音标:[bait] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 咬, 一口
v. 咬, 刺痛, 穿透
n. a wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person
n. a light informal meal
n. (angling) an instance of a fish taking the bait
n. the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws
词型变化:过去式 : bit ; 现在分词 : biting ; 名词复数形式 : bites ; 第三人称单数 : bites ; 过去分词 : bit



  1. Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。
  2. They are badly bitten by mosquitoes.他们被蚊子叮得很厉害。
  1. He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite.他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。
  2. I'm stuffed, and I can't eat another bite.我很饱了,一口也吃不下了。


  1. Barking dogs seldom bite.爱叫的狗不咬人。
  2. Be careful! My dog bites.当心!我的狗会咬人。
  3. This dog doesn't bite.这只狗不咬人。
  4. Does your dog bite?你家的狗咬人吗?
  5. The mosquitoes are really biting this evening!今天晚上蚊子叮得好凶!
  6. The fish wouldn't bite.这条鱼不肯咬钩。
  7. The fish are biting well today.今天鱼儿容易上钩。
  8. The angler waited long but the fish would not bite.钓鱼人等了好久,可是没有鱼上钩。
  9. I've been sitting here for hours but the fish aren't biting.我已在这里坐了几个小时,但鱼不来上钩。
  10. I tried to sell him my old car but he wouldn't bite.我试图把我的旧车卖给他,但他不肯上钩。
  11. The abettor set a trap for the children, but they didn't bite.教唆犯为孩子们设下了圈套,但他们没有上当。
  12. I wanted to interest her in my plan, but she didn't bite.我想要她对我的计划感兴趣,但她不上钩。
  13. I made him what I thought were several tempting offers, but he wouldn't bite.我向他提出一些自以为动听的建议,但他不肯上钩。
  14. I hoped she would be interested in my plan, but she didn't bite.我希望她对我的计划感兴趣,但她不上当。
  15. This mustard does not bite much.这芥末不太辣。
  16. The pepper doesn't bite much.这胡椒不怎么辣。
  17. This saw bites well.这把锯子很锋利。
  18. The movie is biting.这部电影够刺激。
  19. Be sure the anchor bites well.一定要把锚扎稳。
  20. The brake will not bite.刹车失灵。
  21. The rails were covered with ice and the wheels did not bite.铁轨上盖着冰,车轮卡不住轨。
  22. The wood is so dry the screws don't bite.这根木头太干了,所以螺丝都拧不进去。
  23. The government's new higher taxes are really beginning to bite.政府的新高税政策确实已在开始令人感受到吃不消了。
  24. Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.预算赤字的不断增加开始产生不良后果。
  25. Wild beasts in a corner bite hard.困兽犹斗。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He bit the apple.他咬苹果。
  2. Joe bit a large chunk out of the apple.乔咬了一大口苹果。
  3. She bit the thread in two.她把线咬断了。
  4. She bit the thread with the teeth.她用牙咬线。
  5. Max bit his lip.麦克斯咬着嘴唇。
  6. That nervous boy is biting his nails.那个神情紧张的男孩在咬指甲。
  7. The midges are biting me.蠓虫在叮我。
  8. A snake will not bite you if you leave it alone .你不碰蛇,蛇是不会咬人的。
  9. The mouse bit a hole in the bag老鼠把口袋咬了个洞。
  10. The trap bit the leg of a fox.夹子夹住了一只狐狸的腿。
  11. The vice bit the iron bar.老虎钳钳住了铁条。
  12. The anchor bites the sea floor.锚钩住了海底。
  13. The chilli bites the tongue.辣椒辣舌头。
  14. The sword bit him to the bone.剑刺到他的骨头。
  15. The glass splinters bit his face and hands.碎玻璃刺伤了他的手和脸。
  16. The cold bit us to the bone.寒气刺骨。
  17. An icy wind bit our faces.寒风扑面,冷彻骨髓。
  18. The frost will bite the fruit blossom.严寒会冻伤果树的花。
  19. Acid bites metal.酸腐蚀金属。
  20. The pang of sympathy with the victim bit my breast.我对受害者的同情感同身受。
  21. 1
  22. She was bitten by a mad dog.她被疯狗咬了。
  23. He was badly bitten by a poisonous snake.他被毒蛇咬得很厉害。
  24. He was badly bitten by the mosquitoes.他被蚊子叮得很厉害。
  25. His fingers were bitten by the frost.他的手指冻伤了。
  26. He had been bitten by the bug of photography.他曾着迷于摄影。
  27. He was completely bitten with angling mania.他钓鱼成痴。
  1. He ate the whole cake in three bites.他三口就吃下整块蛋糕。
  2. Let me have a bite of your sandwich.让我咬一口你的三明治。
  3. Mary took a bite from her bread.玛丽咬了一口面包。
  4. I took a bite at the apple.我咬了一口苹果。
  5. I can't eat a tomato at one bite.我一口吃不下一个西红柿。
  6. The dog made a sharp bite at the tramp.狗猛咬那流浪汉一口。
  7. The dog gave the postman a nasty bite.那条狗把邮递员狠狠地咬了一口。
  8. I haven't taken a bite all day.我整天一口饭也没吃过。
  9. This is tasty.Have a bite of it.这很可口,吃一点吧。
  10. Come and have a bite with us.来和我们一块儿吃。
  11. He is so absorbed in the work that he hasn't had a bite since morning.他工作忙得从早晨到现在连一口东西都没吃。
  12. I haven't had a bite today.今天我一点东西都没吃过。
  13. He hasn't had a bite since last night.他从昨天晚上没有吃过一口东西。
  14. Have a bite with me now or you'll get hungry later.现在和我一起吃点东西吧,不然等会儿你会饿的。
  15. I had a bite with my friend at a food stall.我和朋友在食品摊上随便吃了一些东西。
  16. Has the patient taken a bite today?这病人今天吃了少许吗?
  17. She got a snake bite.她被蛇咬伤了。
  18. He soon recovered from the snake's bite.他的蛇伤很快就痊愈了。
  19. The bite of his wound kept him awake all night.伤口疼得他一夜没睡着。
  20. This ointment is especially made for snake bites.这种药膏是专治蛇咬的。
  21. The bite of a mad dog is dangerous.疯狗的咬伤是危险的。
  22. His face is covered with insect bites.他满脸是虫咬的疙瘩。
  23. I've been fishing for hours without a bite.我钓了几小时的鱼,可没有一条鱼上钩。
  24. I was fishing for a long time before I had a bite.我钓了很久才有一条鱼儿上钩。
  25. The air had a frosty bite.寒气袭人。
  26. We felt the bite of the cold wind.我们感到寒风刺骨。
  27. There is a bite to his words.他话里带刺。
  28. The bite of the strong liquor brought him to consciousness.烈酒的刺激使他苏醒。
  29. The party's election propaganda lacked bite and purpose.这个政党的竞选宣传缺乏说服力和目的性。
  30. The writer's craft gives his novel its remarkable bite.作家的技巧给他的小说以很强的感染力。
  31. Taxes take a big bite of Mr.James' paycheck.税款占去詹姆士先生相当大的一部分薪水。
  32. There's a screw with plenty of bite.有一个拧得很紧的螺丝。


