时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:3 黄色小屋的秘密 The Yellow House Mys


The next day was fine, just as Joe had said. It was so fine that the children could hardly believe there had been such a storm. But how hungry they were!

“No breakfast today,” Joe called in a loud voice. “Think you can take it?”

“Oh, sure,” said Benny. “But I hope we can have some dinner.”

“Well, I think we can,” said Joe. “We can surely 1 find something to eat when we get to Old Village.”

“That’s where we’ll find Bill,” said Benny happily.

Henry and Alice started with a will to take down the tents. Violet 2 and Benny began to roll up their blankets. But Joe did nothing. He sat down on a log 3 and seemed to be thinking. This was not like Joe at all.

“Let him alone,” said Alice quietly to the children. “Just go on packing. He’ll soon help, too.”

But Joe didn’t begin to pack. Instead he called them all to stop packing and come to him for a minute.

“I want you all to understand why I took you way up here,” he said. “Maybe for nothing. Benny just said, ‘That’s where we’ll find Bill.’ Now I don’t really think we will find Bill. I never thought so. I think Bill must have died long ago. The boss at the lumber 4 camp had never heard of him. Mr. Long and Mr. Hill hadn’t either and they both have been around here many years.”

Joe stopped and smiled at Benny. Then he went on. “I don’t really think we’ll find the tin box either.”

“Why are you telling us all this, Joe?” asked Violet in her gentle voice. “Are you afraid we’ll be disappointed 5?”

“You’re exactly right!” said Joe quickly. He looked at his little cousin. “I don’t want you to be disappointed because you can’t solve the mystery. When we get to Old Village, I don’t know what to do next. I thought maybe we might get a clue 6 to the tin box, but we may not.”

“I don’t care, Joe,” shouted Benny. “I’ve had enough fun just camping, even if we don’t find Bill.”

“Oh, yes, we’ve all had fun, Joe,” Jessie broke in.

Joe’s face brightened 7. “Did you really?” he asked. “Even if we don’t find a thing? I hope so. That’s why I brought you so far. I thought we’d have fun anyway.”

“Don’t you worry any more, Joe,” said Henry. “Camping is the thing we like to do best in the world. It makes us think of Boxcar days and last summer on Surprise Island. But you don’t mind if we still look for clues 8, do you?”

“Mind—no!” said Joe. “I expect to look for clues myself. Just don’t be disappointed, that’s all.”

Then Joe hurried around and began to pack with a will. This time the children were glad to see a smile on his face.

“We’ll paddle 9 faster today,” he told them, “because we are so hungry. We can’t see Old Village from here, because the lake turns. But we ought to get there by noon.”

Into the canoes 11 went the things again, and into the canoes went the six people. Off they went on the last part of their long journey. They paddled 12 for a long time.

All at once Benny asked, “Joe, what would happen if I put a Grey Ghost fly on a line and threw it in the water behind the canoe 10?”

“Well,” answered Joe smiling, “you might lose your rod 13, and then again you might catch a fish.” He was delighted to give Benny something to do. Then the boy would not feel so hungry.

“I’m going to try it,” said Benny. This time he put on the fly right. Then he threw the line out behind the canoe.

“What are you trying to do? Break your rod?” shouted Henry from the other canoe.

“No,” called Benny. “I’m fishing.”

On they went. Benny watched his line for a while.

Suddenly Henry shouted, “There goes your rod!”

Benny jumped and caught it just as it was about to slide out of the canoe.

“Boy! You’ve got a big one,” cried Joe, stopping to look back. “Pull him in slowly, Ben! Don’t you lose him! Don’t get excited, whatever you do!”

Violet smiled. Joe was as excited as Benny.

How the big fish did fight to get away! But Benny played him carefully, and slowly brought him to the side of the canoe.

“Want me to help, young fellow?” asked Joe.

“Please,” said Benny. He was afraid he would lose the big fish.

Joe leaned 14 out and pulled it quickly into the canoe.

“A big lake trout 15! And a beauty,” he cried. “He will feed us all. Too bad you didn’t catch him yesterday.”

“Isn’t that always the way!” cried Benny. “We starved yesterday, and now just as we get near a store, we catch a fish.”

“Never mind,” said Joe. “We’ll eat him yet.”

He took up his paddle again. It was almost noon when they went around the last look. Then they could see a road that came right down to the beach from Old Village.

“Here we are at the end of Bear Trail 16,” Alice said, laughing; “and we have found neither a clue nor Bill. Joe, aren’t you excited now?”

“Excited? Yes, I am,” said Joe. “I’m hungry, too. Look ahead at the beach. See that man waiting to meet us? Someone always meets canoes.”

Joe and Henry paddled faster without knowing it. Soon the canoes slid up on the beach. The man helped pull up the canoes.

“Hello, strangers,” he said. “Taking the Bear Trail trip?”

“Yes,” said Joe. “Right now we are looking for some place to eat. These children are almost starved. Is there any place to eat in Old Village?”

“Yes, sir!” said the man. “I run it myself. I call it Jim’s Place. I’m Jim Carr. I’ll cook you anything you want. Bacon 17, ham, deer, hamburger—”

“Oh, hamburger!” yelled 18 Benny. “I want hamburger!”

