US, Saudi Leaders to Meet Against Backdrop of War, Iran Deal WHITE HOUSE Against the backdrop of war in Iraq, Yemen and Syria, and concerns about Irans behavior, U.S. President Barack Obama will welcome Saudi King Salman to the White House Friday. It
'Part-Time Scientists' Compete to Put a Rover on Moon 业余科学家加入月球探测器研发竞争 Sixteen teams from around the world have set their sights on the moon... and the $30 million Google Lunar XPRIZE. The challenge - issued in 2007 -
激进组织依靠民众不满得以发展 The French parliament on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly in favor of a controversial bill that would legalize broad surveillance of terror suspects in France. 法国议会星期二的投票压倒性通过的一项
Noted Blogger on Mideast Advises US: Intervene Less, Not More 著名博主建议美国在中东减少干预,而不是更多 HOUSTON In 2004, Middle East expert Joshua Landis followed the advice of an academic colleague at the University of Oklahoma a
科学家们创造可触摸的虚拟影像 Motion recognition technology already allows users to command computer-controlled devices by waving a hand above a sensitive surface. 动作识别技术已使得用户能够通过挥手对电脑控制的设备
Twitter # Gives Back to Social Media Pope 教皇造访美国成社交媒体焦点 He is the most followed world leader on Twitterand for his first visit to Washington, Pope Francis is getting a very special gift, thanks to social media. Twitter broug
Obama Greets Pope, Poor Workers Hope For Help 奥巴马欢迎教皇,低薪工人寻求帮助 CAPITOL HILL Pope Francis arrived in Washington Tuesday, launching his much anticipated visit to the United States. Ahead of the pope's meeting at the White
20-Kilometer Inflatable Tower Could Make Space Launches Cheaper 加拿大设计20公里长可充气通天塔使太空发射成本更低 Launching space vehicles is still very costly because booster rockets are not reusable. A space elevator could mak
Syrian Kurds Get Outside Help to Manage Prisons DERIK, SYRIA Syria's Kurdish-held regions have been hailed by some as areas of relative stability in a war-torn nation. But rights monitors have expressed concern about the justice system in the enclave
Apps Helping Kenyan Businesses Stay Ahead of Counterfeiters 手机应用帮助肯尼亚公司领先于假货商人 NAIROBI Counterfeit goods in Kenya cost the government as much as $1 billion each year in lost tax revenues. The fake goods also hurt e
Project Aims to Study Stratosphere Via Aerospace Firm's Glider A glider designed by Airbus Group successfully completed its maiden flight Wednesday ahead of next years attempt to reach the edge of the space. The ultimate goal is to study the stratosp
Some Turks Unhappy with Syrian Migrants ISTANBUL Nearly two million migrants, mostly Syrians running from war and conflict, have taken refuge in Turkey. While the country has, for the most part, welcomed and taken care of them, resentment against the
Pope Urges Hispanic Immigrants to Cling to Faith 教皇敦促拉美裔移民坚持信仰 PHILADELPHIA Standing at the birthplace of the United States, Pope Francis on Saturday urged the countrys immigrants especially the largely Catholic Hispanic pop
Which Migrants Stay in Turkey, and Which Leave? 难民是留在土耳其,还是离开? ISTANBUL Like many of his fellow migrants, Sami el Imad left Syria because of the war. Unlike many others, he wants to stay in Turkey. He likes the familiarity. It
Border Tense as Serbia, Croatia Block Traffic in Migrants Dispute BAJAKOVO, CROATIA Tensions on the Serbia-Croatia border are growing in a tit-for-tat blockade sparked by the influx of refugees and other migrants. Parked cargo trucks span the border
Syrian Refugees in Turkey Miss Home on Eid ISTANBUL Almost two million Syrians have taken refuge in neighboring Turkey. Many of them have been separated from their families. Even as he was fighting the crowds to buy sweets for Eid, Omer Omer was thin
Renovated NY Cathedral Ready for Pope Francis 为迎接教皇弗朗西斯纽约教堂翻新 NEW YORK Pope Francis is headed to Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. There, across from Rockefeller Center and New York City's famous shopping district, stands St. P
British Oil Firm Accused of Corruption in Somalia Exploration Deal 英国石油公司被指控在索马里勘探协议中存在腐败行为 LONDON A British oil exploration firm has been accused of corrupt payments to government officials in Somalia
- 巴蒂摩尔抗议警察暴力
- 法国史前洞穴复制品对人们开放
- 法国努力解决被忽略郊区问题
- 美国学生受韩流影响学习韩语
- Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 5
- 计划生育拨款争议或可导致政府关闭
- Anti-Establishment Candidates Popular on Iowa Campaign Trail
- Navigation, 3-D Printing in Sensing Technology Lead to New Apps
- As Crisis Mounts on Serbia-Hungary Border, Refugees Face Uncertainty
- Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 12
- 世卫组织称仍未实现全球免疫目标
- 志愿者们做出贡献回馈社区
- 尼泊尔偏远地区灾民的艰难处境
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- 市场注意力转移到9月美联储是否调整利率
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- 美国高校学生参加机器人大赛
- 难民危机为叙利亚孤儿带来生机
- 巴蒂摩尔抗议警察暴力
- 法国史前洞穴复制品对人们开放
- 法国努力解决被忽略郊区问题
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- Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 5
- 计划生育拨款争议或可导致政府关闭
- Anti-Establishment Candidates Popular on Iowa Campaign Trail
- Navigation, 3-D Printing in Sensing Technology Lead to New Apps
- As Crisis Mounts on Serbia-Hungary Border, Refugees Face Uncertainty
- Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 12
- 世卫组织称仍未实现全球免疫目标
- 志愿者们做出贡献回馈社区
- 尼泊尔偏远地区灾民的艰难处境
- 美国最高法院将辩论同性婚姻问题
- 菲律宾考虑建设国防经济区
- 市场注意力转移到9月美联储是否调整利率
- 乌克兰边境居民努力维持生存
- 地中海发生最大移民海难 欧盟应一致应对人道危机
- 美国高校学生参加机器人大赛
- 难民危机为叙利亚孤儿带来生机