篮球英文堂 第188期:詹皇东决赛后领奖杯激情演讲(1)
So LeBron we talked a little bit about this out there but tonight 勒布朗,我们之前在场内谈过这个话题,不过
describe the effort from the men behind you because as great as you have been 能否再评论一下你身后这些队友今晚的努力,一路走来你已成就无数伟大
it required some help so in different moments of this series 但这些仍然离不开队友的帮助,那么在这轮系列赛中的某几个时刻
What do you remember about what these guys have given you 你能否回忆一下这些队友为你做的那些事呢
I think what people don't understand and 我觉得,人们有些东西很难理解
people that never played the game of basketball never played team sports is that the only way to succeed, it has to be a team effort 那些没打过篮球、没参与过团队运动的人,成功的唯一方法就是团队的共同努力
You know I know I get a lot of the headlines win lose or draw whatever the case may be but in order to be successful it's a team game I learned that from when I was 我确实会上各种头条,不论输球赢球还是大比分打平,不管什么情况,如果我们想要成功,还是要倚仗团队的力量,我从很小就明白了这个道理
My first time to pick up a basketball and play organized basketball at age nine 我第一次接触篮球,第一次参加正规比赛是在九岁
so you get all the doubters and people who never stepeed in an arena 所以质疑者总会围着你,那些连球馆都没进过的人
who's never played basketball who's never put on a tank top and shorts 连篮球都没打过,连球衣都没穿过
who's never played anything organized always wanna try to kill my teammates and it's unfair to them 连一次正经组织的比赛、活动都没参加过的人,他们老想着贬低我的队友,这对我身边这群人来说太不公平了
but I'm always stay true to the game of basketball, cause the game of basketball would stay true to me and 但我一直都是真心对待篮球,因为篮球也会真心对待我
that's why we going to another finals because my teammates played a hell of a game 这也是为什么我们能再度闯入总决赛,因为我的队友们再次奉上了精彩绝伦的表现