时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-一个美国新娘的自白


  [00:01.16]You a little excited, huh? 哈, 你有点兴奋

[00:06.32]We need flowers, a band, centerpieces, a caterer 1. The best ones go fast. 我们需要鲜花, 乐队, 装饰物 还有一队备办宴会的人

[00:08.48]We have to get on this. We don't even have a date. 这一切都要去做 我们甚至还没有定好日期

[00:12.20]- Okay, what were you thinking? - June 15th. - Ok, 你想怎样? - 6月15日

[00:14.64]I checked and there's less than an 18 percent chance of precipitation. 我查过了, 下雨的机会低于18%

[00:17.92]Well, June 15th it is. Now, how about bed? 好, 就6月15日 现在上床吧

[00:19.12]I'm sure there's not a 3 a.m. Rush on caterers. 我肯定凌晨3点没人会给你办婚宴

[00:27.48]I mean, the word "wedding" has always turned me into mush. 我是说"婚礼"一词 总是让我神经兮兮

[00:31.52]It's like some ingrained X-chromosome thing. 就像体内有异染色体一样

[00:34.16]I can't help it. My head is spinning in wedding thoughts. 我制止不了 现在满脑子都是婚礼的想法

[00:36.24]Do you think I'm crazy? 是不是觉得我很疯狂?

[00:39.60]Well, besides agreeing to marry me... 除了答应嫁给我之外

[00:43.36]...I see no evidence of you being crazy. 看不出你有疯的迹象

[00:45.40]I promise, after the wedding I'll go back to being good old level-headed Sam. 我保证婚礼后一定会 把原来那个冷静的Sam还给你

[00:49.04]I just want it exactly right. 我只是想一切顺利

[00:52.72]- It'll be perfect. - Here it comes. - 会顺利的 - 又来了

[00:53.32]- Sam, I promise. - Classic groom 2 mistake. - Sam, 我保证 - 典型的王子形象

[00:59.68]Being engaged is like having all of your feelings dropped into a blender... 订婚就像把所有感觉 都放到搅拌机里面

[01:04.96]...and then someone hits "mix" before you put the top on. 还没有放好盖子 就有人打开开关了

[01:08.80]It's the most bizarre 3 mixture of pure joy, total dread 4, and gunk. 这是一种非常复杂的感觉 既有单纯的快乐, 也有恐惧

[01:09.16]See? 看到没有?

[01:16.40]Speaking of dread, it's time I told you about my mother. 说到恐惧 现在谈一下我妈妈吧

[01:20.44]My early memories of her are great. 开始她给我的感觉棒极了

[01:22.16]My younger sister Anne and I were the luckiest girls in the world. 我和妹妹Anne简直就是 这个世上最幸福的孩子

[01:31.88]But as we got older, it became clear that things changed. 但随着我们长大 情况开始变了

[01:38.04]You know that saying, "You can't have a favorite child"? 听过"不要生一个人见人爱的孩子"吗?

[01:40.76]Well, don't believe it. 算了, 别理它

[01:45.08]I remember this. 我却记住了

[01:46.28]We took a cross-country road trip when I was 16. 16岁的时候我们去乡间旅行

[01:54.24]Notice something? 注意到没有?

[01:59.52]And it only got worse. 而且还会变坏

[02:05.92]All of you worked tirelessly... 你们学习非常勤奋

[02:08.56]Anne, I know that you'll be valedictorian. Anne, 我相信你会成为 致告别词的学生代表

[02:11.36]Okay, okay, she didn't really say that. Ok ok, 她没有这样说过

[02:13.16]But it felt like she did. 但我觉得她会

[02:16.84]And, by the way, Anne was valedictorian. 无论怎么说 Anne的确成为了学生代表

[02:18.32]And it's kind of ridiculous... 真有点难以置信

[02:20.80]...but Anne has more awards than most girls have shoes. Anne得到的奖项比大部分 女孩拥有的鞋子还要多

[02:24.56]And although I can't resent 5 her luck or talent or whatever... 因为我不能抱怨她的幸运 或者才智, 或者是其它什么...

