- His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.他妻子对改进他言谈举止有潜移默化的影响。
- Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.许多粗野的男人在妻子的开导下变得文雅了。
- They civilized the savages.他们教化那些野蛮人。
- Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.学校将有助于使那儿的野蛮部落文明化。
- The missionaries intended to civilize the wild tribes of Africa.传教士们打算去教化非洲的野蛮部落。
- The Romans civilized a great part of the world.罗马人使世界上很大一部分地区趋于文明。 1
- He has been civilized by the hero.他受英雄的教化而变得文雅。
- The rough man has been civilized by his wife.那粗野的男人在妻子的开导下变得文雅了。
- 教育使其改掉 get rid of sth by civilizationcivilize sth ⇔ away
We must civilize away the boy's bad habit.
- civilize a barbarous people教化野蛮的民族
- civilize a great part of the world使世界上很大一部分地区趋于文明
- civilize the savages教化那些野蛮人
- civilize away a bad habit教育…使其改掉恶习
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