音标:[әd'vɑ:ns] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 前进, 进展, 行过的路程
vi. 前进, 进展, 提高, 上涨
vt. 使前进, 促进, 提出, 提高, 使提前, 预付
a. 前面的, 预先的
n. an amount paid before it is earned
n. increase in price or value
v. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
v. bring forward for consideration or acceptance
词型变化:名词复数形式 : advances ; 过去分词 : advanced ; 过去式 : advanced ; 现在分词 : advancing ; 第三人称单数 : advances



  1. Advance in the jungle was very slow.在丛林中行进很慢。
  2. There have been great progresses in medicine in the past decade.在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。
  3. She asked for an advance on her salary.她请求预支薪水。
  1. The officer directed them to advance.指挥官命令他们前进。
  2. The enemy was afraid to advance into our base area.敌人不敢进入我们根据地。
  3. Can you advance me two dollars on my salary?你能从我的工资中预支给我两块钱吗?
  4. Stock market prices continue to advance.股票市场价格继续上涨。
  1. There was no advance warning before the earthquake hit.地震之前没有任何预兆。
  2. It is a popular show, so advance booking is essential.这是个很受欢迎的演出,所以一定要提前订票。


  1. From that time on, science advanced more quickly.从那时起,科学发展更快了。
  2. Though technology did not advance very rapidly in the Middle Ages, substantial progress was made.虽然在中世纪技术发展不太迅速,但是仍然有很大的进步。
  3. She advanced greatly in her knowledge.她在学识上大有长进。
  4. This tribe advanced in civilization.这个部落逐渐文明起来。
  5. The procession advanced with a slow step.游行队伍缓慢地前进。
  6. Prices are advancing.各种物价都在上涨。
  7. If prices continue to advance, poor people will find it hard to live.如果物价继续上涨,穷人的日子就更不好过了。
  8. Prices have advanced 15 per cent during the past year.去年一年内物价上涨了百分之十五。
  9. The wages advanced, so did the cost of living.工资增加了,生活费用也提高了。
  10. He advanced in office.他的职务提升了。
  11. He advanced to meet the guests.他走上前去迎接客人。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The general advanced the soldiers.将军指挥士兵前进。
  2. They advanced him over the heads of his seniors.他们将他的职务晋升到高于他许多前辈的位置上。
  3. They talked glibly about unity but never did anything to advance it.他们大谈团结,却从未做过任何实事来促进团结。
  4. That pact didn't advance peace among nations.这一公约并未促进世界和平。
  5. Such books are likely to advance your knowledge of European history.这类书可能会增进你有关欧洲历史的知识。
  6. He married the boss's daughter to advance his chances of promotion.他与老板的女儿结婚,以便增加晋升的机会。
  7. They have further advanced the prices of these goods.他们已进一步提高了这些商品的价格。
  8. They advanced the price of gasoline twice in one week.在一个星期内他们两次提高汽油价格。
  9. The biologist advanced a new theory of life.这位生物学家提出了一个有关生命的新学说。
  10. He advanced a large claim for damages.他提出了一大笔损坏赔偿要求。
  11. Let us advance the meeting a few days.让我们把会议提前几天。
  12. Is it possible to advance the date of wedding?婚期可能提前吗?
  13. The rain greatly advanced the spring crops.那场雨使春季作物的成熟期大大提前。
  14. I advanced 200 pounds more on these books.这些书我又多预付了200英镑。
  15. He wrote requesting his father to advance £500 for the project.他写信请求父亲为此项工程贷款500英镑。
  16. 1
  17. He was soon advanced in office.他很快就被提职了。
  18. Research is also advanced by frequent conferences to exchange experience.经常开会交流经验也促进了研究工作的发展。
  19. The prices of these goods have been advanced.这些商品的价格提高了。
  20. Many diverse views have been advanced.大家提出了许多不同的看法。
  21. The congress holds one session each year. When necessary, the session may be advanced or postponed.大会每年召开一次会议,必要时,会期可以提前或推迟。
  22. The time of departure was advanced an hour.出发的时间提前了一小时。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. If you are hard up,I can advance you some money.如果你手头紧,我可以借给你些钱。
  2. He asked the employer to advance him a month's salary.他要求雇主预支给他一个月的薪水。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. The firm advanced wages to him.公司预付了工资给他。
