Business Etiquette 礼节美语 第011讲
(Office ambience)
C: Mary,今晚公司为美国来的总裁举行晚餐会,我也被邀请出席,可我很紧张。
M: It's only a dinner, why are you so nervous?
C: 不说别的,就桌上那些刀叉就够让我糊涂了。我担心会出洋相。
M: 那倒是,因为table manners are important。
C: 嗯...Table manners。就是饭桌上的规矩和礼貌。
M: 对,吃西餐的时候每道菜都用不同的餐具,整套餐具就是: a place setting。
C: 要是一顿饭有汤,有沙拉,有主菜和甜点,那该有些什么餐具,每个餐具又该怎么用呢?
M: 那就应该在左手边有两把叉子,右手边有一把刀和一个汤勺。对了,喝汤的时候千万不要出声。其实很简单,你只要记住先用外边的就行了。Take utensils 2 from the outside of the place setting to the inside。
C: 由外及内。喝汤先用右手拿靠外边的汤勺。吃沙拉就用左手外侧的叉,对吗?
M: Absolutely! 把用完的刀,叉放在盘子右边,服务员会把它们收走。No, never put used knives, forks or spoons back on the table。
C: 那就是,吃完汤和沙拉后,我还剩下左边一把叉,右边一把刀,对吗?
M: 没错。在盘子前面还有吃甜点的小勺和叉。对了,你要不清楚的话,follow what other people do。陈豪, 对不起,I got to go, good luck tonight!
M: Good morning, Chen Hao. How did the dinner go last night?
C: 幸亏你昨天教我刀叉的用法,I had no problems at all,只有一个小小的惊慌。
M: What's that?
C: 那沙拉里有一个小番茄,我用刀切了一下。把刀留在盘子里被服务员收走了。我担心一会儿吃主菜的时候没有刀,不过后来服务员给我拿来一把干净的刀。
M: Did you have any other problems?
C: 我喝完汤后不知道把勺放哪里。我看我们的总裁把勺放在汤碗下面的盘子右侧。我就照他那么做了。
M: Perfect. It's not that complicated, right? Just remember: Always work from the outside in when deciding which knife, fork or spoon to use. Once used, the utensil 1 never goes back on the table. At the end of the meal, you should have used all the utensils at your place.