音标:[hɑ:d] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
a. 坚硬的, 硬的, 难的, 艰苦的, 困难的, 坚固的, 猛烈的, 艰难的, 结实的, 确实的
adv. 坚硬地, 努力地, 辛苦地, 接近地, 猛烈地, 牢固地
a. dispassionate;
a. resisting weight or pressure
s. very strong or vigorous
a. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source
词型变化:名词复数形式 : hards ; 形容词比较级 : harder ; 形容词最高级 : hardest



  1. The ground is as hard as stone after the long drought.长期干旱之后,土地硬得就像石头一样。
  2. It's very hard to maintain a relationship.要维持一段关系,是很困难的。
  3. It's very hard on parents when their children are rebellious.对父母来说,孩子叛逆是个很棘手的问题。
  4. He likes to pretend he is hard, but he is really soft underneath.他喜欢故作坚强,但是他内心真的很脆弱。
  5. She has really good looks but a hard heart.她确实长得漂亮,可是却有一颗残酷的心。
  6. He gave the door a hard shove and it opened.他猛地一推门,门开了。
  7. I don't want to go out in such hard weather.我不想在这么冷的天气里出门。
  8. We need some hard evidence to support our claim.我们需要一些确凿的证据来支持我们的主张。
  1. Most importantly, you must work hard to catch up.最为重要的是,你必须努力学习,迎头赶上。
  2. The senator was hard opposed by her rivals on the issue of social welfare.那名参议员在社会福利问题上遭到对手强烈的反对。
  3. Small businesses in particular were hit hard by the recession.尤其是一些小企业在经济萧条中遭受了严重的打击。
  4. You need to keep moving ahead hard and confidently.你要坚定而充满信心地走下去。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. Make a hard knot.打一个结实的结。
  2. Granite is a very hard stone.花岗岩是一种很坚硬的石头。
  3. The jar contained assorted hard candies.这罐子里装有什锦硬糖。
  4. Can linguistics ever be a hard science like physics?语言学是否能成为像物理学那样实在的科学?
  5. The teacher asked a hard question.老师问了一个很难回答的问题。
  6. That's hard work.那是一项辛苦的工作。
  7. This behaviour is not conducive to hard work.这种举止行为不可能认真勤奋地工作。
  8. They have had a hard time bringing up ten children.他们把10个孩子拉扯大真不容易。
  9. This project is a hard task.这个工程是一项艰巨的任务。
  10. Hard conditions turned her hair grey.艰苦的环境使她的头发变白了。
  11. The village was quiet. Most farmers were fast asleep after a day's hard work.村子里静悄悄的。在一天的辛勤劳动之后,大多数农民都已经熟睡了。
  12. Only hard work gives good results.努力工作才能有好的结果。
  13. It takes hard work to get ahead in business.要想在商业上获得成功需要努力工作。
  14. Her husband is a hard drinker.她丈夫酗酒。
  15. The hard rain flattened the tomato plants.暴雨把西红柿秧打倒伏了。
  16. This has been a hard winter.这是一个严寒的冬天。
  17. A hard illness kept him in bed for a whole year.重病使他整整一年卧床不起。
  18. A hard blow knocked the boxer down.对方猛烈的一拳将这个拳击手击倒在地。
  19. We dealt hard blows at the enemy.我们狠狠地打击了敌人。
  20. The lawyers exchanged hard words.律师们唇枪舌剑,互不相让。
  21. We know that this man is a hard bargainer.我们听说此人善于讨价还价。
  22. He gave me a hard, bleak look.他冷冷地盯了我一眼。
  23. John's father is a man with a hard heart.约翰的父亲是个铁石心肠的人。
  24. Good sports records come from hard training.良好的运动成绩是靠严格训练取得的。
  25. He has a hard father.他有一个严厉的父亲。
  26. He had a hard look on his face.他表情严峻。
  27. Hard feelings existed between the neighbours.那些邻居们彼此抱有敌意。
n. +~
  1. That's a hill hard to climb.那是座难爬的山。
  1. This bit of wood feels hard.这块木头摸起来很硬。
  2. The rock here was hard as flint.这里的岩石像燧石一样坚硬。
  3. The soft, warm body became hard and cold.那温暖柔软的身体变得又硬又冷。
  4. The exam was extremely hard.这次考试非常难。
  5. Though nurses' work is very hard,I like it very much.虽然护士工作很苦,我还是很喜欢它。
  6. When times are hard, incidents of theft and cheating usually go up.当时世艰难时,偷窃和欺骗事件通常便会增多。
  7. Unloading the boxes is hard, inspecting them is difficult.把盒子卸下来是费劲的,检查它们则是困难的。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. This job will be hard for me.这工作对我来说将会是很困难的。
  2. The stone is hard to the touch.这石头很硬。
  3. He is hard and unfeeling towards his children.他对自己的孩子严厉无情。
  4. Life is really hard with Jim.吉姆的日子实在很难。
S+be+~+(for sb) to- v
  1. The poem is hard to understand.这首诗难懂。
  2. Old habits are hard to break.积习难改。
  3. This seems hard to explain.这个问题好像难以说清楚。
  4. She says her husband is hard to please.她说她的丈夫是难以取悦的。
  5. She is hard to deal with.对付她是很难的。
  6. The ground is too hard to dig.地硬得没法挖。
  7. The task is too hard for them to finish ahead of time.任务太艰巨,他们提前完成不了。
  1. This candy is so hard that no one can chew it.这种糖太硬,没人嚼得动。
  2. The book is so hard that I cannot read it at all.这本书太难了,我一点儿也读不懂。
It is/was+~+(for sb) to- v
  1. It's hard to know what he's really thinking.很难知道他到底在想什么。
  2. It's hard to say what is the best course of action.很难说什么是最好的行动方针。
  3. It is hard to say whether he will win the election .他能否在选举中获胜,这很难说。
  4. Without experience it is hard to avoid mistakes.没有经验,难免要犯错误。
  5. It's hard for an old man to change his lifestyle.老年人难以改变其生活方式。
  1. Regular physical exercises soon made the boys hard.经常的运动使那些男孩的身体很快变结实了。
  2. She found it hard to make up her mind.她发现难以下决心。
  1. They tried hard to succeed.他们尽力设法取得成功。
  2. From this day forward,I will study hard.从今以后我要刻苦学习。
  3. Until recently he worked very hard on his mysterious experiments.最近他一直努力工作进行他神秘的实验。
  4. She decided to work harder so as to catch up with the others.她决心更加努力地学习好赶上别人。
  5. Tom followed hard behind me.汤姆紧跟在我身后。
  6. The policeman ran the thief hard and caught him at last.警察紧追小偷,最后把他抓住了。
  7. I thought long and hard about the problem.关于那个问题我费力地想了很长时间。
  8. With my parents' hard earned money,I finished my school education.靠着父母亲辛辛苦苦赚来的钱,我完成了学业。
  9. It has been freezing hard since last week.上星期以来天气一直酷寒。
  10. As the wind blew harder, the waves grew rougher.风越刮越大,海浪也越来越汹涌。
  11. Please don't boil eggs hard.请别把鸡蛋煮老了。