  2. The banks often advance money to farmers for seed and fertilizer.银行经常贷款给农民买种子和肥料。
  3. 1
  4. Fifty dollars were advanced to him on his salary before the work was done.在工作完成以前我就已从他的工资中预支了50美元给他。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. She was cited as an advanced worker.她被评为先进工作者。
  2. This book is written only for the advanced students.本书是专门为高水平的学生而写的。
  3. We must acquire advanced science and technology.我们一定要把先进的科学技术学到手。
  4. We must learn their advanced techniques.我们要学习他们的先进技术。
  5. Some of them are engaged in advanced studies.他们有些人在进行高级研究工作。
  6. He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage.他的癌症已经到晚期了。
  7. He passed away in Beijing at the advanced age of 90.他以90高龄在北京逝世。
v -ed as s-Compl.
  1. His ideas are advanced, and only a few people could understand him.他的思想是先进的,只有少数人能理解他。
  2. Tom is most advanced of all the students.汤姆在这些学生中学习最好。
  3. His tuberculosis was far advanced that he could not be cured.他的肺病已经严重到无法治疗了。
  1. The advance was sounded.进军号吹响了。
  2. The enemy's advance was slow.敌人进展缓慢。
  3. There have been striking advances in space in the last 20 years.在过去的20年中,空间技术取得了惊人的进步。
  4. There has been an all-round advance in sideline production.副业生产得到全面发展。
  5. Discovering a cure for cancer would be a major medical advance.发现治疗癌症的方法将是医学上的一大进步。
  6. The method was a definite advance over earlier practices.这种方法跟早些时候的做法相比无疑是一种进步。
  7. He made a great advance in his studies.他的学习进步很大。
  8. Under this system popular education has made persistent advances.在这个制度下,普及教育取得了持续的进展。
  9. Science has made great advances in the last fifty years.50年以来科学已取得重大发展。
  10. The report reflects the latest technical advances.这份报告反映了最新的技术发展。
  11. The forces made rapid advances in three directions, east, north and west.部队向东、北、西三个方向迅速挺进。
  12. We all admire his advance in knowledge.我们都佩服他在知识上的长进。
  13. Our troops soon checked the enemy's advance.我们的部队立即阻挡〔拦截〕敌人的进攻。
  14. Don't mistake material advance for spiritual enrichment.别把物质方面的进步误认为精神上的富裕。
  15. Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers.什么也无法阻挡战士们的前进步伐。
  16. There was an advance of two cents a quart in the price of milk.每夸脱牛奶涨了二分钱。
  17. That caused an advance on the prime cost of goods.那导致了货物主要成本的提高。
  18. I didn't expect this advance in price.我不曾料到这次涨价。
  19. They asked for an advance in their wages.他们要求增加工资。
  20. During the year many workers won wage advances.在这一年期间有许多工人提升了工资。
  21. The factory gave me an advance so that I could get my necessities.工厂先付钱给我,便于我买一些必需品。
  22. I was given an advance of a month's pay.他们预付给我一个月工资。
  23. There is something about her that discourages friendly advances.她有点儿令人不敢与之接近。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. We sent out an advance party of soldiers.我们派出一支先头部队。
  2. Our advance forces encountered a squad of enemy patrols.我军的先头部队和敌军的一个班巡逻兵遭遇。
  3. They have got advance information of the storm's approach.他们事前已得到将有暴风雨的消息。
  4. The college gave advance notice of the change of the date of our sports meeting.学院已事先通知我们运动会改期。
  5. Owners of vacation resorts are encouraged by advance bookings to expect a record summer.度假胜地的房主们因人们纷纷来预订房间而受到鼓舞,预计夏季会创最高纪录。


advance against ( v. + prep. )
    向(某人)发起进攻 threaten by moving towards, usually a personadvance against sb/sth

    The forces of the enemy advanced against them.


    Our soldiers advanced bravely against the enemy.


advance on〔upon〕 ( v. + prep. )
    向(某地)推进,进逼,向(某人)发起进攻 threaten by moving towardsadvance on〔upon〕 sb/sth

    The soldiers advanced on the enemy.


