音标:[weiv] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 波, 波浪, 波动, 起伏, 高潮, 潮涌, 挥手致意, (气压)突变
vi. 波动, 飘动, 挥手示意, 起伏
vt. 使波动, 使飘扬, 挥舞, 使成波浪形
n. one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water)
n. a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon
n. (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
n. something that rises rapidly
词型变化:名词复数形式 : waves ; 过去式 : waved ; 现在分词 : waving ; 过去分词 : waved ; 第三人称单数 : waves



  1. The boat was smashed by a huge wave.小船被一个巨浪掀翻胃。
  2. She has a natural wave in her hair.她的头发自然卷曲。
  3. A compression wave in decelerating flow steepens.压缩波在减速流中变陡。
  4. This wave of excess density is sound.这种过剩密度的波就是声波。
  1. Bill waved his hand to us and then drove away.比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。
  2. The flag waved in the wind.旗帜在风中飘扬。
  3. All around me I saw tall trees waving in the wind.我看见周围的高树随风飘动。


  1. The waves ran high.波涛翻滚。
  2. The waves crashed against the rocks.波浪撞击岩石激起浪花。
  3. The storm whipped up huge waves.暴风雨掀起了巨浪。
  4. The waves washed into the upper floor.浪冲到了楼上。
  5. The waves calmed down.波浪平息了。
  6. Waves howled in the distance.波涛在远处咆哮。
  7. The waves rose and fell on the shore.波浪在岸边时起时伏。
  8. The waves dashed the shore of the lake.波浪拍击着湖岸。
  9. The waves beat upon the seashores.波浪拍打海岸。
  10. It was not long before their peace was disturbed by the next wave of visitors.他们还没消停多久就又来了一批来访者。
  11. The child's hair grew in pretty waves.那孩子的鬈发很好看。
  12. Her hair has a natural wave.她的头发是天然蜷曲的。
  13. I felt a wave of nausea.我感到一阵恶心。
  14. A wave of distrust swept over him.他心头涌上一阵不信任感。
  15. A wave of colour swept the girl's face.姑娘脸上泛起一片红晕。
  16. She left the office on a high wave of elation.她趾高气扬地离开了办公室。
  17. A cold wave of panic swept through the crowd.人群一片惊慌。
  18. A wave of indignation swept through the crowd.一阵愤怒的情绪在人群中蔓延。
  19. A wave of anger swept over her.她勃然大怒。
  20. The crime has aroused a wave of popular indignation.这一罪行引起了公众的义愤。
  21. He was a writer who sent shock waves through western literature.他是一位在西方文坛引起强烈反响的作家。
  22. He devised an instrument to measure light waves.他发明了一种测量光波的仪器。
  23. With a wave of the hand he has gone.他挥挥手便离开了。
  24. A wave of the teacher's hand silenced the class.老师一挥手,全班鸦雀无声。
  25. He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.他在街上友好地向我挥手致意。
  26. “Get out of here!”She gave a wave of her hand at the maid.“出去!”她向女仆挥挥手。
  27. The magician made the rabbit disappear with a wave of his wand.魔术师把魔杖一挥,兔子就不见了。
  28. Give your mother a wave.跟你妈妈挥挥手。
  29. He greeted them with a wave.他挥手向他们致意。
  1. The grass waved in the wind.草在风中起伏波动。
  2. The trees waved in the storm.树木在暴风雨中摇晃。
  3. Seen from an airplane, the terrain curves and waves.从飞机上看下去,地形蜿蜒起伏。
  4. Her hair waves naturally.她的头发自然地成波浪形。
  5. Brooks waved again for silence.布鲁克斯再次挥手要求安静。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. She has waved her hair beautifully.她的卷发烫得很漂亮。
  2. The conjurer waved his magic wand.那个魔术师挥动魔杖。
  3. The fellow waved his fist in my face.那家伙在我的面前挥动拳头。
  4. A night wind waved the banners.晚风吹动旗帜。
  5. She waved a farewell.她挥手告别。
  6. He waved a greeting.他挥手致意。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron. + n.
  1. They waved us a farewell.他们挥手向我们告别。
S+~+ n. +to pron.
  1. He waved his hand to them.他向他们挥手。
  2. She waved her handkerchief to us.她向我们挥动着手绢。
  3. You can wave good-bye to your chances of getting that job.你现在是不可能有机会得到那份工作了。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron.+adj./adv.
  1. She waved me quiet.她挥手要我别出声。
  2. Wave him nearer, he can't hear you.叫他走近一点,他听不见你的话。
  3. He lit a cigarette and waved the match dead.他点起一支烟,把火柴熄灭。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. He waved her to come.他挥手要她走过来。
  2. The officer waved his men to advance.军官指挥士兵前进。
  3. The highway patrolman waved us to stop.公路巡逻人员挥手让我们停车。
  4. They waved the taxi to stop.他们挥手让出租车停下。


in waves
    一批又一批,一阵又一阵 in groups or at regular intervalsInvaders entered the country in waves.入侵者一批又一批地侵入这国家。
make waves
    〈美·非正〉兴风作浪; 制造纠纷 cause difficulties or troubles
on the waves
    出海 launching outThe boatmen want to hear everything on the air while on the waves.船工们出海时希望通过广播听到各种各样的消息。
    在…波 on a certain band
wave about〔around,round〕 (v.+adv.)
    (使…)摆来摆去 move sth from side to side, without directionwave about〔around,round〕

    The red flags waved about in the winds.


    wave sth ⇔ about〔round,around〕

    Cage stood in front of the door waving her arms around,I couldn't imagine why!


