《阳光清洗》清新主题曲:Cure for This Artist:Golden Smog Song:Cure for This I can see you in the summertime Throwing caution to the wind as you reach and touch the sky I can see you dancing circles in the rain Youre a long-forgotten truth

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《五星大饭店》超好听英文插曲:Fair Artist:Remy Zero Song:Fair Hey, are you lonely? Has summer gone so slowly? We found the ground, but that damage was done. It's cold as you fade into the sun. Where'd you go? To me? But you're alive! W

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冰河世纪3心碎情歌:Alone Again (Naturally) 正在全国院线热映的美国搞笑动画片《冰河世纪3》当中选用了爱尔兰音乐人Gilbert O'Sullivan在1972年发行的单曲《Alone Again(Naturally)》,这首歌出现在栗子飘

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影视金曲:Hannah Montana - He Could Be The One Hannah Montana - He Could Be The One Smooth talkin' so rockin He's got everything that a girl's wantin He's a cutie he plays it groovy And I can't keep myself From doing somethin' stupid Think I'm r

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《詹妮弗的肉体》原声插曲:New Perspective 《变形金刚2》女主角梅根福克斯(Megan Fox)主演的影片《詹妮弗的肉体》(Jennifer's Body)原声大碟中的部分插曲已曝光,获格莱美奖提名的Panic! At T

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《风中奇缘》的故事发生在过去:欧洲新移民抢占了印第安人的土地,用粗暴的方式对待其中的生灵。 出自主人公印第安酋长女儿之口的主题歌《风之彩》,歌词质朴而深刻,完全符合美洲土

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《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲:Shape of my heart Artist:Sting Song:Shape of my heart He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He doesn't play for the respect He deals the ca

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(111) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲

《可爱的骨头》预告片插曲She Has No Time She Has No Time by Keane You think your days are uneventful And no one ever thinks about you She goes her own way She goes her own way You think your days are ordinary And no one ever thinks about y

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(99) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲

恩雅《指环王》经典插曲:Enya - May It Be 来自爱尔兰的恩雅(Enya)凭借其在2001年上映的热门影片《指环王:护戒使者》中献唱的一曲《May It Be》被提名第22届美国奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲。 Artist:

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《爱情故事》经典主题歌:Love Story 一个富家子弟,一个面包师的女儿,一段发生在校园的现代灰姑娘的故事成就了七十年代这部轰动一时、清新动人的电影《爱情故事》(Love Story),也使其

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(113) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲

《暮光之城》另类插曲:Supermassive Black Hole Supermassive Black Hole是另类摇滚乐队Muse在06年推出的一支单曲,在当年的英国单曲榜上排名第四。这首歌曲同时也作为热门青春影片《暮光之城》Twili

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《舞林争霸》第六季洛杉矶海选黑人舞者安静配乐 Always Midnight by Pat Monahan Seems like it's Always Midnight, Sweeping up broken glass after every fight With the sound of a train that I could've been on Reminding me that the last

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新剧《吸血鬼日记》首映集片头插曲Here We Go Here We Go by Mat Kearney Did you close your eyes as you walked away? Did I get too close in the pouring rain? If there's one more chance for us here tonight I'll take the long way 'round thi

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(120) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲

《欢乐合唱团》插曲:Lea Michele - On My Own 在FOX新剧《欢乐合唱团》Glee中饰演Rachel Berry的Lea Michele在合唱团试音的时候选择了这首出自《悲惨世界》的歌曲,将自己的命运和音乐紧密联系在了一

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Have You Ever Been in Love by Celine Dion Have you ever been in love You could touch the moonlight When your hearts shooting stars Youre holding heaven in your arms Have you ever been so in love Have you ever walked on air Ever felt like you were dre

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美剧插曲:老爸老妈浪漫史 Goldspot - Rewind 来自洛杉矶的独立摇滚乐队Goldspot于2007年发行的专辑《Tally of the Yes Men》当中收录的单曲《Rewind》日前被美国CBS电视台著名情景喜剧《老爸老妈浪漫史

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(93) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲

清新小调:和莎莫的500天 Sweet Disposition 来自澳洲的摇滚乐团The Temper Trap在今年10月4日发布的最新一期英国单曲榜上跃至第七的位置,真可谓来势汹汹!而带给他们如此好运气的要归功于《Swe

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未来闪影第二集悲伤插曲:Nick Drake - Place To Be 美国ABC电视台金秋热门美剧《未来闪影》FlashForward第二集中的片尾曲选用了英国民谣歌手Nick Drake的一首舒缓歌曲《Place To Be》。 Artist:Nick Drake

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艾薇儿《龙骑士》主题曲:Keep Holding On Keep Holding On是艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)为电影《龙骑士》Eragon特别创作的主题曲,并收录在该电影原声大碟中。 Artist:Avril Lavigne Song:Keep Holding On You're no

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暮光之城2新月插曲 Meet me on the Equinox 超强人气吸血鬼青春电影《暮光之城/暮色》第二部《新月》New Moon的首支原声曲目公布,它就是由曾获得格莱美提名的美国独立摇滚乐队Death Cab For Cutie特别

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