时间:2019-02-19 作者:英语课 分类:英语口语


   Andrea: It’s your turn to put the kids to bed.

  Marlon: No, I put them to bed last night, didn’t I?
  Andrea: Nope, I did that. Don't forget their bed time story.
  Andrea:才不是,昨晚是我。 不要忘了给他们讲个睡前故事。
  Marlon: The kids won’t let me forget it. Okay, time for bed! Go brush your teeth and put on your pajamas 1. It’s lights out in 15 minutes.
  Marlon:孩子们肯定是不会忘的,他们会提醒我的。 好吧,该睡觉了! 去刷牙,然后穿上睡衣。 15分钟内就要关灯了。
  Andrea: What are you doing?
  Marlon: I’m finishing my newspaper.
  Andrea: Aren’t you going to watch over them to make sure they’re getting ready for bed?
  Marlon: Nope. You have your methods and I have mine.
  Marlon:不用。 你有技巧,我也有自己的办法。
  Andrea: Okay, this I’ve got to see.
  Marlon: I don’t hear anyone brushing their teeth. If everyone isn’t in bed in five
  minutes, they’re going to get a cuddle from Norman.
  Marlon:我没听到刷牙的声音呢。 如果谁没有在五分钟以内睡下,诺曼就会给他一个拥抱。
  Andrea: Who’s Norman?
  Marlon: Norman is just a little scary monster I told them about. Norman eats little children who aren’t in bed when they’re supposed to be. It’s my way of making sure they stay in bed through the night.
  Marlon:我跟他们讲,诺曼是个可怕的小怪兽。 专吃不按时睡觉的小孩。 这就是我让他们睡觉的妙招。
  Andrea: That’s terrible! That’ll give them nightmares 2.
  Andrea:太恐怖了! 他们会做噩梦的。
  Marlon: Nonsense 3. It won’t do them any harm. As my father told me, Norman only eats bad children.
  Marlon:胡说。 根本不会给他们带来任何伤害。 我爸爸以前还跟我讲说,诺曼会吃不乖的小孩。
  Our dialogue begins with Andrea saying to Marlon, “It’s your turn to put the kids to bed.” “Turn,” here, is the time when someone needs to do something, because, usually, the other person did it before. For example, if there are five children and each one has to answer a question, after the first child answers it’s the second child’s turn, and then the third child’s turn, and the fourth child’s turn, and the fifth child’s turn. Each one has to do something following the other person. “Turn” has several meanings in English; take a look at the Learning 4 Guide for some additional 5 explanations of those.
  对话开始时Andrea对Marlon说,“It’s your turn to put the kids to bed.” “Turn,”是指某个人是时间该做某事了。因为,别人以前就是这样做的。 比如,有五个小孩每个小孩都要回答一个问题。第一个小孩之后就轮到第二个小孩,之后第三个,第四个,第五个。 每个人都要在别人之后做一些事情。 “Turn”在英语中有几种意思;看看学习指导中的附加解释。
  Andrea says to Marlon, “It’s your turn to put the kids to bed,” to get the children ready to go to sleep. Marlon says, “No, I put them to bed last night, didn’t I?” And Andrea says, “Nope (meaning no), I did that. “Nope” is an informal way of saying no, you don’t want to say it to your boss, but it’s okay in a family or among friends. “Nope” is a little stronger way of emphasizing 6 the “no.”
  Andrea对Marlon说,“It’s your turn to put the kids to bed,”让孩子准备睡觉。 Marlon说,“No, I put them to bed last night, didn’t I?” Andrea说,“Nope (meaning no), I did that. “Nope”是拒绝的一种非正式说法,你不会对你老板说这个词,但是可以在家人或朋友面前说。 “Nope”与“no” 相比语气更强。
  Andrea says, “Don’t forget their bedtime story.” The “bedtime” is the time that children go to bed; the “bedtime story” is usually a short story, a book perhaps, that is told or read to young children while they are lying in bed to make them tired, to make them relaxed so they can sleep more easily. That’s the “bedtime story.”
  Andrea说, “Don’t forget their bedtime story.” “bedtime”是孩子睡觉的时间; “bedtime story”通常是孩子躺在被子里,给他们讲故事、一本书,让他们放松,尽快入睡。 这就叫“bedtime story.”
  Marlon says, “The kids won’t let me forget it,” meaning they’ll tell me about the bedtime story because children generally like a bedtime story, at least that’s the tradition here in the United States. Marlon then shouts at the children, “Okay, time for bed (meaning it’s time for you to go to sleep)! Go brush your teeth (go clean your teeth) and put on your pajamas.” “Pajamas” (pajamas) are comfortable clothes that you wear while you are sleeping. Not everyone wears pajamas, but many people do, especially children.
