美国学生历史 第114期:第二次独立战争(6)
时间:2018-12-28 作者:英语课 分类:美国学生历史
266. Brown's Invasion of Canada, 1814. 266.布朗攻入加拿大(1814年)
In the first two years of the war the American armies in New York had done nothing. 战争开始前两年,在纽约的美国军队没有什么举动,
But abler men were now in command. 但此时一些更为能干的人在掌管着这些军队,
Of these, General Jacob Brown, General Macomb, Colonel Winfield Scott, and Colonel Ripley deserve to be remembered. 他们当中值得记住的有雅克布o布朗将军、马卡姆将军、温菲尔德o斯科特上校和瑞普雷上校。
The American plan of campaign was that Brown, with Scott and Ripley, should cross the Niagara River and invade Canada. 美国的整个战役计划是这样的:布朗与斯科特和瑞普雷穿过尼亚加拉河进入加拿大,
General Macomb, with a naval 1 force under McDonough, was to hold the line of Lake Champlain. 雅各布将军带着由麦克道纳夫指挥的海军占领尚普兰湖一线。
The British plan was to invade New York by way of Lake Champlain. 英国人计划通过尚普兰湖入侵纽约。
Brown crossed the Niagara River and fought two brilliant battles at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane. 布朗越过尼亚加拉河并在齐佩瓦和伦迪小巷获得两次大捷,
The latter battle was especially glorious because the Americans captured British guns and held them against repeated attacks by British veterans. 其中第二场战斗特别值得骄傲,因为美国人夺取了英国人的枪支,并用它们打退了英国老兵的一次次攻击。
In the end, however, Brown was obliged to retire. 但是,布朗最终还是不得不撤退。
267. McDonough's Victory at Plattsburg, 1814. 267.麦克道纳夫的普莱茨堡大捷(1814年)
General Prevost, with a fine army of veterans, marched southward from Canada, while a fleet sailed up Lake Champlain. 普雷沃斯特将军带领一支由老兵组成的精良部队从加拿大向南开进,与此同时,一支舰队南下进入尚普兰湖。
At Plattsburg, on the western side of the lake, was General Macomb with a force of American soldiers. 马卡姆将军带领一支美国军队在尚普兰湖西部的普莱茨堡,
Anchored before the town was McDonough's fleet. 麦克道纳夫的舰队驻守在普莱茨堡前面。
Prevost attacked Macomb's army and was driven back. 普雷沃斯特率队向马卡姆的军队发起进攻,
The British fleet attacked McDonough's vessels 2 and was destroyed. 但被击退,英国舰队攻击麦克道纳夫的舰队,也被击退。
That put an end to Prevost's invasion. He retreated back to Canada as fast as he could go. 普雷沃斯特的入侵就这样结束了,他拼命撤回加拿大。