Now to one to a hit show by the way you’re all watching it once upon a time which tells us a story of an evil queen’s cursed that stress fairy-tale characters in a small main town. Now they’re not able to remember who they are or exactly why they’re there, but there is one character that ties all that together, and it's Lana Parrilla, she joins us now this morning.
And you.
Yeah, go ahead, everybody, welcome.
Yeah, OK.
Thank you.
In our zoo, that is a Good Morning America time square.
I love it. It's a lot of fun.
Yes, it is.
But now you are the evil queen. And you have to stay evil no matter what part of the story you are in. But actually you’re not that evil.
I’m really not.
So how do we get there?
I'm really not. I'm really not. It requires a lot of, a lot of work, fun, a lot of fun work. You know, I'm inspired by different characters in the past and some family members. Sorry, but true. And, but it's a lot of fun. I have a blast 1 playing her.
There’re one or two times they allow you to get kind of emotional and show your softer side, but there is not a lot of it. One of them, one of them, let's just show the clip 2 here and we'll talk a lot more about it.
OK, got it.
There’s a show, showing your softer side.
Now you're going to kill me.
Not actually, but first you need to suffer.
Listening to you has been enough suffering for all of us. That's right. You wanna to see your queen? Well my dears, here she is.
She’s powerless.
Where were we?
Yeah, it's a surprised softer side on that.
I mean, it's only for a moment, she is vulnerable 3. It's a lot of fun. I think it's important to show a vulnerable side to such an evil character. It makes so much more relatable.
Everyone in that story in their fear depends on you being completely believable. And you, yet you guys are acting 4 in a fairy-tale world. We’re talking about this. How difficult it is to act in things that are not really around you?
I mean, you kind of have to revert 5 to your child-like imagination and go back to when you're playing dress-up and different characters and you know it's getting easier as we move forward. But one of the things that the Creator always said to me very early on was to make sure that this just doesn’t become a caricature, make her human and that was the best note they ever gave me and I understood that met and then so. That's why I always comfort when I play this character.
Well, you make a really unbelievable land until today I thought you were terribly evil but you are very sweet and it's lovely to have you here.
Thank you.
Once upon a time, premier 6's winner. Is this, it is a brand-new season premier.
Second season in this Sunday
Sunday at 8/7 c right here on ABC.
该剧的故事情节由《迷失》制片人Adam Horowitz和Edward Kitsis构思,描述了一个发生在现代社会里的「黑色童话故事」。 童话故事总是以「很久很久以前」开始,而以「他们从此幸福地生活在一起」结尾--至少字面上是这样。
28岁的Emma Swan自小是个孤儿,从来都是自己照顾自己,但当10年前她放弃的儿子再次找到她的时候,一切都将改变。Henry10岁了,急需Emma的帮助,他认为Emma来自另一个世界,是白雪公主与白马王子丢失的女儿。根据他的童话书,他们把Emma送走是为了保护她不受邪恶女王咒语的伤害,她的咒语尘封了童话世界,冻结了时间。Emma当然不会相信Henry所说的,但当她把Henry送回Storybrooke之后,她就再难逃脱这一切了。Storybrooke远非看上去那么简单,魔法在这里已被遗忘,但却是童话中人物生活的地方,即使他们已经想不起来自己曾经是谁。不同世界之间的战争即将打响,Emma也将接受命运拼命战斗
女星金妮弗·古德温将在剧中饰演白雪公主以及她的姐姐Mary Margaret。这个角色被形容为:极为美丽的女性,黑发,雪白的皮肤,被邪恶的女王(拉娜·帕瑞拉饰演)下了咒语,被一名白马王子在命悬一线时救了回来。
A huge bomb blast rocked central London last night.昨晚一次剧烈的炸弹爆炸震动了伦敦市中心。
Not until last week was the project in full blast.工程直到上星期才全部开工。
May I clip out the report on my performance?我能把报道我的文章剪下来吗?
She fastened the papers together with a paper clip.她用曲别针把文件别在一起。
He volunteered to protect her as she looked so vulnerable.她看上去很脆弱,他就主动去保护她。
The company is in an economically vulnerable position.该公司目前经济状况不稳定。
Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
Let us revert to the earlier part of the chapter.让我们回到本章的前面部分。
Shall we revert to the matter we talked about yesterday?我们接着昨天谈过的问题谈,好吗?
The Irish Premier is paying an official visit to Britain.爱尔兰总理正在对英国进行正式访问。
He requested that the premier grant him an internview.他要求那位总理接见他一次。
- A huge bomb blast rocked central London last night.昨晚一次剧烈的炸弹爆炸震动了伦敦市中心。
- Not until last week was the project in full blast.工程直到上星期才全部开工。
- May I clip out the report on my performance?我能把报道我的文章剪下来吗?
- She fastened the papers together with a paper clip.她用曲别针把文件别在一起。
- He volunteered to protect her as she looked so vulnerable.她看上去很脆弱,他就主动去保护她。
- The company is in an economically vulnerable position.该公司目前经济状况不稳定。
- Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
- During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
- Let us revert to the earlier part of the chapter.让我们回到本章的前面部分。
- Shall we revert to the matter we talked about yesterday?我们接着昨天谈过的问题谈,好吗?