bite at (v.+prep.)
    上当 be deceived
bite back (v.+adv.)
    把(话)咽回去,强忍不说出来 control; prevent from being expressedbite back

    The cat bit back.


    Even the weakest animal will bite back when it is cornered.


    bite sb/sth ⇔ back

    The dog bit the cat and got bitten back.


    The little boy bit his friend, and got bitten back.


    bite sth ⇔ back

    The word “Sorry” rose to Morris's lips, but he bit it back.


    A hot reply rose to his lips, but he bit it back.


    He was about to say something when he suddenly thought better of it and bit it back.


    She wanted to tell him her real feelings, but she bit the words back.


    He bit the remark back, remembering where he was.


bite down (v.+adv.)
    一口咬下来; (咬紧牙关)忍耐 snap at sth and cut it suddenly controlbite down

    The lion grabbed his neck and bit down.


    She had great control of her temper; biting down hard, she said nothing.


bite in〔into〕 (v.+prep.)
    腐蚀 corrupt
bite off〔away〕 (v.+adv.)
    从正在广播的节目中取消(音乐或对话),中断(广播节目) eliminate (music or a dialogue) from a radio program while it is being broadcast; cut short (a radio program)
bite off more than one can chew
    承担力所不能及的事(贪多嚼不烂) undertake more than one finds oneself able to perform; undertake a task that proves too difficult for one
bite on1 (v.+adv.)
    细想,钻研(某问题) think carefully or study one problem
bite on2 (v.+prep.)
    咬(某物) cut into or nip sth/sbbite sb on sth

    The fierce dog bit me on the leg.


    I was bitten on the leg by a dog.


get two bites at a cherry
    作第二次的尝试 have a second opportunity to do sth
put the bite on
    向…借钱,敲某人的竹杠 borrow money from


