八名学生在新奥尔良校车撞车事故中受伤 SANTIAGO, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Chile's ties with China will remain prosperous under the government of Michelle Bachelet, the president-elect who will begin her four-year term in March, an academic
美国参议院通过乌克兰援助法案 WASHINGTON, March 12 (Xinhua)-- The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday approved the bill that would grant loan assistance to crisis-stricken Ukraine and ratify reform measures for the Inter
Researchers from Oxford University, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control conducted two large, nationally representative studies, fifteen years apart. They calculate the annual number of tobacco deaths ha
In the latest case, a middle school student in eastern Zhejiang province tied up a Grade-2 pupil in a dark room, punching the kid and scalding him with a burning cigar butt. He committed the violence in front of three of his schoolmates. The four are
The Carver County, Minnesota Sheriff's Office confirmed the death in a press release and says that Prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at his home studio before being pronounced dead. The singer, songwriter, arranger and instrumentalist was
Malaysian police have threatened to arrest participants in a rally being organized to protest results of an election the opposition says was marred by massive fraud. National police chief says the protest to be held late Wednesday is illegal because
中国与马来西亚间贸易潜力巨大 Malaysia is China's biggest trade partner among the member-countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Trade between China and Malaysia has grown ten-fold over the past decade, reaching some 68
Malaysias prime minister will explore deeper defence and economic co-operation with China on a state visit this week, at a time when concern is deepening in the west over Beijings attempts to dislodge Asian countries from Washingtons orbit. 马来西亚
拉丁美洲仍是最不平等,最不安全的地区 UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Latin America remained the most unequal and most insecure region in the world, said a UN report released Tuesday, calling for efforts to reduce insecurity thro
爱沙尼亚总统称赞拉脱维亚采用欧元 RIGA, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves hailed on Thursday neighboring Latvia's adoption of euro, saying it would promote cross-border cooperation. The euro adoption will boost
Slightly more positive data is certainly welcome. But there is no room for complacency whatsoever. I hope there will be no premature declarations suggesting that the crisis is over, because we still have many obstacles and many chances, relatively lo
LONDON The eurozone has finally emerged from 18 months of recession - posting positive growth after unexpectedly strong consumer spending in the currency blocs core economies. Analysts are warning, however, that this is not the end of the euro crisis
中国青年感染艾滋病人数上升 BEIJING, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- The share of young people around the age of twenty in all HIV infections in China almost doubled from 2008 to 2012, with male-to-male sex as the prominent contributing factor, a sen
安理会决定向南苏丹增兵 UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Tuesday approved a recommendation to almost double the UN peacekeeping forces in conflict-torn South Sudan to better protect civilians from violence. In
安理会未通过对乌克兰决议 UNITED NATIONS, March 15 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Saturday failed to adopt a draft resolution on Ukraine, which otherwise would declare the March 16 referendum on the status of the Russian-speaking C
白宫:美国正在帮助寻找尼日利亚被绑架的女孩 WASHINGTON, May 5 (Xinhua) -- The United States is assisting the Nigerian government to find and free some 200 schoolgirls abducted by militants, the White House said on Monday. U.S. ass
ABUJA, NIGERIAMillions of Nigerians turned out to choose a new president Saturday, but technical problems with a new computerized anti-fraud system caused delays and long lines and prompted officials to extend voting into Sunday. It was unclear how w
研究:人的鼻子能嗅出性别 WASHINGTON, May 1 (Xinhua) -- The human nose can sniff out gender from body secretions even though people don't think they smell anything, Chinese researchers reported Thursday. Wen Zhou of the Chinese Academy of
国航飞行员稀烂的英语差点逼疯纽约机场的美国空管。在这段对话里有不少术语,我们一起来学习一下吧。 International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet 国际无线电通话拼写字母 为了避免误听,国际上
- National advisory body prepares for session
- 如何撰写毕业生英文简历?
- 如何尽快获得晋升
- Foreign coaches struggle in Chinese soccer league
- 美国与古巴将恢复外交关系
- Olympic opening ceremony will be full of surprises
- 用英语怎么形容坏女人?
- US Military Vacates Pakistani Air Base
- China issues first white paper on foreign trade
- Gale, hail to hit Beijing
- “失踪”十天首露面 普京笑对传言
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- Never Sell your Soul
- Messi, the hero again
- 四级考前30天阅读冲刺:重真题 找技巧
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- 奥巴马有望加速推进贸易蓝图
- Italy PM Sells Austerity Measures to Politicians
- India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap
- National advisory body prepares for session
- 如何撰写毕业生英文简历?
- 如何尽快获得晋升
- Foreign coaches struggle in Chinese soccer league
- 美国与古巴将恢复外交关系
- Olympic opening ceremony will be full of surprises
- 用英语怎么形容坏女人?
- US Military Vacates Pakistani Air Base
- China issues first white paper on foreign trade
- Gale, hail to hit Beijing
- “失踪”十天首露面 普京笑对传言
- 奥巴马寻求国会授权对对叙利亚采取军事行动
- 职场礼节美语:清新口气好处多
- Never Sell your Soul
- Messi, the hero again
- 四级考前30天阅读冲刺:重真题 找技巧
- 英语四级考试阅读:教你夏天防蚊虫叮咬
- 奥巴马有望加速推进贸易蓝图
- Italy PM Sells Austerity Measures to Politicians
- India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap