时间:2018-12-08 作者:英语课 分类:VOA中级美国英语



我们先学习怎么用 ask, a-s-k, ask 来表达 "请求某个人作某件事", 然后我们要用动词 remind 1, r-e-m-i-n-d, remind "提醒" 和 hope 2, h-o-p-e, hope "希望" 作一些包含了宾语从句的句子, 最后我们要学习怎么应用 "立刻" right away, r-i-g-h-t a-w-a-y, right away. 现在我们来听这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利和凯特为了准备去野餐忙碌的情况. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Did 3 you listen to the weather report 4 this morning?
F: Yes, I did. It will be cloudy in the afternoon. I hope that it won't rain.
M: Have you made 6 the sandwiches yet 7?
F: No, I haven't. I'll start right away. Did you get the soft drinks?
M: Yes, I did. They are in the refrigerator 8.
F: Would 9 you put plastic 10 knives and forks in the picnic basket? And don't forget the paper
  plates and napkins 11.
M: Oh, Nancy called a while 12 ago. She told me that she would like to bring something for
  the picnic.
F: I'll call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine 13.

现在我请两位英文老师用慢速度再把对话念一遍, 请你注意听.

M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning?
F: Yes, I did. It will be cloudy in the afternoon. I hope that it won't rain.
M: Have you made the sandwiches yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll start right away.Did you get the soft drinks?
M: Yes, I did. They are in the refrigerator.
F: Would you put plastic knives and forks in the picnic basket? And don't forget the paper
  plates and napkins.
M: Oh, Nancy called a while ago. She told me that she would like to bring something for
  the picnic.
F: I'll call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine.

刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了我们今天要学的语法, 现在我请英文老师再把这些句子念一遍给你听.

F: I hope that it won't rain.
F: I'll start right away.
M: She told me that she would like to bring something for the picnic.
F: I'll call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine.


首先我们学习怎么用 ask, a-s-k, ask 来表达 "请求". 下面老师给你念几个句子说明凯特为了野餐会请亨利帮了什么忙,比方: Kate asked Henry to get the picnic basket ready. "凯特请亨利把野餐篮子准备好" 等等. 每个句子老师念两遍.

M: Kate asked Henry to help.
F: Kate asked Henry to help.
M: Kate asked Henry to buy soft drinks.
F: Kate asked Henry to buy soft drinks.
M: Kate asked Henry to get the picnic basket ready.
F: Kate asked Henry to get the picnic basket ready.
M: Kate asded Henry to put napkins in the basket.
F: Kate asked Henry to put napkins in the basket.

下面我们来作一组代换练习, 学习怎么说 "请求别人不要作什么事",比方凯特请南希不要预备吃的, 不要作甜点, 不要为了野餐而忙碌等等. 练习的作法是由老师念一个陈述句, 然后老师给你念一个词组,请你把这个词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句还是请你听正确答案.

M: Kate asked Nancy not to prepare 14 food.
M: make dessert
F: Kate asked Nancy not to make dessert.
M: bring anything to eat
F: Kate asked Nancy not to bring anything to eat.
M: get busy for the picnic
F: Kate asked Nancy not to get busy for the picnic.
M: buy expensive wine for the picnic
F: Kate asked Nancy not to buy expensive wine for the picnic.

下面一组练习是说到凯特为了准备野餐会请亨利, 南希和儿女们帮忙作的事情. 比方她请珍妮作沙拉, 请琳达装饰甜点等等. 练习的作法是老师用 ask 提出一个问题, 接着老师给你念一个词组, 请你用这个词组来回答问题. 下面就是一个例子:

M: What did Kate ask Henry to do?
M: go to the supermarket
F: She asked him to go to the supermarket.

好, 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: What did Kate ask Henry to do?
M: go to the supermarket
F: She asked him to go to the supermarket.
M: What did Kate ask Jenny to do?
M: prepare salad
F: She asked her to prepare salad.
M: what did Kate ask Linda to do?
M: decorate 15 the dessert
F: She asked her to decorate the dessert.
M: What did Kate ask Peter to do?
M: take out the garbage 16
F: She asked him to take out the garbage.
M: What did Kate ask Nancy to do?
M: bring a bottle of wine
F: She asked her to bring a bottle of wine.


除了动词ask以外, "提醒" remind, r-e-m-i-n-d, remind也可以跟我们刚才学的句型配合.比方 "亨利提醒凯特听天气报告" 这句话在英文里可以这样说: Henry reminds 17 Kate to listen to the weather report. 我们也可以把句子改成 "亨利提醒凯特说她应该听天气报告." 那么英文就应该这样说: Henry reminds Kate that she should listen to the weather report. 第二种说法就是用上了我们上一课学
过的以连词 that 引导的宾语从句. 现在我们来作一组练习比较这两种说法. 比方老师问你: Did Henry remind Kate to listen to the weather report? 你就用宾语从句肯定地回答说: Yes, he reminded 18 her that she should listen to the wether report. 现在我们开始作练习:

M: Did Henry remind Kate to listen to the weather report?
F: Yes, he reminded her that she should listen to the weather report.
M: Did he remind her to make sandwiches?
F: Yes, he reminded her that she should make sandwiches.
M: Did he remind her to call Nancy?
F: Yes, he reminded her that she should call Nancy.
M: Did Kate remind Henry to get the picnic basket ready?
F: Yes, she reminded him that he should get the picnic basket ready.
M: Did she remind him to get plastic knives and forks?
F: Yes, she reminded him that he should get plastic knives and forks.
M: Did she remind him to put paper plates in the basket?
F: Yes,she reminded him that he should put paper plates in the basket.


现在我们再来学习宾语从句. 下面一组练习是把 "希望" hope, h-o-p-e, hope 跟宾语从句配合起来. 比方 "我希望三明治好吃",英文可以这样说: I hope that the sandwiches are good. 现在我们以代换练习的方式学学这类句子.首先老师念一个陈述句, 然后老师念一个宾语从句,学生就把这个宾语从句代换到原来的句子里. 这些句子的内容都是说凯特有什么愿望, 比方她希望野餐的时候带的东西够大家吃,公园里不会太挤, 那儿有野餐用的桌子, 长凳子等等. 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: I hope that the weather will be nice.
M: It won't rain.
F: I hope that it won't rain.
M: We have brought 19 enough food.
F: I hope that we have brought enough food.
M: It won't be crowded 20 in the park.
F: I hope that it won't be crowded in the park.
M: There are tables and benches 21 in the park.
F: I hope that there are tables and benches in the park.

下面一组练习是由凯特说一句话, 比方: "天色阴暗" The weather is cloudy, 然后老师念一个宾语从句, 比方: "快点晴朗起来" It will clear 22 up soon, 请你用hope跟宾语从句把凯特的愿望说出来.每作完一句就请你听凯特念正确答案.

F: Nancy is not here yet.
M: She will be here soon.
F: Nancy is not here yet. I hope that she will be here soon.
F: The weather is cloudy.
M: It will clear up soon.
F: The weather is cloudy. I hope that it will clear up soon.
F: There is a lot of food.
M: You can eat more.
F: There is a lot of food. I hope that you can eat more.
F: The park is crowded.
M: There are enought tables and benches.
F: The park is crowded. I hope that there are enough tables and benches.


下面我们来学习怎么用 right away, r-i-g-h-t a-w-a-y, right away. 这个词组可以用来表示 "马上" 或是 "立刻". 比方凯特在去野餐之前提醒亨利说: "你把野餐篮子拿到外面车上去了吗? "Have you taken the picnic basket out to the car yet?亨利回答说: "没有,我立刻拿出去." No, I haven't. I'll take it out right away.下面我们用这种方式作练习, 练习的内容都是说到预备去野餐的事情,请你注意听亨利问问题, 然后请你用 right away 回答, 每作完一句就请你听凯特念出正确答案.

M: Have you made sandwiches yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll make them right away.
M: Have you told Jenny to prepare salad yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll tell her right away.
M: Have you asked Linda to decorate the dessert yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll ask her right away.
M: Have you called Nancy yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll call her right away.

下面两个问题是由凯特提出来的, 由亨利回答. 还是请你跟刚才一样作练习.

F: Have you taken the picnic basket out to the car yet?
M: No, I haven't. I'll take it out right away.
F: Have you put the paper plates in the basket yet?
M: No, I haven't. I'll put them in right away.


首先我们还是听一段文章内容是说亨利和凯特一家人约了南希和她的丈夫一起去野餐, 两家人到附近一个公园, 那儿有一条小河, 大家坐在树荫底下吃饭,聊天儿的情况. 请你注意听, 等一会儿老师会根据这段文章来问你几个问题.

Henry's family had 23 a picnic over the weekend. They asked their friends, Nancy and her
husband 24, to go with them.
On Sunday morning, Henry's wife 25, Kate, got 26 up early to prepare sandwiches for the picnic.
She asked Henry to get some soft drinks. Henry told her that they were in the refrigerator.
Then Kate asked him to get the picnic basket ready. She also reminded him that he
should put paper plates and napkins in it. At 10 o'clock in the morning Nancy called and
told Henry that she would like to bring something to the picnic. Kate called her back and
asked her to bring a bottle of wine.
Nancy and her husband arrived at noon 5. The two families went to a nearby 27 park. A small
river runs through the park. There were tables and benches under the trees beside the
river. The weather was 28 cloudy but it didn't rain. Everybody 29 enjoyed the picnic and it was
a very relaxing 30 Sunday afternoon.

刚才那段文章你听懂了吗? 如果没有都听懂等一会儿你还有机会听.现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: Who went on the picnic over the weekend?

M: What did they take to the picnic?

M: What did they see in the park?


Henry's family had a picnic over the weekend. They asked their friends, Nancy and her
husband, to go with them.
On Sunday morning, Henry's wife, Kate, got up early to prepare sandwiches for the picnic.
She asked Henry to get some soft drinks. Henry told her that they were in the refrigerator.
Then Kate asked him to get the picnic basket ready. She also reminded him that he
should put paper plates and napkins in it. At 10 o'clock in the morning Nancy called and
told Henry that she would like to bring something to the picnic. Kate called her back and
asked her to bring a bottle of wine.
Nancy and her husband arrived at noon. The two families went to a nearby park. A small
river runs through the park. There were tables and benches under the trees beside the
river. The weather was cloudy but it didn't rain. Everybody enjoyed the picnic and it was
a very relaxing Sunday afternoon.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 每回答一个问题就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Who went on the picnic over the weekend?
F: Henry's family, Nancy and her husband went on the picnic over the weekend.

M: What did they take to the picnic?
F: They took 31 sandwiches, soft drinks, paper plates, napkins and a bottle of wine to the

M: What did they see in the park?
F: They saw 32 a river, trees, tables and benches in the park.

1 remind
  • These notes will remind you how to present your ideas.这些笔记可以帮你记起怎样讲清楚你的意思。
  • May I remind you that time will soon be up?我可以提醒你时间快到了吗?
2 hope
  • We hope you can come.我们希望你能来。
  • Hope you'll enjoy yourself there.愿您度过愉快的一天。
3 did
  • How many goals did you score in the last game?上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  • Why did you choose basketball in the first place?你为何首先选择篮球呢?
4 report
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon.今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • I shall report to you.我将向你汇报。
5 noon
  • She often read newspaper at noon.她常在中午看报。
  • I'll be back before noon.我会在正午之前回来。
6 made
  • They were not made in china.它们不是中国制造的。
  • The monkey made a long arm for the peach.猴子伸臂去摘桃子。
7 yet
  • I am not ready yet.我还没有准备好。
  • Beautiful as she is,she didn't find a boyfriend yet.尽管她很漂亮,但还没找到男朋友呢。
8 refrigerator
  • We keep food in a refrigerator.我们把食物存放在冰箱里。
  • There's a very nice refrigerator in the kitchen.厨房里有个相当不错的冰箱。
9 would
  • Why would you say that?为什么你会这么说?
  • Would you please help me?你能帮帮我吗?
10 plastic
  • This ruler is made of plastic.尺子是塑料做的。
  • Where is the plastic cup?塑料杯放哪儿了?
11 napkins
n.餐巾( napkin的名词复数 ); 尿布
  • The boys left their dirty napkins at the table. 男孩子们把他们用过的脏餐巾留在餐桌上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • A new servant had been recently installed and had forgot the napkins. 最近又换了一个女仆,今天新女仆忘了准备餐巾。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
12 while
conj.当…的时候;而;虽然;尽管 n.一会儿
  • In a short while,the cat ate up the fish.不久,那只猫便将鱼吃个精光。
  • He teaches English in the school all the while.他一直在这所学校里教英语。
13 wine
  • After drinking some wine,I feel warm all over.喝酒以后周身发热。
  • The wine bottle is empty.酒瓶干了。
14 prepare
  • I prepare to sell the car.我准备把车卖掉。
  • We must prepare for the worst.我们必须做最坏的打算。
15 decorate
  • My mother likes to decorate rooms.我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间。
  • John will decorate his house tomorrow.约翰明天将装饰他的房子。
16 garbage
  • Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.垃圾使大小河流遭受污染。
  • Have you taken the garbage out yet?你把垃圾扔掉了吗?
17 reminds
v.使想起( remind的第三人称单数 );提醒
  • That reminds me that I have a meeting to attend this evening. 这使我想起今晚我还有一个会要参加。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The time of year reminds me how the months have gone. 每年这个时候都使我想起那些月份是怎么过去的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 reminded
v.使想起( remind的过去式和过去分词 );提醒
  • We reminded them that the meeting had been postponed. 我们提醒他们会议已经延期。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He reminded me to lock up the house when I go out. 他提醒我外出时把屋子锁起来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
19 brought
  • He brought a new book with him.他带来一本新书。
  • I brought you your shirt.我带来了你的衬衣。
20 crowded
  • Earth is becoming more and more crowded.地球变得越来越拥挤。
  • Guangzhou is a crowded city!广州是个拥挤的城市!
21 benches
n.法官( bench的名词复数 );(木制)长凳;(英国议会的)议员席;场边的运动员休息区
  • He resigned as Home Secretary and returned to the back benches. 他辞去了内政大臣的职务,回到后座议员席。
  • These benches belong under the trees. 这些长凳该放在树下。 来自《简明英汉词典》
22 clear
  • Clear the snow from the road.清除马路上的积雪。
  • Is that clear to everyone?大家都明白了么?
23 had
  • I just had a good idea!我有个好主意!
  • The boy had a small branch of a tree in his hand.这个男孩手上拿一条小树枝。
24 husband
  • My husband just lost his job.我老公刚刚失业了。
  • I visited my daughter and her husband.我去看望我的女儿和女婿。
25 wife
  • She is my wife.她是我妻子。
  • He is a tall man but his wife is a short woman.他是个子很高的男人,但他妻子很矮。
26 got
  • I just got some bad news.我刚得到一些坏消息。
  • I have got far too much work to do.我要做的事太多了。
27 nearby
  • There is a supermarket nearby.附近有一家超市。
  • We went fishing in the river nearby.我们去附近的河里钓鱼。
28 was
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
29 everybody
  • Christmas is a holiday for everybody.圣诞节是所有人的节日。
  • It is difficult to find a time that suits everybody.很难找到一个对每人都合适的时间。
30 relaxing
  • My vacation was very relaxing.我的假期过得很放松。
  • Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving.乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。
31 took
  • I took my dog for a walk along the river.我带着狗沿那条河散步。
  • It took me about two hours to cook the meat.我花了大约两个小时来煮这些肉。
32 saw
  • Would you like to saw a tree for me?你能为我锯棵树吗?
  • The moment I saw you,I knew you were angry with me.我一看到你,就知道你在生我的气。
aggregate for reinforced concrete
Ahle Qur'an
amputated gene
Aschendorf (Ems)
at tulayhi
automatic box splitter
bank protection works
be enraged with sb
by coincidence
c horizons
Chirita juliae
Columbia tiger lily
coming out of the closet
complete correlation matrix
complete preteins
compound zero correction
computer console
coordinate curves
decimal hour watch
design stress intensity
diaphragm compliance
disk failure
drag image
El Guabal
engine tractive force
extra bold
eye contacts
fighting with weapons
gas condensate field
gastroenterostomia antecolica
genus neohygrophoruss
Gould's bowed-head sign
immune surveillance function
in-orbit escape device
industry and trade
line ending zone
lithographic transfer
mine shaft
nervi lumbares
NIM (nuclear instrument module)
parasitic ciliate
Pedicularis altifrontalis
penal action
pieces damaged no extra work
policy dividend
print buffers
red bat
revoluting speed
rocker screen
Scylla and Charybdis
secondary clear to send
shave ... off
snurrebok (sweden)
sodium potassium silicate
spherite (sphaerite)
stationary ergodic noise
steam pipe driver
strike tally
Toldt's membrane
transmit-receive switch
troop basis
ultrasonic equipment for medical diagnosis
upper deck eaves molding
uranium bearing material
valve diagram
vibratory driver
with recourse
Woodrow Wilson