单词:side bay caboose
单词:side bay caboose 相关文章
经济学人音频版 Unit15:United States-Guantanamo Bay
The train did stop at Beaver Lake after all. On the way from Pinedale, Benny said, Im glad youre going to see Old Beaver. He has been angry ever since the police made you run away. Yes, he would be, said the Thin Man. He didnt know a thing about the
That night, the Aldens slept and slept. Henry was the first one to wake up. He was in the upper bunk. This was really the lookout with windows on all sides. Raining! said Henry to himself. Just look at the rain! I think the rain woke me up. The water
It was not far from Glass Factory to Pinedale. Suddenly Jessie said, Grandfather, lets have a party for the train crew and the people at Pinedale. We have big boxes of cookies. And I could use up all the canned orange juice and mix it with coke. Do y
The train was creeping along. It had hardly left the freight yard in the city. I wonder why we dont go faster, said Henry. He looked out of the window. Jessie said, Maybe they have to go slowly when they have just turned the train around. But then th
Mr. Alden kept the necklace in his pocket. Next morning, after the housework was done, the train began to slow down. It went clacking onto a siding and came to a stop. The Aldens went down the steps, and there was Al. Al called to them, You have two
The knocking on the caboose door grew louder and louder. Who can that be? Henry asked as he went to open the door. Oh, its Al! Come right in! Al said, I came to invite you to dinner at noon in our work-caboose. What fun! said Benny. Are you going to
It was quiet in the caboose while Jessie laid out Violets scissors and threaded a needle. Grandfather sat by his window as he always did, but the others sat around the table with Jessie. Benny asked, Are you going to mend my mattress way up in the lo
Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Grandfather sat quietly in the big caboose. Nobody spoke. The train rattled along. At last Jessie said, I cant stand this. Im going to see if Benny is in the little caboose. I hope you dont mind, Grandfather. Mr. Alden said
Benny, you havent finished your breakfast yet, said Jessie. Watch hasnt eaten his at all, said Benny. He pointed to Watchs bowls in the corner of the kitchen by the door. One was full of water. The other was full of dog food. Hes probably out digging
Surprising Origin of 'To Keep at Bay' Now, it's time for Words and Their Stories from VOA Learning English. On this program, we explore everyday expressions that we use in conversation. Americans often use the first saying we will talk about today. B
While the Aldens were at the glass factory, Benny was walking through the woods. The path was very poor. Sometimes he thought that he was not on the path at alland he was right. Benny knew that he was supposed to go a mile, but he knew that he had wa
In a short time the train stopped at Glass Factory Junction. The Aldens got off the train and looked around. They could not see any sign of a town. There was a small freight station on one side of the tracks and a large factory on the other. Everythi
Very soon the train slowed down at Pinedale and stopped. Six men were standing on the platform. Some of them were laughing and pointing as the Aldens got off the caboose. Benny went up to a tall man and said, Wed like to know what is different about
The train did not stop during the night. Once Benny said loudly, Ill tell you in the morning! Morning? Grandfather said. He woke up suddenly. Is it morning? Henry whispered, No, Grandfather. Bennys talking in his sleep. When it was really morning, Be
What a rush! Next day the Aldens went dashing around buying food and packing their things. By noon they were ready to go. When they were leaving, Watch, the dog, trotted along with Jessie. He was ready to go, too. You cant come, old boy, said Henry.
One morning Benny Alden sat in his room thinking. The four Alden children lived with their grandfather, James Alden. What a lot of adventures we have had, thought Benny. First we lived in a boxcar in the woods. That was fun! Then after we found Grand
Yelena Isinbayeva is the greatest female pole vaulter ever. She won the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Gold Medal and has twice been the IAAFs Female Athlete of the Year. In 2005, she became the first woman to clear five metres and is the current world record
Downbythebay 在海湾边 Wherethewatermelonsgrow, Backtomyhome,Idarenotgo, ForifIdo,Mymotherwillsay, Didyoueverseeasankebakingacake? Downbythebay. Downbythebay Wherethewatermelonsgrow, Backtomyhome,Idarenotgo ForifIdo,Mymotherwillsay, Didyoueverseea
Im losin track of time But it's done moving rite when no control of it this seems so hard to leave this part supposed to be the easiest thing i don't know where to go but i now this i can't stay here no more i got to leave [ohh woah] I've been search