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This is a season when becteria sinus infections run rampant, but some people are better able to ward off that malady. And they can be identified by their taste buds, because those of us who can better detect bitter flavors may also be better equipped
Humpback whales sing most frequently where and when they breed. But researchers have just discovered that whales can sing complex songs even when diving and foraging, when its neither the time nor the place for mating behaviour. The study is publishe
When I say telecommuting, do you picture yourself easing into the workday in a pair of fuzzy slippers? Well, so does your boss. But the reality is, youre both dreaming. Because a new study shows that folks who work at home at least some of the time,
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Every fall, you need a new flu shot. Thats because todays vaccines train your immune system to recognize specific strains of flu, indentified by two proteins on the viruss coat, / and /. Thats where the H and N come from in H1N1. Problem is those pro
Everyfall, you need a new flu shot. Let's consider these vaccines training ourimmune system, the recognize specific strains of flu. Identifying by two protein on the virus coat, hem agglutinin(血细胞凝集素) and neuraminidases(神经氨酸酶).
Cases of the flu peak in winter in the U.S., but why? A new study suggests it's not the heat, but huminity. Or lack thereof. Because in temperate regions, the influenza virus fares best when the weather's dry. That's according to work published in th
This is scientific American 60 seconds science. I'm hop kin. just take a minute. Thinking of eating out over the holidays, while you might consider bring your own plate, because the new study shows the typical dishwashing procedures used by most rest
Archaeologys taking to the air. Researchers spent a month this summer testing a semi-autonomous unmanned aerial vehiclebasically a semi-autonomous dronehigh in the Andes in Peru. The goal: to scan a colonial town from the 1500s that had been built ov
When autumn rolls around, the leaf peepers come out in force. Armed with digital cameras, they record the most spectacular displays of fall foliage. Well according to a study in the journal Functional Ecology [Toshie Mizunuma et al., The relationship