[02:31.72]...I can resent my mother only noticing her. 只能抱怨妈妈只重视她

[02:36.12]Hey, Sammy. 嘿, Sammy

[02:37.12]- Hi! - Congratulations, you. - Hi! - 恭喜你

[02:41.16]Thank you. 谢谢

[02:43.16]So one guy for the rest of your life, huh? 你终于找到另一半了

[02:45.12]I mean, how do you know? How does he not get on your nerves? 我是说:你知道吗 他是怎样触动你的神经?

[02:45.36]That is crazy. 太棒了

[02:49.00]I don't know. I love him. 不知道, 我爱他

[02:53.32]- I'll stick with sex for now. - Paging Dr. Cynic. - 我也要性爱 - 找Cynic博士吧

[02:57.60]- Hi, Mom! - Hello, darling. - Hi, 妈妈! - 亲爱的

[02:58.96]- Sammy, Sammy. - Hey. - Sammy, Sammy - 嘿

[02:59.08]Congratulations. My little girl. 恭喜, 我的小宝贝

[03:04.92]- Do you want a beer? - Thanks, but no thanks, Dad. - 要点啤酒吗? - 谢谢爸爸, 不用了

[03:06.40]- Champagne 6 at the wedding, I promise. - All right. - 我保证婚礼上要喝香槟 - 好的

[03:11.28]- What is all this stuff? - Research, dear. - 这些是什么? - 研究一下

[03:13.96]Invitations, programs, menus, favors. 请柬, 节目表, 菜谱

[03:15.20]I've been to five weddings in the last year... 我去年参加了5个婚礼

[03:18.28]...and I will not allow yours to be outshone by anyone's. 我不会让你的婚礼 比他们任何一个差

[03:19.24]The Tomlinsons had an awful chicken parmesan at Wendy's wedding. Tomlinson他们在Wendy的婚礼上 给鸡肉用了劣等调料

[03:25.20]- Whatever you do, do not use that caterer. - Listen to your sister. - 无论如何都不能请他们操办婚宴 - 听听你妹妹说的

[03:26.52]You learn from other people's disasters. 你应该从其他人的 悲剧中得到启发

[03:28.80]These are not disasters. They're weddings. 这不是悲剧, 是婚礼!

[03:33.08]You know, Sammy, you didn't taste their chicken. Sammy, 你应该尝一下那些鸡肉

[03:37.92]So I thought you guys might wanna hear about the proposal. 你们应该听一下我的安排

[03:40.52]Oh, of course, honey. 当然了, 亲爱的

[03:40.80]But first, wait, wait. I almost forgot. I got you a present. 等等, 差点忘记 我给你买了份礼物

[03:48.80]It's a comprehensive overview 7 of everything you'll need to know. 这里面有你想知道的一切

[03:49.24]Mom stopped being subtle 8 a long time ago. 妈妈很久没有这样关心过我了

[03:56.44]因为我知道你自以为 明白在干些什么

[03:56.84]- Thanks. - You're welcome. (婚姻扫盲)

[03:59.48]You don't. 其实并不明白

[04:00.28]Look at the dress. 看看这礼服

[04:06.04]Why'd you screw it up? You had six months of nookie-liciousness left. 干嘛选择结婚? 你应该再玩几个月才对

[04:10.64]I don't think that way, Alan. It was just time. 我不这样认为 是时候了

[04:11.52]- Don't you remember being single? - Oh, yeah. - 你忘记单身生活了吗? - 噢

[04:15.92]Those are the good old days. 那些日子不错啊

[04:18.32]I mean, fun when you're a kid... 小时候觉得还不错

[04:20.36]...but, man, when I met Sam, it changed. 长大后, 当我遇到Sam后 就不这样认为了

[04:23.76]I didn't feel the need to look anymore. 我现在不用四处狩猎了

[04:25.64]I was suddenly happy staying home just hanging out with her, you know? 现在最想做的事就是 和她在家温存

[04:28.32]It's nice. 爽死了

[04:31.28]I'm gonna throw up. 我也要结婚

[04:34.28]Oh, my God, it's so beautiful! 天啊, 漂亮呆了!

