The military cuts President Xi Jinping announced on Thursday will mainly target troops equipped with outdated armaments, administrative staff and noncombatant personnel, Ministry of National Defense spokesman Yang Yujun said at a news conference. The
Stphanie Boudoin was arrested last month in Victoriaville, Canada on charges she broke into some 42 homes in the area. 斯蒂芬妮上个月在加拿大的维多利亚维尔被捕,警方指控她强闯该地区的42户民宅。 But Boudoin's small-
LIMA, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Authorities of both Peru and Colombia have agreed to promote bilateral development and cooperation projects till 2015, announced Luis Olivera, director of the Peruvian International Cooperation Agency (PICA), Wednesday. The
秘鲁销毁三个可卡因实验室 LIMA, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Peruvian authorities have destroyed three cocaine-processing laboratories in the town of Sandia, in Peru's southern Puno province, the National Police reported Monday. The labs were discov
秘鲁检获近100公斤可卡因 LIMA, July 5 (Xinhua) -- Peruvian authorities have seized 96.4 kg of cocaine in the central Andean town of Huancayo and arrested five suspects, the National Police said on Friday. The haul, composed of 93 sealed pack
LIMA, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- Air traffic controllers in Peru started Wednesday a 72-hour strike demanding wage increase, better working conditions and a reduction of work hours. The strike in air traffic control and related services is partially affecti
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, is right that the current refugee crisis is forcing Europe to consider whether it can live up to its own, self-proclaimed values. Unfortunately, the answer is likely to be No. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(Angel
The United States pledged Wednesday to accept more refugees fleeing from wars in Syria and elsewhere, even as Europe unveiled a mandatory country-by-country quota plan to resettle 160,000 migrants. After meeting with lawmakers in Congress, U.S. Secre
BUDAPESTAustria and Germany opened their borders Saturday to thousands of migrants traveling by bus or train or on foot to cross Austria and continue their journey to Germany. However, Hungarys police chief said that authorities there would no longer
LISBON, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- Visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday promised to take in thousands more Syrian refugees, saying his country had a moral duty to help amid the humanitarian crisis. Cameron said he would not participate in
ATHENS, April 16 (Xinhua) -- Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras sent condolences to U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday over the Boston Marathon blast and expressed Greek peoples' condemnation of the attack. We strongly condemn such horrific act
LOS ANGELES, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Los Angeles on Saturday joined more than 100 other U.S. cities in protesting against the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who shot dead unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in front
Los Angeles is the latest city to call for a ban on apps that allow users to sell their parking spots on their driveway and on the street to others. 洛杉矶成为又一个叫停车位出租应用的城市。用户通过这种应用把他们在车道或
US First Lady Michelle Obama was on-hand Saturday night to officially declare the opening of the Games. And now, on behalf of my husband the entire nation that is rooting for all of you, it is my great honor to say those magical words: let the 2015 S
五角大楼有意出售阿帕奇直升机给伊拉克 WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Pentagon on Monday notified Congress of its intention to sell Iraq 24 Apache attack helicopters worth some 4.8 billion dollars. The move came as President Bara
WASHINGTON, April 10 (Xinhua) -- En route home from his Asia- Pacific trip Thursday, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel placed an in-flight call to Ukraine's Acting Minister of Defense Mykhaylo Koval, reaffirming American help to Ukraine. According t
Global financial markets continue to drop sharply in reaction to an unprecedented downgrade of the U.S. government's credit rating and lingering concerns about European debt problems and global economic growth. In early Asia trading Tuesday, Japan's
The White House and congressional Democrats continue to press for a federal-tax-cut extension that would benefit nearly all wage and salary earners, but especially the middle class. Paying for the extension remains a sticking point on Capitol Hill, w
WHITE HOUSE President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Obama's probable Republican opponent in November's presidential election, are campaigning on economic issues. The president campaigned Tuesday in the Midwestern state o
- National advisory body prepares for session
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- 如何尽快获得晋升
- Foreign coaches struggle in Chinese soccer league
- 美国与古巴将恢复外交关系
- Olympic opening ceremony will be full of surprises
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- US Military Vacates Pakistani Air Base
- China issues first white paper on foreign trade
- Gale, hail to hit Beijing
- “失踪”十天首露面 普京笑对传言
- 奥巴马寻求国会授权对对叙利亚采取军事行动
- 职场礼节美语:清新口气好处多
- Never Sell your Soul
- Messi, the hero again
- 四级考前30天阅读冲刺:重真题 找技巧
- 英语四级考试阅读:教你夏天防蚊虫叮咬
- 奥巴马有望加速推进贸易蓝图
- Italy PM Sells Austerity Measures to Politicians
- India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap
- National advisory body prepares for session
- 如何撰写毕业生英文简历?
- 如何尽快获得晋升
- Foreign coaches struggle in Chinese soccer league
- 美国与古巴将恢复外交关系
- Olympic opening ceremony will be full of surprises
- 用英语怎么形容坏女人?
- US Military Vacates Pakistani Air Base
- China issues first white paper on foreign trade
- Gale, hail to hit Beijing
- “失踪”十天首露面 普京笑对传言
- 奥巴马寻求国会授权对对叙利亚采取军事行动
- 职场礼节美语:清新口气好处多
- Never Sell your Soul
- Messi, the hero again
- 四级考前30天阅读冲刺:重真题 找技巧
- 英语四级考试阅读:教你夏天防蚊虫叮咬
- 奥巴马有望加速推进贸易蓝图
- Italy PM Sells Austerity Measures to Politicians
- India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap