时间:2018-11-27 作者:英语课 分类:VOA中级美国英语



今天我们要练习两个词组, 一个是 used 1 to, u-s-e-d t-o, used to, 另外一个是动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上动词, 也就是 like to do 和 want to go 等等的动词短语.首先请你听一段对话, 内容是说Henry 跟他表妹 Susan 在谈做运动. 我们先把这段对话用正常速度念一遍, 请你注意正确的发音跟语调的抑扬顿挫.

M: Susan, what do you do for exercise?
F: I go swimming once a week.
M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore 2.
F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important 3.
M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Well, I'm going 5 swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me?
M: Okay 6. I really need to get in shape again.

现在我们把这段对话用慢速度再念一遍, 请注意听.

M: Susan, what do you do for exercise?
F: I go swimming once a week.
M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore.
F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important.
M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Well, I'm going swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me?
M: Okay. I really need to get in shape again.

现在我们把刚才那段会话里包含了今天要学的语法, 也就是有 used to 跟有动词加上 to 再加上动词的句子挑出来用慢速度再念一遍给你听.

M: I used to swim in high school.
M: I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Do you want to go with me?
M: I really need to get in shape again.


首先我们练习 used to 的用法. 这个词组是表示过去常常做一件事而现在不再做了.
下面我们用 used to 跟在上一课里学过的字作句子; 每个句子念两遍, 请你注意
听, 同时, 在念第二遍的时候也请你跟着说.

M: Henry used to wear old gloves.
F: Henry used to wear old gloves.
M: He used to sit next to me in school.
F: He used to sit next to me in school.
M: Susan used to drink a lot of milk.
F: Susan used to drink a lot of milk.
M: She used to live far from the store 7.
F: She used to live far from the store.
M: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties.
F: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties.
M: They used to go out to eat.
F: They used to go out to eat.

下面我们来作换字练习. 先由老师念一个有 used to 这个词组的句子, 接着老师念一个短语, 学生就把这个短语换进句子里. 现在先举个例子:

M: I used to swim in high school.
M: to play basketball
F: I used to play basketball in high school.

好, 现在我们开始. 在学生做练习的时候, 请你也一起做.

M: I used to swim in high school.
M: to play basketball
F: I used to play basketball in high school.
M: to play volleyball
F: I used to play volleyball in high school.
M: to exercise
F: I used to exercise in high school.
M: to run
F: I used to run in high school.

好了, 现在我们看一看怎么样把 He used to swim in high school. 变成问句. 在把这个句子变成问句的时候必须用did 4, d-i-d, did 开头,于是这句话就变成了Did he use to swim in high school? 再举一个例子: 把 She used to exercise in highschool. 这句话变成问句, 就要这样说: Did she use to exercise in high school?现在我们来做练习. 由老师念一个有 used to 这个词组的句子,叫学生把这些句子改为问句. 现在请你注意听.

M: He used to swim in high school.
F: Did he use to swim in high school?
M: She used to play basketball in high school.
F: Did she use to play basketball in high school?
M: You used to play volleyball in high school.
F: Did you use to play volleyball in high school?
M: They used to exercise in high school.
F: Did they use to exercise in high school?
M: Henry used to run in high school.
F: Did Henry use to run in high school?

现在我们换一个方法作练习.由老师念一个句子,请你用where, w-h-e-r-e, where 这个字, 把句子改成问句. 首先还是举个例子:

M: He used to swim in a river.
F: Where did he use to swim?

好, 现在我们正式开始. 在你把句子改为问句之后, 请听正确答案.

M: He used to swim in a river.
F: Where did he use to swim?
M: She used to work in the factory.
F: Where did she use to work?
M: They used to play volleyball in their backyard 8.
F: Where did they use to play volleyball?
M: Susan used to run in the park.
F: Where did Susan use to run?

现在我们再换一个方式来做练习. 先由老师用 when, w-h-e-n, when这个字, 问一个有 used to 这个词组的问句, 接着老师提出一个说明时间的词组, 请你用时间词组来回答问题. 首先举个例子:

M: When did he use to get up?
M: at seven o'clock
F: He used to get up at seven o'clock.

现在我们正式开始. 在你回答之后, 还是请你听我们的正确答案.

M: When did he use to get up?
M: at seven o'clock
F: He used to get up at seven o'clock.
M: When did she use to have a lot of time?
M: after school
F: She used to have a lot of time after school.
M: When did they use to go to soccer games?
M: on Sundays
F: They used to go to soccer games on Sundays.
M: When did Kate use to have a vacation 9?
M: in the summer
F: Kate used to have a vacation in the summer.

