音标:[mɑ:k] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 标志, 分数, 马克, 痕迹, 斑点, 靶子, 刻度, 记号, 符号, 戳记, 标准, 起跑线
vt. 做标记于, 留意, 打分数, 表明, 标志, 记录
vi. 作记号, 记得分
[计] 标志; 标记; 传号
n. a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)
n. a visible indication made on a surface
n. the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember
n. a symbol of disgrace or infamy
词型变化:名词复数形式 : marks ; 过去分词 : marked ; 现在分词 : marking ; 第三人称单数 : marks ; 过去式 : marked



  1. The trade mark is an intangible asset of every enterprise.商标是企业的一项无形资产。
  2. A recorder pen makes a mark on a chart.记录器的笔在记录卡上划一个记号。
  3. War has left its mark on the country.战争给该国留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。
  4. After degating only a small witness mark remains.浇口切除后只留下细小痕迹。
  5. Why get upset just because you get a bad mark.何必因为得的分数差就想不开。
  6. He attained a good mark in the examination.他在考试中得到好分数。
  7. Their brand has a mark of quality.他们的商标就是质量的保证。
  1. They have got a pile of exam papers to mark.他们有一大堆试卷要打分。
  2. Well, he usually gives each student a mark or grade for each course.喂,他通常给每个学生一个分数或给每一科打分。
  3. Viola did not fail to mark the words of the old song.薇奥拉果然留意了这支古老歌曲的词儿。
  4. Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.四次小型的夜半集会来临,用太阳去为它们全部做标记。


  1. The spilt coffee has left a mark on the table cloth.洒出来的咖啡在桌布上留下了渍印。
  2. They followed the marks that the tyres left on the road.他们沿着车轮留在路上的印痕前进。
  3. His hands are full of marks of toil.他的手上长满了老茧。
  4. He has a horse with a white mark on its head.他有一匹马,头上有一块白斑。
  5. His left arm bears the mark of a bullet.他的左臂上留有枪弹伤痕。
  6. He has made marks on the table with that knife.他用刀子在桌子上刻上了记号。
  7. My mark in physics is B.我的物理学得了“B”。
  8. He got full marks in the examination.他考试得了满分。
  9. The student received passing marks in all subjects.那位学生每门功课都及格。
  10. There is a Mark IV Cortina.那有一辆(福特)科天娜IV型轿车。
  11. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of the educated man or woman.运用本国语言的能力是受过教育的人最明显的标志。
  12. According to the contract, the work is below the mark.根据合同,这项工程不符合规格。
  13. It seems to me that his answer is beside the mark.据我看来,他答非所问。
  14. It seems to me that his shot is beyond the mark.据我看来,他没打中。
  1. The table marks very easily.这张桌子很容易留下印痕。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He marked his name on his suitcase.他在衣箱上标上自己的名字。
  2. She marked in her diary the date of her admission to the party.她在日记里记下了入党的日期。
  3. With circles, he marked the locations where they could find provisions on his sketch map.他在地形草图上把他们能找到粮食给养的地方圈出来。
  4. I looked her over carefully—A small scar marked her forehead and icicles hung from her brown fur cap.我仔细端详她,见她额上有块小疤痕,棕色的皮帽上挂着冰花。
  5. The hot cups have marked the table badly.很烫的茶杯把桌面烫坏了。
  6. His death marked the end of an era.他的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。
  7. Great advances in science marked the course of the 19th century.科学的巨大进步是19世纪发展道路的标志。
  8. He marks the score in the basketball match.他在篮球比赛中担任记分员。
  9. He marked the paper leniently.他打分很松。
  10. You see I have so many examination papers to mark.你瞧,我要批阅那么多试卷。
  11. The teacher is marking the examination papers.教师正在给试卷打分数。
  12. The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.气压表表明气压在继续下降。
  13. A frown marked her disapproval.她皱眉是表示不同意。
  14. The lighted window marked someone's night work.亮着灯的窗户表明有人在夜间工作。
  15. There will be ceremonies to mark the Queen's birthday.将举行仪式庆祝女王的生日。
  16. Your job is to mark the centre-forward.你的任务是盯住中锋。
  17. She has the qualities that mark a good nurse.她具有一个优秀护士的特质。
  18. 1
  19. The prices of these goods are all marked on them.这些货物上都标明了价格。
  20. It is proposed that the occasion should be marked by a dinner.有人提议应该设宴庆祝这个重大活动。
  21. The first few years of the republic were marked by political unrest and instability.这个共和国头几年的特点是政治上的动乱和不稳定。
  1. Mark where you have stopped in your reading.注意你读到哪儿啦。
  2. Mark carefully how it is done.好好注意这活是怎么干的。
  3. Mark how carefully he moves.看他走起路来多小心。
  4. Mark well what he says.留心听他说些什么。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. She marked the documents secret.她给这些文件标上密件的记号。
  2. Each morning the teacher marks the pupils present, absent, or late.每天早晨老师给学生做上出席、缺席或迟到的记号。
  3. 1
  4. The essay is marked high.这篇论文的评分高。


