时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂


Part 1 Where to Eat in America 美国餐馆种类 

    If you want a hamburger, hotdog or fied potato, you can go to those REFRESHMENT STANDS or SNACK BARS, which also sell soft drinks.You can find these stalls 2 everywhere, parks, theatre entrance, airport, bus stop, railway station, etc. The price there is very low and the food is excellent. And also if you want to find a better place to enjoy your hamburger, you can go to the FAST FOOD CHAINS.
    The Italian food is very popular in America.You can buy it at a PIZZA STAND.It's easy to find those stands, but remember, if you choose to stay there enjoying your food, you should pay some tips after finishing the meal.
    There is another kind of restaurant that is called "LUNCHEONETTE" if you are particularly food of sandwiches, those are the right choices.To eat in such restaurants is quite economical 3.
    And if you want some vegetables, you can go to the SALAD BARS on the street.
    You can go to the DINERS or COFFEE SHOPS if you want to enjoy a full-scale Western-style food. There you can order food of various levels according to your own preference and economic status.
    Of course there are also many CHINESE FOOD RESTAURANTS, but it is somehow expensive to eat there-if you want to had a good meal.
    Finally, using VENDING 4 MACHINES are the easiest way to solve your food problem.You can find anything in it, candy, biscuit,  fruit, coffee and so on.

    首先,如果你想吃汉堡、热狗或者是炸土豆条,你可以去REFRESHMENT 1 STANDS (点心铺)或者SNACK BARS(小吃店),这类摊点不仅有吃的,还卖饮料,而且到处都可以找到,公园、戏院人口处、机场、汽车站、火车站等。如果你想去一个环境好点儿的地方吃汉堡,建议你去FAST FOOD CHAINS(快餐联锁店)。
    在美国,如果想吃比萨,可以去PIZZA STAND(馅饼摊)。这类摊点很容易找到,如果你坐在餐桌前吃,别忘了吃完要付点小费。
    另外,如果专门要吃三明治,LUNCHEONETTE(便餐店)是不错的选择,在这种小店里吃饭非常实惠。若想要吃蔬菜,大街上的SALAD BARS(沙拉酒吧)里就有供应。
    若要享受西餐的全套饭菜,可以去两个地方:一是DINERS(小餐馆),另一类是COFFEE SHOP(咖啡店)。在这些地方,你可以根据自己的喜好和经济状况点自己想要的食物。
    吃饭最简捷的方式是在VENDING MACHINES(自动售货机)那儿买,这种机器什么都卖,糖果、饼干、水果、咖啡,一应俱全。

Part 2 Dining Out 在餐馆就餐 

Dialogue Script1 对话原文1

Waitress: Good evening. Do you have a reservation 5
Wilson: Yes.The reservation is under Lin.
Waitress: Very good, Mr. Lin.Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating?
Wilson: Non-smoking, please.
Waitress: If you follow me, I will Show you to your table.
Wilson:Thank you.
Waitress: You're welcome.Your server will be with you right away to take your drink order.


1. 这段对话发生在顾客刚刚进餐馆时。Reservation见是“预定、预约”的意思,在好一点的餐馆里吃饭一般都需要提前预约,而当你进入一家餐馆时,侍者首先就会问你是否有预约,Do you have a reservation?

2. 以谁的名字预定座位或是酒店房间一般用介词under,比如,I have made a reservation for a double room in the Hilton Hotel under Mr. Peterson.我用彼得森的名字在希尔顿饭店订了一个双人间。

3. 国外的餐馆里不一定允许吸烟,即使允许,一般也分为吸烟区和非吸烟区,即smoking area和non-smoking area,所以对话中的non-smoking seating就是非吸烟区的座位。

4. 当别人对你表示感谢时,你可以说“You're welcome.”意思是“不用谢;没什么” 。

5. take one's order在这里的意思是替顾客写单,记录客人需要的食物或酒水。

Dialogue Script2 对话原文2

Waiter: Awfully 6 sorry, there are no vacancies 7 left now. Would you like to wait for a moment?
Anne: How long a wait do you think there'll be?
Waiter: About eight minutes, I think.
Anne: OK, we will wait for a while.
(Ten minutes later)
Waiter: I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. Now there is a table available in non-smoking section. Please follow me.
Anne: Thank you.
Waiter: This is menu. Are you ready to oder now?
Anne: Sorry, we haven't decided 8 yet. Could you please give us a little longer?
Waiter: No problem.


1. 没有空位子或者空房间,我们可以说,There are no vacancies left now.

2. 无论是顾客还是侍者,在对话中都非常客气,显示了侍者受过很好的培训,而顾客则具有良好的修养。

Dialogue Script3 对话原文3

Waitress: Have you had time to look over the menu?
Wayne: Er, yes. Iwould like the beef steak.
Waitress: How would you like your meat cooked?
Wayne: Well done, Please.
Waitress: Would you like a side salade?
Wayne: No.
Waitress: Anything else to drink?
Wayne: Yes.A glass of your house wine.
Waitress: Very good.I will bring your appetizer 9 immediately.


1. 侍者对顾客要绝对的客气,所以当询问客人是否看完菜单并准备点菜时,要婉转地说,Have you had time to look over the menu? menu,菜单。

2. 在这里客人点了一份牛排。牛排,beef steak. 当询问客人牛排需要几成熟应该怎么说呢?对话中的原句是How would you like your meat cooked?这是一个很有用的句型。

3.客人回答Well done. 在一般情况下,well done的意思是“干得不错、干得漂亮”,而在对话中,它是“完全熟”的意思,希望大家注意。

4. side salad,意为“作为配菜的沙拉”;appetizer是开胃菜的意思。

Dialogue Script4 对话原文4

Richard: What do you recommend?
Waitress: We have a daily chef's special of fried 10 chicken.
Richard: What side dish comes with the special?
Waitress: A side salad and your choice of a baked potato or steamed rice.
Richard: I will have the special with a salad and the potato.
Waitress: Anything else?
Rcihard: Yes, a glass oficed water.


1. 这是一段关于客人就坐后进行点餐的对话。当你第一次到一家餐馆或者不知道该点什么菜时,通常可以让侍者为你推荐,在对话中,客人就是这样。一般在这种情况下,侍者往往会为你推荐那家餐馆的特色菜或者招牌菜。

2. daily chef's special,可以翻译为“每日大厨特别推荐”,也就是这家餐馆的大厨每天推出的一道特色菜。Special在这里做名词,意为特色菜。而当天的 daily chef's special就是 fried chicken,随后客人又问炸鸡特餐包含有什么配菜,What side dish comes with the special? side dish 就是正菜外的附加菜。

Part 3 Manners at the Table 餐桌礼仪


2. 吃西餐时,让刀、叉与盆、碟相碰发出响声不好。渴汤时最好也不要出声。如果不习惯使用刀、叉,可以要求招待为你换双筷子。国外的餐厅中一般都为顾客准备了筷子,比较周到。另外,在国内,用自己的筷子为别人夹菜是常事,人们这么做表示关系亲密。而在英美国家,不可以用自己的筷子为别人添菜,更不应把自己盘子里的菜分给别人,除非你还没有动过。

3.在国外的餐馆,客人吃完饭是要付小费的。小费问题比较复杂,大多数人给餐馆招待的小费是其餐费的 15%左右。给小费时要注意,一般是将小费放入盘中,而不是直接递到招待手中,这样显得不尊重对方。另外,给小费时,说话要客气,不能说“Herer is the tip.”这样听起来太生硬。只说“Here is the bill, keep the change, please.” 就行了。

4. 在就餐时要注意的最重要的一点就是,你需要注意自己的形象。对于西方的餐桌礼节,大多数中国人了解的并不多。最困难的是搞清楚什么样的场合是要求礼节的。其实,这方面并没有统一的标准,只是一种随着时间的推进而不断发展的行为规范。餐巾的使用、肘部的摆放位置以及面包的食用方法是易出问题的地方。千万不要将餐巾像小孩戴围嘴一样塞进脖领里。饭后切记不要用力擦拭你的嘴巴,最后是轻轻地把嘴唇抹干净,尤其当你涂着唇膏的时候。

5. 对于手机的滥用,我们建议,在用餐时最好把手机关掉。如果你在这时接听电话,就会让主人认为还有其它事情比他(她)的陪伴更重要。这种做法很不礼貌。如果真的有急事要处理,你可以事先把电话转到餐厅,然后尽量在不被人注意的情况下去接听。

6. 礼貌还表现在去洗手间的时间还错开,以免一帮人同时离开餐桌而使进行中的谈话中断。女士们在化妆间的谈话也是如此。

7. 对于中国人来说,还有一个问题必须强调一下,那就是要抛弃对于手拿食物所怀有的根深蒂固的厌恶情绪,而西方人这样做是不假思索的。不过大家要注意,食用面包时一定要掰开,不要用刀子切,一口吃一小块。肘部要离开桌面。