  Marlon说,“The kids won’t let me forget it,”意思是孩子们会提醒我讲故事的,因为孩子大都喜欢听故事。至少美国的孩子这样。 Marlon之后对孩子叫喊道,“Okay, time for bed (meaning it’s time for you to go to sleep)! Go brush your teeth (go clean your teeth) and put on your pajamas.” “Pajamas” 是睡觉时穿的很舒服的衣服。 并不是每个人都穿睡衣睡觉,但是很多人都会,特别是孩子。
  Marlon says to them, “It’s lights out in 15 minutes.” “Lights out” is the time when the lights in a room must be turned off, or will be turned off, so everyone can fall the asleep. Often in the army, or in the military services, there are men and women who are sleeping together in a big room, and they turn the lights off at a certain time so everyone can fall asleep. That’s “lights out.” There are a couple of other meanings of this expression; once again, take a look at the Learning Guide for some more explanations.
  Marlon对孩子们说,“It’s lights out in 15 minutes.” “Lights out”是房间里灯必须关掉的时间。 一般在军队或军事服务机构,男人女人们一起睡在一个大房间里。就会在一个固定时间关灯,这样大家都能睡觉。 这就叫“lights out.” 这个短语还有很多其他意思;再说一次,看看学习指导中一些其他解释。
  Andrea says, “What are you doing?” Marlon, who is still sitting at the table, says, “I’m finishing my newspaper (I’m finishing reading my newspaper).” Andrea says, “Aren’t you going to watch over them to make sure they’re getting ready for bed?” “To watch over someone (or something)” is a phrasal verb meaning to look and observe something to make sure that it is actually happening, or the person is doing what they are supposed to be doing; It’s monitoring, or supervising 7.
  Andrea说,“What are you doing?” Marlon还坐在桌子旁边,他说,“I’m finishing my newspaper (I’m finishing reading my newspaper).” Andrea说,“Aren’t you going to watch over them to make sure they’re getting ready for bed?” “To watch over someone (or something)”是一个动词短语,意思是仔细观察,确保这件事在进行或者这个人在做该做的事;也就是监督。
  Marlon says, “Nope. You have your methods and I have mine,” you have your way of doing something - your technique, and I have mine. Andrea says, “Okay, this I’ve got to see.” This expression, “this I’ve got to see,” is a phrase we use to show that we don’t really think something is possible and need to see it in order to believe it. If we don’t see it, we won’t believe it, usually because it’s something we don’t think is true or don’t think is possible. Andrea doesn’t think it’s possible for the children to be put to bed unless Marlon goes and watches over them.
  Marlon说,“Nope. You have your methods and I have mine,”你做事情有你的技巧,我也有我的办法。 Andrea说,“Okay, this I’ve got to see.” 短语“this I’ve got to see”表明我们认为某件事是不可能的,要亲自去看才能相信。 如果我们不去看,就不会相信。因为我们认为这件事不可能发生。 Andrea认为孩子不会上床睡觉,除非Marlon去看着他们。
  Marlon then shouts to the children, “I don’t hear anyone brushing their teeth,” meaning the children aren’t doing what he told them to do. Then he says, “If everyone isn’t in bed in five minutes, they’re going to get a cuddle from Norman.” A “cuddle” (cuddle) is like a hug, when you touch someone else to show them that you love them or that you like them, that is “to cuddle.” It’s something that a married couple, for example, might do in bed; they may “cuddle,” they may hold each other close to show that they love each other.
  Marlon之后对孩子大喊道,“I don’t hear anyone brushing their teeth,”意思是孩子没有按照他说的做。 他又说,“If everyone isn’t in bed in five minutes, they’re going to get a cuddle from Norman.” “cuddle”和拥抱差不多。你和别人接触,表达你对他们的喜爱,这就是“to cuddle.” 比如,已婚夫妇就会在床上这样;他们会“cuddle,”紧紧的抱住对方,表达对彼此的爱意。
  Marlon says the children will get a cuddle from Norman. Andrea asks who Norman is. Marlon answers, “Norman is just a little scary monster I told them about.” Something that is “scary” is something that makes you afraid, something that frightens you. A “monster” is an imaginary 8 - not real - creature or animal that is supposed to scare people, especially children. You’ll often read about a monster in a story or see a monster in some sort of cartoon for children. Monsters are usually bad people - or I should say, bad creatures or animals. Marlon says Norman is a monster he told his children about, “Norman eats little children who aren’t in bed when they’re supposed to be.” So he told his children that if they are not in bed when they’re supposed to be, Norman will come and eat them.
