单词:dipper sampling
单词:dipper sampling 相关文章
As the streetcar rumbled down Canal Street, Jacklooked over his shoulder. Dipper was right. AfricanAmericans were sitting in the back, while only whitepeople were in the front. Jack hadn't even noticed iton their first streetcar ride. Jack's heart fe
Jack pushed his glasses into place and opened AHistory of New Orleans Music. What's that, man? Dipper asked. It's a history book, said Jack. Teddy and Kathleen gave it to us, said Annie. Oh, yeah, my best friends, said Dipper. Jack looked in the inde
Dipper stopped playing. The three boys stoppedsinging. Jack and Annie stopped drumming. There was silence. They all crept to the opendoorway and stepped outside. The rain had stopped,and the wind had died down. The air felt clean andcool. Stars shone
The sky had grown cloudy, and a warm breeze wasblowing. Dipper stopped the cart and listened. Hear that?he said. Parade's coming this way.Jack heard band music in the distance. Is that parade for All Saints' Day? asked Annie. Maybe. Or maybe for a mi
Dipper closed the door. It was pitch-black inside the shop. As the windhowled outside, the broken shutters banged againstthe brick walls. A gust of damp air blew through theroom. It's dark in here, said Annie. And cold.It's creepy, said Jack. Yup, sa
Thunder shook the night. The wind howled. Thepirate ghost floated down the stairs. The ghost of Jean Lafitte! whispered Annie. The ghost pointed a bony finger at Happy. NOTAFRAID OF GHOSTS? his voice boomed again. Hepointed at Big Nose Sidney. NOT EV
What now? Jack said. We have to follow him, said Annie. We can't lethim out of our sight.Jack and Annie walked quickly after the mule cart. The hot brick road burned their feet. Ow, ow, ow,they both whispered. So let's figure out--ow--what we're goin
The streetcar turned onto a crowded, busy street. Lively music blared from restaurants and dance halls. We're in the French Quarter now, and you're thenext stop, the conductor said to Jack and Annie. Head down St. Peter Street toward the MississippiR
Streetlamps were coming on as Jack, Annie, andDipper walked away from Jackson Square. When theycame to Bourbon Street, vendors walked thesidewalks, calling out, Ice cream!Lemon pie!Ham biscuits!Hmm. Sounds good, said Annie. There seems tobe lots of g
QC procedure 品管流程 What issues do we need to address to work out new QC procedures? 在制定新品管流程之前,有哪些問題必須先處理? quality standard 品質標準 This year, Metro Factory experienced a noticeable decline in q
1.audit 审计 2.attestation 鉴证 3.credibility 可信赖程度 4.audit of financial statements 财务报表审计 5.agreed-upon procedures 执行商定程序 6.high levels of assurance 高水平保证 7.compilation 编制 8.reliability 可靠性 9
The Star Dipper 星之勺 Many, many years ago, there lived a little girl who was very kind. 很多很多年以前,有一个非常善良的小女孩。 She and her mother lived in a small house near a big woods. 她和她的妈妈住在大森林附近
1.Bending 弯曲 A: What kind of parts do you usually need to bend? B: Tubular parts or stampings. A:什么样的零件一般需要进行弯曲加工? B:管状零件或冲压件。 2.Cycle time 工作周期 A: What is the cycle time of the injection molding machine? B: Three
He looked up. He saw the night sky. There were many stars in the sky. He looked for a while. The stars were beautiful. They were shining brightly. They looked like diamonds. He remembered a song. He looked at the moon. The moon was in the night sky.
Eight stars of gold on a field of blue Alaska's flag may it mean to you The blue of the sea the evening sky The mountain lakes and the flow'rs nearby The gold of the early sourdough's dreams The precious gold of the hills and streams The brilliant st
It's a stat that gets bounced around as e-mail-forward wisdom: men think about sex every seven seconds. Even when the idea lacks this mythical specificity and grandiosity (that's 7,200 times a day!), the idea that men think about sex basically all th
left-skewed 左偏 negative-skewed 负偏 right-skewed 右偏 positive-skewed 正偏 contingency table 列联表 sampling distribution (of a statistic)(某个统计量的) 抽样分布point estimate 点估计值 point estimator 点估计式 unbiased