流行美语 第124课 - hardcore / to take out on
时间:2019-01-04 作者:英语课 分类:美国之音《流行美语》
李华和Larry在看大学美式足球赛。今天李华会学到两个常用语:hardcore和to take it out on someone.
(Football crowd noise)
LH: 噢!今天真够冷的。Larry,你看看那边那几个家伙,这么冷的天,还打赤膊,身上涂满了漆。你说,他们这不是疯了吗?
LL: (Yelling) Come on, go, go, go! First down! Yeah! What's that Li Hua? No, those guys aren't crazy. They're hardcore football fans. They want to show how devoted 1 they are to their team.
LH: 你说他们是什么? Hardcore?
LL: I said that they're hardcore fans. Hardcore means that they are very serious, and uncompromising. They are extremely devoted fans.
LH: 噢!我懂了,hardcore就是指非常认真,非常投入的球迷。Larry, 这个hardcore是不是只能用来形容球迷呢?
LL: No, hardcore can refer to people who are really devoted to a sport, hobby, or belief of some kind.
LH: 噢,hardcore 还可以指那些对某种运动、嗜好或信仰狂热的人!
LL: For instance, my cousin John is a hardcore mountain climber. He's going to go to Alaska in the middle of winter just to climb a mountain for fun!
LL: Yeah, And you know Lisa, she's a hardcore shopper. The day after Christmas, she waited in front of a department store at 5:00 o'clock in the morning in order to buy some good stuff on sale.
LH: 对,我听说了,Lisa圣诞节第二天早上五点就去排队买减价商品。我说了下回跟她一起去买东西。
LL:I'm sure Lisa will turn you into a hardcore shopper too.
(Crowd cheering)
LH: 好啦!Larry, 我们的校队已经落后20分,比赛只剩下10分钟。看样子是没希望了。我们可不可以回去啦?
LL: (Angry) Fine! Let's go.
LH: 嘿!别生气嘛!你如果还想看,我们可以留下来啊!
LL: Sorry Li Hua. I shouldn't take it out on you because I am disappointed about the football game. You're right, we should leave early.
LH: 你说你不该怎么啦!Take it out on me?你是要从我这儿拿走什么吗?我听不懂耶!
LL: No, that's not what I mean. To take it out on someone means to vent 2 one's anger or frustrations 3 on someone who is innocent.
LH: 噢!to take it out on someone, 就是把怒气发泄在别人身上。就像我们中文里说的在别人身上“出气”嘛。球队输了你心里不高兴就想对我发脾气。哎,没关系,你再给我举个例子当作陪礼就行了!
LL: Hmm, well sometimes when someone has a bad day at work, they might take it out on their kids by yelling at them.
LH: 这是常见的。有的人办公室里碰到不高兴的事,回家就对孩子嚷嚷。我很幸运。我爸爸从来不把工作上的怨气发在我们头上。
LL: My father never took it out on us either. But my brother would always take it out on me whenever he was angry about something.
LH: 嗯,哥哥的欺负弟弟妹妹也不少见。Larry,告诉你,我心里不高兴的时候,也会对学生发脾气。
LL: Really? You're so mean! How did you take it out on them?
LH: 怎么在学生身上出气呀?那还不容易! 给学生来个突击测验。
LL: Well, it's kind of unfair to take it out on your students, but I guess a little quiz can't hurt them. It can only make them study harder.
LH: 好了,我们还是赶快走吧。待会儿球输了,这些球迷还不知要怎么发泄他们的怒气呢!
LL: (Chuckles) Oh, take it easy, Li Hua. They won't take it out on you.
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。第一个是hardcore, 形容一个人狂热地喜欢某样活动。另一个常用语是to take it out on someone, 是指把怒气发泄在某人身上。
- He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。
- We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
- He gave vent to his anger by swearing loudly.他高声咒骂以发泄他的愤怒。
- When the vent became plugged,the engine would stop.当通风口被堵塞时,发动机就会停转。
- The temptation would grow to take out our frustrations on Saigon. 由于我们遭到挫折而要同西贡算帐的引诱力会增加。
- Aspirations will be raised, but so will frustrations. 人们会产生种种憧憬,但是种种挫折也会随之而来。