  Marlon说孩子们将得到诺曼的拥抱。 Andrea问他谁是诺曼。 Marlon说,“Norman is just a little scary monster I told them about.” 某事物“scary”是指它让你感到害怕。 “monster”是想象出来吓唬人的动物,特别是吓小孩。 你常常能在故事书或者卡通片里看到怪物。 怪物一般都是坏人,不好的生物。 Marlon说他给孩子说诺曼是个怪物,“Norman eats little children who aren’t in bed when they’re supposed to be.” 所以,他跟孩子说,如果他们该去睡觉却不去,诺曼就会把他们吃掉。
  He says, “It’s my way of making sure they stay in bed through the night.” He doesn’t want them getting out of bed, so he tells them this story about Norman the monster. The expression “through the night” means during the entire night, or all night long.
  他说,“It’s my way of making sure they stay in bed through the night.” 他不想他们晚上起床,所以他跟孩子讲了这个诺曼的故事。 短语“through the night”意思是整个晚上。
  Andrea says, “That’s terrible! That will give them nightmares.” “Nightmares” are bad dreams. Marlon says, “Nonsense.” This is a word to show that you don’t agree with what someone has just said or done, you are expressing a very strong feeling that the person is wrong, that they are foolish; they are ridiculous, perhaps. Someone says “nonsense” to you, that means they disagree very strongly with what you just said. Once again, not something you would say to your boss or colleague at work.
  Andrea说,“That’s terrible! That will give them nightmares.” "Nightmares”是噩梦。 Marlon说,“Nonsense.” 这个词表明你不同意别人刚刚说的话。你用强硬的语气表示那个人是错的,他们是白痴;也可能是他们太可笑了。 如果某个人对你说“nonsense”,意思是他们强烈不同意你的说法。 再说一次,这些话你是不能对老板或者同事说的。
  Marlon, then, is disagreeing with Andrea, saying that this idea of Norman coming to eat them will not give them nightmares. I kind of like this idea that Marlon has, actually! Marlon says, “It won’t do them any harm.” “Harm” is damage, pain, or injury; “harm” is the negative consequence of doing something, something bad that will happen to you if you do something. Marlon says, “It won’t do them any harm (it won’t cause the children any damage). As my father told me, Norman only eats bad children.” So obviously 9, Marlon got this story from his father and is just using it with his own children, just as his father used it with him.
  Marlon不同意Andrea的观点,,他说诺曼会来吃 人的故事不会让他们做噩梦的。 事实上,我也同意Marlon的观点! Marlon说,“It won’t do them any harm.” “Harm” 是指危害,受伤;“harm”某件事的负面结果。 Marlon说,“It won’t do them any harm (it won’t cause the children any damage). As my father told me, Norman only eats bad children.” 因此,很明显。Marlon是从他爸爸那里听来的故事。他爸爸给他讲这个故事,他再讲给他孩子听。

  • At bedtime,I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.睡觉时,我脱去衣服,换上睡衣。
  • He was wearing striped pajamas.他穿着带条纹的睡衣裤。
n.噩梦( nightmare的名词复数 );可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧
  • He still has nightmares about the accident. 他仍然做噩梦梦见这场事故。
  • Art thou not afraid of nightmares and hideous dreams?\" 你难道不怕睡魇和凶梦吗?” 来自英汉文学 - 红字
  • Go along with you! What you say is all nonsense!去你的!你说的全是废话!
  • "Don't talk nonsense",she said sharply.“别胡扯”,她严厉地说。
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
  • It is necessary to set down these additional rules.有必要制定这些补充规则。
  • I think we can fit in an additional room.我想我们可以再加建一间房子。
强调( emphasize的现在分词 ); 加强语气; 重读; 使突出
  • The importance of electron spin in shaping atomic structure is worth emphasizing. 电子自旋在形成原子结构方面的重要性是值得强调的。
  • A point worth emphasizing is that hydrostatic equilibrium is fulfilled with great accuracy in stellar atmosphere. 值得强调指出,在恒星大气中,流体静力平衡是非常精确地成立的。
v.监督,管理( supervise的现在分词 )
  • She had something to do in the house, supervising that native. 她待在家里,究竟还有点儿事情可以做做,可以监视那个土人。 来自辞典例句
  • In addition, nuisance law fails to provide a systematic mechanism for supervising emissions. 另外,妨害法不能提供一个监督排放的系统性机制。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
  • All the characters in this book are imaginary.此书中的所有人物都是虚构的。
  • The boy's fears were only imaginary.这小孩的恐惧只是一种想象。
  • Obviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。
  • Obviously he was lying.显然他是在撒谎。
标签: 口语
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