三.动词 + TO + 动词

刚才我们练习了怎么用 used to 这个词组, 现在我们来学习动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上动词的用法. 首先请你听一个句子: I like to play volleyball. 这个句子有两个动词like 和play. 这两个动词是由 to, 这个字联在一起的, to play volleyball 就是 like 这个动词的宾语. 再举一个例子: She likes to listen to music. 这个句子的宾语就是 to listen to music. 现在我们来练习这类句子. 练习的内容都是说亨利到了周未喜欢在家做些什么.每个句子我们念两遍, 在念第二遍的时候请你跟着念.

M: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends.
F: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends.
M: Henry likes to cook his own 10 dinner on weekends.
F: Henry likes to cook his own dinner on weekends.
M: Henry likes to make fancy 11 dishes 12 on weekends.
F: Henry likes to make fancy dishes on weekends.
M: Henry likes to invite 13 friends on weekends.
F: Henry likes to invite friends on weekends.

除了 like 这个动词, 其他动词, 比方: love, l-o-v-e, love, want, w-a-n-t, want, plan 14,p-l-a-n, plan, try, t-r-y, try, need, n-e-e-d, need, prefer 15, p-r-e-f-e-r, prefer, 都可以这样用. 现在我们用这些动词来作换字练习. 首先举个例子:

M: Susan loves to exercise.
M: wants to play tennis
F: Susan wants to play tennis.

好, 现在我们开始. 在你回答之后, 请注意听正确答案.

M: Susan loves to exercise.
M: wants to play tennis
F: Susan wants to play tennis.
M: plans 16 to go swimming
F: Susan plans to go swimming.
M: tries to run very fast
F: Susan tries to run very fast.
M: needs to study hard
F: Susan needs to study hard.
M: prefers 17 to travel 18 by train.
F: Susan prefers to travel by train.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 先由老师念一个陈述句, 叫学生改为问句. 请你注意, 改为问句的时候必须要用 does, d-o-e-s, does. 现在请你注意听.

M: Susan loves to exercise.
F: Does Susan love to exercise?
M: Susan wants to play tennis.
F: Does Susan want to play tennis?
M: Susan plans to go swimming.
F: Does Susan plan to go swimming?
M: Susan tries to run very fast.
F: Does Susan try to run very fast?
M: Susan needs to study hard.
F: Does Susan need to study hard?
M: Susan prefers to travel by train.
F: Does Susan prefer to travel by train?

在下面一组练习里, 由老师念一些句子, 请你用what, w-h-a-t, what 这个字把原来的句子改为问句, 然后请你听正确答案.

M: Henry loves to cook his own dinner.
F: What does Henry love to cook?
M: Henry likes to make fancy dishes.
F: What does Henry like to make?
M: Susan wants to play tennis.
F: What does Susan want to play?
M: Susan needs to study for test.
F: What does Susan need to study for?
M: Kate plans to buy a dress.
F: What does Kate plan to buy?
M: Kate prefers to have a small party.
F: What does Kate prefer to have?

四. 听短文回答问题

现在我们来测验一下你的听力.首先请你听一段文章,内容是说亨利一家人怎么旅行, 谈到了坐火车有什么好处.好, 现在请你注意听.

Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays 19 there are fewer 20 trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife 21, Kate, however 22, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax 23 and she doesn't need to worry about gas 24, repairs 25, or parking 26 when traveling 27 by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday 28. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic 29.

刚才那段文章不知道你听懂了多少? 等一会儿, 我们再用慢速度给你念一遍.现在请你注意听我们要测验的三个问题.

M: How did Henry use to travel?

M: Does Kate still like to travel by train?

M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs?


Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays there are fewer trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife, Kate, however, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax and she doesn't need to worry about gas, repairs, or parking when traveling by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.

好了, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在回答之后, 请你注意听正确答案.

M: How did Henry use to travel?
F: He used to travel by train.

M: Does Kate still like to travel by train?
F: Yes,she still likes to travel by train.

第三个问题比较长, 请你注意听:
M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs?
F: They take the train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.

1 used
  • I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.他过去经常一小时走二至五英里。
2 anymore
adv.不再, 再也不
  • She doesn't live here anymore.她已不在这里住了。
  • He doesn't come here anymore.他再也不到这儿来。
3 important
  • It's important to find out what he is doing.弄清他在干什么是重要的。
  • This is a very important problem.这个问题很重要。
4 did
  • How many goals did you score in the last game?上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  • Why did you choose basketball in the first place?你为何首先选择篮球呢?
5 going
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
6 Okay
  • The play is okay,but I still prefer the book.戏还可以,可我仍愿读原著。
  • Is it okay with you if I borrow this book?我借这本书你不在意吧?
7 store
  • The shoe store is across from the bank.鞋店在银行对面。
  • Some food won't store.有些食物不能贮存。
8 backyard
  • I parked the car in the backyard.我把汽车停在后院。
  • The residents didn't want a new factory in their backyard.居民不希望在他们住地附近建新工厂。
9 vacation
  • I'll take a vacation this weekend.这个周末我要休假。
  • The vacation passed away quickly.假期过得很快。
10 own
  • I need my own space.我需要自己的空间。
  • Everything I own is yours.我所有的一切都是你的。
11 fancy
  • He seemed to have taken quite a fancy to her.他似乎相当喜欢她。
  • I have a fancy that it's going to rain.我想大概要下雨。
12 dishes
n.盘( dish的名词复数 );餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人
  • a pile of unwashed dishes 一堆未洗的碟子
  • The dishes were many, but they were all poorly cooked. 菜很多,但烧得都不好吃。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 invite
  • We'd better not invite him.我们最好不要邀请他。
  • They invite us to have dinner.我们邀请他们去电影院。
14 plan
  • What do you plan to do during the holidays?你打算在假期里做什么?
  • I talked with him about our plan,and he wanted in.我同他谈了我们的计划,他想参加。
15 prefer
  • I prefer red to blue.我喜欢红色而不喜欢蓝色。
  • I prefer tea rather than coffee.我喜欢茶甚于喜欢咖啡。
16 plans
n.计划( plan的名词复数 );打算;平面图;示意图v.计划,打算,设计( plan的第三人称单数 )
  • We have to discover his plans and act accordingly. 我们得找出他的计划,照着办。
  • There are plans afoot to increase taxation. 正在拟订增税方案。
17 prefers
v.提出(请求、控诉等)( prefer的第三人称单数 );提升;建议;选择某事物(而不选择他事物)
  • He prefers his steak well done. 他喜欢吃煎得熟透的牛排。
  • This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity. 这种植物在酸性土壤中也能生存,但硷性土壤更加适宜。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 travel
  • We can now travel by air.现在我们可以坐飞机旅行。
  • Autumn is the best season for travel.秋天是旅行的最好季节。
19 nowadays
  • Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.现今谋生很容易。
  • Nowadays petrol costs too much.如今的汽油太贵了。
20 fewer
  • We need more apples and fewer oranges.我们需要多些苹果,少些橘子。
  • Now I meet with fewer difficulties in my work.现在我工作中困难少些了。
21 wife
  • She is my wife.她是我妻子。
  • He is a tall man but his wife is a short woman.他是个子很高的男人,但他妻子很矮。
22 however
  • It's raining hard.However,I still want to go there.虽然下着大雨,我还是想去那儿。
  • However, this does not always happen.然而,这种情况并不总是发生。
23 relax
  • Relax when you dance.跳舞时要放松。
  • Keep at it,don't relax!继续努力,不要泄劲!
24 gas
  • I seem to smell gas.我好像闻到煤气味儿。
  • There are several kinds of gas in the air.空气中有几种气体。
25 repairs
n.修理,修补( repair的名词复数 );修补的地方v.纠正( repair的第三人称单数 );补救
  • They lacked the wherewithal to pay for the repairs. 他们缺少维修费。
  • The repairs will cost £35, at the very most. 修理费最多35英镑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
26 parking
  • A bus is parking on the road.路上停着一辆公共汽车。
  • Next you must learn how to back a car into a parking space.下一步你应该学会如何把车倒入停车的空地。
27 traveling
  • Government officials who travel on business are given traveling allowances. 因公出差的政府官员享有出差补贴。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The contents of the packet may shake down in traveling. 袋子里的东西经摇晃会沉到底部。 来自《简明英汉词典》
28 everyday
  • Sweeping the floor is his everyday work.扫地是他的日常工作。
  • He practices speaking English everyday.他每天练习说英语。
29 traffic
  • That will help the traffic.这会促进交通状况。
  • He had a traffic accident.他出了交通事故。
acoustic signalling device
argyrophil cell
Aria R.
automatic repeat request system
back astern
bareilly (bareli)
Bulbophyllum spathulatum
Cammett table
catalyst oven
civil disturbance
conger eels
contour level
corynespora melongenae takimoto
deep sea moor buoy array
directive movement
dorsal interosseous artery
economic running
equal ratios
error spread
eucalyptus cinerea
facilities and services
faith in
flat probe
forget you
fraxinus griffithii clarke
fresh start theory
get to sleep
hauling drum
head cabbage
helical line type filter
hypogonad obesity
interdendritic void
internal transfer system
interstitial neurons
joint stockholder
Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic
kung mo wu
matter and consciousness
methyl tin bromide
narcotic analysis
nominal ball diameter
obstacle indicator
paged machine
pinch off voltage
poisson's inflection
protective wire
regenerative cycle gas turbine
resequent stream
rocky balboa
rosenbusch order of crystallization
royal osmund
saltpeter saltpetre
shipping note
sonund wave
spike dog
strain crack
surface chart
tin-base bearing alloy
to yell with fury
train container
two stage pump
upwelling hot flow zone
voice recording
water-proof type
weight in lag scheme
welded bridge
what if'
xenon arc lamp