8. 外国人不喜欢多吃糖,因为这样易导致胖以及引起心脏病、高血压等病。此外,欧美国家的人也厌恶动物油和盐。吃太多的动物油盐会对心脏有害。英美人士较少喝汤,烹调的菜肴也不带汤,以干食为主。如果需要喝汤,则用勺子在汤盘里舀着送入口中。一般来说,一套正式的西餐包括:开胃品(APETIZER);汤(SOUP) 主菜(MAIN COURSE);餐后食品(AFTER-DINER SNACKS)和咖啡(COFFEE)。

9. 在美国,人们习惯先食物用刀子切碎,然后再拿叉子食用。在欧洲人们把食物一切一小片,放人嘴中;与旁人交谈时,就先暂停进餐。而以上两种方法均不同的是,我们中国人吃饭时,总是习惯把碗端起来对着脸,在西方可不行!

1 refreshment
  • He needs to stop fairly often for refreshment.他须时不时地停下来喘口气。
  • A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day's work.在一天工作之后洗个热水澡真是舒畅。
2 stalls
n.戏院正厅前排座位,前座观众;摊( stall的名词复数 );熄火;厩;(房间内的)小隔间
  • market stalls selling cheap bric-a-brac 集市上出售廉价小摆设的货摊
  • the front row of the stalls 正厅第一排
3 economical
  • The state has paced the whole nation in the economical reform.这个州在经济改革中走在了全国的前列。
  • Coke is an economical fuel but it leaves a lot of ash.焦炭是一种很经济的燃料,可是燃烧后剩下很多灰。
4 vending
v.出售(尤指土地等财产)( vend的现在分词 );(尤指在公共场所)贩卖;发表(意见,言论);声明
  • Why Are You Banging on the Vending Machine? 你为什么敲打这台自动售货机? 来自朗文快捷英语教程 2
  • Coca-Cola had to adapt almost 300,000 vending machines to accept the new coins. 可口可乐公司必须使将近三十万台自动贩卖机接受新货币。 来自超越目标英语 第5册
5 reservation
  • The instruction should be carried out without any reservation.应当不折不扣地执行这个指示。
  • I accept your statement without reservation.我完全相信你的话。
6 awfully
  • Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.过去农业遭到严重忽视。
  • I've been feeling awfully bad about it.对这我一直感到很难受。
7 vacancies
n.空房间( vacancy的名词复数 );空虚;空白;空缺
  • job vacancies 职位空缺
  • The sign outside the motel said \"No Vacancies\". 汽车旅馆外的招牌显示“客满”。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
9 appetizer
  • We served some crackers and cheese as an appetizer.我们上了些饼干和奶酪作为开胃品。
  • I would like a cucumber salad for an appetizer.我要一份黄瓜沙拉作开胃菜。
10 fried
  • I ate everything fried.所有油炸的我都吃。
  • I prefer fried peanuts.我选择炸花生。
Age of Man
areal derivative
arminite (arnimite)
be after someone
bergeron classification
blower production line
brou ha ha!
Carex hongyuanensis
characteristic number
chemical binding energy
cholelithiasis in pregnancy
communication interface standard
conilepia nigricosta paiwan
consultant company
cooled infrared detector
disazo pigment
discharge excited
dorsal cervical plexus
double-sided sprayer
elemental semiconductor
enterobacter spp
erythema flux
external advisory panel
formal row of rower
fundamental research
General Machado
gloeosporium musarum cooke et massee
gradient flux-gate magnetometer
granulated tobacco
grinding ore
handicraft article
heterogeneous die
hiclory peg
isopleth radiation
kids will be kids
main shaft distance bushing
mean carrier
mechanical vibrometer
mutual-inductance bridge
nodi sinuatrialis
nozzle burner
particulate science
pillar shaping machine
plexus vascuiosus
Poggio Renatico
primary parkinsonism
principle of rent
program for internet news and e-mail
Pseudomonas myxogenes
residual heat of workshop
Reverse Osmosis Water System
rotatory movement
shipboard spectrophotometer
signal separator
special weapon platoon
speed matching equipment
spring loaded stick
statistica methodology
stock collateral loan
stricture of anterior naris
taken my flight
talk about
the Feast of Lanterns
Thomas Cranmer
vostro balance
yarylgach (mizhvodne)