时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:3 黄色小屋的秘密 The Yellow House Mys


Right away, the children wanted to go to see Rita again. Leaving the money in the tin box in the kitchen cupboard, the whole family almost ran up the road.

“We want to go into the woods again, Rita,” Jessie called. “We want to talk with Dave Hunter. Do you think we could find our way alone?”

“Of course you can,” said Rita. “But Dave won’t talk.”

“Maybe he will talk to Benny,” said Jessie.

“Well, maybe,” said Rita. “He did before.”

The family started down the path through the woods. When they came to the cabin 1, they saw the hermit 2 walking towards his house with a pail 3 of water. He stopped when he saw the visitors. Then he went right on again.

“Dave!” called Henry kindly 4. But the hermit started to go up the steps to his cabin.

Then Benny called out in his loudest voice, “Bill!”

The pail went rolling down the steps as the old man stopped. He sat down and put his head in his hands.

But Benny seemed to know just what to do, and nobody stopped him. He ran over and sat down beside the old man and put his hand on his arm. “Oh, Bill,” he said, “don’t worry. We’ve come to take you home.”

“Home?” said Bill. He lifted his head and looked at Benny. “I can never go home, little boy.” He looked at the others as they waited on the path.

“Oh, yes, you can, Bill,” cried Benny. “Grandfather wants you to come home, and so does Mrs. McGregor.”

“Mrs. McGregor!” said Bill in a whisper 5.

Then nobody could believe what happened next. Violet 6 went quickly over to the steps and took the old man’s hand. “He means 7 Margaret,” she said.

He looked down at the pretty little girl. “Margaret is dead,” said Bill.

“No, Margaret is alive,” said Violet.

“They told me she was dead,” said Bill. “They said there was a fire, and the barn 8 burned and Margaret died trying to save the horses.”

“Oh, that isn’t true at all, Bill,” cried Benny. “We lived in that barn all last summer, and Mrs. McGregor is the housekeeper 9 at my grandfather’s house.”

“I can’t go home,” said Bill quietly. “I can’t find the money. I took Mr. Alden’s money.”

“We found the money,” said Violet gently.

“Where?” asked the old man.

“In a tin box under the steps of the house,” answered Violet.

“In a tin box—that’s right,” Bill said. “Oh dear, oh dear!”

Then Joe came up to the steps. He said, “Mr. McGregor, everything will be all right again, believe me. Your wife is alive and wants to see you. We just found the money today.” Then he turned to the children.

“I’m afraid Bill is getting very tired,” he said to them. “He is having too much excitement after forty years. Do you think you can walk to Old Village, Mr. McGregor?”

The old man looked at Joe’s kind face. “Yes, I can, if all this story is true.”

“I promise you it is,” said Joe. Then he said to the children, “Don’t ask him anything more until we get him home. But he is Bill all right.”

Benny would not let go of Bill’s hand. He led him carefully along the path, stopping to show him every stone.

“I’ve seen every stone on this path for many years, little boy,” said Bill. But they all knew that he liked to have Benny help him.

They took him to the little house that he had built himself. Alice made him lie down on one of the cots, and Jessie put something soft under his head. Joe rushed over to Jim’s Place and soon came back with a cup of hot tea.

“Drink this,” he said. “It will make you feel better.”

Bill drank the tea, and before anyone knew it, he had fallen asleep.

“He is tired out,” said Violet in a whisper. “And so thin. He looks as if he didn’t have enough to eat. Almost starving.”

“We’ll soon fix that,” whispered 10 Jessie with a smile. “He’ll have enough to eat if he lives with us.”

The family went into the kitchen. They shut the door softly 11.

“Won’t Grandfather be surprised,” said Henry.

“And Mrs. McGregor,” said Violet.

“I’m surprised myself,” said Joe. “I thought Bill was dead, for sure.”

Jessie said, “Wasn’t it queer 12 how Benny got him to talk all of a sudden 13? Just because he called him Bill.”

“Bill must have felt funny to be talking after forty years,” said Benny. “I couldn’t stop talking for forty years.”

“I hope you won’t, Benny,” laughed Alice. “We love to hear you talk.”

“When Bill wakes up, we must give him something to eat,” said Jessie. “I think I’ll run over to Jim’s Place and see what he has.”

“Let me go with you,” said Alice. “We can go out the back door.”

The two girls went across the road, and found Jim in his kitchen stirring 14 something on the back of his stove. It was soup, and it smelled delicious.

Jim turned around quickly and asked, “Wasn’t that the hermit I saw with you?”

