So they enlisted the best brain in England to help them. 所以他们招募了英国最聪明的人来帮忙。 You, my dear brother, have been working for the Wilhelmstrasse. 你,我亲爱的弟弟,在为威尔海姆斯特拉工作。 Am I going
Amidst this state of paranoia, in August 1974, a young American writer decided to probe Holmes's psyche in what is arguably the best pastiche Holmes novel ever written. 在这疑神疑鬼的气氛中,1974年8月,一位年轻的美国作家决定探
The prospect of this momentous encounter between Holmes and Freud was quickly snapped up by Universal Studios, with a screenplay, adapted by Meyer, featuring Nicol Williamson and Robert Duvall as Holmes and Watson, together with Alan Arkin as Sigmund
It's been very difficult sometimes, but the difficulties have been...enjoyable because you've had to work your way through them to just let it happen, so therefore, Holmes will be perhaps a lot of me, and therefore, if you don't like my Sherlock Holm
Then what you get in the '80s is Granada coming to this character, and deciding to do something self-consciously canonical and definitive, and to, in a way, rescue Holmes from people who had jiggered with him in the past. 接着在80年代,格拉纳达
Jeremy is this creature, this predator lurking beneath this wonderful thing that can turn very owl-like, then it's hawk-like. 杰里米是那种外表斯文,内心却像猛禽的人,时而像猫头鹰般神秘,时而像雄鹰般凶狠。 And he
14*9 From 2009, cinema and television audiences have been treated to not one, but two new Sherlocks, in the shapes of Benedict Cumberbatch...and Robert Downey Jr. 从2009年开始,电影和电视观众们看到了不只一个,而是两个全新的夏
Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist, and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them. -Excellent. 约翰,别搞英雄崇拜,英雄从不存在,即使有,也不包括我。-好极了。 They are more fallible, it's definitely an