    The two men advanced on each other with drawn revolvers.


    We advanced on the enemy's position under the cover of darkness.


    The enemy advanced on Rome, and at last conquered it.


advance to( v. + prep. )
    使晋升到…,使提前到… bring forward to an earlier date or time; reach (cause to) (usually position, rank, etc.)advance to sth

    Then he advanced to the rostrum.


    The troops advanced rapidly to the river.


    The enemy have advanced to the edge of the forest.


    advance to sth

    Because of reform and opening,China's industrial technology is advancing to ever-higher levels.


    We advanced from victory to victory.


    advance sb to sth

    The colonel advanced him from lieutenant to captain.


    The date of the meeting had been advanced from June 10 to June 3.


    He was advanced to the rank of colonel.


    He was soon advanced to the position of Secretary of State.


    He worked so well that he was soon advanced to a higher position.


    She was advanced from vice-president to general-president of the company.


    The date for the delivering of the lecture has been advanced to the end of the month.


advance towards ( v. + prep. )
    开始成为或到达某种状态 begin to become or reach sth, such as a state
in advance
    预先,事先 before hand
in advance of
    在…之前; 超过 before; over
make advances
    设法接近,拉关系,献殷勤 try to establish a friendship with; attempts to become sb's friend


用作动词 (v.)
  • advance a concept提出一种思想
  • advance a plan提出一项计划
  • advance a principle提出一条原则
  • advance a programme提出一个方案
  • advance a suggestion提出一项建议
  • advance an idea提出一个主意
  • advance an opinion on the matter就此事发表意见
  • advance human culture促进人类的文化发展
  • advance money to sb预先付钱〔贷款〕给某人
  • advance one's new theory of life提出关于生命的新学说
  • advance peace and friendship促进和平与友谊
  • advance production发展生产
  • advance reasons提出理由
  • advance sb a month's salary预付某人一个月的薪水
  • advance sb's interests提高〔改善〕某人的利益
  • advance the cause of human progress促进人类进步事业
  • advance the cause of peace促进和平事业
  • advance the development (of...)促进…的发展
  • advance the friendly relations发展友好关系
  • advance the growth of wheat促进小麦生长
  • advance the left foot左脚前移
  • advance the movement to a new stage把运动推向一个新阶段
  • advance the prices of the goods提高商品价格
  • advance the relations between the two countries促进两国关系发展
  • advance aggressively盛气凌人地向前进
  • advance boldly大胆提出,大胆推进
  • advance cautiously谨慎地提出
  • advance quietly悄悄地前进
  • advance rapidly(价格)猛涨,(传染病)流行得很快
  • advance reluctantly勉强预支
  • advance sharply(物价)陡涨,急剧上涨
  • advance slowly缓慢地前进
  • advance steadily稳步地前进
  • advance suddenly(价格)突然上涨
  • advance timidly胆怯地提出
  • advance by rushes突飞猛进
  • advance by strides大踏步前进
  • advance (prices) by 5%涨价5%
  • advance (a person) from a lectureship to a professorship把(某人)从讲师提升为教授
  • advance from Friday to Wednesday从星期五提前到星期三
  • advance in knowledge学识上有长进
  • advance in office升职
  • advance in one's position职位晋升
  • advance in one's studies学习进步
  • advance in prices涨价
  • advance in rank升级
  • advance in stature个子长高
  • advance in the world发迹,出头
  • advance sb (money) on sb's salary预付某人薪金
  • advance sb to the position of manager提拔某人任经理
  • advance sb to the rank of colonel晋升某人为上校
  • advance with big strides大踏步前进
  • advance within a few feet of前进到离…几英尺之内
用作名词 (n.)
  • accelerate the advance加快进行的速度
  • admire sb's advance钦佩某人的进步
  • appreciate the advance对预付款表示感谢
  • ask for an advance要求增加
  • bring about an advance使…提高
  • cause an advance导致涨价
  • characterize an advance具有增长的趋势
  • check an advance阻止涨价,阻止进攻
  • constitute an advance使贷款通过法律手续
  • continue the advance继续前进
  • discourage an advance阻碍前进
  • encourage sb's advance怂恿某人的前进
  • facilitate advance促进发展
  • fear advance害怕发展,忧虑涨价
  • further advance推动进步
  • hinder advance阻拦前进,妨碍发展
  • make advances设法接近
  • make an advance取得进展,提供贷款
  • obtain an advance拿到预付款
  • pay an advance支付预付款
  • provide an advance提供贷款
  • refuse advances拒绝求爱
  • reject advance拒绝贷款,拒绝建议
  • reject advances拒绝亲近
  • repel advances不肯接受友谊或爱情
  • resist the advance抵御进攻
  • show an advance呈现出进步
  • smile at advance对进步一笑置之
  • stop advance阻止前进
  • win advance得到提高
  • arduous advance费力的前进
  • bold advance勇敢的前进
  • cautious advance谨慎的提高
  • constant advance不断进步
  • courageous advance勇敢的前进
  • decided advance显著的进步
  • definite advance一定的进展,一定额度的贷款
  • distinct advance明显的进展
  • dizzy advance过快的发展
  • economic advance经济发展
  • educational advance教育的发展
  • faltering advance踉跄前行
  • general advance全面进步
  • glacial advance极缓慢的进展
  • great advance很大的进展
  • haughty advance傲慢的前进
  • heavy advance巨额贷款
  • implacable advance无法抗拒的进展
  • important advance重大进步
  • incessant advance不停的前进
  • intellectual advance理智的发展
  • intimate advances不正当的亲密
  • jaunty advance满怀信心的前进
  • large advance大额贷款
  • logical advance合乎逻辑的发展
  • lover-like advances情侣般的亲近
  • major advance重要进展
  • marked advance显著的进步
  • material advance物质进步
  • medical advance医学上的进展
  • mighty advance巨大进步
  • modest advance略有增长
  • moral advance道德的进步
  • notable advance显著的进步
  • noteworthy advance值得注意的进展
  • ominous advance不祥的预兆
  • orderly advance有规律的前进
  • perpetual advance不断发展
  • persistent advance持续发展
  • prodigious advance惊人的进步
  • pugnacious advance竞争发展
  • rapid advance迅速前进
  • recent advance新的进展
  • reconnoitering advance搜索前进
  • remarkable advance明显的进步
  • sharp advance急剧上涨
  • small advance小额贷款
  • spectacular advance惊人的进展
  • steady advance稳步前进
  • step-by-step advance逐步前进
  • striking advance惊人的进步
  • studious advance慎重的前进
  • subsequent advance其后的发展,随之产生的促进作用
  • substantial advance重大进展
  • successive advance连续增长
  • swift advance急进
  • tactless advances笨拙的求爱
  • tenacious advance顽强的前进,始终不渝的前进
  • tender advances温柔的求爱
  • tremendous advance惊人的进步
  • trifling advance少许进展,进展甚微
  • triumphant advance胜利的前进
  • unflinching advance果断的前进
  • unprecedented advance史无前例的发展
  • during the advance行军〔进〕中
  • in advance在前头,事先,预先
  • in advance of在…前面,比…提前〔进步〕,超过…
  • on the advance逐渐上升〔涨〕
  • with the advance随着…的增长,与…俱进地
  • advances from sb某人的求爱
  • advance in learning学问的增长
  • advance in knowledge知识的增长
  • advance in old age年龄的增长
  • advance in popularity声望的提高
  • advance in price涨价
  • advance in rank晋级
  • advance in science科学的进步
  • advance in wages工资的增加
  • advance of health健康状况好转
  • advance of a month's pay预付一个月的工资
  • advance of the army部队的前进
  • advance of the evening夜渐渐深了
  • advance of knowledge知识的增长
  • advance of learning学问的增长
  • advance of old age年龄的增长
  • advance of science科学的进步
  • advance on a contract根据合同贷款
  • advance on a theory某一理论的发展
  • advance on a view某一观点的发展
  • advance on doctrine某一学说的发展
  • advance on knitwear针织品涨价
  • advance on the prime cost主要成本的提高
  • advance over last year比去年有显著的进步
  • advances to business firms给商行的贷款
  • advances towards one's superior亲近上司
  • advance upon the former method对旧方法的改进
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • advance contribution先期交款
  • advance control超前控制
  • advance deposit预存款项
  • advance guard〈军〉前卫
  • advance information预报
  • advance man先遣宣传员
  • advance sheets清样
  • advance showing预演
  • advance story预发新闻
  • advance training高级培训
  • advance warning预先警告
  • advance agent先遣人员
  • advance base〈军〉前方基地
  • advance copy样本
  • advance notice预告
  • advance payment预付
  • advance post前哨
  • advance ticket sale预售票
  • advance section of a train火车的前节


  • The tortuous nature of scientific advance.

    出自:B. Lovell
  • This development..is indubitably an advance.

    出自:B. Russell
  • Those who have advanced the art by contributing to its evolution.

    出自:M. Fonteyn

43. advance 1) You must pay in advance. 2) Can I have in advance of my salary? 3) What would your advice be in this case? 4) What would you advise me to do? keep that in mind

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By Jim Stevenson Chengdu,China 14 September 2007 The United States' women's football team has defeated Sweden, 2-0, in a crucial first round Women's World Cup game in China. VOA's Jim Stevenson watched the game in Chengdu, where the Americans put the

发表于:2019-01-20 / 阅读(168) / 评论(0) 分类 2007年VOA标准英语(九月)

Premier Li Keqiang and visiting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have pledged to advance cooperation in many areas. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L) holds a welcome ceremony for visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before their talks in

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 cctv9英语新闻2017年

Officials from Iraq's Interior Ministry have said that security forces have launched a fresh advance against ISIL in several southeastern districts of Mosul. Fighting in the city stalled about a month ago but authorities say forces are now advancing

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(271) / 评论(0) 分类 cctv9英语新闻2017年

NEW YORK, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Top seeds Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal both advanced into the second round of U.S. Open, while China's French Open champion Li Na subsided in the first round on Tuesday. Nadal, the defending U.S. Open champion and thi

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

BERLIN, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- Titleholders Dortmund crushed Hannover 5-1 thanks to the hat trick by Mario Goetze whereas Wolfsburg came from behind to shock Leverkusen with the last minute goal by Bas Dost, at the last 16 encounter of the DFB Pokal (Ge

发表于:2019-02-08 / 阅读(168) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻


发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(156) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

MAPUTO, March 2 (Xinhua) -- The winners of the Mozambican Cup 2012 Liga Muculmana guaranteed on Saturday their qualification into the next phase of the Nelson Mandela Cup after beating Gabarone United from Botswana 1-0. Liga Muculmana, former champio

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(160) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

DAEGU, South Korea, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- The world's three fastest hurdlers safely advanced in the heats of the world championships here on Sunday, but the best time was made by U.S. rising star Jason Richardson in 13.19 seconds. China's Liu Xiang, th

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(130) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

BEIJING, June 28 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday voiced the hope that it will steadily advance cooperation with the United States in the Asia-Pacific region on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei made the

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(151) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

今天我们要学的词是advance。 Advance, 作为动词,有上涨,前进的意思。 Our local high school basketball team advanced to regional semifinals, 本地高中篮球校队赢得了参加地区半决赛的资格。 U.S. stocks advance

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(132) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃
a day off
affine polynomial
amputation of war injuried limb
Apure River
channel mode
codehydrogenase II
column throughput
Come to bear
compound arbitration of exchange
conduction of heat
cross your heart
cylinder brushing machine
discharge of pump
Dogs Of The Dow
exponential filter
Falkland Sound
fixed race
fraction-defective chart
general average expenditure
haze reduction filter
impelling ratio
interoperability testing
invariant embedding
investment advisory contract
jaipur (india)
leasing operation
lining burn-back
machine-dependent feature
macrophoma ischurochloae
maundy moneys
medical institutions
medium value
mode of trade
multiple working hypothesis
nape sores
negligent retention
nice lady
oligoneura takasagoensis
P virus
paper hygrometer
permittivity of free space
pivoting fan
plasma trapping
pregnant chads
pump cars
renal papillectomy
roll eccentricity correction
sample statistic
semiconductors on inp
serverless computing
small package
social solidarism jurisprudence
sock lining
statistical interpolation
straight track
substitutionary evidence
Taiyang Shan
tip of plug
trailer load
turning roadway
Washington Highlands
weighted-bit code