“Yes, it was,” said Jessie. “His real name is Bill McGregor, and he used to work for our great-grandfather.”

“I thought something was queer about him,” cried Jim. “People used to say that little house was Bill McGregor’s place. Then one day Dave Hunter came to Old Village and said it was his. He said he was a cousin of Bill’s.

“But he wouldn’t live in the house. He told me to use it for campers and he built himself his cabin.”

“Well,” said Alice, “he says he is Bill McGregor now.”

“He talks, does he?” asked Jim. “I can hardly believe it. It must seem strange. He’s a nice, gentle old man. I always was sorry for him. I always tried to feed him up when he came out of the woods.”

“That’s what we came for,” said Jessie. “Something to feed to him. That hot soup would be just the thing.”

“Jes-sie!” Benny called from across the road. “Bill’s awake and he’s hungry.”

“Take some bread and butter, too,” said Jim with a laugh. “That’ll do him good.”

Alice and Jessie hurried back. Bill was sitting up in a chair. He looked rested.

Jessie put a little table in front of him, and set down the hot soup and a plate of bread and butter. Bill ate as if he were half-starved.

“You don’t look as thin as you did, Bill,” said Benny. “A little fatter.”

Everyone laughed, even Bill himself. “I don’t think he grew very fat on one bowl of soup,” said Jessie. “But you do look better, Bill, sure enough.”

“I feel better,” said the old man, looking into the girl’s kind face. Then he looked around at the other friendly faces. They were all smiling at him.

“I suppose Mrs. McGregor won’t know you,” said Benny.

“I will know her,” said Bill, “even if she is old.”

“She might like you better without your long beard,” said Benny.

“Sh-sh, Benny,” said Jessie.

But Bill’s feelings were not hurt. He even laughed a little. “My beard can be cut off,” he said. “Then I will look like Bill McGregor instead of an old hermit.”

“Jessie!” said Benny, all of a sudden. “Where did you get that soup? I’m awfully 15 hungry.”

“What do you know!” cried Henry. “It’s long past noon and we were so excited we forgot our own dinner.”

“Don’t worry,” said Jessie, getting up at once. “We’ll soon fix that.”

1 cabin
  • They threw up a new cabin in a couple of hours.在几小时之内他们就建起了一座新的小屋。
  • It's very hot in the cabin;let's go on deck.舱室内很热,我们到甲板上去吧。
2 hermit
  • He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.他被解职后成了隐士。
  • Chinese ancient landscape poetry was in natural connections with hermit culture.中国古代山水诗与隐士文化有着天然联系。
3 pail
  • There was a pail of water on the ground.地上有一桶水。
  • She can lift a pail of water from the ground.她能把一桶水提起来。
4 kindly
  • Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.她的邻居都说她和蔼可亲、热情好客。
  • A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman.一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。
5 whisper
  • Their voices fell to a whisper.他们的话音低到成了耳语。
  • I've heard a whisper that he's going to resign.我听到了一个传闻说他准备辞职。
6 violet
  • She likes to wear violet dresses.他喜欢穿紫色的衣服。
  • Violet is the color of wisdom,peace and strength.紫色是智慧的,和平的和力量的颜色。
7 means
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
8 barn
  • That big building is a barn for keeping the grain.那幢大房子是存放粮食的谷仓。
  • The cows were driven into the barn.牛被赶进了牲口棚。
9 housekeeper
  • A spotless stove told us that his mother is a diligent housekeeper.炉子清洁无瑕就表明他母亲是个勤劳的主妇。
  • She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她节约持家,一家人吃得很省。
10 whispered
adj.耳语的,低语的v.低声说( whisper的过去式和过去分词 );私语;小声说;私下说
  • She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear. 她悄悄走上前来,对我耳语了几句。
  • His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood. 他的不幸遭遇已在邻居中传开。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 softly
  • He speaks too softly for her to hear.他讲话声音太轻,她听不见。
  • She breathed her advice softly.她低声劝告。
12 queer
  • I heard some queer footsteps.我听到某种可疑的脚步声。
  • She has been queer lately.她最近身体不舒服。
13 sudden
  • All of a sudden he turned about and saw me.他突然转过身来看见了我。
  • The horse was badly frightened by the sudden noise.那匹马被突然而来的嘈杂声吓坏了。
14 stirring
  • She felt a stirring of anger. 她感觉自己忍不住要生气了。
  • I doubt if his deeds would match his stirring words. 我怀疑他的行动是否会与他那激动人心的话是一致的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 awfully
  • Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.过去农业遭到严重忽视。
  • I've been feeling awfully bad about it.对这我一直感到很难受。
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