[04:39.60]He wouldn't show it to me. Oh, look at it. 他没给我看过 噢, 让我再看看

[04:42.16]- I'm gonna need that back. - Sorry, sorry. - 我要收回来了 - 对不起, 对不起

[04:45.72]I had forgotten how heavy wedding magazines are. 这些婚姻杂志不知有多重

[04:49.68]That's okay. You'll have Jennifer Garner 9 arms. 好了, 你会比Jennifer Garner(夜魔侠 女主角)还要受欢迎的

[04:53.00]At least I won't have to hide these things under my mattress 10 anymore. 至少不用把这些东西 藏到床底下

[04:56.28]And, of course, I would love for you to be one of my bridesmai... 我会让你当伴...

1 caterer
n. 备办食物者,备办宴席者
  • My wife went to a lot of trouble; she called a caterer. 我太太花了很多心血,她找了专办派对的人来。
  • The wedding reception has been organized by an outside caterer. 婚宴由外界的饮食公司承办。
2 groom
  • His father was a groom.他父亲曾是个马夫。
  • George was already being groomed for the top job.为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。
3 bizarre
  • They saw a bizarre animal in the lake.他们在湖中看见一个奇怪的动物。
  • The building was of bizarre construction.这建筑构造奇异。
4 dread
  • We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办。
  • Her heart was relieved of its blankest dread.她极度恐惧的心理消除了。
5 resent
  • I resent his dictatorial manner.我痛恨他的独断作风。
  • I resent comments on the impracticality of small cars.我反对说小骄车不实用的说法。
6 champagne
  • There were two glasses of champagne on the tray.托盘里有两杯香槟酒。
  • They sat there swilling champagne.他们坐在那里大喝香槟酒。
7 overview
  • The opening chapter gives a brief historical overview of transport.第一章是运输史的简要回顾。
  • The seminar aims to provide an overview on new media publishing.研讨会旨在综览新兴的媒体出版。
8 subtle
  • Her whole attitude had undergone a subtle change.她的整个态度发生了微妙的变化。
  • There's a subtle hint of garlic in the sauce.调味汁里稍微有一点蒜味。
9 garner
  • He has garnered extensive support for his proposals.他的提议得到了广泛的支持。
  • Squirrels garner nuts for the winter.松鼠为过冬储存松果。
10 mattress
  • The straw mattress needs to be aired.草垫子该晾一晾了。
  • The new mattress I bought sags in the middle.我买的新床垫中间陷了下去。
about that life
adjoining rock stability
all change
at a stretch
Audrain County
balanitis diabetica
butterflies tummy
caries-preventive paste
casual game
clinical spectroscopy
coherent light travelling wave modulator
Cooling-Off Rule
data processing technique
defective nutrition
earth fault protection
ebony wax
economic balancing department
element expression out of range
equipment requiring installation in storage
Erythroxylum novogranatense
first pollution
flat rim
fly's-eye lens
focus and zoom motor
formally hypoelliptic
gall bladders
go over with a finetooth ed comb
grading ring of arrester
guard hoop
heavy lift tackle
Imperial preference
implicit export rate
information monopoly
initial seek interrupt
integral reinforcing
international law enforcement agency
long-continued possession
lost in fauna
m-alternative detection
magnolia families
make a pitiful face
make it easy on
many-many communication
mechanically operated valve
medullary excipulum
misdirection of message
nonpermissible code block
normal chain
Orba, Torrente
orientation flight
path accuracy
peripheral radar
pine mouse
pl/1 optimizing compiler
prepatent period
resign to
resorts to
Robin Hog
skin irritation assay
South Zanesville
stem cutting bar
unequal-angle bar
valva atrioventricularis dextra
vapour disengagement
wide ga(u)ge
wireless microphone receiver
ya tzu pei f?ng