音标:[hed] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 头, 头脑, 领袖, 脑袋, 最前的部分
vt. 为首, 朝向, 前进, 用头顶
vi. 朝特定方向行进, (作物)结穗
a. 头的, 在顶端的, 主要的
[计] 磁头; 冲头
n. the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains
n. a single domestic animal
n. a person who is in charge
n. the front of a military formation or procession
词型变化:名词复数形式 : heads ; 现在分词 : heading ; 过去分词 : headed ; 过去式 : headed ; 第三人称单数 : heads



  1. Please raise your head and look at the blackboard.请抬起头来,看黑板。
  2. The stone caught him on the side of the head.那块石头击中他头部的侧面。
  3. He had no head for business.他毫无商业头脑。
  4. We walked straight to the head of the line.我们一直朝线路的顶端前进。
  5. He is the head of our school.他是我们学校的校长。
  6. After Yao died, Shun became head of the tribal confederation.尧去世后,舜继承了部落联盟领袖的位置。
  7. A coin has two sides,a head and a tail.硬币有正反两面。
  1. We are heading home.我们正向家的方向走去。
  2. I would have a chance to head northward quickly.我很快就有机会去北方了。
  3. We elected Mr. Stevenson to head the team.我们选举了斯蒂文森先生率领这个队。
  4. The road heads the east.这条路一直朝东。
  1. My mother is the head librarian of the school library.我的妈妈是学校图书馆管理员组长。
  2. He got shocked by the head name on the list.看到名单上的第一个名字,他震惊不已。


  1. Tom got angry at his brother and aimed a heavy book at his head.汤姆对他弟弟大发雷霆,拿起一本厚厚的书对准弟弟的头掷去。
  2. The old man arrived, bearing a large bundle on his head.那位老人到达时,头上顶着个大包包。
  3. Maria bent her head instinctively to avoid being recognized.玛丽亚本能地垂下头,以免被人认出。
  4. I lifted my head and looked up.Red flags were flying from the top of the pass.我抬头望去,只见山顶上红旗招展。
  5. We lifted our heads to breathe in the fresh, clear air.我们抬起头,吸进清洁的新鲜空气。
  6. The electric fan blew hot air about our heads.电扇在我们头周围吹起热风。
  7. But at last the shells cracked, one after another.One little head after another appeared.最后,一个一个的蛋壳终于裂开了,一个又一个的小脑袋也露了出来。
  8. A passing lorry covered us in mud from head to foot.一辆驰过的卡车溅了我们一身泥。
  9. The original founder is still head of the organization.原先的创立者现在仍然是这个组织的领导。
  10. Bill was appointed head of the election committee when the government crisis was over.政府危机结束后,比尔被任命为选举委员会主席。
  11. The head of the workshop ordered that the work should be finished in two days.车间主任下令这项工作必须在两天之内完成。
  12. Let us send the finished products to the head of the workshop to be checked.我们把成品送到车间主任那里,让他检验一下吧。
  13. They advanced him over the heads of his seniors.他们将他的职务晋升到高于他许多前辈的位置上。
  14. I waited at the head of the queue.我在队伍的最前头等候着。
  15. He climbed to the head of his class.在班上他已名列前茅。
  16. Write your address at the head of this page.把你的住址写在纸的上端。
  17. You'd better equip your bicycle with a head light.你最好在你的自行车上装个前灯。
  18. The head post office fronts the railway station.邮政总局面朝火车站。
  19. I did a quick head count and discovered that one member of the class was missing.我迅速清点人数,发现班上不见了一个人。
  20. It costs about 10 pounds a head to eat there.在那里吃饭每人要花10英镑。
  21. He has twenty head of cattle on the farm.他在农场养了20头牛。
  22. Two hundred head of cattle were killed this morning.今天上午宰了200头牛。
  23. His brother has a good head for mathematics.他弟弟有个很好的数学头脑。
  24. He should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.他应从事会计工作,因为他具有计算的才能。
  25. She being a modest woman her head was by no means turned by the acclaim which broke over her.她很谦虚,赞扬声像浪潮般向她袭来,她也不会被冲昏头脑。
  1. You are heading north.你们在往北行进。
  2. The crowd is heading eastward, believing that they can find gold there.人群正在向东移去,他们认为在那里可以找到黄金。
  3. He realized that he was heading in the wrong direction.他意识到走错了方向。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. His name heads the list.他的名字居名单之首。
  2. Their cars headed the funeral procession.他们的车队在葬礼队伍的最前面。
  3. He will head a firm.他将主管一家公司。
  4. When the president died, the vice president was chosen to head the firm.总裁去世后,大家选举副总裁为公司主管领导。
  5. 1
  6. The delegation was headed by our Foreign Minister.这个代表团由我们的外交部长任团长。


above〔over〕 sb's head
    太高深而使人难以理解 beyond sb's ability to understand
bang〔knock〕 one's head against a brick wall
    白费力气 do sth to no avail
bang〔knock〕 sb's heads together
    用武力制止争吵 threat to put an end to a dispute
bring to a head
    (使)时机成熟,濒临危急关头 bring to a point where sth must be done or decidedbring sth to a head

    The assassination of the president brought matters to a head.


