模仿文本: The birth of a baby is a special event, but when that baby will be a future heir to the British throne it's even more special, and very special indeed for the manufacturers of royal memorabilia. The Duchess of Cambridge, better known as Kate, is expected to become a mom for the first time in about a week. So, forget the euro crisis, the credit crunches 1 and the double-dip recessions, let the bells ring out on the nation's tills.
译文: 一个婴儿的出生确实是件特殊的事,但当这个婴儿会是未来英国皇位的继承人时,它就更特殊了,而且对皇家纪念品的生产商来说也确实很特别。剑桥公爵夫人,她更为人所知的名字是凯特,预计在一周内就要首次成为母亲了。所以,忘记欧元危机、信贷危机和双底衰退吧,英国的收银机抽屉要叮当作响了。