音标:[sain] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 符号, 招牌, 征兆, 正负号, 手势
vt. 签名, 打手势表达
vi. 签名
[计] 正负号; 符号; 符号字符
n. a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)
n. a public display of a message
n. (medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease
n. a gesture that is part of a sign language
词型变化:名词复数形式 : signs ; 过去分词 : signed ; 过去式 : signed ; 现在分词 : signing ; 第三人称单数 : signs



  1. I talked with him by signs.我和他用手势交谈。
  2. The sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had worn away.这块招牌已看不清楚,因为大部分字已磨掉了。
  3. Make sure that the sign's the right way up.一定要把符号的上下弄对。
  4. There are signs of political unrest in the country.这个国家有政治不安定的迹象。
  5. Pay special attention to the sign of the answer.特别注意答案的正负号。
  1. He signed his name on the cheque.他在支票上签了名。
  2. The postman asked me to sign for the letter.邮差叫我签名收信。
  3. She signed to us to stop talking.她做手势示意我们不要讲话。


  1. The sign means that cars cannot enter.这种标志表示汽车不能入内。
  2. Those signs pointed the route to be followed by visitors.那些标志为参观者指明了路线。
  3. The road signs confused the driver.这些路标把司机弄糊涂了。
  4. The sign bears the shopkeeper's name.招牌上写着店主的名字。
  5. I'll be waiting for you at the entrance of the pub which has a sign painted with a red lobster.我将在画着红龙虾招牌的酒吧门口等你。
  6. Deaf people talk with signs.聋人谈话用手势表示意思。
  7. I explained what I couldn't explain in words by signs.凡不能用言词来表达的,我就用手势说明。
  8. All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting between the two countries.眼下的一切迹象都表明,这两个国家将很快重新开战。
~+of n./pron./v- ing
  1. I could not write my name, so I made the sign of the cross.我不会写我的名字,就画了一个十字。
  2. The shoulders of his uniform were piped with signs of his rank.他制服肩上佩有表示军衔的标志。
  3. All over the country are seen signs of prosperity.全国各地到处呈现一派繁荣景象。
  4. She passed close by me without a sign of recognition.她与我擦肩而过,却没认出我。
  5. At the mere mention of the name of the visitor, he pulled a face, which I took for a sign of disapproval.一提到来访者的名字,他就板着脸,在我看来,这表示他不赞成。
  6. The woman scanned the doctor's face for a sign of hope.那女人审视着医生的脸,希望找到一丝希望。
  7. The doctor examined him but could find no sign of heart disease.医生给他做了检查,没有发现有心脏病的症状。
  8. Even to dream of seeing one's reflection in water is interpreted as a sign of death in many countries.在许多国家,甚至梦见看到自己在水中的倒影都被看作死亡的征兆。
  9. A dark cloud is a sign of rain.乌云是降雨的预兆。
  10. A red sky in the morning is said to be a sign of bad weather.早晨天上呈红色据说是坏天气的预兆。
  11. He climbed down at the first sign of opposition.他一见到反对的迹象,就缩了回去。
  12. I looked all over the place, but there was no sign of him anywhere.我察看了所有的地方,但哪儿也见不到他。
  13. I could see no sign of life in the deserted town.在这个无人居住的城镇,我看不见一点生命的迹象。
  14. The book bears all the signs of being the product of a ripe scholar.这本书里到处呈现着老练学者的结晶。
  15. The roof of the new tunnel hasn't been properly supported; it shows signs of falling in.新隧道的顶支撑得不好,已显出坍塌的迹象。
~+to- v
  1. The traveller flashed up a sign to show passing motorists where he wanted to go.这位旅行者朝过往汽车晃动一个牌子,告诉司机他要去的地方。
  2. She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet.她将手指放在唇上表示应安静。
  3. She gave us a sign to leave the room.她示意我们离开房间。
  4. The conductor gave the engineer the sign to start.管理人员示意工程师启动。
  5. There is every sign to show that the enemy will retreat.种种迹象表明敌人要退却。
  6. He made a sign to me to withdraw.他示意我退下。
  1. I saw no sign that he would change his mind.我看不出他有改变主意的迹象。
  2. Foresee by every sign that it would rain before morning.根据各种迹象预知天亮前将要下雨。
  3. Her irritable behaviour is a sure sign that she's worried about something.她的烦躁举止表明她一定在为什么事担心。
  4. They waved the white flag as a sign that they wished to surrender.他们挥动白旗表示愿意投降。
  5. There are signs that the economy is improving.有种种迹象表明经济正在好转。
  1. He refused to sign.他拒绝签字。
  2. Nothing shall reduce me to sign.没有什么能迫使我签字。
  3. When we arrive at the office each morning, we have to sign on the dotted line.我们每天早上到达办公室的时候,得在签到簿上签到。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The local football team has signed a new goalkeeper; he has signed for the local team.当地的足球队聘用了一名新的守门员,他已跟这支足球队签了约。
  2. He signed a document.他在一份文件上签字。
  3. The foreign ministers signed the treaty.外交部长们签署了这项条约。
  4. They are ready to sign the contract.他们准备签合同。
  5. He has forgotten to sign his name.他忘了签上他的名字。
  6. Those who'd like to visit the exhibition sign your name here.要去参观展览的人请在这里签名。
  7. He does not sign his contributions to the press.他投给报社的稿件上从不署名。
  8. He didn't sign the register, that is to say,I've no record that he ever did.他没有签字登记,就是说,我没有他签过字的记录。
  9. The imperialist powers forced the Qing Dynasty to sign a series of unequal treaties.帝国主义列强迫使清王朝签订了一系列不平等条约。
  10. The teacher signed his approval.老师签了字表示同意。
  11. 1
  12. The treaty was signed three days ago at Bucharest.条约三天前在布加勒斯特签订。
  13. The painting isn't signed so we don't know who it's by.这幅画没有签名,不知道是谁画的。
  14. Both sides should stick to the contract when it is signed.合同签订后,双方都应信守合同。
  15. The will had never been signed.这份遗嘱根本未经签署。
  16. The hostilities ended when the truce was signed.当停战协定一签署,敌对行动随即结束。
  1. Glancing to the door, he signed that he was ready to leave.他看着门口打手势表示他随时可以离开。
  2. The police signed to the driver that it was time to go.警察示意司机该走了。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. The policeman signed them to stop.警察做手势叫他们停住。
  2. The teacher signed me to enter.老师示意要我进去。
  3. He signed her to lower her voice.他示意要她把声音放低点。
  4. He signed her to enter the room.他用手势叫她走进房间。
S+~+(for/to+) n./pron. +to- v
  1. The policeman signed for me to pull over to the curb.警察打手势叫我把车子转到路边停下。
  2. He signed to the waiter to bring the bill.他向服务生示意拿账单过来。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. The newspaper carried a signed article on the situation in the Middle East.这家报纸登载了一篇有关中东局势的署名文章。