“So do I,” laughed Jessie.

Jim laughed too. “Leave your things,” he said. “Nobody will take them. My place is right up on the road.”

The children saw it at once. There was a board over the door, saying in black letters, JIM’S PLACE. They all walked down the road toward 19 it.

“I suppose most of the campers eat with you?” asked Joe.

“Right,” said Jim. “They stay overnight 20 sometimes. Then they go back to Mr. Long’s store by road.”

“We may do that,” said Joe.

Jim’s Place was the biggest house in Old Village. As they went in, they looked around. Everything was very clean. There were three tables, and a delicious smell of onions in the air.

“I won’t be long,” said Jim. “Sit down and make yourselves at home. Hamburger and onions and potatoes for everybody.”

They sat down and looked at each other. They could hardly wait. Soon Jim came in with big white plates filled with hot food. “Eat all you want,” he said. “More in the kitchen. I just made two big apple pies. Maybe I can find some cheese to go with it.”

Everyone began to eat. Never did food seem so good to the hungry children. “You see, we didn’t have any breakfast,” Benny said to Jim.

Jim laughed.

“That’s really true,” said Joe. “We got caught in the rain, and lost most of our food.”

“Too bad,” said Jim. He went into the kitchen to get a pie. Soon a whole pie had disappeared, and also some fine yellow cheese he had found.

“Oh, I do feel better,” cried Violet. “I’m ready for anything.”

“Glad to hear that,” said Henry, looking at her. “You do look a little better.”

Then Alice said to Joe, “We ought to stay in Old Village for one night, anyway. I think Violet ought to sleep in a bed in a house.”

“You can do that all right,” answered Jim Carr with a laugh. “You see that little old house across the street? I don’t really own it, but I take care of it. It has been empty for many years. When campers want to stay overnight, I let them use it. I bought a lot of folding cots. The campers don’t seem to mind sleeping three in a room.”

Jessie stopped to count. “We wouldn’t either,” she said.

“Right!” said Alice with a smile at Jessie. “You and Violet and I in one room, and Joe and Henry and Benny in another.”

“There are two rooms,” said Jim. “Three with the kitchen.”

Henry said, “My! Everything is working out well, isn’t it, Joe? Is there anything interesting to see in Old Village, Jim?”

“Oh, yes,” said Jim smiling. “Some people go hunting for deer and moose. Then there’s an old hermit 21 over in the woods. Lives all alone. People like to catch sight of him, he looks so queer 22 with his long white beard. Then there are Indians up the road. They make baskets to sell. People always go and watch them make baskets when they stop over.”

“Oh, let’s go up and see the Indians,” said Jessie. “Do they mind? Are they old?”

“No, they don’t mind. They like it. Yes, one of them is very old. He has lived there all his life. Loves to talk.”

“Ho-hum,” said Benny looking at Henry.

“That’s what I say too,” said Henry softly 23 to Benny. “You mean the old Indian might give us a clue?”

“Maybe,” said Benny, smiling to himself.

Henry paid for their dinner, and they all went off up the road.

“Joe,” began Jessie, excitedly, “maybe this old Indian has heard of Bill, long ago. We can ask him.”

Soon they could see an Indian girl sitting on the steps of an old house making a basket.

“My, doesn’t she work fast!” said Alice. “See her fingers fly.”

“I wish I could learn to do that,” said Violet.

“You can. I will teach you,” said the Indian girl who had heard every word. “It is not hard at all. See, I have just started this basket. See—I go in and out, over and under, with this sweet grass.”

The girl worked slowly so that Violet could see what she did. Soon she held out the basket. “You try it now,” she said.

Violet took the basket, and soon her clever fingers were going in and out, over and under, just as the Indian girl had done.

“Wonderful, Violet!” said Alice. “You can do anything with your fingers.”

“Yes, she can,” said Henry smiling. Then he thought surely Benny would say something about his sister Violet as he always did.

He looked around. But Benny was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh, where is Benny?” he called.

“Benny! Ben-ny!” shouted Joe as loud as he could.

But there was no answer. Benny had disappeared.

