时间:2019-02-19 作者:英语课 分类:篮球英文堂


   Cavelier Kingdom is a kingdom of two crowns 骑士王国有两个国王

  One rules by power and force, the other with cunning and cleverness 一个靠力量统治,另一个则靠灵巧和智慧
  Every offensive decision is made by one of the crowns 每一次进攻选择都由这两个核心做出
  They may make the play themselves  他们能自己进攻
  make a play for someone else or make the play that leads to the play for someone else 为其他队友创造得分机会,或者间接助攻队友得分
  If the play that leads to the play, doesn't lead to a shot, it will lead to the ball going back to a crown 如果间接助攻,不能创造投篮机会,球会再次回到其中一个核心
  then the action repeating itself untill the good shot appears 然后进攻会重新组织,直到出现好的投篮机会
  The two crown system makes the games easier to manage 这种双核体系使比赛更轻松
  The ball remains in the hands of your best decision-makers who command double coverage, thus creating easier looks for the others 球权掌握在最好的决定者手里,制造双人包夹,因此为其他队员制造更轻松的得分机会
  This is how the kingdom topple democracy last season 上赛季骑士就是这么赢勇士的
  The two crowns made the right reads at the right time 两位核心在正确的时间对比赛做了正确的解读
  Their teammates made timely shots and that kept them within striking distance, till eventually win the game in the end 他们的队友适时的投篮命中,这使他们将分差保持在可控范围内,直到最后赢得比赛
  Everytime Cleveland is in danger of clapsing from one of Golden State's infamous runs 每次骑士在勇士的进攻流中面临崩盘
  the two crowns must deliver by making the right play time and time and time and time again 两位核心必须一次一次又一次的撑起球队
  This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the two crowns, not to mention the pressure puts on their teammates 这使两位核心承受巨大压力,更不必说他们的队友承受的压力

标签: 篮球英文堂