    Ade's been waving a notice round—something to do with an increase in pay.


wave aside (v.+adv.)
    对…不屑一顾〔置之不理〕 dismiss or refuse to consider a comment, remark, suggestion, etc.wave sth ⇔ aside

    You'd better buy her a scarf, she would wave a pair of gloves aside.


    She waved his worries aside.


    She waved my protests aside.


    You can't just wave aside his suggestion, he has made a good point.


    Their criticisms were waved aside.


wave at (v.+prep.)
    朝…挥手(致意) move the hand and arms as a greeting to sbwave at sb

    The president waved at the crowd from the steps of the plane.


    wave sth at sb

    She waved her arm at me.


    He waved the stick at them.


    He came out waving the document at the crowd.


    He waved his annoyance at me.


wave away (v.+adv.)
    挥手示意…离开 signal to sb/sth to leave by wavingwave sb/sth ⇔ away

    She waved that child away.


    She waved him away impatiently and went on with her work.


    He waved away my offer of a cigarette.


wave back (v.+adv.)
    挥手示意…回去〔到〕 signal to sb/sth to go back to some place by wavingwave sb/sth ⇔ back

    He waved me back to my chair.


wave down (v.+adv.)
    挥手示意…停下 signal to sb/sth to stop by wavingwave sb/sth ⇔ down

    I was driving along quite happily when a policeman waved me down.


wave off (v.+adv.)
    挥手驱去 drive sb/sth away by wavingThe officials there closed the airport and waved off all incoming flights to the nearby island.那里的官员们关闭了机场,把所有进场的班机都打发到附近的岛上去。
wave on (v.+adv.)
    挥手示意…前进 signal to sb/sth to go on by wavingwave sb/sth ⇔ on

    The officer waved his men on.


    The policeman waved the vehicle on.


wave through (v.+prep.)
    挥手示意…通过 signal to sb/sth to pass by wavingwave sb/sth ⇔ through

    At the border the guard waved me through.


wave to (v.+prep.)
    朝…挥手 make a wave toward sb/sthwave to sb/sth to-v

    I waved to him to do it.


    They wave to us to stay where we were.


wave toward (v.+prep.)
    朝…挥手 make a wave toward sb/sthwave sth toward sb/sth

    Haas waved his hand toward the house.



用作名词 (n.)
  • give a wave of one's hand挥手
  • make waves兴风作浪
  • big wave大浪
  • high waves大浪
  • huge waves巨浪
  • mountainous waves山一样高的浪
  • tall waves大浪
  • tidal waves海啸
  • wild waves狂浪
  • long waves长波
  • medium waves中波
  • short waves短波
  • brain waves脑电波
  • cold wave寒潮
  • heat wave热浪
  • light waves光波
  • radio waves无线电波
  • shock waves(爆炸的)冲击波
  • sound waves声波
  • natural wave头发的天然卷曲
  • permanent wave电烫卷曲
  • wave band波段
  • wave length波长
  • in waves以波的形式,一波接一波地
  • on the waves在波浪上,出海时
  • after wave一群接一群
  • upon wave一浪高过一浪
  • waves of people人潮汹涌
  • waves of wheat麦浪
  • a wave of embarrassment一阵窘迫
  • a wave of pleasure一阵快感
  • a tidal wave of selling大批抛售
  • a wave of student protest学潮
  • a wave of vertigo一阵眩晕
  • a wave of violence暴力风潮
  • a wave of weakness一阵虚弱
用作动词 (v.)
  • wave a farewell挥手告别
  • wave a greeting挥手招呼
  • wave a sword挥剑
  • wave an umbrella挥伞
  • wave goodbye挥手告别
  • wave sb's arm挥动手臂
  • wave sb's fist挥动拳头
  • wave sb's hair使头发成波浪状
  • wave sb's hand挥手
  • wave the flag挥动旗帜
  • wave the handkerchief挥动手绢
  • wave the stick挥动手杖
  • wave cheerfully快乐地挥舞
  • wave constantly不停地挥舞
  • wave desolately凄凉地飘扬着
  • wave energetically精力充沛地挥舞
  • wave frantically疯狂地挥舞
  • wave gently温柔地挥动
  • wave gracefully优美地挥舞着
  • wave helplessly无助地挥动着
  • wave languidly疲倦地挥舞着
  • wave magically魔术般地挥舞着
  • wave mournfully悲痛地挥舞着
  • wave threateningly威胁地挥舞着
  • wave warmly热烈地挥舞着
  • wave about〔around〕使…摆来摆去
  • wave aside对…不屑一顾
  • wave away挥手叫(某人)离开
  • wave back挥手示意让某人后退
  • wave down挥手示意…停下
  • wave down a taxi挥手示意一辆出租车停下
  • wave off挥手为(某人)送行
  • wave on挥手示意…前进
  • wave at向…挥手致意
  • wave to向…挥手致意,向…挥动…
  • wave toward朝…挥手


  • White crests of..waves which swung rather than broke against the shore.

    出自:V. Brittain
  • Great waves that raced in from the Atlantic.

    出自:N. Calder
  • She waved her hands in the air to dry the lacquer.

    出自:G. Vidal
  • She waved her stick in greeting.

    出自:R. Fuller
  • Where the corn waves its yellow ears.


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Camarat, C.
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