模仿文本: So Charles Handysees the information revolution stripping 1 power from corporations 2 and placingit in the hands of workers. But to be fair, the information revolution has beenaround for almost as long as he has, and it hasn't yet revolutionised our workplaces.I mean, whatever happened to the paperless office? And why do people still goto an office when IT means they could work just as effectively anywhere on theplanet?

- These fruit knives are very good for stripping apple skins off. 这种水果刀削苹果皮很好用。
- Stripping the shirt from his back, he bound the wound. 他把衬衣从背上脱了下来,包扎好伤口。
法人( corporation的名词复数 ); (政治、经济的)组合; 市政委员会
- The bulk of the funds are supplied by some of America's largest and most powerful corporations. 大部分资金是由美国一些最大和最有实力的公司提供的。
- He didn't sympathise with the corporations, but strength was with them. "他并不同情公司,但是力量属于他们。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