标签:生物恐怖应对 相关文章
According to one estimate, there could be as many as thirty million species of animals living in the sea, most still undiscovered. 据一项估计,海洋里可能生活着多达3000万种动物,大多数尚未被发现。 The first hint of how ab
Kingdom 界 There are so many kinds of living things. 地球上有各种各样的生物。 There are plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and so on. 其中有植物、动物、细菌、真菌等等。 These are the highest categories when you group livin
Uncle Scott wants a word with you. 斯科特叔叔要跟你说点事 He has some thoughts on the aliens 一些对付外星人的想法 he thought might be useful. 他觉得没准能帮上忙 Happy to talk to him 我先找点吃的 after I get a littl
Lesson 135 Used to 1. I used to go on-line in the evening. 2. He used to live in the country. 3. There used to be many trees here. 4. Life here is much easier than it used to be. 5. If only you'd be as you used to be! 6. The earth used to be consider
In other words, we need to think more modestly and subtly 换言之,我们得更为谦虚和细致地考虑 about when and how we can shape, rather than control, unpredictable and complex situations. 何时、怎样塑造而不是控制不可预测的
141.Re: 请指教“公共意识”和“社会责任感”怎么表达呢。多谢 公共意识public consciousness 社会责任感The Sense of Responsibility in Society 142.Re: 填空那个的“空”
让中国消费者闻之色变的地沟油(illegal cooking oil)在别人眼里却可以飞上天。7月中旬左右,2000吨产自上海的废弃油(abendoned oil)就将开始它们的飞天之旅,在通过报关(customs declaration)等手续后,这
In 1969, a doctor at a Yale University lab in New Haven, Connecticut, who was studying Lassa fever came down with it. 1969年,设在康涅狄格州纽黑文的耶鲁大学实验室里的一名医生在研究拉沙热的过程中倒下了,然而他活
Between the autumn of 1918 and spring of the following year, 548,452 people died of the flu in America. 1918年秋天到次年春天,美国有54842人死于流感。 The toll in Britain was 220,000, with similar numbers dead in France and Germany. 英
In the early days, this was an exceedingly painstaking process. 早年,这是个极费力气的过程。 Work on a single bacterium could easily consume a year. 研究一个细菌就可能一下子花掉一年时间。 At that time, according to Wo
A lot of little organisms that looked like bacteria and behaved like bacteria were actually something else altogether, 许多小生物看上去像细菌,表现得像细菌,实际上完全是另一类东西, something that had branched off from
Botanists and zoologists were much slower to admire its virtues. 植物学家和动物学家要过长得多的时间才看到它的优点。 It's not hard to see why. 原因不难明白, On Woese's model, the worlds of botany and zoology are relega
It is a natural human impulse to think of evolution as a long chain of improvements, 人们自然会不由自主地想到,进化是个不断完善的漫长过程, of a never-ending advance toward largeness and complexityin a word, toward us. 一个
Any HIV the mosquito sucks up on its travels is dissolved by the mosquito's own metabolism. 蚊子在叮咬过程中吸入的人体免疫缺陷病毒被蚊子自身的代谢作用分解了。 When the day comes that the virus mutates its way around t
Precisely the same thing happens with meningitis. 脑膜炎的情况完全一样。 At least 10 percent of young adults, and perhaps 30 percent of teenagers, carry the deadly meningococcal bacterium, 至少有10%的年轻人和也许30%的少年携带着
Soon one of these new strains, called Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, began to show up in hospitals. 过不多久,一种名叫抗甲氧苯青霉素葡萄球菌的新品种葡萄球菌开始在医院里出现。 Only one type of antibio
Since then further research has shown that there is or may well be a bacterial component in all kinds of other disorders, 自那以来,进一步的研究表明,在所有别的疾病, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, several
Viruses prosper by hijacking the genetic material of a living cell and using it to produce more virus. 病毒掠夺活细胞的基因材料,用来制造更多的病毒,从而大量生长。 They reproduce in a fanatical manner, then burst out in
When times are good, they exist as one-celled individuals, much like amoebas. 当年景好的时候,它们以单细胞的形式独立存在,很像是变形虫; But when conditions grow tough, they crawl to a central gathering place and become,