hit〔miss〕 the mark
    〔未〕做成某事物,〔未〕达到目标 succeed〔fail〕 in an attempt to do sth
leave〔make〕 one's mark on〔upon〕
    留下持久的(好或坏的)印象 leave a lasting (good or bad) impression on
make one's mark
    出名,成功 become famous, successful, etc.
not be〔feel〕 quite up to the mark
    不如平时身体好,有精神 not feel as well, lively, etc. as usual
overstep the mark
    做得或说得过分; 超出限度 do or say more than one should or more than is wise or acceptable; go too far
up to the mark
    达到要求的标准 equal to the required standard
mark down (v.+adv.)
    给低分 give a low mark
mark for life
    留下终生的伤痕 make a lasting wound in the body or effect on the mind, etc.mark sb/sth for life

    Terrible grief can mark a mother for life.


    After the car crashed, the driver's face was marked for life.


mark off (v.+adv.)
    区分 distinguish
mark out (v.+adv.)
    表明,表示 make a note of sb for advance in his workmark sth ⇔ out

    They marked out the tennis court with white paint.


    mark sb/sth out for sth

    Within a month of joining the firm,James has been marked out for early promotion.


    He seemed marked out for trouble.


    The sports field has been marked out for the track-and-field meet.


    Some popular science books were marked out as “required” for the students.


    mark sb ⇔ out

    His qualities mark him out as a born leader.


    He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood.


mark up (v.+adv.)
    标记 write downmark sb/sth ⇔ up

    Some shops marked up the goods unfairly.


    If we mark up Jones on two or three papers he will just scrape a pass.


    If we mark him up a tiny bit, he'll just get through.


    During an economic crisis the price of goods is often marked up.


    Everything in the shop will have to be marked up if the tax is increased.


    Cigarettes will have to be marked up now that the tax on them has been increased.


    mark sth ⇔ up

    He read through the manuscript and marked it up with his objections.


    A boy was kept busy marking up the runs on a board.


mark with (v.+prep.)
    以…为标记,以…表明 make a mark or marks on sth; show sth with sthmark with sth

    His face slightly marked with the smallpox.


    mark sth with sth

    Mark approval with a nod.


    He marked the floor with his boots.


    A zebra is marked with stripes.


    The spot where the hero fell is now marked with a huge mass of flowers—yellow gladioli, white lilies, pink carnations and red roses.


    The exit sign was marked with an arrow.


    Spelling mistakes have been marked with red ink.


    His face is marked with grief.