a sign of the times
    某时期的标志 thing that shows the nature of a particular period
sign away (v.+adv.)
    签字让出或放弃 lose by signingsign sth ⇔ away

    He has just signed away a fortune.


    He signed away all his rights to the invention.


sign in (v.+adv.)
    通过签字(使)取得入场权 (cause to) gain admittance by signingsign in

    They signed in last night around eleven o'clock.


    sign sb ⇔ in

    He signed us in to his club.


    Can you find someone to sign me in?


sign off (v.+adv.)
    签字结束书信 end a letter by signingI've written far too much and had better sign off.我这封信写得太长了,最好就此落款结束。
sign on (v.+adv.)
    开始广播 begin to broadcastsign on

    He signed on yesterday and will start work on Monday.


    sign sb ⇔ on

    They signed on a large number of casual labourers last week.


    sign on

    When did you sign on?


    He signed on for nine years in the infantry.


    sign on

    It's time for you to sign on.


sign out (v.+adv.)
    签名离开 indicate one's departure by signing a registersign out

    He signed out at ten this morning.


    sign sb ⇔ out

    I'll sign them out and guarantee their good behaviour.


    He was the first to sign himself out that day.


sign up (v.+adv.)
    跟…签订合同 arrange a contract withsign sb ⇔ up

    He has signed up a new star for the series.