    Matters have been brought to a head in the peace talks; tomorrow they will either succeed or fail.


come to a head
    时机成熟,濒临危急关头 come to a point where sth must be done or decided
eat one's heads off
    〈口〉吃大量的食物 eat a large amount of food
get into one's head
    充分理解,明白; 熟记 grasp an idea; memorizeget sth into one's head

    Can't you get it into your head that it is dangerous to ride a motorbike without wearing protective clothing?


    I have difficulty learning French irregular verbs; I just can't seem to get them into my head.


go off one's head
    发疯的,精神错乱的 go mad; lose control of one's reason
head over heels
    完全地,全部地 completely; totally
hold one's head high〔up〕
    昂首,不垂头丧气 be proud; be unashamed
keep one's head
    保持冷静 remain calm
keep one's head above water
    使自己免于负债 remain out of debt
not know whether one is on one's head or one's heels
    不能理解; 被…弄糊涂 be unable to understand; be completely confused by
off the top of one's head
    不假思索 without thinking
old head on young shoulders
    年轻而有见识(的人),人小鬼大 wisdom in youth
on one's head
    由某人负责 on one's responsibility
put one's heads together
    共同商量 think out a plan with other people
put out of one's head
    放弃某念头 deliberately forgetput sth out of one's head

    I had considered becoming a model, but I soon put the idea out of my head when I got married and started a family.


standing on one's head
    十分容易 effortlessly; with ease
turn sb's head
    使某人爱慕 make sb fall in love
head after (v.+prep.)
    开始追赶… begin to chase (usually sb)head after sb

    If you head after the robbers now, you might catch them before they leave the town limits.


head away from (v.+adv.+prep.)
    向(某地点)的反方向移动,运动 move in the opposite direction to (sth such as a place)head away from sth

    Heading away from the mountains,I soon found an easier path leading downhill to the village.


head back (v.+adv.)
    转身,折回 turn round; begin to returnhead back

    We ought to be heading back if we want to reach home before dark.


head for〔toward〕 (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉引向好〔坏〕结果 cause to encourage (sth good or bad effect) to happenhead for〔toward〕 sb/sth

    We saw him heading for us, so we stepped aside.


    We got on a bus and headed toward Dover.


    head sth for〔toward〕 sth

    They headed the boat toward the shore.


    head for〔toward〕 sth

    You're heading for an accident if you drive after drinking alcohol.


    You are heading for trouble if you go on behaving like that.


    The firm will head toward bankruptcy unless a new manager is elected.


head in (v.+prep.)
    用头把(球)顶入球门 (in football) send (the ball) into the goal with one's headhead sth in sth

    The centre forward headed the ball in goal.


    He scored by heading the ball in goal during the last two minutes of the match.


head into (v.+prep.)
    迎着(风等)而行 take a course facing the direction of (usually the wind)head into sth

    It looks as though we're heading into a storm; let's stop here in this town overnight and wait till it has passed.


head off1 (v.+adv.)
    防止…发生 prevent (sth unpleasant, or sb from reaching an unpleasant subject)
head off2 (v.+prep.)
    防止…发生 prevent (sth unpleasant, or sb from reaching an unpleasant subject)head sb off sth

    We tried our best to head Henry off the topic, because we knew he'd reveal confidential information.


head to (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉引出好〔坏〕结果 cause to encourage (sth good or bad) effecthead sb to sth

    The girl headed her little sister to the school.


    head to sth

    Disobeying the law can head to trouble.


head up (v.+adv.)
    (报社)为(某专栏)安排大字标题 supply a headline for (a page)head sth ⇔ up

    A band headed up the parade.


    head sth ⇔ up

    She heads up the Student Union.