1 surely
  • It'should surely be possible for them to reach an agreement.想必他们可以达成协议。
  • Surely we'll profit from your work.我们肯定会从你的工作中得到益处。
2 violet
  • She likes to wear violet dresses.他喜欢穿紫色的衣服。
  • Violet is the color of wisdom,peace and strength.紫色是智慧的,和平的和力量的颜色。
3 log
  • They log for a living.他们以伐木为生。
  • And then what do you do with that log?然后你要拿那些记录做什么呢?
4 lumber
  • The truck was sent to carry lumber.卡车被派出去运木材。
  • They slapped together a cabin out of old lumber.他们利用旧木料草草地盖起了一间小屋。
5 disappointed
  • He seemed disappointed when the man refused his request.当那个人拒绝了他的要求时他看起来很失望。
  • He was disappointed so often that he became hopeless.他屡次失望,以致变为了绝望。
6 clue
  • She will clue you in about this.她将为你提供这方面情况。
  • No clue to his whereabouts has been found.至今没有找到有关他行踪的线索。
7 brightened
(使)发亮( brighten的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)生色; (使)生辉; (使)快乐
  • He brightened up when they said he could go with them. 他们说他可以一起去,他就高兴起来。
  • The new teacher brightened the life of all his pupils. 新来的老师使全体学生的生活变得活跃起来了。
8 clues
n.线索( clue的名词复数 );提示;(帮助警方破案的)线索;(纵横填字谜、游戏或问题的)提示词语
  • The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer. 警方认为那盘录像带可能录有能确认凶手身份的一些重要线索。
  • contextual clues to the meaning 上下文提供的理解其含义的线索
9 paddle
  • Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a rest.每个人划了一小时桨,然后休息。
  • They paddle their boat up the river.他们划着小船往上游去了。
10 canoe
  • They slid the canoe down to the water.他们使小舟滑到水中。
  • It is only the second time he has been in a canoe.这仅是他第二次乘小游艇。
11 canoes
n.小而轻的舟,独木舟( canoe的名词复数 )
  • This is the Rolls-Royce of canoes. 这是独木舟中的极品。
  • Paddles are used especially to propel canoes and kayaks. 短桨特别用于划独木舟和小艇。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 paddled
v.涉水( paddle的过去式和过去分词 );趟水;用桨划船;用戒尺打(孩子)
  • The natives paddled us over to the other side of the river. 当地人划桨送我们到河的对岸。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • They paddled down the river in a canoe. 他们坐在独木舟上向下游划去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 rod
  • Pass me a bamboo rod.递给我一根竹竿。
  • He heated the iron rod and bent it into a right angle.他将铁棒烧热,将其弯成直角。
14 leaned
v.(使)倾斜,屈身( lean的过去式和过去分词 );倚;依赖;使斜靠
  • He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together. 他俯身向前,双手十字交错地紧握着。
  • He leaned back, exulting at the success of his plan. 他向后一靠,为自己计划成功而得意扬扬。
15 trout
  • Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.成千上万的鲑鱼和鳟鱼的鱼苗因污染而死亡。
  • We hooked a trout and had it for breakfast.我们钓了一条鳟鱼,早饭时吃了。
16 trail
  • The car raised a trail of dust.汽车掀起了一股尘土。
  • The hound found the trail of the rabbit.猎狗发现了兔子的踪迹。
17 bacon
  • He is frying the bacon.他在煎咸肉。
  • This bacon is too salty for me.这块熏咸猪肉我觉得太咸了。
18 yelled
v.叫喊,号叫,叫着说( yell的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He yelled at the other driver. 他冲着另一位司机大叫。
  • The lost man yelled, hoping someone in the woods would hear him. 迷路的人大声喊着,希望林子里的人会听见。 来自《简明英汉词典》
19 toward
  • Suddenly I saw a tall figure approaching toward the policeman.突然间我看到一个高大的身影朝警察靠近。
  • Upon seeing her,I smiled and ran toward her. 看到她我笑了,并跑了过去。
20 overnight
ad.前一天晚上,一夜间 a.前一天晚上的
  • She stayed overnight in the hotel. 她在旅馆过了一夜。
  • Our success is not won overnight. 我们的成功不是一夜之间得来的。
21 hermit
  • He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.他被解职后成了隐士。
  • Chinese ancient landscape poetry was in natural connections with hermit culture.中国古代山水诗与隐士文化有着天然联系。
22 queer
  • I heard some queer footsteps.我听到某种可疑的脚步声。
  • She has been queer lately.她最近身体不舒服。
23 softly
  • He speaks too softly for her to hear.他讲话声音太轻,她听不见。
  • She breathed her advice softly.她低声劝告。
achievable region
African scented mahogany
ballast clearing machine
borrow of
capitals of the netherlands
chemical calculation
chemical cleaning basin
cije (current index for journal of education)
coding standard
cogent prolog
component symbol
discontinuity of the first kind
discretional order
driver spring saddle
drosophila (drosophila) quadrilineata
emergency dump steam
Employee Retirement Income Security Act
fish bone method
Fixed Assets to Net Worth
flexible dimension
floating lending rate
for sb.'s account
fuel supply gauge
geographical barrier
glass bead
gubernaculum dentis
horizontal programming
Hyperoodon ampullatus
individual recognition
isotope teletherapy
K-9 units
lever-type dial indicator
linear pattern
low-temperature valve
marginal buyer
marketing network
no-load heat consumption
Nungwi, Ras
oil-pressure damper
oil-producing interval
optimum maturity
order Scrophulariales
parachloromandelic acid
plane table triangulation
power network frequency
Puerto Armuelles
quadrectomy of breast
reach for the sky
separation structure
side-looking airborne radar
singular solution
skeleton layout
social enterprise
Sos del Rey Católico
stagnant condition
strain-age cracking
substitution short
surface reconstruction
switch instruction
the axis of evil
thin-wall construction
third phase fold
time spreading process
to come into being
ulmus lanceaefolia roxb.
vagal rebound
wing snow plough