用作名词 (n.)
  • bear signs of佩带…标记
  • look at a sign看标记
  • make a sign做标记
  • see a sign看到标记
  • hang up a sign挂招牌
  • post a sign贴出告示
  • put up a sign贴出告示
  • exhibit sign现出迹象
  • make no sign没有迹象
  • show signs of显示迹象
  • understand the signs of明白…的信号
  • give sb a sign向某人示意
  • mathematical signs数学符号
  • clear sign明确的标记
  • great sign很大的牌子
  • encouraging sign令人鼓舞的迹象
  • hopeful sign希望的征兆
  • pleasing sign令人高兴的迹象
  • vital signs生命迹象
  • welcome sign可喜的迹象
  • deaf-and-dumb signs聋哑人的手势
  • high sign(通过眼色〔手势〕传递的)暗号
  • physical sign体征
  • call sign呼叫信号
  • dollar sign美元的符号
  • pub sign酒吧招牌
  • road sign路标
  • shop sign商店招牌
  • street sign路标
  • traffic sign交通标志
  • sign language聋哑人的手语
  • by signs用手势
  • speak by signs用手势示意
  • in sign of friendship表示友好
  • in sign of peace作为和平的标志
  • signs of agreement同意的表示
  • signs of catching cold伤风的征兆
  • signs of fear畏惧的迹象
  • signs of life生命的迹象
  • signs of murder凶杀迹象
  • signs of storm暴风雨的预兆
  • signs of suffering痛苦的表情
  • sign on the door门上的牌子
用作动词 (v.)
  • sign a cheque在支票上签字
  • sign a document签署文件
  • sign a letter签署信件
  • sign a painting在画上签名
  • sign a treaty在条约上签字
  • sign an agreement在协议上签字
  • sign one's name签名
  • sign sb's autograph book在某人的签名册上签名
  • sign the petition在请愿书上签名
  • sign authoritatively官方地签署
  • sign blindly盲目地签字
  • sign dejectedly沮丧地签字
  • sign delightfully愉快地签字
  • sign despairingly绝望地签字
  • sign felicitously恰当地签字
  • sign formally正式签字
  • sign handsomely大方地签署
  • sign hastily仓促地签字
  • sign immediately立即签字
  • sign indiscreetly轻率地签字
  • sign legally合法地签字
  • sign judiciously审慎地签字
  • sign nominally名义上地签字
  • sign perfunctorily草率地签字
  • sign precipitately鲁莽地签字
  • sign prudently谨慎地签字
  • sign recklessly轻率地签字
  • sign reluctantly勉强地签字
  • sign responsibly负责任地签字
  • sign secretly秘密地签字
  • sign solemnly郑重地签字
  • sign willingly自愿地签字
  • sign away签字放弃(权利等)
  • sign away one's rights签字放弃权利
  • sign in签到,签收
  • sign in at Health Club在健康俱乐部签到
  • sign off广播电台宣布广播节目结束
  • sign off at midnight半夜停播
  • sign out签名以记录离去时间
  • sign over签字移交
  • sign up for a job签约参加工作
  • sign up for a voyage to India签约参加去印度的航行
  • sign in ink用钢笔签字
  • sign on签字于雇用契约
  • sign on another group of workers签约再雇用一批工人


  • He didn't answer, made..a confused sign with his head.

    出自:J. Gardner
  • He signed himself carefully with the Cross.

    出自:J. Agee

sign,标语牌,牌。 Can you see the sign of my store.你看到我店铺的牌子吗? The sign saysParking forbidden 告示牌上写着禁止停车。 sign也有手势的意思, I talked with him by signs. 我和他用手势交谈。 sign还可做动词表示签名。 He signed his name on the ch

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A: What's up, officer? B: Are you aware that you ran through that stop sign? A: There was a stop sign? B: How could you not notice it? A: If there really was a stop sign, I couldn't see it because of the overgrown bushes. B: You're right. The bushes

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LONDON, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- England winger Adam Johnson and Argentina defender Pablo Zabaleta have signed new contracts with Manchetser City, announced the Premier League leaders on Friday. Johnson, 24, penned a new four-year deal which will keep him

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(114) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

今天我们要学的词是 sign. 大家都知道,sign有签字的意思,今天我们这里要讲的是签约。The New York Knicks signed NBA veteran Jason Kidd to a three year deal. 纽约尼克斯队跟NBA资深球员贾森.基德签了三年约

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今天我们要学的词是sign up。 To sign up, 是报名的意思。 I signed up for the book club, 我报名参加这个读书俱乐部。 The deadline to sign up is this Sunday, 报名的最后期限是这个星期天。 More than 5,000 people h

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(111) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃

A: Is there a problem, officer? B: Did you not notice that stop sign that you ran through? A: I'm sorry, I didn't even notice it. B: You didn't see it? A: I honestly couldn't see it because of the bushes growing over it. B: That's true. Those bushes

发表于:2019-02-27 / 阅读(143) / 评论(0) 分类 驾车-Driving
acting prosecutor
acyl substitution
ad loc
alveoli pulmonum
automatic ship's service telephone system
bad debt
beam suppression
blood vessels of umbilical cord
bob-tail disease
bumping test
casting tolerance
Certeju de Sus
civilian map
compressed air luminaire
condition break-point instruction
convertor station
cup and bob rheometer
direct sum G-set
Doppler effects
electric bulb
electronic co detector
employed worker
equation in one unknown
Eugenius IV
exciton recombination radiation
family purpose doctrine
five-stand tandem mill
galvanic piles
geranium families
grain fields
have reliance in
historical context
hoovers up
knocked-down shipping
land files
least loss
liability method
lifting off
lighter screws
mammalian cell
management auditing
martyrdom videos
minimum clearing
Montsant, R.
Mott transition
myopic reflex
order ranunculaless
paper envelope
parameter passing mode
perpetual guardianship
predicate logic of higher order
preopercular (praeopercular)
red silver ore
scavenge pressure fuel oil limit
silicon avalanche photodiode
sinus lateralis
smooth core motor
spaghetti tongs
sucky fuckies
tanjungbalai (tandjungbalai)
transfer plate
trioecious polygamy
use the toilet
waxed plastic sheet
West Hollywood
willard van orman quines