标签:生物恐怖应对 相关文章
Neuroscience Finds Biological Roots of Political Stubbornness Control of Congress is at stake in this November's U.S. midterm elections. In today's highly polarized political environment, Republican and Democratic partisans have staked their position
Butterflies are as beautiful as the flowers they feed on. But they appear to be less abundant than in years past and that has scientists worried. Because butterflies, bees and other beneficial bugs pollinate plants and are crucial to as much as eight
RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- Various Brazilian cities are turning to mobile apps in the fight against the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which transmits the Zika virus, chikungunya and dengue, a local official said. While an app does not replace the
四级考试即将来临,大家的四级考试准备的怎么样了?下面这篇文章为大家带来了四六级考试流程还有一些应对技巧,一起看看技巧吧,希望考试的时候做到心里有谱。 考试流程 2016年6月英语
在雅思口语考试中有时候会碰道没听清问题的时候,那这时候你该怎么办?怎么回答才合适?下面为大家整理了一些资料作为参考。 1. Sorry, I didn't catch you. 对不起,我没听懂你说的。 2. Sorry, I
Species Split When Mountains Rise生脉隆起导致生物多样化 The tropics are well known for their biodiversity. But another hotspot? Mountains. Like the Hengduan Mountains, in south-central China. 热带地区因为其生物多样性而为大家所
Don: All right, Yael, you're a moth. And mating for you is a big deal because it takes eight or nine hours. So the last thing you want is for some predator to interrupt you and your mate in the act. Yael: I'm guessing that's true not just for moths.
In the latest case, a middle school student in eastern Zhejiang province tied up a Grade-2 pupil in a dark room, punching the kid and scalding him with a burning cigar butt. He committed the violence in front of three of his schoolmates. The four are
Drones Could Help Biologists Tally Birds Ecologists crouching quietly amidst vegetation, using binoculars to tally birds in a roost, may soon be a charming relic of the past. Because a new study shows that, when it comes to getting an accurate avian
Anaconda 水蟒 Before Jennifer Lopez became J. Lo, she was an up and coming actress. Perhaps her worst movie was Anaconda , about a giant snake that terrorizes a documentary film crew in the Amazon rain forest. Hollywoods version of the snake was pu
The European Union's commissioner for climate action and energy has said climate diplomacy will be at the heart of Europe's relationship with China throughout 2015. 欧盟气候行动和能源专员表示气候外交会成为2015年中欧关系的重中
Everyone loves good news because they make us feel good. News like getting a promotion, winning a new contract, receiving positive feedback, whatever it might be, gives us a buzz. Good news release the happy hormones in our body which lift our mood a
First impressions are everything, so if you're shy by nature, you need to break out of your shell if you're trying to impress someone. This is extremely crucial during a job interview and in fact, shy people need to express a high level of self-confi
A Fresh Breath of Methane 很早很早以前地球有很微量的氧气,而且地表状况十分恶劣。大气主要是N2和Co2,后来通过复杂的变化,地球开始出现了厌氧型生物。在生命的作用下,地球的氧气开始不断
Dead Zones in the Ocean 所谓海洋死区是指由于海水富营养化日益严重,导致海水中含氧量减少,鱼类等生物无法生存的区域。科学家介绍,人类过量使用化肥、大量生活垃圾、车辆和工厂排放的废
Oceans Most Wanted 伴随着人们的经济活动和国际交往,一些物种由原生存地借助于人为作用或其他途径移居到另一个新的生存环境并在新的栖息地繁殖并建立稳定种群,这些物种被称为外来物种。