf
judicial interpretation
medial lumbocostal arch
mergus albelluss
meta directing group
necrosis of scrotum
neutral impurity
no waiting
noise equivalent pass-band
octple meter
operator cabin
optimum ship routing
ordered random sample
Ormosia pubescens
papulovesicular pityriasis
patriotic song
Professional Accountants Ordinance
regression interpolation
sequential interlace
Soap Lake
stretch blow moulding
striped flea-beetle
São Simão R.
thermoelastic effect
time of fall
toll canopy
united world-chinese commercial bank
vacuum fishpump
vegetated shoulder
Venae portales hypophysiales
vermilion opal
Von Postbreen
y shaped
Yelcho Canyon
zero done