用作名词 (n.)
  • bear marks of有…痕迹
  • leave mark留下痕迹
  • make a mark做标记
  • make one's mark出名
  • show marks of有…标记
  • earn high marks获得高分,取得优良成绩
  • gain a mark得到分数
  • get a mark得到分数
  • give sb a good mark给某人好的分数
  • get off the mark起步,开始
  • go wide of the mark离目标太远,离题太远
  • hit the mark击中目标,达到目的
  • miss the mark没打中目标,没达到目的
  • toe the mark(赛跑时)守规则,负责任
  • wide off the mark远离目标
  • bad mark污点,不好的分数
  • best mark最好的分数
  • full marks满分
  • good mark优点,好的分数
  • high mark高分
  • low mark低分
  • superior marks优异的分数
  • accent mark重音符号
  • birth mark痣
  • exclamation mark惊叹号
  • laundry mark洗衣店做的标签
  • punctuation mark标点符号
  • question mark问号
  • quotation mark引号
  • below the mark在标准以下
  • beside the mark不中肯,不恰当
  • beyond the mark过度,过分
  • off the mark没打中目标
  • on the mark打中目标,完全正确
  • on your mark(赛跑起步时的口令)各就各位
  • over the mark估计过高
  • under the mark估计过低
  • up to the mark达到标准,过得硬
  • within the mark合乎标准,过得去
  • man of mark名人,要人
  • man of no mark普通人
用作动词 (v.)
  • mark a trend标志某种倾向
  • mark one's anger表明愤怒
  • mark one's birthday庆祝生日
  • mark one's disapproval表示不同意
  • mark the accents标明重音
  • mark the achievements标志成就
  • mark the awakening标志觉醒
  • mark the beginning of a new era标志着一个新纪元的开始
  • mark the centre-forward盯住中锋
  • mark the collapse标志崩溃
  • mark the opening庆祝开幕
  • mark the parcel “Fragile” and “Handle with care”在包裹上标明“易碎物品”和“小心轻放”
  • mark the 75th anniversary year of the composer's death纪念这位作曲家逝世75周年
  • mark the table烫坏桌面
  • mark the tablecloth弄脏桌布
  • mark the turning point标志转折
  • mark the victory标志胜利
  • mark carefully好好注意
  • mark closely紧紧盯着
  • mark easily容易弄脏
  • mark leniently打分很松
  • mark slightly稍有几点麻子
  • mark strictly打分很严
  • mark down减价,记录
  • mark down goods将货物减价
  • mark in在纸上做记号
  • mark off用界线划分,区分
  • mark out指出,画出,划掉,设计
  • mark as把…定为
  • mark a dress as washable在衣服上标明可以洗涤
  • mark the book at one pound给书标价为一英镑
  • mark one's approval by nodding点头赞许
  • mark for预定,使…注定要…
  • mark a package for quick delivery在包裹上标明快递
  • mark sth in ink用墨水做记号
  • mark on在…上做标记,把…写在…上
  • mark the price on each article在每件商品上标价
  • mark with在…上面标上…
  • mark the place with a cross在这个地方画上十字(画押)
  • mark sth with a tick在…上做“”的记号
  • mark the position of sth with...用…标出某物的位置


  • Men that have past by a Rock at Sea, set up some mark, thereby to remember their former danger, and avoid it.

  • All that time stood Rosamund Page..on the turf marked out for the party's firing-place.

  • William is the gardener. He keeps the paths and marks the tennis courts.

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a ticket
aa. digitales volares propri?
abdominal dropsy
arc cast
be at one's wit's end
bench micrometer
Bessy cerca
bloom pusher
breaking cap
buphthalmum salicifoliums
cancer immunology
cardiac catheter probe
clark-wilson integrity model
closed loop identification
comparison band
convolution mask
core wire straightening machine
cramping frame
Damalawa-besar, Pulau
depositional build-up
domestic by-products consumption
dry-lot feeding
electrolyte balances
fertility symbol
fire-resisting division
germinal layer
grain dust pneumoconiosis
hail day
headquarters plant layout department
here below
hormone like herbicide
humeral crossvein
illumination fatigue effect
incudomalleolar articulation
internal gun
Ithon, River
keep one's fingers crossed
Kodiak Seamount
manometric thermometer
Myrdal, Alva Reimer
neon-tube electrode
no-feel condition
outboard mechanical seal
phase grating
piggy-back hatch cover
pivoted dog
poetic diction
pollution credit
program unit statement
quadratic cylinder
semiconductor valve device
simplification assumption
skid lids
sonic depth recorder
spheric end
sphero cylindrical lens
spoke for
System z
tax on sales
Teram Kangri Pk.
tracheal tuberculosis
triangular oil groove
triceps muscle of calf
vaginal ligaments of fingers
vector-valued objective function