时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:英语灵异故事

[00:13.01]The Presence Of My Brother
[00:31.73]My brother and I were never close,
[00:34.59]actually I really disliked him,
[00:37.57]and we didn't get along whatsoever,
[00:40.74]so I did not really know how to react.
[00:44.05]Finally, my mother and one of my older sisters came home,
[00:48.64]mom crying her eyes out and sister trying to comfort her.
[00:54.12]It was a tragic 1 day
[00:55.90]and we all tried to cope with it in different ways,
[00:59.70]my way maybe different than the others.
[01:02.94]Now my older sister, I will call her Joey,
[01:06.49]is very spiritual and can actually see ghosts
[01:10.52]and feel their presence, me on the other hand,
[01:14.37]I'm a down to earth kind of girl,
[01:17.25]I wanna see it first before I start believing it.
[01:21.02]But to come back to my story,
[01:23.21]we all went to bed and I slept peacefully, surprisingly.
[01:28.54]About two days later,
[01:30.16]my brother was brought to crematory,
[01:32.98]he was placed in a small room,
[01:35.82]with an open coffin
[01:37.78]so the family could say goodbye to him.
[01:40.64]The first day he arrived there, Joey and I "visited" him,
[01:45.09]and although he and I were never close,
[01:48.51]I went along with my sister, out of curiosity maybe,
[01:52.73]or out of respect for my mother
[01:54.72]since she did lose her oldest child, I don't know.
[03:51.05]My brother and I were never close,
[03:54.26]actually I really disliked him,
[03:57.39]and we didn't get along whatsoever,
[04:00.16]so I did not really know how to react.
[04:17.97]Finally, my mother and one of my older sisters came home,
[04:22.39]mom crying her eyes out and sister trying to comfort her.
[04:35.69]It was a tragic day
[04:37.46]and we all tried to cope with it in different ways,
[04:41.01]my way maybe different than the others.
[04:54.33]Now my older sister, I will call her Joey,
[04:57.73]is very spiritual and can actually see ghosts
[05:01.58]and feel their presence,
[05:13.08]me on the other hand,
[05:14.99]I'm a down to earth kind of girl,
[05:17.93]I wanna see it first before I start believing it.
[05:30.83]But to come back to my story,
[05:32.80]we all went to bed and I slept peacefully, surprisingly.
[05:46.01]About two days later,
[05:47.43]my brother was brought to crematory,
[05:50.86]he was placed in a small room,
[05:52.97]with an open coffin
[05:55.07]so the family could say goodbye to him.
[06:08.85]The first day he arrived there, Joey and I "visited" him,
[06:13.13]and although he and I were never close,
[06:16.33]I went along with my sister,
[06:29.87]out of curiosity maybe,
[06:31.67]or out of respect for my mother
[06:34.03]since she did lose her oldest child, I don't know.
[07:01.87]get along with sb
[07:09.98]get along well with sb
[07:16.88]don't get along
[07:19.10]get along bad
[07:21.87]whatsoever  无论什么
[07:32.80]whosoever / howsoever
[07:36.59]whoever / however
[07:40.07]cope with  应对、处理
[07:45.24]handle with / deal with
[07:52.75]a down to earth kind of girl
[07:57.59]down to earth
[08:04.38]say goodbye to sb
[08:12.47]I want to say goodbye to you.
[08:24.12]I have to leave now, please say goodbye to your wife.
[08:35.46]say hello to sb
[08:45.20]My brother and I were never close,
[08:48.04]actually I really disliked him,
[08:51.03]and we didn't get along whatsoever,
[08:54.00]so I did not really know how to react.
[08:57.84]Finally, my mother and one of my older sisters came home,
[09:02.36]mom crying her eyes out and sister trying to comfort her.
[09:07.43]It was a tragic day
[09:09.52]and we all tried to cope with it in different ways,
[09:13.26]my way maybe different than the others.
[09:16.59]Now my older sister, I will call her Joey,
[09:20.06]is very spiritual and can actually see ghosts
[09:24.17]and feel their presence, me on the other hand,
[09:27.88]I'm a down to earth kind of girl,
[09:30.68]I wanna see it first before I start believing it.
[09:34.80]But to come back to my story,
[09:36.96]we all went to bed and I slept peacefully, surprisingly.
[09:42.37]About two days later,
[09:43.75]my brother was brought to crematory,
[09:46.69]he was placed in a small room,
[09:49.53]with an open coffin
[09:51.52]so the family could say goodbye to him.
[09:54.47]The first day he arrived there, Joey and I "visited" him,
[09:58.65]and although he and I were never close,
[10:01.95]I went along with my sister, out of curiosity maybe,
[10:06.36]or out of respect for my mother
[10:08.67]since she did lose her oldest child, I don't know.

1 tragic
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。
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