时间:2019-02-19 作者:英语课 分类:篮球英文堂


   Have the presence of mind to know who was coming off the screen 注意到谁在准备挡拆后接球

  Have the presence of mind to communicate the proper strategy to your teammate involved in the screen 同时能够将适当的防守战术传达给你在防挡拆的队友
  and have the presence of mind to communicate crystal clearly while 20,000 fans scream at the top of their lungs and do it in split second 还能够十分清楚地交流,当现场2万观众在声嘶力竭地呐喊的时候,在不到一秒的时间里做到这些
  This is what makes them so hard to contain for 48 minutes 这就是为什么你很难在整个48分钟里限制他们
  Having to be in constant communication defensively 必须做到防守端不断地有效交流
  while dealing with the conditioning and physicality of the game wears teams down 还要面对球场环境和比赛强度使得各支球队疲惫不堪
  It's hard to talk when your're out of breath, right 你气喘吁吁时很难开口讲话对吧
  Now imagine trying to communicate 可以想象你试图交流时
  while at the same time being hit with screen after screen, after screen, after screen, after screen 不停地被挡拆,挡拆,挡拆,挡拆,再挡拆
  Yes, they have great individual scorers but those scorers are never stagnant 是的,他们确实有顶级得分手,但是这些得分手并不是站在原地不动
  They are constantly looking for each other 他们在不停地寻找机会更好的队友
  Screening for each other and passing to each other 给彼此挡拆并且不断给彼此传球
  Taking advantage of every defensive mistake 利用着每一次防守端的漏洞
  These mistakes are bulit on lack of communication 这些漏洞是由缺乏沟通造成的
  Lack of communication creates the vision 缺乏沟通给勇士制造的机会视角
  The vision breaks teams apart 机会视角击败对方球队分裂
  A team apart can't play as one 一支分裂的球队就不能团结地打球
  If you can't play as one, your season is done 如果一支球队不能以一个整体去打球,那么这赛季就完了
  Long live the Golden democracy 勇士团队篮球万岁

标签: 篮球英文堂