    Who is the best person to head up the special committee?


    head up

    When the green vegetables head up, we'll pick what we need and give the rest to our neighbours.


    head sth ⇔ up

    One of my jobs at the newspaper office was to head up the page before it was printed.


heads up (v.+adv.)
    小心 be careful


用作名词 (n.)
  • beat sb's head off彻底战胜某人
  • bury one's head in the sand闭眼不看即将来临的危险
  • count heads清点人数
  • cut off sb's head割下某人的头
  • eat one's head off贪吃
  • give one's head for the washing俯首受辱
  • go to sb's head使某人兴奋,冲昏某人的头脑
  • hang one's head把头低下来
  • have a head on one's shoulders有见识
  • have a good head有头脑
  • have a hard head头脑顽固
  • have a long head有远见
  • hide one's head把头藏起来
  • hold one's headhigh趾高气扬,扬眉吐气
  • keep one's head保持镇静
  • keep one's head above water免遭灭顶之灾,(考试)能及格,(生意)能维持
  • knock head叩头
  • knock heads together使两人的头相撞,用武力制止两人争吵
  • knock one's head against a post头撞在柱子上
  • knock sb's head off轻易胜过某人
  • lay our heads together聚在一起商量
  • laugh one's head off狂笑不已
  • lift up one's head振作起来
  • lose one's head丧命,慌乱
  • make head against迎头痛击
  • make head against all difficulties战胜一切困难
  • make head against the storm(船等)顶着风暴前进
  • make head with sth使某事有进展
  • put heads together商议,图谋
  • put a head on sb击败某人
  • put one's head out of the window把头伸出窗外
  • put sth out of one's head不再想某事
  • raise one's head抬起头
  • rest one's head on the pillow把头靠在枕头上
  • run one's head against a wall试图干不可能的事
  • run one's head off狂笑不已
  • shake one's head摇头
  • show one's head到场,出现
  • talk sb's head off谈个不休使某人厌烦
  • turn one's head回头,头脑发热
  • use one's head动脑筋
  • big head大脑袋
  • clear head清醒的头脑,头脑清楚
  • good head头脑聪明
  • grey head长有灰白发的人,白发老人
  • thick head傻瓜,笨蛋
  • white head白发苍苍的人
  • wooden head呆头呆脑的人
  • business head经济头脑
  • mathematics head数学头脑
  • department head部门主任
  • family head户主
  • figure head挂名首脑,傀儡
  • household head户主
  • by head and ears粗暴地
  • taller by a head高出一头
  • from head to foot从头到脚,全身
  • feel a pain in one's head头痛
  • be light in the head头晕,头脑简单
  • be weak in the head不大聪明
  • be off one's head神经错乱
  • on one's head在头上,四脚朝天地,归罪于某人
  • blow sb on the head击某人的头
  • strike sb on the head击某人的头
  • out of one's head精神错乱
  • over sb's head超越某人的理解力
  • head to head头对头,交头接耳地
  • head for a political problem政治头脑
  • a head of hair一头头发
  • head of a table餐桌的首位
  • head of state国家元首
  • head of the household户主
  • head of the list名单之首
用作动词 (v.)
  • head a firm主管公司
  • head team主管球队
  • head the list位于名单之首
  • head the procession位于队伍之前
  • head back转身,折回,朝…进发
  • head off使改变方向,阻挡,拦截(某人),防止…发生
  • head up领导或主管(某个团体)
  • head after追赶
  • head for朝…进发,会遭到


  • Kelsoe..had had his head..torn from his body.

    出自:R. Ingalls
  • The only starers were the glass eyes of a pair of buffalo heads.

    出自:J. Masters
  • If you head and hang all that offend that way.

    出自:Measure for Measure,Shakespeare

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a fat lot of
Acarus tritici
accord priority
airdrop platform
alkali works
altruism of bargainers
backhand welding
be cheered to the echo
binary output program
boiler rated capacity
bourgeois revolution
cathedral ceiling
clinical experimental medicine
Codex Theodosianus
complete leaf
continuing cost
crystallisation differentiation
dilaury ether
dissipative attenuator
dizygotheca elegantissima
epileptic vertigo
First Pacific Bank Limited
fishtail track
fixed-length symbol
for my benefit
forward-moving grate
frame sequence
gear clutch
giving up the ghost
gunnery sergeants
hope to do
increased borborygmus
integrated design for utilities pipelines
judg e ment by default
lead bath hardening
letters patents
magnetomotive force
national character of vessel
nematic liquid crystal (nlc)
Nicoya, G.de
oily bitterling
panduriform placenta
parallel beam
passenger clerk
Ping Pong buffer
prime the pump
professional brethren
raw alluvium
red hand
res certae
second principal component
sewage preliminary basin
shock absorber end cap
Sopas, R.
spontaneous request
standard international ship report format
stereoscopic vision
surface acoustic waveguide
surrounding obstacles
symmetrizable kernels
uneven floor
vacuum dehydration method