用作动词 (v.)
  • bite a piece of the apple咬一块苹果
  • bite meat咬肉
  • bite one's lips压制着感情,忍怒,保持沉默
  • bite one's nose off向某人当面抢白,顶撞某人
  • bite one's thumb at向…挑战,侮辱
  • bite the apple咬苹果
  • bite the bullet硬着头皮,咬紧牙关,死撑硬顶
  • bite the dust被杀,阵亡
  • bite the hand that feeds one忘恩负义
  • bite the nails咬指甲
  • bite the tongue咬着舌头,保持沉默
  • bite annoyingly愤怒地咬住
  • bite badly狠狠地咬
  • bite daintily斯文地撕咬
  • bite hurriedly迅速地咬住
  • bite much不怎么辣
  • bite murderously致命地撕咬
  • bite really咬得凶,叮得凶
  • bite savagely野蛮地撕咬
  • bite unmercifully恶狠狠地撕咬
  • bite viciously邪恶地撕咬
  • bite away咬掉,啃去,中断
  • bite back(咬住嘴唇)不说出来
  • bite back one's anger忍住怒火
  • bite back one's smile忍住笑
  • bite back one's tears忍住眼泪
  • bite off咬掉,啃去,中断
  • bite off a big chunk承担难事
  • bite off a piece of meat咬下一块肉
  • bite off a piece of the apple把苹果咬了一块
  • bite off more than one can chew贪多嚼不烂; 担任自己不胜任的事
  • bite off one's own head害人不成反害己
  • bite off the music program中断音乐节目
  • bite off the tail咬掉尾巴
  • bite at向…咬去; 冲…叫骂
  • bite at a hook(鱼)咬钩,上钩
  • bite at an apple咬一口苹果
  • bite at everybody人人都骂
  • bite at the bait上当
  • be bite by a dog被狗咬伤
  • be bite by a lust for gain利欲熏心
  • be bite by frost被冻伤
  • be bite by mosquitoes被蚊子叮
  • bite in the leg腿被咬伤
  • bite through steel plates穿透钢板
  • bite with a mouth用嘴咬
  • bite with the teeth用牙咬
用作名词 (n.)
  • give a bite咬一口
  • have a bite吃一点儿东西
  • make a bite吃了一口
  • take a bite吃了一口
  • big bite一大口
  • deep bite很深的伤口
  • good bite一大口
  • powerful bite很厉害的咬
  • quick bite快餐
  • mosquito bite蚊咬的疙瘩
  • snake bite蛇咬的伤口
  • eat sth at one bite一口将某物咬下
  • recover from the bite伤口愈合
  • screw with plenty of bite一个拧得很紧的螺丝
  • ability to bite咬的能力
  • give a bite at the bone啃骨头
  • give a bite at the pie咬了一口馅饼
  • bite between meals正餐间的点心
  • take a bite of咬一口
  • bite of dog狗咬的伤
  • bite of one's sarcasm某人讽刺的辛辣
  • bite of the cold wind冷风的刺痛
  • take a bite out of a pear咬一口梨


  • I haven't had a bite since breakfast.

  • Taking a huge bite out of his sandwich.

    出自:C. Isherwood
  • He'd..have a bite to eat in a pub.

    出自:T. Sharpe
  • Grandpa never ate more than a bite and the rest sat on his plate.

    出自:M. Gee
  • Let dogs delight to bark and bite.

    出自:I. Watts
  • I bite into my chocolate.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • Takes carrot from coat pocket, bites off a piece.

    出自:S. Beckett
  • My grandfather..was bitten on the ear by a rat or a ferret and died..of blood poisoning.

    出自:W. Maxwell
  • She was..nibbling a cucumber sandwich (he glimpsed her small, pearly, even teeth as she bit).

    出自:D. M. Thomas

Lesson 25 Bite 1.Once bitten,twice shy. 2.You bit off more than you can chew. 3.Let's grab a bite somewhere. 4.Don't mention it or she'll bite your head off. 5.We have to bite the bullet on this. 6.They bit the dust in the first round. 7.Take the mon

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alexander i island
allyl cinnamate
angular sulcus
antibonding electron
asymptotic bound
azodye antigen
back action lock
bouyant force
by work
C. R.
Camellia tetracocca
celosia argentea cristatas
cerium materials/devices
Chinese and foreign shareholders
Chinese character printer
colored glass
combination breeding
customer perspective
dendrolimus dermatitis
dik dik
Dissident Irish Republican Army
equatorial cleavage
extrusion line
firmer chisel
forced hot water heating
four pin plug
frequency theory of nerve impulse
function analysis
Hadjar, 'Aïn el
heat pipe air preheater
hydrothion bath
ice and snow on runway
interrupt type
legislative exlanation
lumbrical muscle
magnetic tubes of flux
multi-pen recorder
naked singularity
natural uranium fuel(led) gas-graphite reactor
optical spectra
optional way
pemphigus neonatorum
powder' pulvis
put your back into sth
reactance meter
retarded motion
rubber-bonded-to-meteal pad
scavenging air system
Schweizer Jura
screen type mill
sonar dome coating
spreading factors
spring shoe
stewed turtle
suburban telephone
technical power expense
theoretical jurisprudence
Thorvaldsen, Albert Bertal
thrust chamber valve
tonca beans
transmit information
two time
two-head helical-scan video tape recorder
welfare subsidies
worm one's way in