as hard as a brick〔rock, stone〕
    极硬的,硬如 very hard or firm
be hard on
    对某人不公平 be unfair to sb
hard and fast
    (规则等)不能变通的,不容更改的 (of rules, etc.) that cannot be altered to fit special cases; inflexible
hard going
    难懂的,难欣赏的,令人厌烦的 difficult to understand or enjoy; boring
hard lines〔luck〕 (on sb)
    〈口〉(用作叹词或当提及某人的不幸时用以表示同情) used as an exclamation or a sympathetic comment on sb's misfortune
hard of hearing
    听觉不灵的 rather deaf
hard to take
    难以接受 difficult to accept without annoyance, grief or bitterness
take a hard line (on〔over〕)
    奉行强硬路线,持强硬态度 remain fixed and uncompromising in one's attitude, policy, etc.
too much like hard work
    太费劲,太累人 too demanding or wearisome to undertake
be hard put (to it) to
    难以 find it difficult to do sth
be hard up for
    缺少某事物,需要某事物 have too few of sth; need sth
hard by
    在附近,紧挨着 near by
hard done by
    受到不当或不公正对待 unfairly treated
hard on
    紧接着 very soon after
hard on sb's heels
    紧跟某人 closely following sb
    对某人〔某物〕产生不利影响 affect sb/sth badlyhit sb/sth hard

    The farmers were hard hit by the bad weather.


    Television has hit the cinema industry very hard.


    因某事而极度悲伤或烦恼 be very grieved or upset by sthtake sth hard

    When their child died they took it very hard.


    He failed his examination, and he's taking it very hard.



用作形容词 (adj.)
  • hard bargain大肆讨价还价
  • hard customer挑剔的顾客
  • hard face难看的脸
  • hard heart铁石心肠
  • hard job艰苦的工作
  • hard knot死结
  • hard life艰苦的生活
  • hard liquor烈性酒
  • hard nut硬果,难题
  • hard storm强烈的暴风雨
  • hard time艰难的时刻
  • hard worker勤奋的工人
  • hard feelings恶感,对立情绪
  • hard money硬币
  • hard voice难听的声音
  • hard water硬水
  • hard way比较艰难的路,比较困难的方式
  • hard wood硬木
  • hard work艰苦的工作
  • hard to bear难以忍受
  • hard to break难改
  • hard to explain难以说清楚
  • hard to finish难以完成
  • hard to please难以取悦
  • hard to understand难懂
  • hard of hearing重听
  • hard of heart心肠硬
  • hard on sb对某人严厉
  • hard upon eighty快80岁了


  • The infantry: hard, bare feet rhythmically kicking up the dust.

    出自:E. Waugh
  • English muffins which had been toasted in the morning and were as hard as cement.

    出自:E. Hardwick

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amperometric titration at constant voltage
angiomyxoma with epithelial component
argument segment
bathing boxes
blind machine
bobbin support stud
car roof
chemical fibre assistant
Cockburn Sound
computer services network
datin (data inserter)
diascoptic lighting
double-disk turbine rotor
drum sanders
echo check technique
external water separator
flat-tipped shuttle
gear sticks
hyaline carcinoma
hydraulic binder
in a brown study
in the days of
invertebrate embryology
isolated case
judicial legislation
Koehring process
maximum thermal output
Nadiža (Natisone, Fiume)
Nippon Yusen
no turning over!
omega scan
osbeckia crinita benth.
overflow cavity
pig-footed bandicoots
pilot holes
pipe up
plan of management
point-stimulating therapy
power points
production supervisor
rami cardiaci
retinacula tendinum
runoff intensity
single day tide
Spirochaeta polyspira
syntenic group
tandem switching
taxes and corvee
teratoma embryonale
time critical
universal keyboard
vital gate fire